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Posts posted by klubex99

  1. Hi.

    My friend has come over for 2 weeks to LOS for Songkran, and as we know, that is now done... So now we are going to take him to other parts of Thailand.

    I live in Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat). and we are going to have a look at Krabi... Now we have already booked the hotel for 4 days from Thurs 18th which according to most of the tripadvisor reviews is a really good hotel, but is very remote and is very costly to get to civilization, on top of which, the bar and restaurant close at 9pm.. which is not really good for us, as we like to get the most out of the time we are there, not to mention what normally would be a 100 baht tuk tuk ride in Korat, is a 500 baht fare from the hotel to get anywhere decent.

    We were going to drive from Korat to BKK and park the car and fly to Krabi which is about 18,000 for the 3 of us. So what I have decided is the best thing is to instead of driving to BKK and take the flight, we will leave on Weds 17th and drive to say Hua Hin and stay at a hotel there, then the next morning, drive the rest of ythe way to Krabi, then on Mon 22nd drive back up to BKK, but spend 2 days doing it and stay at hotels on the way.... we only need to get to BKK on Weds 24th, and drop our friend at Sauvanabhumi for his flight home, after that we can make our way back to Korat at our own leisure.

    So basically, what we save in the 18,000 in air fares will cover the petrol costs and most of the hotel bills, but will give us 3 extra days holiday, allow us to see a lot more, and I really don't mind the driving.

    What I want to know, is, can anyone please recommend where to stay en-route on the way down to krabi (1 night) and from Krabi to BKK (2 nights). We really want to show our friend some of the best parts of Thailand while he is with us. The main reason for turning this into a driving trip, is so we have the convenience of the car while we are in Krabi.

    Thanks in Advance.

  2. Go home dude, there are so many traps waiting to snare you on this kind of deal. Agencies are well know not to deliver on their promises and pay here in thailand. What if you get sick or have an accident ??? Being broke-homeless in your home country is much preferable to being broke-homeless in thailand. I get the feeling partying and pussy is really all you are interested in rather than actually being a teacher, you might want to think about the school and kids involved here before yourself.

    Go Home Quickly they might be thinking of selling in White Slavery I known you are a male. But this happens to your Farang Males they are sold to old old Chinese women and kept as sex slaves.

    You still need a work permit to be a sex slave.

  3. Hi.

    I have had a good hunt around, but I can't find any online car insurance comparison website.

    Is there such a thing in Thailand?

    If not. I want to insure my first car in Thailand. The car is a Ford Focus, 1 year old, it came with the usually free 1 year cover when I bought it, now my first renewal is due.

    Anyone have any recommendations?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. It seems that many here either have short memories or were too young (or not even born) to remember what the UK was like before Thatcher.

    Unions always on strike; usually for no reason other than the ego of their 'leaders'; Scargill's strike being a prime example.

    Strikes which their members didn't want, but had to go along with from fear of the bully boy pickets and other intimidation.

    Strikes which destroyed industries in which Britain used to be world leaders; car making, ship building etc. as customers took their custom to countries where they knew their orders would be filled on time and within budget.

    It was the unions which destroyed the UK's industries; if governments prior to Thatcher's had had her balls and stood up to the power hungry union leaders who cared little for their members but a lot about their own power and egos, then this country might still have a manufacturing base to be proud of.

    Fantastic post.

    You hit the nail right on the head.

    The unions destroyed our industry, 3 men to do 1 mans job, try to change it and they all walk off the job... So Thatcher did what i would have done.. destroy the unions.

    She brought in poll tax, most people hated her for it. Then it got changed to council tax... then the same people started moaning that it was unfair to charge the same for a house with 1 man living in it, as a house with 5 people living in it, and they started whining that it should a based on the number of people.... erm... that's poll tax isn't it?

    She allowed anyone to buy their own council house and started a great property boom.

    She built Britain back up from the absolute shit it was in from the labour and union days.. Then labour gets in to power in the most prosperous British economy for decades and blew every penny on wasteful pet projects.

    RIP Maggie, you will be missed and remembered with fondness by the educated people of Britain at least.

    • Like 2
  5. As one reporter put it, to actually press the button would be suicidal ! Its all about gaining political power and position in North Korea.

