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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Yes, nothing speaks more in Islamic peace talks as more Islamic terrorism
  2. Who would Thailand have to deal with if Putin falls ill? Somebody sane maybe ?
  3. Probably in the cabal of those keeping the baht madly high until he has enough
  4. Sure hope they never have an issue with leeks !
  5. Amount of monopoly edition these days, you would quite literally have to live on park lane to afford them all
  6. Seriously, how close to the bread line would your company have to be if you struggled to pay an extra 25 pence a day each to your workforce ?
  7. Guess pulling over for a while was too much brain capacity
  8. Good for him, better than fleecing people in his day job !
  9. That makes no sense whatsoever. You would not come to a halt when someone is driving on the other side of the road - course if the translation is wrong and the word 'had' is missing it does.
  10. Well, it would never run out of fresh wild soi dog here.
  11. Probably putting those life-size cardboard cutouts on ebay as I write this. Then again maybe they are decorating his spare 'Ego room' !
  12. Actually I think he looks more like Boss Nass from Star Wars !
  13. However, Samui police did not mention about the missing 15,000 in baht cash. Not important now they have their 'happy tourist' photo
  14. What do you expect , when the baht has 'unexpectedly' gained 5% in value in months.
  15. Nothing will ever happen to stop the carnage until a high ranking official's family is completely wiped out. Till then its let the poor populace be curbed
  16. Maybe not, but a real hive of activity for lottery numbers I would suspect
  17. Up in the next few days, pictures of flooding
  18. No wonder girls prefer staring at the ceiling for an hour or so.
  19. All as a result of a mad and pathetic government shutting the country down for 2 years and making most unable to work !
  20. Funny that do not bother confiscating these pirate and fake goods on entry at the ports. Also, Central in Pattaya now sells fakes quite openly , and yet they turn a blind eye to it
  21. There would literally have to be Plague, death, Pestilence and famine riding their horses around bangkok for the baht to fall these days
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