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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. On 11/20/2019 at 2:56 PM, whaleboneman said:

    Your attitude may have been improved had you done some backpacking in your youth.


    Dude, I have trekked through 43 countries. Sometimes on the lowest costs I could manage and other times staying as expensively as I could manage. Now that I am older I travel comfortably. Nice hotels, nice restaurants etc etc....it wasn't always like this.


    However, I NEVER begged. Okay. Get that straight. Begpackers are scum. I've never seen one, but if I ever do, I'll let them know exactly how I feel. 

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  2. "Many posters online have criticized the practice as being done by entitled and essentially well-off foreigners while others take a more conciliatory view suggesting that they do no real harm."


    Both sides of this argument are valid. What separates them, in my opinion, is that the Thais who sell trinkets on the sidewalk are not financially able to <deleted> off to Europe for a couple of months to do it just cuz they can.


    Begpackers are scum and give all foreigners a bad name. Arrest them, fine them heavily, when they pay the fine and show their plane ticket back home (a price very far beyond the reach of most Thais) deport them and blacklist them for life. If they try to sneak into the LOS again and are caught, life in prison. Done.

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  3. Similar thing happened to a friend of mine in Laos except it was his wife and only $400,000. She convinced the bank manager that he said it was okay but didn't have time to go to the bank and fill in the proper documents. 


    Something similar happened in Korea when I was there and I took part in it. I had a friend who was leaving due to severe alcoholism. We went into the bank, a couple of us carried/dragged him in while he held his bottle of soju.


    The Korean tellers scattered leaving the new girl there alone. I put a pen in my friend's hand then held it while I scribbled something on a bunch of documents transferring 120K to Canada while he swigged soju. Then we left and the Koreans were just happy we were gone.


    Man, no bank in the Western world would allow that. It was insane. 

    • Haha 1
  4. On 11/18/2019 at 9:37 AM, Tropicalevo said:

    Serious question. How can you do a TM 30 report when staying on a yacht?


    Presumably you have a whole new set of rules?

    I would think that international yachting rules apply. Once you are tied up, moored or at anchor within Thai waters you are considered a permanent structure, much like a house. Thus you can drink and party etc which is not allowed while underway. 


    Plus you would call the Thai coast guard and likely immigration on the radio upon entering Thai waters to make arrangements for a visa issuance etc. 


    At least this is the way it worked in the civilized world when I was sailing. 

  5. 5 hours ago, 300sd said:

    The question is what kind of a country treats people this way? 



    No, the question is, what kind of a gullible fool wires money to a Thai girl and arrives in the country with the money gone along with the girl and then proceeds to overstay his 30 day visa by 7 months. Not too mention not even having enough cash in pocket to buy a return ticket (which he should have had in the first place) or a freaking credit card. 


    No sympathy. Not one iota. He's an idiot for doing what he did. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    Never mind my spelling............ I do BELIEVE you understood my message..............

    I won't guarntee my 'Percentages' (Or figures)...... They are not statistics..........

    But you wouldn't parole (Is that correct?????) ANYONE???????? First time offenders are paroled often throughout the years (and live a legal life afterward)..... So you would would punish the very deserving ones just for this 'newsworthy guy' ...... VERY SAD......

    I HOPE YOU 'REAP' WHAT YOU SOW..............  In other words.... 'eat some of your own poison'

    Was my spelling better???????????????

    Edited to add.......... Have you been to any of the THAI prisons ????????

    I HAVE been regularly .... to visit a friends mother...... (Nong Palai Prison near Pattaya).... I can speak with a 'little' experience..... WHAT EXPERIENCE are these other posters offering.......... Is there ANYBODY listening 'who is perfect'???????????? (Outside their own minds)??????????????

    In every country, as well as Thailand, you have a mixture of good and bad, Or at least maybe BAD.... by poor thinking...... NOT that their hearts are BAD............

    MY MAIN POINT IS....... A rotten 'apple' may spoil the bunch.............

    But isn't it unfair in your opinion.... That other 'apples' suffer because of that ONE BAD APPLE'??????????????????

    Wow, you really do enjoy your question marks and extended ellipses don't you.

  7. 2 hours ago, Olmate said:

    And traffic lights, how do Chinese one,s work? Oh good it,s red, let’s go!

    That's a silly, fatuous, infantile and culturally ignorant comment. Traffic lights are universal. Cultural identifiers are culturally unique. 


    Sorry, nice try on the ignorance, but let's mark it down as a failure shall we.

  8. This seems like a regular occurrence in Thailand regarding Chinese tourists. I believe it's a cultural misunderstanding situation. 


    The colour red in China is nothing but positive: good luck, good fortune, vitality, beauty, happiness, success...


    When a Chinese person sees a red flag on a beach, it's very possible, even likely, they think it a positive sign. Safe swimming.


    White symbolizes death or mourning and this should be the colour of flags on the beaches with the word Chinese on it.   


    Chinese people would see this and interpret it as danger. Problem lessened, if not solved. 


    It's so easy.


    • Like 1
  9. I've been drunk enough to forget the previous evenings shenanigans more times than I care to remember - pun intended. 


    However, one time was actually a little scary. 


    I was away on business and I woke up in my hotel room the following morning. I looked around and there was some woman's clothes around: jeans, shirt, shoes, jacket, purse etc.


    I had no memory at all.


    I looked in the woman's purse. Her wallet was there, lots of cash, driver's license, credit cards etc etc. Everything was in order. She was really a looker too! And married! But...she was gone. All the towels and blankets were in the room and she was gone.


    She left the room bare-naked. She had to have done so. Everything she owned was in my room and none of my clothes were missing. She didn't leave wrapped in a blanket or towel cuz they were all accounted for.


    I gathered her belongings when I left and dropped them at the front counter telling the staff someone would likely be around to collect it at some point. Then I left.


    I never found out what happened. To this day I am completely in the dark. I was worried. If she showed up dead in an alley, God forbid, I was the last person she was with. 


    A week or so later a colleague stayed at the same hotel and casually asked about the bag that was left. The front counter staff said a woman picked it up the next day. 



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