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  1. The duration of rule for various tyrants and despots varies widely. Here are some notable examples along with their years in power: 1. **Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)**: 1924 - 1953 (29 years) 2. **Adolf Hitler (Germany)**: 1933 - 1945 (12 years) 3. **Mao Zedong (China)**: 1949 - 1976 (27 years) 4. **Kim Il-sung (North Korea)**: 1948 - 1994 (46 years) 5. **Muammar Gaddafi (Libya)**: 1969 - 2011 (42 years) 6. **Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)**: 1980 - 2017 (37 years) 7. **Fidel Castro (Cuba)**: 1959 - 2008 (49 years) 8. **Bashar al-Assad (Syria)**: 2000 - present (as of 2023, 23 years) 9. **Benito Mussolini (Italy)**: 1922 - 1943 (21 years) 10. **Saddam Hussein (Iraq)**: 1979 - 2003 (24 years) These figures illustrate the varying lengths of authoritarian rule across different countries and historical contexts. All excellent people. Waaaay better than Turdeau for sure eh. They were leaders far longer so there's no way they could be useless, correct????
  2. My best friend is Indian and his name is Ivan. 1 post and already fighting. Good job.
  3. Often you are correct. But Canadians can be stupid and continue to support a useless Turdeau simply because they vote liberal, because their parents voted liberal, and their parents voted liberal...... But tell us, what did Imam Trudeau actually do?
  4. I would have thought being the offspring of his mom (when she wasn't doing Mick) and Fidel would have given him more cajones.
  5. Exactly!!!! F Imam Trudeau. Remember Omar Khadr. Remember Trudeau saying terrorists can be assimilated back into society. He got elected with a CV that had one job on it: Part-time high school drama teacher He got elected because he had nice hair and was going to legalize weed. He is a national embarrassment and will be remembered as the biggest most useless PM that has ever been elected. Imagine the PM of Canada being publicly and internationally humiliated by Trump as the Governor of the 51st State of the USA and having no comeback? He is a useless <deleted>. Good riddance.
  6. I feel sorry for the loved ones left behind. Him, not so much. He did a severely stupid thing as paid with his life. Driving so fast he couldn't even stay in his lane. No helmet. Oh well, he's in the running for a Darwin award.
  7. I have never had stomach surgery. I have been bedridden with a bleeding ulcer however. Even that would have rendered me impossible to hop out of bed in the early morning and 'run' to open a door. Be sensible man.
  8. I do, and nobody wants rubles. Even Russians don't want rubles. Why are you arguing this? Oh well, maybe you are just one of those people who get off being a pain in the arse.
  9. How does one rise from a sound sleep and run to a hotel room door after recently undergoing stomach surgery which rendered him unable to offer any defense when assaulted?
  10. 23 posts in and already being argumentative. Well done. I am not American FYI. And, I have taught IGCSE and AS level economics at a very prestigious high school.
  11. I'd expect most of those taxi drivers to accept a pair of used lacy panties from a pretty falang girl as payment!
  12. I wonder how much Ivan paid the cops to let this go so easily?
  13. I do not like hair anywhere but the head and the nether regions. Even on me. I think guys wearing their wife beater shirts to show off their muscles or tattoos and really showing their disgusting armpits are, well...disgusting. I used to do a lot of scuba diving. My wife and I had our own gear complete. We lived in Nova Scotia and would drive down the coast to a bay or beach, suit up and head into the water. I learned from the instructor who taught us in the PADI course (which was 3 very intense days with 12 hours in the water and 12 hours in the class and a wicked hard exam with dive tables etc. and two open water dives in Nova Scotia in November) about shaving. Now I keep my body hair trimmed with clippers. Not shaved with a razor. It is more comfortable and looks better I think. Hairy legs on a woman? No thank you?
  14. I don't know if this is true or not, but playing everything stupid loud here and across the river, seems to be the norm. Although in Laos it never happens in that fashion, mostly just at parties, funerals and weddings. But it would never start that early or end very very late. But I digress. My wife explained that they play things loud like that to scare away ghosts. So, using that (rather insane) logic. Firing up the system at 0600 hrs would scare away the ghosts in the machine. I can't wrap my head around such profound stupidity even after nearly 2 decades. But, try to argue logic with a Thai or Lao.
  15. Because the parents are all too busy gambling on who will win!
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