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Posts posted by dasboot

  1. 55 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Your losing me and confusing me some, the DWP uses Citibank UK for transfers of UK pensions to Thai banks not " Wise " unless something has changed.


    From conversations with IPC who you contact if receiving a UK pension from abroad I  have been told on many occasions that UK pension funds can take up to 8 days to be received by the Thai bank. 


    The fact you have not received your UK pension for some 8 weeks the only reason I can think of is that there is definitely something wrong, maybe your Thai bank details are incorrect.


    I would ring up again and check with IPC your correct Thai bank swift No. and Thai a/c bank details that your UK pension is being sent to. 

    You misunderstand it took 8 weeks to process my claim, after numerous phone calls and at one time being told my forms had been lost in a pile, everything went through. I opted for Transferwise as a UK bank as i use it for everything else, with no issues. My Thursday phone call told me it had all gone through, she even read the letter to me that i should receive,my Friday phone call told me it should be with me in three working days, the 25th and still nothing. From what i have read here several members are using Transferwise, or Wise as their called now. There are no Thai Bank details as i choose to use a UK bank and do the transfers myself, this was my choice.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    Payments through Wise are always processed by the Thai banks and deposited in your account at 2pm on the day it's received.

    Ok, but what time does it get put into wise by the DWP, i was told on Friday it had all been done and would take three working days to get into my account, the original call was on Thursday. All my other annuities hit my UK bank at midnight, 6am here, I then move them to wise and then onto my Bangkok Bank account, absolutely faultless for years. I was told my payment would hit wise on the 25th, its not there, so the question is at what time does the DWP pay out ?

  3. My still ongoing saga part 2, I have phoned now numerous times, always polite curteous phone calls, I spoke to Claire who told me it was all processed and the money had been paid out the day before, this was Thursday last week. As my pay day is a Friday I thought  the money would arrive the next day, nothing, so I phoned again and spoke to Clare. She checked with the department that pays and now I get told it takes three working days, I was told here on the 25th, which is today. I checked at 6am here, nothing, so my question to the panel is what time does everyone who is using Wise get there money, this is dragging on now.

  4. My ongoing saga, i managed to retrieve my invitation, which i know is to late but it gave me a reason to phone them again. I phoned and after 15/20 minutes, i was answered and cut off immediately, i phoned again and after a similar time the call was answered and a female voice announced herself, hello i replied, to which got hello, hello, this dam head set click cut off again.

    My phone rang and there was Sam a young lady who had tried to answer but cut me off, she had the decency to call me back. After giving her my details she could see i had called before but that had been done about my claim, i will phone my manager immediately so i will put you on hold. 5 minutes past and Sam came back on the line, this will be actioned immediately i was told, Sam asked me some questions, to which i answered with basically what i put in the forms. 

    I missed a call from the IPC roughly 30 minutes later, who would have thought they would call back again, so this afternoon i will call again to see if i can find anymore information on my pension, 8 weeks and counting now.

  5. I phoned again on Friday, i spoke to a very charming who informed me my forms were lost in a pile, she was very apologetic and said she would prioritise there process. Out of all of this i wish i had come first, read through the Topic, maybe asked a question or two and saved myself all this wait, lesson learnt.

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, steve187 said:

    my birthday was on a Tues with a pension pay date of weds, , i claimed a few weeks before that date online by using the invitation code they sent to my home address in the UK, my fist payment was on a weds, 2 weeks after my birthday, i received a payment for 2 weeks and 2 days, next payment will be 4 weeks after the 1st payment for 4 weeks pension.

    the day of payment is based on the last 2 numbers of your NI number 00-19 mon, 20-39 tues, 40-59 weds, 60-79 thurs, 80-99 fri. 

    I was using my Daughter home address in the UK, but she borrowed money then wouldn’t pay anything back, so she blocked me on everything so i could ask her for money, so i didn’t get the code, which is a royal pain in the ass.

  7. 15 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    new pension phone number is 08007317898, expect to lose 30+ minutes of you life, use skype its a free call, just a connection charge, as normal 0044 8007317898, my start date was after you, i already have my first payment ( see my post above)

    Thank you Steve 187, i phoned them yesterday on the International pension centre number and yes it took an age to get connected, the middle of next week i will give this number a try.

  8. 59 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


    When you say 'forms' I assume it can be done online?  I did it that way for my NHS Pension and it comes to my Bangkok Bank account monthly like clockwork.

