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  1. Two things: 1) See ya later boys! 2) Are there any regular cops involved in arresting scum? It seems like everyone's a general with the occasional colonel thrown in.
  2. I didn't realise that it was possible to tarnish India's reputation globally. It's a dung heap of a country. It literally stinks.
  3. What an idiot. I lived in Korea for 6 years. Due to life circumstances, potential female companionship, and the all pervasive nearly overwhelming stress, I can very easily see a Korean guy being a very easy mark for a seasoned pro, like that Thai girl seemed to be. It's sad but it is completely preventable with just a few minutes reading on here.
  4. If it hasn't been spent already on a few new cars.
  5. Possibly failed Muay Thai fighter wannabees.
  6. She was 36. That may or may not be considered young. However, without doubt it is considered old enough to know better.
  7. She's the mule. Who is the kingpin? Catch him or her
  8. 32 missing computers and iPads??? How did that go unnoticed because it sure as heck didn't happen overnight.
  9. It seems to me that the local youth are much more willing to pull out deadly weapons and use them these days. I could be wrong but this lack of personal restraint seems to be on the rise.
  10. There must have been a sale on black underwear.
  11. 119 mg isn't drunk. It's <deleted>faced hammered. I'm surprised he could even walk let alone drive.
  12. I wonder how much it will cost him to get out of this mess?
  13. She's Thai, so I'm guessing God doesn't play a big part in her life. Besides, the entire God thing is a silly fantasy.

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