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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. I'm 63 and play drums nearly every night. I still jam along to the songs that I loved in the 60's 70's and 80's. When I want to relax and have music in the background, I go for classical. Mozart, Bach, Brahms, Vivaldi, Stravinsky when I wanna rock....
  2. Many years ago, when I was teaching in Korea there was a knock on my door. I opened it and two middle aged ladies were standing there. They were surprised to see a Waygook (farang) open the door. I said hello and asked how could I help them. They actually spoke English fairly well. They were Jehova's Witnesses and asked me about God and offered me their pamphlet. To their complete shock, I invited them in. I asked them to sit on the couch and excused myself for a minute. I went into the bedroom and stripped off naked and came out and plunked myself down between them saying I had divested myself of all worldly encumbrances and was as God made us in His image. I asked them to tell me everything. I wanted to learn. They thanked me profusely and skedaddled. Never heard from the JWs again.
  3. Third time, he is guilty of theft. No sympathies from me. However, is store policy of charging 10X the amount of the item stolen, law? Somehow, I doubt it.
  4. Yeah, it's all about the amulet.
  5. Reasonably confident that the Thai authorities would have known about this and told the UK authorities. Better to let him leave the country and go home. Less hassle for all involved, except the idiot. 100kgs of weed would stink regardless of packaging!
  6. I get it , but I'm old fashioned and my 15 year old would not be out that late. Maybe midnight because it's a special occasion.
  7. If Thai fathers stayed with Thai mothers and had their young children at home in bed sleeping at 2:30am, there would be less problems with teenagers.
  8. It's nothing like lying in the middle of the road. Worst case scenario you get hit by a piece of checked baggage coming down when you roll by the chute.
  9. First: I'm getting tired of this world class tourist attraction city crap about Pattaya. Second: The guys urine was probably the least harmful substance dumped into the ocean that day.
  10. Aussie guys getting drunk and fighting. Gee whiz, I never saw that coming.
  11. Cambodian and entered Thailand from the N.E. Did she come in through Laos? Just wondering.
  12. He's not inferring anything. He's implying it. You are inferring it. Didn't you watch The Big Bang Theory?
  13. Exactly what I thought. Who in their right mind would take them?
  14. I eliminated the cloud from my computer thanks to the IT guy at work. Nothing I have goes anywhere near there. I never trusted it.
  15. Russia, China, Belarus, Iran and N. Korea will not extradite a person to England. Go to China and be an English teacher. I did it and it wasn't great, but it beats the hell outta prison!
  16. I have owned a dog, or at times 2 dogs, most of my life. I do not believe in the tired adage of there being no bad dogs only bad owners. Pit Bulls are bad dogs. What percentage of similar stories are about any other breed?
  17. There's obviously a backstory, but it sure looked like those guys were trying to walk away. Ladyboys can be overly aggressive and that one got her lights turned off because of it.
  18. Just wondering here, but if the rescue effort has a different construction method, obviously deemed safer and more effective, why wouldn't they have built the tunnel that way in the first place?
  19. Man, everyone is allowed an opinion. You can agree or disagree with it, but don't get into ad hominems.
  20. I have an Accu-Check blood glucose monitoring device and it works great. I have a question though, about these blood glucose checking watches or wrist bands and such. I have read that they are not good, do not work etc. Does anyone have any corroborating message or, better yet, know if one of these gadgets really works and what brand?
  21. Does anything good ever happen between 4 and 6am on Bangla Road?
  22. Many animals carry the rabies virus. If you get bitten by a strange animal you must start the rabies series of inoculations. If you do not and start to show signs of rabies infection it is too late. You are dead. Rabies is 100% fatal.
  23. Ban low quality Chinese products. Is there any other kind?
  24. I was a flight attendant for 10 years. It is entirely possible that a person can board a flight and during the ensuing commotion of passengers getting on he/she could get off the airplane and bugger off. I've known it to happen.
  25. I'll make it easy for you. In my opinion: monks, cops, government officials = bad guys
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