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Posts posted by MisterTee

  1. 10 hours and 7 minutes, with 4 posts in this thread after I issued the challenge, and Seastallion still can not condemn the killing of an 18 year old kid.

    Makes you wonder how he felt about what happened to Rachel Corrie...

    I didn't see or recognise your "challenge".

    Why should i condemn the killing of a person, whatever age, who knowingly is aiding and abetting the occupiers?

    If he was duped by his family or rabbi into thinking he was doing good in a safe environment, then I'm sorry for him, and condemn whoever it was that duped him.

    I've yet to see any Israeli apologists condemning the extra-judicial killing of HUNDREDS (if not THOUSANDS) of Palestinian teenagers.

    Nonetheless, RIP and condolences to his family.

    I'm sure that there are many moved by your hollow utterances.

    Give it up, dude.

    Your goofy posts are an embarrassment.

  2. What do you want, compensation or the removal of the photo?

    Either way, try to get a good lawyer and go for it.

    A company like Wall's would very likely be intimidated by the threat of a negative publicity campaign.

  3. I'd like to see the USA apologize and bring all its troops home. Leave those countries to their culture. No more American blood should be wasted over there, leave the countries and their population to their fate.

    I tend to agree with you. The Afghans don't seem to have the will or the ability to defeat the Taliban themselves, so just pull out and let them take over. The Afghans who don't like the Taliban will simply move to Germany and leave the medieval fanatics behind.

    Those Afghans who can will leave but most will live with the new reality.

    It won't be the first time.

    Afghans are tough and adaptable... as anyone who has travelled in their country knows.

    It's not that they don't have the will or the ability to defeat the Taliban.

    They won't do it as part of what they see as an American takeover of their country.

  4. If Palestinians stopped the bombing/stabbings/rockets and other terrorism, they would not have these problems. They are there own worst enemies.

    Maybe if the Israelis gave back stolen land, it might help too?

    this land is as stolen as, for example, Saipan island, which was conquered by US during the WWII.

    but Us left-liberal mafia wants to have a Palestinian pistol at the Israeli temple (in order to control mighty Jewish diaspora all over the World) - that's why it does not allow to get rid of people who are not Israeli citizen.

    Palestinians want to have a state? perfect! send them all to the Palestinian territory.

    "...US left-liberal mafia wants to have a Palestinian pistol at the Israeli temple [in order to control mighty Jewish diaspora all over the world]..."

    That's a farrago of nonsense by anybody's reckoning.

  5. Wait until she is in a good mood then talk to her about HRT.

    HRT can help with her moods, can help improve her general health and can keep her skin and hair looking better for longer.

    There are some downsides too, so read up on it and go to see a specialist.

    If she won't listen to you, could your grown up children back you up? They must also be concerned about their mother's health.

    Thanks for that helpful reply.

    Certainly HRT is something worth considering.

  6. " We own our own home and five rental houses that provide us with a living"

    ​And legally, they all belong to her and not you.

    Be honest, it would be too expensive to leave her.

    Suck it up Dude and deal with it.

    We all get older and go through changes.

    If she was a good wife for all of those years,

    you owe her some respect , consideration, and compassion.

    It is all not really about just you.

    P.S., Yes, my wife and I are going through the same thing.

    We are dealing with it together.

    Yes, I'm trying to deal with it.

    The real estate isn't the prime concern, but it certainly is one of them.

    "...respect, consideration, and compassion." Good advice... thanks for the response.

  7. My wife of almost 30 years is experiencing the symptoms of menopause.

    The thing that I find most difficult to deal with is her chronic irritability. Have any members been faced with a similar problem, and if so, how did you handle the situation?

    The obvious solution would be to leave her; but that's not an option in my case, for several reasons. First and foremost is that we have two grown children who have turned out very well and are pursuing successful careers on their own. Although they are no longer dependent on us, a breakup of our marriage would likely have a profound negative effect upon them.

    In addition to that, we have our own home and five rental houses that provide us with a living.

    An adult lifetime of shared experiences - good and bad - isn't something I can put an end to easily.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  8. Why is this a 'victory for justice'?

    He is avoiding an arrest warrant.

    Does this mean that everyone in the world should just walk into any embassy and say 'keep me up in your Embassy (free hotel) because I do not want to fight this legal case in a court of law because I might get extradited to another country because I have broken their laws'.

    No, he was wanted for questioning. He had already been questioned in Sweden. We all know this had nothing to do with the allegations and all about Wikileaks. He would have ended up

    in the next cell to Chelsea Manning for 30 years.

    NO. He was not just wanted for questioning. He had an arrest warrant and fully approved extradition against him. Please see the following timeline!


    14 August Assange invited to Stockholm to address seminar by the Social Democrats Brotherhood Movement, staying at apartment of Miss A. The two reportedly have sex that night.

    17 August Assange reportedly has sex with Miss W, a woman he met at the seminar on August 14.

    17-20 August Both women share concerns over their sexual encounters.

    20 August The Swedish prosecutors office issues an arrest warrant for Assange, for two separate allegations of rape and molestation.

