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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Who'd have thought the area might become a hotspot for hippy back backers smoking weed ! Lack of forethought of Thai government is stunning
  2. The defendant was also ordered to pay 500 baht a day for maintenance of common areas from the filing date onwards till January 24, 2022 and on to February 19, 2022. Pretty expensive poo checker
  3. During the pandemic I stayed in a B and B, about £400 month, no bills, just buy your food, so you could live in the UK for about £700 a month easily. Not a great life but a liveable one. I currently only get £650 a month private company 55 year pension, but can live in Thailand as I rent my house out outside London for a silly amount (silly but still 25% below market value). So, if I take my house back - no mortgage - I could probably live a life there now, not great but OK, Get a lodger in for 400-500 a month and my life in UK now would be fine. At 65 my income for pension would be about £1,400 a month - and with the house paid, I'd live quite easy in the UK - bung in a lodger and that £2,000 with a house would be a great life. This article above should be asking how many people wasted their money, sold their house and assets and now do not have a pot to wee in on return to the UK and would their meagre income now from wasting their life's money now give them a life ! I planned my retirement and old age, I will not be rich, but OK. As for the amounts quoted in the above article for £4,000 a month plus to live - total bull - unless you are renting a flaming mansion !
  4. Boy, she is well and truly about to get fleeced
  5. Really is time to ban this cult
  6. It does not need RICH tourists - it needs ANY tourists currently !!!
  7. 9 am - should be plenty of clear cctv
  8. You offer them 40,000 baht mate and you'll get a punch in the face will be my guess ! I'd start the compensation claim 40,000,000 baht each and work up !
  9. I sense a 'let's buy the land on this route before the public knows about it' coming
  10. I'd be more interested in knowing if the soi dog population had grown since 2003 and the start of this process and if it is growing even with this program. If it is then they need a far more drastic - and more realistic - population control program, like a huge cull and start again
  11. Long as they can use it for a reason for crashing their pick-up, they will believe it
  12. Course , it has nothing to do with some airlines refusing to fly direct yet. You make a plan on these figures without allowing for returning airlines and you will come off the rails big time pretty quickly
  13. will the labour minister also support the victims getting 1 million baht too - no, thought not. Just money going to money,
  14. Seems those in charge these days just change the rules - in nearly every country - to suit
  15. The photo speaks volumes about the garbage from the TAT - NO beach is currently like that in Thailand
  16. The video of the incident with the people stumbling out and walking around on fire and in shock is horrifying. I truly hope someone goes to prison for life for this. Said to the wife, I dare say the some people are making moves to leave thailand now
  17. You seriously think they have red bull type money?
  18. This is exactly why statute of limitations should be paused and then restarted on the arrival of a person back into the country, that way ou could never run off and expect to return without a potential conviction
  19. Republicans should run that 24/7 as a political broadcast between now and November
  20. Guessing the covid prevention decision team have new jobs in weed roll out and now are yoyoing there too
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