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Everything posted by Cereal

  1. There should be a Darwin Award for the stupidest questions.
  2. I find the fact in the story that "over 50 Kuwaitis attacked 1 Thai man" a little hard to believe.
  3. The article says there was a broken helmet nearby. What kind of helmet? Was the chin strap fastened. Too many times, more often than not it seems, I see motorbike riders wearing helmets that look like they are from a young boys first tool set. Or having a cheap crappy open face helmet with the chin strap dangling down. Wear helmets everyone. Good helmets that fit properly. They save lives.
  4. Maybe the Swedish guy has some sort of diplomatic immunity.
  5. I don't think Thai men are eagerly pursuing foreign women for two main reasons. Foreign women are not interested in Thai men. And, Thai men are insanely insecure and take rejection not at all politely or nicely. It's a huge loss of face. I've been here a long time and have never met a foreign woman, Thai/Lao man couple.
  6. From my nearly 2 decades of experience here, this describes most local men. Imagine getting into an argument because someone walked in front of you. The argument almost assuredly preceded the insult.
  7. So, dude demands sex and is refused. He then threatens to kill the baby, followed immediately by the mother buggering off leaving the baby behind. What mother would do that? The guy is guilty, but the mother is not 100% innocent in my opinion.
  8. I get it. I don't agree with it, but I absolutely get it. You take a man who feels he has nothing to live for and nothing to lose, and push him past his breaking point, this kind of tragedy can happen. My wife pushed me to the limit a couple of years back. I didn't snap, but it got waaayyyyy to close for comfort. Typical rhetoric spouted too often to too many, "Get out. I get everything. You get nothing. You are falang." I lawyered up instead. $150 and 30 minutes of his time and my wife understood. We were legally married here so if we get divorced it is 50/50. That's the law. Sell everything and split the money. She'd lose her dream house and never be able to afford a replacement. I would be better off financially with a new girlfriend half her age. This is harsh I know, but it is reality. Anyway, she calmed down when she realized it isn't 100% hers and 0% mine. Turns out, menopause crashed down on her in one gigantic swoop. A trip to a top notch doctor in Thailand who knew what to do and it's better now. Thankfully 🙂
  9. To all the people upset about this, relax, because everything will change in a couple of months.
  10. Just because they found their luggage does not mean it was full of clothes and sundry. When you go to Walmart to buy a new Piece of luggage do you expect it to be full of clothes and such?
  11. The article mentions eye witness accounts. Who would stand by and witness a rape without intervening?
  12. It's her fault for having a damaged passport. Just from reading the story it seems most unlikely she was unaware of the damage. Many people don't realize that you do not own your passport. It is the property of the issuing government, and they allow you to use it on their behalf. This is why it's illegal for a business to demand your passport for holding. I never allow that. I'll let them take a picture of it, a photocopy of it, a scan of it, but I never hand it over and pick it up later when I return the motorbike I rented, for example. A damaged passport is not acceptable. The rules are clear. If a person doesn't know this, perhaps they shouldn't be traveling.
  13. The rules regarding passports are clear and ubiquitous; they must be undamaged. A 1 cm tear on the most important page is significant damage. The questions are. When was it damaged? How long did the woman know it was damaged. Why didn't she do something about it when the passport was first damaged? I spent 10 years in the airline business, I seen passengers refused for a lot less damage than that.
  14. Something sounds off about this story. Maybe it's the mentioning that the farang was 45 and his Thai girlfriend was 48? Who dates older women here? I'm being facetious of course.
  15. I don't eat beans for the taste. I eat them for the results! 🙂
  16. Charged for online revenge? Well, I suppose that is not too surprising considering it comes from the same country that has a criminal charge for crimes committed after dark!
  17. Instead of the reporting simply saying foreigner I would like to see his name, nationality and a copy of his passport in print and picture. Foreigner, is too broad. fact, every non-Thai in Thailand is a foreigner!
  18. You are absolutely right about this. It's all import and export leakage. Relatively little money actually makes its way into the Thai economy and the huge majority of jobs that are created are low end hotel positions. Which again, do little to help the Thai economy.
  19. I don't mean to victim blame, but who leaves their purse containing a lot of money and other valuable things within easy reach in a bar while they go out to a food stall to buy something?
  20. The only thing that surprised me in the article was the part about the hospital being prepared for the possibility of an emergency because of the festivities. Proactively engaged! Now that, is surprising.
  21. At least once every dengue season, government officials come by all the houses to check for standing water. We always get a pass because of the standing pots full of fish. It's the buckets and tires full of water etc. that are a problem.
  22. Clearly her appeals to the cops didn't involve - ahem - gifts.
  23. A problem is the height of balcony rails. In Canada, standard height is 107cm and in Thailand it is between 90 - 100 cm. As we male falangs tend to be much taller than the average Thai (Canadians avg. 178cm and Thai 168cm) it's very easy to imagine accidental falls happening. So, the difference could be 27cm or more. That is a huge amount. Falling over that height is like tripping over a curb. It happens. I always approach a railing on a Thai balcony with care. Booze doesn't help of course, nor do drugs.
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