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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. On 5/4/2017 at 3:32 AM, Farang hunter said:

    I think Thailand should look into charging these upnormal creatures a lot since there is no need for them to brag about their obesity and being normal at the same time or ban them from coming to LOS.

    Not only does this post make no sense, this sentence is especially nonsensical. As an aside, what does upnormal mean?


    I've been in Laos for 11 years and married nearly 10. I've got 15 years on my wife. I'm 56. What does my wife get from this older, slightly paunchy, greying man? A man who loves her, treats her well, has taken her traveling abroad, built her a house with all the stuff that comes with that and will leave her very well financially set after I'm gone.


    What does this older, slightly paunchy, greying man get. A top notch wife who makes me happy.


    Pray tell, what is wrong with this scenario?

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/30/2017 at 4:56 PM, Baerboxer said:


    Are you basing that on UK universities?


    I was asked for a copy of my transcript for my Master's in 2011. I graduated in 1993 with that. I contacted the university and was told they couldn't go back that far. Up to ten years maybe, more than that would be lucky but no chance for anything pre-2000.


    They did however provide an official stamped and accredited letter confirming my degree which was accepted.

    No, basing it on Canadian unis. I called mine from Laos in 2007 and got copies of my transcript sent to Laos hassle free, from 1983.

  3. If they pass this law in Laos I and likely most of the people may have to give up driving! On an empty stomach one Beerlao would probably put you over the limit at that level. 

    I came to Hua Him to get away from the gong show that Vientiane will be this week.


    Wrong thread LOL.  I meant this for the lowered B.A.C. level.


    However, this overcrowding of vehicles was the reason I sold my Vigo and bought a Picanto. 

  4. You know what I say? 

    Good for him. I'm serious. Where is the benefit to the larger issue with dude in jail?

    Pay the family off. I can't exactly recall what the family of the dead cop got, but $100,000 springs to mind. That's not enough. For the Red Bull gang, one million at least. That's retired right now for life cash in Thailand. 


    The question which remains is, if the family got that kinda cash, what would happen and how quickly would it happen?


    What's left is, Red Bull punk keeps partying and his life basically remains the same and the family is potentially set forever...if they're smart. Either way dude's still gone. 

  5. This is an endemic problem in Korea. I worked there for five years and my school opened up on to Silver Sand Beach on Namhae Island. 


    It's a stunning beach with a smooth very gently sloping sandy bottom blocked by a couple of big rocks 200m or so away and tucked into a little cove. No waves, undertow currents, it was as calm as calm could be...always.


    None of the students I taught could swim. All were terrified of the water. I would see Koreans sitting on the sand some 5 meters from the water wearing life jackets. All day!


    The fact this happened does not surprise me at all. 


    I recall one day when a young boy, maybe 4 or so, was in a little blow up dinghy and he floated out a little further than the waders. He was crying. His parents were standing ankle deep yelling for him to paddle in and the lifeguard was on his phone calling the cops for help. I walked out and the water got to about my shoulders. I pulled the dinghy back to shore. The parents were thankful and watched as I seriously grossed out the "lifeguard".

  6. On 3/2/2017 at 8:42 AM, Dogmatix said:

    Russian tabloids must be having a field day with Thailand stories. First the woman treated like a serial killer for feeding fish, now this. 


    I hope these cases persuade a a lot of Russians not to come to Thailand. Thais only take action to protect their god of money.

    I hope Russians stop coming too. My wife and I used to love going to Phuket. We always stayed at the same guest house by Karon beach and had a wonderful vacation. The last time we went, perhaps 3 years ago, there was nothing but Russians. My wife was the only local (Lao) person on the beach except for the worker folks. Russians were everywhere, restaurant signs were in Russian, sometimes only Russian. They treated the Thai rather poorly in my opinion, and they strutted around like their poo didn't stink. Every Thai I spoke too was much less than impressed with the "new" tourist type.


