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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Probably more like the entire party not allowed on the ballot box until the investigation has concluded, which will likely be after the next election. He's just whittling down the opposition
  2. The rain will go, and then they'll be moaning about it being the driest year on record - probably
  3. Sorry, but to me this is a bit of covid scare story. The average 6 year old kid does not die of covid. We know people with other chronic illnesses die, be they 6 or 99 ! Stories like this are exactly why the planet cannot move forwards
  4. The fact that the public know it, the tourists see and the government do nothing about it speaks volumes to me - there's no money in cleaning it
  5. Surely yhr obvious Can someone explain to me how you can be locked up for two years on evidence 'found' with fake bomb detectors ? Sure if they are fake they do not pick up anything ? And if they did, they work. And if they were locked up on evidence found at their houses after they found fake evidence, should that really matter ?
  6. Sure hope he's a rich nigerian as this is going to cost him millions
  7. Funny , he's ok about the army overthrowing the public, but not the public overthrowing the army !
  8. probably less to do with demand than the ability to sort themselves and their cancellations and baggage collection out
  9. some may argue keeping china locked up is a good thing !
  10. Koh Chan police initially took pictures of the accident scene as evidence to possibly press legal action against the driver because a sign pole, which was state property, was damaged. Seriously ? More interested in pressing charges for the state pole than the critically injured innocents ?
  11. Oh well the idiots just lost any pending UK and european summer holiday travellers
  12. £100 to £180 to see them ? Nah, watch a shaky camera recording of it on youtube maybe and add 150 odd beer bottles to the wife's recycling
  13. Price increase 0.5 pence per egg ? Holy cow, that's an extra 1p on a cooked breakfast
  14. That's ridiculous. I'd also check who bought the land it would run through recently and who owns the companies that would supply all the building materials.
  15. We must find a way to prevent the system from damaging. Not closing the country and shutting the economy down again will help that ! Though with constant and ridiculous state of emergency extensions, anything is possible
  16. 30 million ? Genuine tourists ? OK, Possible, Yes, like, no. The world is NOT going to spring back to normal and near to pre-pandemic levels in 2023. For one thing people have debt from covid, fear of travelling and getting stuck, looming world wide recessions , utility bill rises and inflation and flight costs. Also Thailand is currently making itself less attractive by the day with fees and double charging I'd day 7-8 million best this year, and 15-18 best next year, I cannot see Thailand hitting 25-30 million until 2025 at the earliest. 40 million maybe 10 years from now with some creative migrant accounting
  17. quite sure when working out the Aussie pension, they did not have in mind people going out everyday drinking, massaging and paying for a hooker for the night ! Think yourself lucky, Uk state pension is far worse
  18. Now we know why they want to use prisoners
  19. Do you have connected data on deaths of students with and without vaccine shots and boosters ? Think they would be about the same for this age group
  20. Could be worse, could have one head and two bottoms and be called the Janus Anus Cat
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