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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. In an unprecedented turn of events, passengers aboard Air India Express's inaugural flight from Surat (India) to Bangkok
  2. You know, I have grown weary of being lumped into the big "foreigner" basket. Why not give the country of origin of the people causing the trouble? As a Canadian, I don't like being lumped into the "foreigner" basket. I'm not a trouble maker and I do feel the effect of being tarred with the foreigner brush from time to time. Besides, if we knew where each of these idiots were from, we could start to make some statistical analyses.
  3. You never will because it, alone, does not affect people in that manner.
  4. Two things: 1) See ya later boys! 2) Are there any regular cops involved in arresting scum? It seems like everyone's a general with the occasional colonel thrown in.
  5. I didn't realise that it was possible to tarnish India's reputation globally. It's a dung heap of a country. It literally stinks.
  6. What an idiot. I lived in Korea for 6 years. Due to life circumstances, potential female companionship, and the all pervasive nearly overwhelming stress, I can very easily see a Korean guy being a very easy mark for a seasoned pro, like that Thai girl seemed to be. It's sad but it is completely preventable with just a few minutes reading on here.
  7. If it hasn't been spent already on a few new cars.
  8. Possibly failed Muay Thai fighter wannabees.
  9. She was 36. That may or may not be considered young. However, without doubt it is considered old enough to know better.
  10. She's the mule. Who is the kingpin? Catch him or her
  11. 32 missing computers and iPads??? How did that go unnoticed because it sure as heck didn't happen overnight.
  12. As a child in the 60's...YES! we were.
  13. It seems to me that the local youth are much more willing to pull out deadly weapons and use them these days. I could be wrong but this lack of personal restraint seems to be on the rise.
  14. There must have been a sale on black underwear.
  15. 119 mg isn't drunk. It's <deleted>faced hammered. I'm surprised he could even walk let alone drive.
  16. I wonder how much it will cost him to get out of this mess?
  17. She's Thai, so I'm guessing God doesn't play a big part in her life. Besides, the entire God thing is a silly fantasy.
  18. The question I have to ask, which I haven't seen here yet and perhaps I missed it, is what do her boobs look like now? Were they sitting high and firm and after a few years or a kid or two they now are saggy and wrinkled? Cosmetic surgery can work wonders on a person's self esteem. One female flight attendant I flew with many times had no boobs. Seriously, it looked like she had never gone through puberty. She was so shy and withdrawn it was painful to watch. She had never had a boyfriend and wouldn't consider going on a date. She was also very pretty with a great body, just no boobs. She decided to get implants, small, just a nice round A cup. The change in her personality was enormous. She became outgoing and effervescent. She was a new person and had self confidence which previously had not been there. She also had the support of everyone at work. If your partner wants new boobs, let her have them. They may very well be a ticket to her happiness and confidence. Get saline implants not silicone.
  19. Never disrespect Thai culture and hospitality. Always pay your hookers.
  20. Ahhh...the ol' Asian 'It's not my fault' gig. Whenever a screw up happens immediately point 8 fingers, 2 thumbs and 10 toes in 20 different directions while shouting your complete innocence.
  21. There's no reason to be snotty.
  22. His diatribe is valid and legitimate. Defamation laws clearly have their place. However, in the case of Thailand, defamation laws also serve to protect obviously guilty parties and thus keep the public in harms way. This is one of those cases.
  23. Every time I read something like this I suspect some type of complicit shenanigans. Who leaves that much money/gold/valuables sitting in a car while they "attend to other business"?
  24. Many Lao are blaming Vietnamese people, my wife among them. True, a Vietnamese owned Nana Backpackers Hostel and the manager et al were Vietnamese and 8 have been detained, but it's a Lao problem. These people, Lao that is, are incredible at deflecting blame. It finally looks like the government here are doing something. The international pressure has been immense.
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