    I absolutely agree. It would be very suicidal, but a dying nation (and that's what it is) left with one ace in their hand, and a clearly stupid leader (and yes he is) a programmed population, 1.2 million armed forces 90% of which within a few miles of the DMZ and a reserve of 8 million, which I believe represents all males between 16 and 60. A munition stockpile which is reported to be one of the largest in the world (thanks to the Chinese and Russians). Thousands of tanks and heavy artillery of every size and description. And lastly of course their nukes and possibly dirty bombs.

    The vast majority of all this is poised as it has been for years right along the border.

    I think that the regime will be wiped out, and we all know that immature twerp and his top military know it themselves. But do they even care? Who knows what is really going on in their pea brains.

    Maybe the best they think that can come of it, is that they know for a fact they can inflict massive casualties against SK and the US bases. Never underestimate what their capabilities are. They can have massive amounts of forces in Seoul in an hour. Can you imagine the barrage from a million screaming lunatics armed to the teeth with little or no fear of death and with the belief that they can win?

    In the build up to almost ALL conflicts, the public always underestimates the task of the job. I have heard so many times... The US will flatten them, they seem to think there will be no resistance. I would be very surprised if the US and SK can overcome an attack of such a huge magnitude.

    The problem here, is that most people seem to be laboring under the misunderstanding that NKs military has out-dated equipment. On the contrary, they have very sophisticated and very modern conventional weapons. Considering they have been spending more than 20% of their GDP for years on their military, and it aint being spent on food.

    If they do go all out, then I think people are going to be shocked to the extreme at the size of the bloodbath. It could well end up with NK occupying SK for some time and forcing the allies to fight them on the streets of their ally. Making it very long and drawn out.

    They can easily soften up the US by pummeling their SK bases into submission. They may be lunatics, but they are not daft. I don't think that Thailand will be at risk, even if the US uses this place as a base. NK won't want to get stretched thinly, they will want to stay concentrated.

    Just my honest opinion.

    and how do you figure NK could sustain a drawn out war.

    you need money, and friends to purchase goods to continue restocking your weapons.

    you say they could be in seoul in an hour, are you even remotely aware of the fortifications on the border, do you think south korea with Americas backing over the years has just been setting up noodle shops.

    Wars are expensive in the long run, NK does not have the means to fight for long.

    Lol.... Exactly the type of attitude I was pointing out in my post.

    For starters... 60 years of stockpiling weapons, they have enough to go for years. Don't make the mistake that they are just armed with catapults... They got it all, probably 100 times more firepower than the US and SK have on that border.

    They don't need friends to help them, but some may end up getting dragged into it.

    Most of those fortifications are NK. The US and SK defenses can only stand up to so much. In a conventional war, they are no match for NK on the border. The allies are not ready for a massive ground assault. They may knock out a few hundred thousand, and that would be a massive task, but they will just keep coming.... remember, they are suicidal.

    No matter how many NK fall, they will be replaced very quickly, what do you think the US and SK are going to do? kill all 9 million? How will that look? Do you think that the US will do that? I don't. But I do believe that the North are determined and crazy enough to go all in.

    This superiority attitude makes me laugh. The allies will not be able to cope with the sheer volume, trust me on that. they are not bomb proof, and NK still have the ability to rain down 5000 shells a minute onto these defenses.

    You make it sound like the US and SK just need to push a few buttons and all the NK army will disappear.

    So naive my friend. This is not Baghdad where the US had it all organized for a year ahead of their invasion of Iraq. They won't get any warning from NK.

    Even the US military top brass admitted that a full assault would be very difficult to stop.

  6. And this time I'll be that jerk that feels it worth pointing out that you can get stitched up for "working" without a WP for your performance.

    Lol.... no way man.

    Why do some people have to try to pull the rug from under a nice post by trying to make out that Thailand is some sort of police state... He wasn't working... I suppose next time I am on the karaoke, I better check that nobody from immigration is around.

    Luckily Thais are a bit more sensible and able to recognize the difference between someone having a jam by request in a bar and performing as a booked act.

    Sheesh..... some farangs.

    • Like 2
  7. His bluff has been called.

    It's time to put up or shut up as the saying goes.

    Kim has put himself in a position that no Asian would ever hope to find themselves. He is about to lose face on a world stage in the worst possible way. The only way it could be worse is if his mommy pulled down his pants and publicly spanked him on television.

