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Posts posted by Spartakos

  1. "Another farmer put his tractor up for sale yesterday....."

    Okay, it's farm machinery, but you'd have thought he'd at least give it a bit of a clean if he was serious.....unsure.png

    Without wanting to belittle the farmers' plight, this is just staged sensational jounalism me thinks.

    @LucidLucifer: [what a disgusting 'handle' to start with; unless you're attempting to play "Devil's Advocate ? ?]

    Mate; it is obvious that you have never ventured into the "real" Thailand; because if you had, you would instantly recognize the absence of thick layers of dust & dirt on that tractor.

    Maybe divert some of your 'beer-budget' on a bus-trip into the Isaan: a new world will open-up for you . . . . . . .


    and do you believe "real" thailand to be isaan? What about the rest of the country, does not count?
  2. Police officers on protests sights were repeatedly stated to be unarmed. If it was a legal undercover policemen why did he have to bring the gun along and provoke such a dangerous situation? Can't police understand how explosive the situation is after multiple attacks and deaths of the protesters. Who was the genius that thought that sending a suspicious, armed men in the middle of the mob was a good idea?

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  3. Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

    What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

    She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

    And if the caretaker govt steps down, who will govern? And do you think that there won't be further protests?

    If the REDs were to take to the streets, I would then believe in claims of millions marching.

    The reds have taken to the streets on several occasions since the amnesty fiasco. 10 000-15000 were their best turnouts. Millions are out of reach for red movement. Many of ex reds are campaigning to overthrow the government. Be realistic.
  4. Just one red apologist wrote something on this thread so far, let's admit it guys its a tough business defending this government this days. Let's be a good fellows and help them out, you know the usual staff. Fascist southern thugs, murderer suthep, vile smart, stone hearted bangkok hiso, biased EC, corrupt CC,PAD all joined together to bring down the matryr of isaan that spent last 2,5 years working hard to improve those poor wretches lifes.

    Before you start criticising peoples post's you may want to make up your mind up on just what your beliefs are. For example, remember writing these nuggets of wisdom about the very subjects you mention above as supposed snippets of typical posts from "red apologists"?

    Biased E.C

    "Is there an election commission in Thailand ? I could swear no such commission existed in LOS by the lack of their direct input in running proper elections."

    Corrupt CC

    "That is exactly why the system is broken, if constitutional court would not step out of their jurisdiction all the points that i have mentioned earlier would have happen

    Election will not fix that, changing the legal framework for goverment to follow and introducing stronger checks and balances system will help."


    "Well written, but let me correct you. It's a billionaires on one side against a billionaire on the other. One side is out for power and corruption which sounds not very nice but business as usual in LOS while the other guy pretending to be the next messiah is fighting for total control and getting ALL the power in ONE hands and that is plain scary".

    "While Suthep is known for getting carried away in his speeches his protest is the one out there trying to fix something which is not right. If there is a very large part of population disagreeing with what he does his enemies would utilise it a long time ago."


    "Red shirted farangs say the anti goverment protestors are controlled by some enigmatic group of elites, i am ready to agree to that, it does not sounds pretty"

    So what do you believe (this week)?????????????????

    Basically I believe that I see 2 evils fighting for control , I have no delusion of purity of ether. I choose the lesser one. How could I decide which one is lesser, simple for me, group of guys vs 1 guy, decentralisation vs centralisation. You make your own pick.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

  5. Does anyone remember all those promising rice deals with china that the government so proudly rumbled about few months back? Was is real or were they so stupid as to put a spotlight on their own shady deals that were supposed to be kept secret, is these the same deals they are being investigated about now? Too good to be real.

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  6. How about some criminal charges against the police for doing absolutely nothing to prevent armed red shirts from driving up to the anti-government protesters, killing one and wounding at least four others in a fusillade of gunfire. Oh yes, it seems that they all got away...

    EC are protected. Why protect Vermin.? It is because they are just an arm of the Elite used with the CC to suppress the people. Again. They have to be protected so they can carry on with their real roles. Election organising is not their main function. Many confuse them with and Election Commission from a real democracy

    Police not allowed in poling stations or surrounds unless EC call them in Fact. So shows you have read and learned nothing today. Basic elcetion law.

    Ambush in Sri nakarindra. <deleted> are they doing down there? Harrassing the locals thats what. So they were stopped. I I go down there nearly every day. I don't intimidate the locals and they don't shoot me dead. Is that too difficult for some.... Sorry

    My one wish here is to see a Thailand where the Judges and EC and Army can be brought to task for the imense damage and hardship they have brought to the country.

    The present EC serves the interest of the rich elite power structure, they have fought tooth and nail to attempt to have the election postponed, They have knowing favored the protestors wishes to cancel the election, They asked the court (lapdogs of the elite) if the election could be postponed. When they did not get what they hoped from the court, they turned to dragging their feet on the staffing And closing polls ahead of closing times, they told their staff to closed polls and the angry voters forced them to reopen some of the polls. One of the polls they closed had 80,000 people registered to vote there.

    They need to be charged with the failure to properly fulfill there legal responsiblity of preparing the country for an election! They failed to. Also charges need to be brought against the Court for ruling the Election could be postponed, when the Constitution gives no one the right to postpone an election.

    The EC is reponsible for all of the violence it actions caused!


    Mr. Kwanchai Praipana are you well enough to make some insightful comments already? I am delighted.

  7. Im starting to fear more and more for the future of Thailand. The hater that is already rooted too deep in the hearts of Thai against their fellow citizens is escalating day by day and none of the former governments have done anything to stop this vicious spiral.

    The growing popularity of the Northern based reds is reminding me of all things bad in association with red; the soviet red army, the Chinese red book and the Khmer rouge. All of these let to a ruthless genocide in the name of the people and after installing a peoples republic they all forget about their people and executed the perfect capitalistic regime a.k.a. communism.

    The medieval cast society revered by so many hiSo Thai is outdated, unrealistic and plain stupid in this day and age. Those trying to a hold of it are dwindling in their numbers mostly of old age.

    I see a bleak future and maybe even a civil war unless a whole new, younger generation finally steps up and disperses with the old dinosaurs.

    But it's not the "reds" who want to install a "people's council". It's Suthep's "yellows":


    You are right, the reds want no counsils, they push for 1 guy at the top.
  8. THAKSIN??"But his opponents accuse him of corruption, "vote buying" and pushing through expensive populist policies to strengthen his electoral position"

    Does anyone really believe Thaksin had enough money to buy 14 million votes???

    he easily might have, but the beauty of it is that he used taxpayer's money to do that through his idiotic populist policies.
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