    18 November Stockholm district court approves a request to detain the WikiLeaks founder for questioning, on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion.

    20 November An international arrest warrant for Assange is issued by Swedish police via Interpol.

    30 November Interpol issues a red notice for Assange.

    8 December Assange presents himself to London police. He is remanded in custody after an extradition hearing.

    14 December Protesters demonstrate outside Londons City of Westminster magistrates court, where Assange is appearing on an extradition warrant. He is granted bail on security of £200,000 to court and guarantee of two sureties of £20,000. Two hours later, Swedish authorities challenge decision to grant bail. Assange is kept in custody.

    16 December Granted bail after supporters pay £240,000 cash and sureties.


    7 February An extradition hearing begins at Belmarsh magistrates court. Later in the month the court rules for extradition to Sweden.

    3 March Assanges lawyers say they have lodged papers at the high court for an appeal against the ruling.

    12 July Assange launches his appeal. His QC, Ben Emmerson, argues the European arrest warrant that led to his clients arrest contained fundamental misstatements of what had occurred in Stockholm last August.

    13 July Judges reserve judgment on the appeal.

    2 November Assange loses his appeal. He says he will consider his next steps in the days ahead.


    30 May UK supreme court upholds the high court decision, rules that extradition is lawful and can go ahead.

    14 June The supreme court rejects a move by Assange to reopen his appeal against his extradition, saying it was without merit. He has until 28 June to ask European judges in Strasbourg to postpone extradition on the basis he has not had a fair hearing from the UK courts.

    19 June Assange enters the Ecuadorian embassy in London, requesting political asylum.

    It wa a classic honeytrap, the first woman arranged for the trip , invited Assange to stay at her flat, agreed to have sex, then after the alleged rape, she arranged a party for him and let him stay at her flat for another week ! The allegations of the complainants are not credible and were dismissed by the senior Stockholm prosecutor as not worthy of further investigation.

    That sums it up very well.

    It was indeed a classic honey trap.

  9. In the US to make a wrong turn can just place you in a dangerous spot.

    When I moved to San Jose in California in the 90s, I visited Palo Alto. A very expensive and classy area of the city with most houses over a couple million dollars, the Stanford University, and very famous residents. That was Palo Alto, but on the west side of the freeway. In the other side, just crossing a small bridge over the road, was Palo Alto East, a real ghetto, and considered one of the most dangerous areas in the country. Full of dilapidated houses and streets. I got there for mistake, and had very scary moments...just looking around.

    Police was posted in the west side of the bridge monitoring who was crossing it. A real border...and a reality that most Americans do not know...or do not want to talk about. You can be at the wrong place....at the wrong time, very easily in the US.

    GPS is great for avoiding those situations.

    Moving to another country is even better.

  10. Should this Palestinian eruption be called an Intifada?

    As Hillary Clinton might say -- what difference does it make what it's called ... something is happening.

    As the situation there is polarized, so will the reaction here.

    The experts in the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the IDF, as well as media analysts, continue to argue over the definition. What should we call the violence? Intifada? Not an intifada? Grassroots terror? Stone intifada? The sad truth is that the name doesn't matter. What's important is the reality, and no less important - the recognition of that reality.

    And the reality is that the West Bank and Jerusalem are burning. They have been burning for several months, even for as long as a year.


    Why are the West Bank and Jerusalem "burning"?

    Is it because they are essentially occupied territories?

  11. Not only were the Afghan and US forces informed of the coordinates well before the attack, they were notified during the attack that they were attacking a hospital and still continued the attack. Those in their correct minds will continue to call for independent investigation into what appears to be a deliberate attack and therefore a war crime. Of course we all know nothing will come of it except some very low ranking Pvt. etc. will be the scape goat, if that. After all the infamous war criminals Cheney/Bush et al are still walking around free instead of being in GitMo where they belong. http://www.latimes.com/world/afghanistan-pakistan/la-fg-doctors-without-borders-20151004-story.html

    Good post.

    Well-considered and concise.

    Similar incidents have happened so many times before and nobody of any consequence has been punished.

    The outcome is predictable.

  12. And, how is it that you are qualified and competent to make a "psychiatric" diagnosis ?

    Does she say she has a problem ? Is she asking for help ?


    Good point.

    Almost every woman I ever met turned out to be a whack job.

    You can't help them all, and trying to help usually gets you accused of stalking or worse, so just walk away.

    Your first line could be qualified as, "Almost every woman I ever met" - in a bar, or wandering around rootless in foreign countries - "turned out to be a whack job."

    Your second line is on the money.

  13. It may well be that driving a wedge between Israel and USA might be the best action of Obama's reign.

    Obsessive Israel demonizers and/or Iranian regime lovers don't be dancing in the streets just yet. While it is true the USA - Israel love affair is going through a rough patch it's only a temporary glitch. A new president is coming and with her the relationship will be quickly repaired.

    The US-Israel love affair is on the rocks and it will take more than the election of Hillary Clinton to rekindle the passion.

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