    I downloaded the forms and sent them with EMS, they took 30 days to get there, that left only 8 weeks to my birthday.

    • Like 1
  9. Well, i finally and eventually got through on the phone, it seems after 15 weeks and 6 weeks after my birthday i am still in the cue, the very pleasant lady had no ideal how much longer it was going to take, but with a little sweet talking she said we would send a note to priorities it, we will wait and see.

    • Like 2
  10. Has anyone registered lately ? my birthday was the 30th March, they received my forms on the 4th of February and returned my documents within a week with a compliment slip. I sent them an Email to which they replied to contact them if i needed more information, so i did and no reply to that one Does anyone know the current time scale ? Its almost six weeks since my birthday and nothing so far.

  11. Has any body registered for there UK pension recently, my 66th birthday was the 30th of March and they received my forms of the 4th February, they returned my documents within a week, but that’s it, I am still waiting to hear anything. They did answer my first Email, which just said if you need more info please get in contact with us, so i did and no reply.

  12. The lower leaves in the picture are showing signs of Magnessium Deficiency, chlorotic spots that go necrotic. Yellow spots which die, hence the brown colour.

    Now this could be caused by your water regime but there seems no other deficiency to be seen, so it could be lacking in your soil. Chillies are known for there need for Magnessium

    Magnessium can be bought from Lazada, then sprayed on the plants for a quick response and then added to the water when watering.

    The lower leaves won't recover and will drop off.

    Be careful adding to much Nitrogen, this can hinder the uptake of other nutrients if it's to high, plus you end up with a plant that's all leaves and little fruit.

    As the plants progress extra Potassium as well will help produce more fruit on the plants.

    • Like 2
  13. On 6/25/2020 at 9:21 AM, Math52 said:

    Hello HIT, hello everyone,

    These readings are very interesting indeed ! I was surprised to find out that (according to these articles) NFT, the system that is mostly used in Thailand for growing lettuce is said to be not appropriate for tropical/hot climate... Apparently it requires a high level of control of the environment. To my understanding it can be use in Greenhouse provided that you have all the ventilation system up and running which, once again, is rarely the case in Thailand. Any idea why people are using it anyway ?

    Thank you!


    People use NFT because of its relatively cheap set up costs, but a lot of these set ups don't last, some never make it through a year.

    NFT is not suited to a tropical climate unless you have a climate controlled greenhouse.

    Water temps, air temps will make life almost impossible if you haven't. Hence DRFT, being built in polystyrene it is easier to control water temps and having the extra water gives slightly more stability to the system.

    The perfect solution is a Deep Water system, insulated troughs which will keep water temps closer to where they should be.

    My three troughs never went over 26c, whereas NFT Nutrient solution would get up into the low thirties.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, sungod said:

    Bet you wish you never asked ????

    I needed people's views opinions and knowledge as when I looked at the form asking where I had lived and for how long etc etc, I started fearing the worst for my payments.

    I really don't want to give up anything, the old thing I worked nearly all my life, payed nearly all my life, now I would like to get some back to enjoy my further retirement.

    This forum in my opinion is still the go to place for advice and help.

    • Like 2
  15. 13 hours ago, Dave0206 said:

    You say you have not yet claimed perhaps since you say you had some long holidays since 2009 it would be worthwhile to check online you’re pension forecast if you have gaps in you,re ni contributions you can pay the missing years.

    remember 1 extra years payments can give you an extra £5 per week 

    I am short and asked if I can pay class 2 contributions (£156) per year instead of £795. It was accepted but even @£795 an extra £5 x how many years missing adds up after 3 years pension you have voluntary contributions payments returned by higher pension .

    only downside if die before 3 years you lose out but it’s a risk hee hee 

    2 Nd point I may be wrong but when you say £3 increase it is actually cost of living or 2% whichever is higher meaning 2% of £175 is £3.50 next year 2%of £178.50 is £3.57 etc ect

    I will definitely look into this.

  16. Iam getting ready to apply for the UK state pension, in the sections where they require information on living abroad Iam not sure what to put.

    Basically I had some very long holidays back from 2009, I married a Thai but returned to the UK  for work and family. I left for good in August 2017, after a one year stay. I still have a UK address and bank account. 

    Should I tell all the dates or just the last one when I moved here on a more permanent basis.

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