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Posts posted by klubex99

  1. Thailand's not a third world country.

    These are third world countries, check it : http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/third_world.htm

    Thailand is third world, yet they managed to shake off being registered as a third world country in an official capacity a few years back.

    The vast majority of the population are living in abject poverty. They don't have enough to eat and Thailand is still receiving UN assistance and is still registered and receiving help from The World Food Program. Meaning Thailand is still unable (or unwilling) to feed its people.

    They still receive donations from places like Japan and S Korea who donate infrastructure.

    Tens of millions still have no running water, mains electricity or flushing toilets in their homes.

    You need to get out of your condo more, and go up to Isaan and away from the main roads where a lot still live just like the Burmese.

  2. The wife has been following a lot of chatter on the Thai web boards lately about a new strategy being harnessed by some Thai housing development companys.

    Apparently one company started to give a free car away with every new house purchase on some random project. Of course, the full price of the car is added to the price of the house, and some on top. The developer buys the car and when you sign the deeds to the house and the sale is complete, the car is transferred to the buyers name and owns it outright.

    This is said to be working well? Why??

    Because this is Thailand.

    No, I am not going to say that the Thai people are gullible, and fall for this cheap trick. More because they can put down a deposit of 250,000 baht on the house and get a mortgage and the car is the cherry on top that the lender will probably not realize, then said borrower can then default on the mortgage and have the house repossessed by the lender and of course, the car is theirs..... lol The lender is then lumbered with a house that couldn't even sell for 1.5 million with about 2.25 million of debt tied into it.

    Apparently according to the wife, lots of other developers are copying the idea.

    I wonder how long it will be before this is made into a criminal action?

    If developers are having a tough time selling all their new stock, why don't they give it a rest for a while? There are new houses around here that have been built for 8 years and still standing empty, not 1 or 2, I am talking about more than 50% of a moo baan. They are looking grey and on the verge of decay already with gardens 3 feet high in weeds. Hardly an appealing sight for a prospective buyer.

    Thailand has become so over-developed recently with housing projects that it is creating its own slump. But still they build and build and build some more. Can't they see that they are digging a big hole for their industry to slide into? I suppose once the industry is completely in the hole, they can sand it over and build some more houses on it smile.png

    I mean.... It's coming to something when they have to resort to this sort of scam just to offload their current over-stock.

    One of the many things that keep me entertained in Thailand. smile.pngsmile.png

  3. And they want a Singapore to China line?

    Haha, the weak link in the entire system will be shown to be in Thailand on a repetitive basis. Then Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam and China can see just what sort of a tin pot country this is run like.... Lets hope they get the message of this international loss of face on a constant basis wakes them up to the reality that this over-bloated sense of pride of their own Thai identity is totally insular and in reality they are just fooling themselves.

    Self praise is no praise at all.

    Do you think anyone will be riding the high speed service without shitting themselves all the way? Thais included. With the amount of derailments here one at high speed will be carnage, and I would put money on it happening within 6 months of opening. Flying NokAir would be safer. and even that is iffy.

  4. Another let’s see:

    The OP has made 2 posts.

    In his first post (dated 12th August) he said “I mysellf am from Belgium and allready 11 years happily married to a lady from Yasothorn (East-Thailand)”.

    In his second post (this one) he states that he knows a thai lady from a dating site and she has asked the OP for money for a sick motorbike story.

    So his first post contradicts his second post.

    I smell a troll.

    Simple due diligence exposes the bullshit.

  5. Sounds like 7 months down the pan, at least you can delete her and move on to the next till they ask for cash.

    40,000 Bhat for a broken arm? She is lying to you. If a Thai can't afford private healthcare they use a government hospital at 30 baht a visit.

    Why are they going private if they have to ask for 40,000 from a farang they never met? are they all hi-so now that their daughter has hooked one on the internet??

    If this is not a troll post and I doubt it, I would run a mile and then some more to make sure.

  6. My wife has been driving for over 10 years and I view her driving skills as the same as a (just passed my test) standard of driver.

    She panics in situations that should not panic her. She seems very nervous overtaking a truck or bus (I actually do here). But she will make as much distance between us and the truck. Even if it means almost hitting the central reservation.

    But the best of all, is when we were over in the UK last year, we were at a late party and she agreed to drive home so I could have a good drink and a knees up (she doesn't drink). We left the party at about 1.30am and the drive was typical rural English country roads, lots of bends and hills albeit totally deserted at that time. It was only about 6 miles to where we were staying. Man.... I had to throw her out of the car at a junction just a mile into the drive and turn into the really back roads where no police ever go to get us home.

    She said that it was the most difficult driving she had ever done. But to me, I find English country driving the best fun ever.

    To me, driving in Thailand is so simple and boring only kept a little exciting by the other terrible Thai drivers which are like loose canons.

    Please... No self righteous comments about drink driving, or 'you should have taken a taxi' This was in the heart of the Cotswolds and the nearest taxi is like 20 miles away and won't come out that far for a 6 mile trip, unless you pay them like £30, so everyone around there drink drives out of necessity, even the off duty police and the local vicar.

