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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. 200,000 baht for each victim? What's a new Porsche cost????
  2. This was a deliberate and provocative act by the driver. Loss of license for a year, a serious fine - say 100,000 baht - and/or 6 months in jail. Followed by 3 years probation with any further offense committed within that time span a mandatory 2 years in jail. Impeding an ambulance is a very serious and most egregious offense. Especially in this situation when there were no other vehicles on the road.
  3. Before every single flight, every house under construction every single day and before untying from the dock every time. From what I read, at least one of those 11 CNG cannisters was leaking. A quick check and a sniff and shut it down. No lives lost.
  4. A Dutchman arguing over insignificant change? Not the least bit surprised. They are notoriously cheap people. We were three amigos back in Canada, myself a Dutch guy and a Scot. Those two used to get in the most hilarious arguments and situations over who was cheaper. It was a matter of pride!
  5. Yeah...having spent 10 years in the airline industry, a few years sailing, and then the house construction industry, I guess I'm kinda safety conscious.
  6. Creepy as hell. And then at the end the woman walking in the back in full traditional Indian dress LOL
  7. I would think that before leaving a driver would check his vehicle for safety. But maybe that's just me being pedantic and, you know, safe!
  8. Yes, but after it gets checked in down in the belly of the airport before it gets loaded on the plane. The article sounded like it was scanned with the passenger when he went through.
  9. The RCMP and Immigration at YVR are the biggest <deleted> that have ever lived. I also remember the Polish guy's murder. As an aside, I was a flight attendant with Air Canada, I have no idea how many times I have been through YVR.
  10. Being as the gun was seen in an x-ray, I assume it was in his carry on.
  11. It was designed to mimic a street circuit on Ile Notre Dame. Cars can drive on it when there isn't a race as you drive around the island. There are public roads and purposefully built sections.
  12. The bus driver was complicit either through woeful or willful ignorance. He ran away ffs!
  13. Good idea, plenty of width on the roads and there is precedent. Monaco, Montreal is a street circuit but specifically built. It could totally work.
  14. This is something I would love to see. I would go every year. Me and the guys became kinda famous at the Montreal F1 race every year back in the 90s.
  15. You can add the "mechanics" caught removing extra CNG containers to the list of responsibility here. They had to have known what they were doing and why they were doing it. It was their moral, ethical, and I am sure legal, responsibility to alert the authorities. They were clearly hiding evidence of what feel free to call premeditated murder.
  16. An autopsy of the lungs of the deceased will tell whether they died of asphyxiation or burned. I can only hope it's the former. So sad. And that stinking coward of a bus driver who ran away. Why do Thais always seem to do that?
  17. Can anyone flat out believe anything a politician says?
  18. I am curious as to the process in which the video was "leaked". I don't know how that happened unless it was either shared by the girls or they sent it to others. In either case, it seems to negate the accidental part of the leaking equation. Also, in this day and age, I think 12 year old kids are perfectly aware of what is going on. It's a far freaking cry from when I was 12.
  19. Pretty sure he was being facetious. Also, there are aggressive breeds and it's not always the owners' fault.
  20. Don't get all excited, it's Thailand. They'll renege on this in short order.
  21. H2S can kill you quickly at concentrations as low as 100 parts per million. It's idiotic to do something like that without wearing supplemental oxygen.
  22. See? This is why it is a waste of time to take anything the Thai government says at face value. Are they even capable of figuring anything out before making grand sweeping gestures and announcements? It's called planning, man!
  23. Pitbulls are responsible for 60% - 70% of all fatal dog attacks. This means of course, that every other breed of dog combined make up 30% or less of all fatal dog attacks. Bad owners? I don't think so.
  24. This is such a load of <deleted>e it's incomprehensible someone would utter it in any sense of seriousness. I hope you are being facetious.
  25. My heart is broken for this poor child. I am a child abuse survivor. Approaching mid 60s and I still think about it everyday. It is a pain that never leaves. That child needs therapy. Now. The rest of those dogs, need the Catherine Wheel. Statistically, there are many on here who suffered abuse as a child.
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