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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. True. I detest pedophiles more than any other criminal, but kids have certainly been known to lie. I'd like to learn more about this guy and his relationship with the students. I find it challenging that this behaviour took place in the teacher's lounge and was unknown for several months.
  2. I taught 1st year university in Zhengzhou, China. Chapter 1 in the textbook started with learning the days of the week. This is how far they'd come when they started learning English in Primary Grade 1. So, in their 13th year of formal English language learning, they'd made it all the way to days of the week!
  3. This ubiquitous use of the word foreigner is grating. Why not name the nationality? I'm fairly certain it is known, at least much of the time. In addition, I lived in China for a time and seeing people squatting in wide open public areas and peeing or taking a dump, was normal. I was eating at a sidewalk place once and a lady walked by with her toddler. Their pants are usually split from back to front so they don't have to pull them down. She stopped right beside my table and the kid squatted and crapped on the sidewalk. She wiped his butt, threw the tissue on the ground and they continued along. I took pictures and the Chinese people eating around me thought I was the weird one.
  4. Sad but true. When people put themselves in vulnerable positions and bad stuff happens......I hope they throw the guy away.
  5. Man, who writes this crap? It reads like a really bad Harlequin Romance novel.
  6. Sorry, but using this logic you'd expect 4 times as many crashes in the USA as happen in Thailand. I can't recall the last time a bus crashed in America. It's all about regulations and maintenance. Sure, the bus looks pretty, but when was the last time the tires and brakes were checked? Not too mention the drivers......
  7. I'm not one for victim blaming, but in this case I'll make an exception. That guy is an idiot and did an idiotic thing. Zero sympathy from me.
  8. I find it challenging to believe people believe in that crap in the 21st Century. I could understand if you're a Yanomamo or a Sentinalese, but in an industrialized country?
  9. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-has-at-least-one-secret-chinese-police-station-civil-rights-group-says-1.6183853 China has a secret cop shop in Vancouver keeping track of Canadian Chinese. I can't be the only one like this.
  10. Dude's lucky the cops got to him before the Thais rounded up a gang with machetes!
  11. In the Japanese guy's defence, Japan is a hyper honest country. It's possible he brought his encultured bias with him and felt Thais were honest too. Big mistake.
  12. The last refuge of the uneducated unintelligent masses is violence. They lack the capacity to deal with situations on an intellectual basis. Thus, violence is their means of communication. If you want to put an end to this behaviour, education is the key.
  13. Two key words in your theory: possibly and think LOL
  14. incident unfolded...quickly deduced...seeking help.... Seriously, who writes this drivel?
  15. You have to bribe your way into the army? Man, what a screwed up society.
  16. Wasn't this Big Joke guy turfed out for corruption not too long ago? Why is he back?
  17. This ridiculous new policy could have been completely unnecessary if Thailand had thought about how to go about legalising pot in even the slightest way. But they didn't, because that would have been smart! Look at Canada as a shining example of how to go about it the correct way. Also, what does re-submit really mean? Are we talking envelope thickness???
  18. For now, like they all did...until the ring is on the finger that is. Then it's an entirely different world. I'm coming up on 16 years married and it's basically been a roller coaster ride with almost no flat spots.
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