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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Agreed. Why on earth trust a vaccine study from a place that never made the vaccine and bought it in, you would seriously have to question their capacity in the field
  2. Considering 99% of Thais appear to think the bin is anything outside the pick-up window, this will always be a hard sell
  3. Probably wont look so steroid enhanced after 5 years, might be a good thing
  4. I'm fine really for 58 ish, but she's on the turn ????
  5. Why don't they just give it a headline 'Yet, more muslim terrorism' That religion needs no reasons these days for more terrorism, seems it just comes with their religion all over the world, not just in thailand
  6. Sounds like overeducated, university graduate gumph to me and not plain English that anyone attending would remotely understand.
  7. Pretty simple solution, tell them they cannot add anymore above ground
  8. Lots of finger pointing going on and no action to sort it out by PC plod
  9. I guess it comes prepackaged like that before someone at the company unpacks it and spreads it around Thailand's roads !
  10. Within 20 years ? Nuts ! Sure hope they have an extra interest clause
  11. Does Thailand have NO land or fields for growing wheat ? As a bowl of noodles must be killing the climate !
  12. That could well apply to most road side businesses in Thailand with their ridiculous open drains
  13. Fine, take the vote as is and sack those that could not be bothered. Being able to scupper a vote by not turning up is tin pot junta ridiculous
  14. Anyone care to explain if the economy s back on track as to why they need to continue this ? Or is it just lining some of the 'usual people's businesses' with government money ?
  15. Sure bet the 'real' owner has been transferring assets and money like crazy before they actually get off their butts to arrest him
  16. Said it before, if Thai expects this to continue they will be thrown off course soon with other airlines returning.
  17. I guess it depends which way she was facing when she caught it ?
  18. Blackpool, 50 yards from the beach. Own room with toilet/shower, double bed, tv, kettle , etc The owner also changed 1 room to a small kitchen with microwave, fridge, coffee maker etc. Room cleaned and bed clothes changed once a week. Price was £90 a week double room, £75 for smaller room. I'm not a fan of Blackpool, but I needed somewhere cheap so I could still fund the wife and kid during Covid, and the B and B was a life saver. Thing is you can get good rate when long term, you book short term and the price is through the roof, you are correct.
  19. I think most of us went through the candy shop phase when we first came here, 50 odd year old, knocking around with the 20 year old fit slim women. I certainly enjoyed it for many years. But then some sort of reality takes hold for most of us. That 20 year old is not going to be pushing you in your wheelchair or wiping your bum in old age ! We mostly find suitable partners - yes, after the candy shop - that are nearer to our own age and not 40 years younger. We all fall apart in old age, going through it on your own and your 20 year old g/f watching it cannot be fun. I'm 58 now, the wife 44, we are slowly falling apart, and it's comforting to know we are falling apart together. I do not feel sad about the odd back pain, grey hair loss or lost tooth, etc, when it's happening to the wife beside me. I also know the difference now between a loving wife with that will be there to the end, as opposed to a loving g/f that I have nothing in common with that will be there until the money runs out
  20. Yes, I mean that 90 day clock is running and we all know perps and villains attend regularly !
  21. Why not go out and arrest him - that summons will be sent on the post probably twice before they get off their proverbials they go after him. Total incompetence
  22. I know many people would have criticized the candidates for the Tory job in the UK, but sheesh, any one of them would have been better than this lot.
  23. Shock, horror, touching a dirty foreigner ! Guess the guy behind has the hand sanitizer !
  24. I suppose it's better - if not the same - as sat twiddling your fingers and being totally useless in any outcome due to the rigging
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