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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. It is ridiculous that those responsible for pandemic control are busy with how many musicians are allowed to stand on stage and when the singer can take off his mask. As if a band with 7 musicians is more dangerous than a band with 5 musicians. This is already brain-burned.
  2. It's ten times the price for long noses. Disgusting pricing policy.
  3. Completely excessive, bureaucratic requirements. It doesn't matter to me anyway, because I generally don't visit parks that operate the double price system.
  4. Is there already the planned transfer option at Suvanabumi Airport? Many airlines only offer Bangkok as a destination and not e.g. Koh Samui. Same with Phuket. There is no long range airline which over Krabi as final destination. Can travelers book the connecting flight seperatly themselves?
  5. Increase in public debt ceiling raises questions on government’s competence. What a lovely headline.
  6. Unfortunately, that's the way it is. The greatest archivment of the PM was the crackdown on state lottery ticket sellers. For quite some time, the prices are back to the before crackdown level at 90-120 baht per ticket. TiT
  7. Clear. If Thai officials stupidly declare that they did not intend to inject full doses or in other unapproved areas of the body is one thing. But the claim that other ingredients are used by AZ Thailand is a damaging claim. I am currently fighting with the EU authorities for the EU-wide recognition of the AZ vaccine made in Thailand.
  8. Do you have a source for your claim that there are other ingredients used? According to the AZ statement: Q: Can I travel with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca that has been manufactured in Thailand? A: COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca that is made in Thailand is of the same quality as AstraZeneca's vaccine made in Europe, Korea, Japan, Australia, and elsewhere https://www.astrazeneca.com/country-sites/thailand/press-release/travelling-with-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca-made-in-thailand.html
  9. May the reasons could be Thailand's silly announcements: a.) not wanting to administer full doses, b.) to inject the vaccine in other places and not as approved in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm.
  10. Unfortunately, it is not uniform across the EU. For example in Germany is AZ made in Thailand approved. Versions of EU-approved vaccines approved abroad (original or licensed productions) are equivalent to the mentioned EU-approved vaccines for proof of vaccination protection. For more information, please refer to the list below. https://www.pei.de/DE/newsroom/dossier/coronavirus/coronavirus-inhalt.html;jsessionid=C9A2FE58903AA2021679E75E3E22907A.intranet212?nn=169730&cms_pos=3
  11. It doesn't matter whether 100 or 100,000 tested positive per day. The decisive factor is how many people are severe, symptomatic cases and absolutely have to go to the hospital. In Europe, lockdown measures are increasingly controlled using this parameter. It is undisputed that the vaccinations are currently reducing the number of serious and fatal cases. The big unknown here is the appearance of new dangerous mutations.
  12. These people have lost around half a billion baht, he said. Nas App" was very busy in the first five days since it was set up. 500 Million Baht in 5 days? How is that possible?
  13. The majority of the Thai population wants better and honest people to lead the country in the future. The distribution of wealth in the country has become increasingly unfair. The bottom 50% of the population own only 1.7% of the country's wealth. The top 1% own 67% of the country's wealth. According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2018. Either the 1% elite resign voluntarily or there will be violent outbreaks. It's a shame, actually. Thailand has so much potential and could have become a big tiger, but the greed for money from the top people has eaten there minds.
  14. True. 2.Shots Astra. What is the problem? The vaccine is the same that is being injected all over the world. Is there a good reason for that? Or it is just the obvious ineptitude that the UK government has shown on several occasions? The morbid compulsion of the UK government to do something different than any other country in the EU. Profiling mania with partially empty supermarket shelves and expensive forced quarantine for fully vaccinated holiday returnees. I'm not British, but that would annoy me as a British. Sorry to say that.
  15. Next week everything will be changed again. Do those responsible even know their own current rules themselves? The whole thing is only half clear. Will the Phuket sandbox now also be abolished? 7 days forced quarantine, locked up in the hotel room for vaccinated people also for Phuket and Koh Samui?
  16. Honor, sincerity, righteousness. With such disgusting figures as "representatives of the law", the legal system degenerates into a laughing stock. Equal rights for all, a cornerstone of any functioning society, are mocked here. Such figures do not belong in a public office, but in a prison. They broke their oath to honor, uphold, and defend the law.
  17. With the international recognition of vaccination certificates from Thailand there are already problems with their mixing of different vaccines. If the vaccine doses are reduced now, further problems are bound to arise. Hopefully there will be no revocation of Thai vaccination certificates at international level.
  18. Don't worry, Dr Wichai. I always invest my money where I have 100% control over it. The returns from my apartment buildings in my home country provide enough money that I can live here very comfortably. I save myself all the stress of having to deal with the authorities here. From my own experience I can say that property in Thailand is more headache than joy. After 25 years in Thailand, I can safely say that my next big investments will definitely not be in Thailand. Have a nice day.
  19. Basically nothing new. Condos 49% and 40 million max 1 rai. Where are the changes now? I can't find anything specific in the original posting. Except about a lot of talk about big money and tax revenues.
  20. Alcohol disinfects and makes it harder for the virus to lodge in the throat. The whole alcohol ban can be most likely counterproductive. For example, the immunologist Beda Stadler said: It is correct that alcohol breaks viruses. After all, alcohol has been known for many years as a recipe for a natural disinfectant. Another advantage: "If you have a cough and the viruses in the mucus wash down the esophagus, fewer viruses can get into the lungs." But even if, according to Beda Stadler, one effect cannot be dismissed out of hand: So far, there have been no scientifically sound studies on the connection between alcohol and viruses. Conclusion: The alcohol ban is not scientifically justified.
  21. If you are infected with Corvit, that is not a 100% death sentence. 98.96% survive an infection in Thailand. Worldwide the survival rate is 97.94%. The survival rate in those who are fully vaccinated is even higher. Thailand should try to adapt its opening policy to the available intensive care bed capacity and stop dragging infected people to hospitals with zero symptoms. Whether a month more or less will make all the difference. In 2020, Thailand had a total of 538,883 deaths. 1 cancer 19% 2 ischemic heart disease 12% 3 stroke 10% 4 lower respiratory tract infections 9% 5 HIV 4% 6 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4% 7 diabetes 4% 8 road injuries 4% 9 Chronic kidney disease 2% 10 cirrhosis 2% People die of all kinds of diseases and it will stay that way. The virus is there and it won't go away.
  22. The government now anticipates this year’s annual per-capita income to be 232,024 baht. That's just a statistical average value that unfortunately doesn't say much. What the distribution looks like within the income pyramid would be much more telling. According to Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Report 2018, the richest 1 percent in Thailand controlled almost 67 percent of the country's wealth. The bottom 50 percent of Thais had a meager 1.7 percent of the country's wealth. Even before the outbreak of the coronavirus, Thailand was one of the most unequal societies in Southeast Asia. If the Gov’t is on right track, is relative.
  23. So what if an older man marries a bar girl and takes care of her and her family? Suddenly the sex tourist becomes a husband. Most of the bar girls are abandoned mothers by their Thai husbands. Thai hierarchy? Ridiculous. These Thai women don't have a chance in the Thai hierarchy. Your image of people is ugly. The protection of marriage and the family is anchored in almost every country in the world. Just not in Thailand if the husband is a foreigner. Funny, when Thai men marry foreign girls, a lot of these xenophobic rules don't apply.
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