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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. On 12/5/2023 at 8:25 AM, ezzra said:

    With a population of nearly 72 millions and buss going everywhere day and night such accidents, by statistics, are bound to happen, 

    good thing it doesn't happened too often...

    Sorry, but using this logic you'd expect 4 times as many crashes in the USA as happen in Thailand. I can't recall the last time a  bus crashed in America. It's all about regulations and maintenance. Sure, the bus looks pretty, but when was the last time the tires and brakes were checked? Not too mention the drivers......

  2. 3 hours ago, chrisbangkok said:

    Absolutely right , they operating in many Western countries too and have been for years . 




    China has a secret cop shop in Vancouver keeping track of Canadian Chinese. I can't be the only one like this.

  3. Honestly,  I dont think so. I think true, altruistic  love is so rare it is virtually impossible to have. Everyone has an agenda. Things may start out perfect, they usually do, but things change because people change.


    There's an old maxim that is an uncomfortable truism.


    Men marry a woman hoping she'll never change. 


    Women marry a man hoping he will change.


    I've been married to my Lao wife for almost 14 years.  Both facets hold away.

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  4. I was a practicing Master Mason and member of Eastern Star Lodge #51 in Canada. But since moving to Laos in 2006 I have obviously been separated from brethren. Masonry is illegal in Laos and there are no lodges. I know there are some in Thailand but I wonder if there are any Freemasons on this forum who would like to help me get back on the square from which I have drifted away.

  5. I cannot find sympathy in my heart for people who are taken in by this kind of scam. The scammers should at best be locked up for life, if not given the death penalty. I don't care if some say this is a non-violent crime. 


    How can anyone be stupid enough to fall for this. They're not targeting uneducated illiterate jungle villagers because they have no money to get the "money" released. 

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