    So come on.... be honest, how do you truthfully rate your wife/GF's driving?

  7. A blood test as soon as possible is the way to go, and ask the path lab to take a second sample for a toxicology test.

    If there are chemicals in there that should not be, then you have your evidence enough to have the restaurant visited by the police and samples taken from the bar equipment.

    Even cleaning won't remove every last trace of a chemical and I doubt they do anything more than swill it out with water.

    Even the Bangkok police would not be happy with this kind of accusation.

    If anything, it will scare the shit out of the restaurant and more importantly, the barman. Especially if you get the Bangkok media the story.

  8. If you ever see a snake with orange, black and white hoops all the way down its body sticking out of a bush. That could be the famous won ton ton snake. The best way to deal with it is to grab it by the end of the tail and run your other hand up the full length of its body, thus breaking all its bones and rendering it harmless.

    Just make sure that your arm doesn't disappear up the arse of a Bengal Tiger.

    Then you 'are' in trouble.


    • Like 1
  9. If he grows rice on it for ten years, he can legally claim the land.

    Just in-case you didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ....

    Yes I know what he said.

    klubex99 ... apologies.

    My wording could be mis-read thus clumsy on my behalf.

    Not directed at you (per se) ... but for the wider audience.


    Just in-case you anyone didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ....

    No worries David.

    I understand what you meant now.

    I wasn't angry mate ;)

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  10. What's the big deal? the land id probably more attractive with the rice on it anyway.

    Live and let live. Why not make the guy into an ally and have a harvest party when the time comes.

    Because it puts off buyers when the land is squatted. Its hardly attractive unless there is a transferable agreement between squatter and new buyer. People don't want to buy land with squatters on it that they can't use till his rice has grown and been harvested.

    Read the first post again. Would you buy a house with squatters in it and you would have to wait months before you can get their gear out of it? Or even end up having a squatter possibly mad at you for unsettling them?

    It is easy to to say it is no big deal when it is not your problem, if one day it is your problem, then chances are you would be a lot angrier than I am, and I am actually calm about it..... Just think it is a bit cheeky in a 'takes the piss' sort of way.

    The wife is over there now with the in-laws to discuss it with him. She will be in communication with the new prospective buyer also to come to an agreement that all is happy with.

    We are prepared to be accommodating but If the guy wants to be awkward, then we will rethink our position and probably go for eviction. That land is private property in the eyes of the law and has a sign up saying the land is for sale with phone number, and this guy made no attempt to ask for permission and the law states that he must ask for permission from the owners.

    He knows the family that sold us the land, he knows we bought it in Feb and he knows how to contact us. He didn't bother. he is the one in the tricky situation... not us.

    We own the land and we own the crops on it, because he made no effort to ask to use the land. That is apparent for all to see. He knows it is not owned by someone in BKK because we called the guy who cleared our land and he told us that the guy is well aware that the land is owned by a woman with farang husband from Korat.

    I am waiting for more details anyway. I am calm about it and willing to resolve this in a friendly manner, but I am also prepared to make decisions that are not in his favour if he wants to take the piss.

    Nothing 'farang mafia' about it. Just protecting what is ours. If he wants to try to be intimidating, then he can go ahead. I fight fire with fire. But he is messing with the wrong people when it comes to my in-laws. they are not simple village folk, they are city folk and are lets say, very well connected. There won't be any problems for us. Only him.

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  11. If he grows rice on it for ten years, he can legally claim the land.

    Just in-case you didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ...


    Yes I know what he said. We only bought the land in Feb. Up till 2 years ago the owner was farming it. Then she split it up and gave it to her kids and they are the ones who live in BKK (well the ones we bought our bit off anyway), because they had to come up from BKK to do the transfer at the land office.

    There was a lot of over-growth on the land (2 years worth) that we cleared and made it look nice and pretty again. Then this guy pounced on it. This is his first year squatting. i can assure everyone of that.

    I know Thailand is a crazy place, but there is no way land is being sold to another person via all the legal channels, only to find out a squatter has a claim on it afterwards, don't you think that would show up at the land office? That is fairytale stuff. If that loophole does exist i can assure everyone, the guy would have to be on it for 10 years+ and also have his claim registered.

    The land office would not allow the sale if there was a squatter owning it. And equally the squatter can't turn up after the sale and say.... 'hey, i have farmed that land 12 years' so it is mine. It doesn't work like that... not even here.

    No matter how many backhanders and bungs are going around in the land office.... It just doesn't work like that. Corruption is rife, but there is still a legal system in place, that won't have been paid off.


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  12. Fair go to the opportunistic rice planter. If only one of the landowners finds out, he is still making a decent, tax free income whilst providing a commodity. Why would he kill that goose by spending money and buying his own land? Maybe he's not Thai and can't own land and totally blagging what passes for a 'system' in LOS.

    Depending on how high up the local agriculture office totem pole the OP's wife is, she may find there's someone in the same office, or the land office that's getting a tidy bung from the gypsy rice planter. Just a thought.

