My wife's ex-husband that used to hit her and put her around the house by her hair lives 400 km away, hopefully he would crash the car drunk in that distance
Allowing for suicides, US gun deaths - murders, etc - is about 25k a year. About the same as Thai roads - which would mean - because of its size and population - you are more likely to die on a thai road than a US gun death. I find that amazing
Yes, but most of us at that age back home either got our parents to come get us or found another safe route home. Here those drunk 16-18 year olds are on the roads drunk as a skunk at 4-5 am with no helmet and swerving in and out of the white lines
Or they think it will be easier to get home from Spain rather than trapped 6000 miles away. It will take time for tourists to get confidence to travel back again
Give it a month and the sand beneath will have been flushed away, the stones all looking like some old man's teeth and people in hospital with tripping injuries