    That does not excuse what the cop did, but, there may be back story we are not hearing.

  7. On 19/02/2017 at 2:43 AM, cbuddha said:

    You probably have the older version, which most say was also a great phone. GR5 2017 came out last month with many upgrades.

    I think you're correct. There was an ad in the Vientiane Times this week for the New GR5 for 990,000 lip with extras. That is cheap less than $120.

    • Like 1
  8. Hey Issangeorge,


    I've owned a Huawei GR5 for 7 months now and it is every bit as good as my previous Samsung with specs as good or better and a larger screen with better camera. Totally recommend it.


    However, 9000 Baht is insane. I live in Laos and they're brand new here with extras (mine came with an extra SIM card and 6 months free calling and internet) for 1.2 million Kip. That's less than US$ 150.00. They were on sale here a couple of months ago for slightly less with a better bonus package.

  9. 1 hour ago, ezzra said:

    The woman and THE MAN were raped? this is very, very rare and unheard of in this country of male being raped while in the company of a woman that the culprits could have had her, Not sure what to make of this story, it could be true, albeit very far fetched one.....

    Ezra, it was a man and a man. It seems quite likely they were out for a good time in a gay bar on New Year's Eve and things got out of control. Who knows what really happened?

  10. 15 hours ago, Docno said:


    Interesting article on how much contract kills cost in other countries... They can go surprisingly low as well. 


    According to this site http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ inflation has risen 12.5% since 2009 when the article mentioned above was written. So don't forget to add that in to your next contract offer. 


    Dang! Everything's getting so expensive these days.

  11. I was an - ahem - "air hostess" for 10 years. They are called flight attendants where I was from. It is not a glamorous job! And to a comment above, they do not clean toilets, or anything for that matter. Cleaners do that.


    It is, in fact, a decidedly unglamourous job. They take crap from passengers constantly over things absolutely beyond their control: where's my luggage, why are we late I'm going to miss my connecting flight, tell that baby to stop crying...and on and on


    Yep, 10 years was plenty for me.

  12. I'm still thinking about how the husband picked his wife up after her workshift at a world class hotel. Looking at the photo above and reading the article makes me assume that it was quite possible the wife was the majority breadwinner in the household - which is not at all uncommon in Thai marriages. Thus, his jealousy could have been over the fact that his wife was supporting him and he felt a loss of face due to that. So instead of getting a job, like a real man would, he possibly accused her of banging the boss (possibly a falang) and things got out of control.


    A lot of "ifs" in my post, but it isn't an impossible scenario.

  13. "...severely disabled after having a large brain tumour removed in 2007. The operation lasted 10 hours and he has been left with limited sight, limited hearing, blurred vision, lack of concentration, blackouts and walks with a wobble. He has also suffered from depression and struggles to cope with everyday life."

    Sounds like a perfect catch for a Thai scam artist bride.

  14. No, there IS a Thai mentality and is a result of their culture. Let's call it "Thainess". They are all brought up from birth with the "idea" of face and that it should under no circumstances be lost.

    This isn't uniquely Thai, but, is Asian. It's just the Thai's reaction to losing face. The Japanese and Koreans admit losing face and then either it's public humiliation via an apology, resignation, or, in times past, suicide.

    In Thailand, no one admits to anything.

    It may not be PC, but, it's the truth. Something which trumps all in Western culture, but, doesn't have anywhere near the same value in certain Asian cultures.

    The concept of face is the root of most problems in this country and is the single most important factor in why this country cannot move ahead faster than a snail's pace.

    Good post highlighting the general rule rather than the exceptions which clearly do exist.

    Just to be a little pedantic " In Thailand, no one admits to anything " not quite true

    When caught bang to rights, by the authorities, admission is frequently used to negotiate a reduction in punishment .Until such a negotiating point is reached however......

    This isn't exactly the same as admitting something, which presumes a measure of uncertainty. It is admitting something when it is 100% clear you are guilty.

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