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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Could be a good plot line for a new WAB thai movie !
  2. OK , prove it and show the reason for non-prosecution, that should be fairly simple. Or would that reveal a corrupt prosecutor ?
  3. I collect a bit of manga toys, I can confirm that the manga toys out there on facebook market in Thailand already leave very little to the imagination!
  4. They'll be a lot of 'normal' adult porn watchers potentially very worried about a knock on the door then, if they were only one click away. Ah, porn, I remember the good old days before marriage !
  5. Listen, the only reason this 'may' get acted on is that there is more money to be made in arresting foreigners than their Thai counterparts !
  6. And these scum had nothing of value to sue against to pay for the housing ?
  7. she might sober up when presented with the bill for the damages
  8. Yes , absolutely flooded. 3 tourists walking with cases and 2 buying a take away. What a joke. You'd think that when using the word 'everywhere' there would be more tourists in the background and pictures of crowded areas !
  9. If the car is cheaper than you, then problem solved !
  10. Translation : Not a chance, my friends own the clothing shops
  11. TWO THOUSAND ! Surely the guy is either extremely vane or knows that he has the country by the balls and fears a punch in the face
  12. Sorry, but I think 2.9% is a bit pitiful when starting from such a low base - and TEN million more tourists !
  13. I'm actually waiting for Thai authorities to start moaning about the amount of Thais being strip searched due to airport dogs smelling weed on their clothes.
  14. No, I think most of already understand that extremist country quite well.
  15. The sheer amount of money these politicians have should be investigated and made public. It's ridiculous to think that politicians in Thailand have so much more money than many of the other politicians in the more developed world and even more than some of the richest people in other countries of the world
  16. I wonder if your neighbour would be as forgiving if you accidentally backed over his dog ?
  17. Soon to be only one of many - 25% rise in rod deaths pending. Thais cannot handle alcohol, give them free access to weed and the roads will be even more a mix of Whacky Races, Cannonball Run and Death Race 2000
  18. Is that a pre-appointed pig trough. always vote for the Junta senator or one than won (yeah I know) his seat ?
  19. If it's anything like my UK, they will dig up the roads to bury them and then dig up the roads again to bury the electric ones left hanging on the power poles. Then again to bury the phone lines
  20. What, and upset the new Pattaya mayor with constant flood reports ?
  21. Little point currently of any democracy in Thailand, with regular coups and senate fixing.
  22. 70% ? Seems insanely high to me - I cannot see only 31% having kids at school until October or unwilling to remove them after near 2 years of no education.
  23. The second case concerns a 14-year-old psychiatric patient, who had not been medicated for two weeks. He reportedly smoked a cigarette, provided by a friend Another case concerns a 16-year-old, who smoked cannabis given to him by a friend Any news on the arrest of these 'friends' for supplying drugs to minors ? Or would that involve getting up off the sticky bottomed chair ?
  24. That's one lottery I really would not want to win.
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