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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. And the Middle East and let's not forget India and Pakistan.
  2. On the same same but different thing...I live in Laos and there's a HUGE problem with tourists - backpackers - dying of methanol poisoning in Vang Vieng. News here is scarce, as one would expect in a Communist country. Do folks in Thailand have any news. It's made the Aussie national news. 3 dead: 2 Aussies and an American with many in serious life-threatening condition in the hospital.
  3. Why isn't anyone talking about this? Does anyone know anything other than the media we are hearing? This is tragic but not unexpected really. Giving away buckets of free booze supposedly from top brands doesn't seem fiscally responsible.
  4. This tragedy could have been prevented if the spinning shaft had been encased in some type of cylinder.
  5. The poor bugger has had his life shattered. He doesn't need keyboard crap from some in this quarter. Until details emerge, let decency reign.
  6. I'm just wondering here when the term changed from ladyboys to transgendered in Thailand? In Laos ladyboy is still the preferred nomenclature.
  7. Where else would he get that silly accent LOL
  8. A few years ago I read an article that mentioned a large survey campaign about Thai drivers and their superstitions. A full third surveyed believed there was nothing - nothing - they could do to prevent and accident. It is the most extreme external locus of control. Drunk? Nighttime? Raining? Speeding? Texting on your phone? Running a red light without so much as a casual glance around? All of these? Nothing will prevent an accident. That's what the reasons are behind a windshield so full of amulets the driver can barely see out. You cannot legislate against this.
  9. Yeah, this isn't anti-weed in the slightest. He may have been under the influence of weed, but that wasn't the only substance in him.
  10. Being the cynic that life has made me, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that 16 year old girl was well experienced and after big money which was probably offered by someone she knew.
  11. I was a flight attendant for 10 years from the early 90's to the early 2000's. Long before smart phones and their ubiquitous cameras. With the change in life that those darned things have caused, and knowing FAs and rules, it is quite possible that there is one or more FAs designated to getting stuff on camera if crap hits the fan midflight. After all, you can't have a dozen FAs dealing with an idiot. There isn't enough room.
  12. All women are nuts. Let's get that straight. I know lots of Thai and Filipino women. And many married to falangs. I find Filipino people, women in particular, to be back stabbing hypocrites. But then again, they're all Christians 😂
  13. Indeed. One could even say it's a sh!tty way to go.
  14. A rapist named Bang Seed? I don't know what to say.
  15. What is the procedure to become an electrician in Thailand? In Canada, it's a 4 year process split between school and practical work with every job being signed off by a journeyman electrician. And of course the plethora of exams.
  16. I like Phuket. I've been many times. I'll go again. If experienced right, it is very family friendly.
  17. I'm not entirely clear on this article. Did those medical students cheat and/or bribe through corruption to get through med school? Or, after successfully completing their studies they had to pay corruption money to get their degrees? Also, would any of those graduates be capable of passing first rate med school exams in the USA? Like, from Harvard for example.
  18. I do understand. I live here.
  19. Greed, all around. She wins 5 billion baht and wants to use it to make more. She gets taken advantage of. Blah blah blah
  20. Hilarious! As if it's up to Thailand to state when winter starts. For the record, the first day of winter is the solstice on December 21st.
  21. That article is hilarious. Seriously, I was laughing out loud. I can't believe a person could be so stupid that to get back at perceived wrongdoings they burn down their own house. A funny article that had me laughing.
  22. I said to a friend a long time ago who was bitching to me that some guy at a party was hitting on his wife, "Why does that bother you? You should be happy that your wife is so hot people will hit on her. You should also be confident that she isn't going anywhere. Because one thing is for sure, you acting like a jealous <deleted> isn't going to make her stick to you any more than she is. It will most likely do the exact opposite. And, if she is going to stray she is going to stray! Being jealous will just make it happen faster. And once again, you should be proud a guy is hitting on her. Seriously, would you want to be with a woman that no dude ever hit on? Because if you are, she's either a warthog, or you are such a freak everyone is terrified of you. And that will lead to her walking out at some point anyway for a guy who isn't a jealous freak!" My friend understood and calmed down. Jealousy is the #1 destroyer of relationships.
  23. A few weeks as a monks. A couple hundred wais. Some serious begging of forgiveness and some tea money spread around and this will be all over.
  24. That's not a pothole. THIS is a pothole. Welcome to Laos. RIP.
  25. Such soft language. Negligence is clear and someone, somewhere, gave it the stamp of approval.
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