    Now that I have calmed down a bit, I spent the last half an hour thinking that it is quite an innovative idea if you invest in a tractor and harvester, you could hunt down as much land as you wanted and plant it, spread out all over the place, who knows how endless your empire could become. Maybe 30% will hit you up for 50/50, but you still got to reap the benefits from 70%.

    Like PoorSucker said earlier, maybe you could be planting on a lot of that land for 10 years and have a right on it.

    Its a low start up semi risky business with huge potentials from many directions.

  13. Well we have an update.

    The MIL said that if we wait too long he has full claim to the rice, but can be taken to court and land owner may get something out of it (hardly worth it for 12 rai's worth) or if we act now we have 50% claim to it.

    The missus just got off the phone to his wife, and she said that they thought that the owners lived in BKK and the land looked very nice with water etc... So they planted the whole 48 rai there. Which doesn't sound right to me, because the people we bought it off still own the other 36 rai and they live in the next village to this guy, they do have most of the family and co owners of the land living down in BKK but the parents are up here.

    Anyway, his wife has asked us to come and gin khao tomorrow at their house. The wife and MIL will go there. Don't know what's on their mind, but we told her the land is for sale and that is that. Whatever deal gets agreed with us will be applied to the new buyers. I think that is the best way to do it.

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  14. I think that perhaps you should research rice cultivation in Thailand a bit more. The average yield per rai is about 475 kilograms, so if you were able to sell all your rice to the government at the pledge price of ฿15 per kilogram (doubtful) you would net ฿85,500 and that's before you paid the labourers to harvest it. The reason this squatter has not bought any land is because he can't aford it.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Well whatever. I thought it was about a ton per rai, but I wouldn't really know. maybe I was thinking ton per acre. But a bonus for the buyer anyway. But if these stories are true and this guy is planting illegally on possibly over 100 rai, then I think he can afford to buy a bit each year.

    The MIL also works in the local government agricultural office. She is finding out our rights. MIL is the most angry.... lol.

    My wife has managed to chase down the guy's wife's mobile number and is going to call her.

    This should be interesting.

  15. We have about 12 rai of land about 45KM from where we live.

    We bought it for something, but soon after found something even better for our needs and closer. So we put the land up for sale. We got the land cheap at 60K / rai and the true valuation because it has good road to it, all year water and electricity there, makes it around 90K / rai. So we thought, nice bit of quick profit.

    We have taken a few buyers up to see it, and today someone called to go up and view it. When the wife got up there with the buyer, they saw that someone was growing rice on it. We paid money to have the land cleared and tidied to make it an very attractive sell, and this guy just squatted his rice on there without asking permission from us.

    The wife and MIL asked a few people around the nearby village who was growing on our land? and apparently it is some local guy who looks for good land that is not planted and plants on it, he has done about 50 rai in the area with our land and has is doing this all over the place. He never asks permission and is making millions baht a year.

    With all the money he makes you would think that he would have the decency to start using to buy land for himself instead of taking the piss. I get the feeling many locals are intimidated by him. I say rent a tractor and rip it all up.

    Anyway, i simply told the missus, contact the buyer and tell them the rice is included free in the sale, should get a nice bonus of about 180K baht from the 12 rai. If it doesn't sell by harvest time, I will pay the biggest, and ugliest villain I can find with a tractor to harvest it on a 50/50 split. then use the money to fence the land off. I know just the chaps as well. I doubt this guy will mess with them. they are a bit of a mob.

  16. Not surprising that for the length of time this thread has been started that the usual Anti Thaksin suspects have steered clear. Whatever spin the Admiral puts on this , in truth it has been yet another pathetic abject failure. Similar to Pitak Siam The white Masks etc. People were free to attend and two men and a dog turned up.

    People are voting with there feet and the vast majority of Thais dont want a return to an Amaat instructed military government running the country and emptying the coffers. A reality check is required for those that cannot see the writing is on the wall. Thaksin is their leader and offers far more opportunity for a better life than those who claim they know whats best for them. Your silence on this thread is an acceptance of the future and maybe an acceptance that most Thais dont think remotely like you.

    Thank god for small mercies.

  17. "......................This is a 95% Buddhist country. If soldiers just took it upon themselves to camp in front of a temple full of women and children, with police filming it, then indiscriminately fire shots at people inside killing 6 including medical personnel want their heads examined..................."

    Quote from klubex99, #28.

    You are of course right, they do indeed need their "heads examined" because that is more or less exactly what they did.

    Not only do the soldiers and officers concerned need their "heads examined" , in my opinion they, and their officers, need to be brought to justice in a civilian court and tried for murder.

    If it is all as straightforward and conclusive as the courts deem. Then surely more than 3 years to conclude this is equally bizarre. However, dragging this out to release this conclusion with the timing it has been given seems to smack of 'set up'.

    But to round up these soldiers and convict them, they would need to have the bullet match on the guns and a name to put to that gun. This is equally straightforward and IMHO necessary to get a conviction. Unless they are going to bypass the trigger pullers and go for the commanding officers.

    With a sniff of 'coup' already in the air, I doubt that would be a very clever move.

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