    Excellent post.

  8. As one reporter put it, to actually press the button would be suicidal ! Its all about gaining political power and position in North Korea.

    I absolutely agree. It would be very suicidal, but a dying nation (and that's what it is) left with one ace in their hand, and a clearly stupid leader (and yes he is) a programmed population, 1.2 million armed forces 90% of which within a few miles of the DMZ and a reserve of 8 million, which I believe represents all males between 16 and 60. A munition stockpile which is reported to be one of the largest in the world (thanks to the Chinese and Russians). Thousands of tanks and heavy artillery of every size and description. And lastly of course their nukes and possibly dirty bombs.

    The vast majority of all this is poised as it has been for years right along the border.

    I think that the regime will be wiped out, and we all know that immature twerp and his top military know it themselves. But do they even care? Who knows what is really going on in their pea brains.

    Maybe the best they think that can come of it, is that they know for a fact they can inflict massive casualties against SK and the US bases. Never underestimate what their capabilities are. They can have massive amounts of forces in Seoul in an hour. Can you imagine the barrage from a million screaming lunatics armed to the teeth with little or no fear of death and with the belief that they can win?

    In the build up to almost ALL conflicts, the public always underestimates the task of the job. I have heard so many times... The US will flatten them, they seem to think there will be no resistance. I would be very surprised if the US and SK can overcome an attack of such a huge magnitude.

    The problem here, is that most people seem to be laboring under the misunderstanding that NKs military has out-dated equipment. On the contrary, they have very sophisticated and very modern conventional weapons. Considering they have been spending more than 20% of their GDP for years on their military, and it aint being spent on food.

    If they do go all out, then I think people are going to be shocked to the extreme at the size of the bloodbath. It could well end up with NK occupying SK for some time and forcing the allies to fight them on the streets of their ally. Making it very long and drawn out.

    They can easily soften up the US by pummeling their SK bases into submission. They may be lunatics, but they are not daft. I don't think that Thailand will be at risk, even if the US uses this place as a base. NK won't want to get stretched thinly, they will want to stay concentrated.

    Just my honest opinion.

    • Like 1
  9. It is looking more and more imminent that North Korea are intending to fire one or two medium range ballistic missiles, according to the latest news that the US spy satellites have located them and they are already prepped for launch and expecte3d to go any time now. (not my words).

    My question is... Do you feel safe here in Thailand? I feel very safe myself, but just how far can this get out of hand. I know at the moment it is just a few countries, but look how WW11 escalated. Well beyond anyone's imagination back in 1939.

    Is it right to feel safe? or is it more justified to feel nervous?

  10. Of course, a full business plan would be too long for this website. I encourage everybody who is interested to apply Due Diligence.

    I'm not saying that this is real or a fraud, as I haven't checked it out myself. ThaiVisa will take no responsibility whatsoever, the lawyers make me say.

    I totally agree.

    But just to clarify things for the sake of misinterpretation, I am NOT asking for inverters for this project.

    I have stumped up about $50,000 of my own money for this project.

    I am looking to see if there is anyone based over here with the contacts or experience in selling investment plots, someone with a financial adviser background perhaps. Just to handle the sales side of things.

    Nobody has to shell out any money, I already done that. So it is 'if anything' a golden opportunity for a joint venture with someone who already secured the assets...... ME!

    If anyone can lose here.... it's me.

    Anyway, I have had a few approaches and am moving forward albeit slowly.

    Worst case scenario... Lots of money for me in 5, 12 and 20 years.

  11. diddums, on 08 Apr 2013 - 20:54, said:

    klubex99, on 08 Apr 2013 - 20:52, said:

    hanuman2543, on 08 Apr 2013 - 20:40, said:
    Even there it is against the law, so you better keep quiet about this

    Load of rubbish..

    He made a security recording, he has every right to make a security recording.

    Anyone can make a security recording to protect their property or persons from a criminal act and they don't
    need anyone's permission.

    Yeah.....best get a signed agreement from the robber first.

    Tell her you will make her famous, and post it on facebook..

    Then put it on here and we will get it viral for you

    Make sure you hide the knives first.wink.png
  12. Even there it is against the law, so you better keep quiet about this

    Load of rubbish..

    He made a security recording, he has every right to make a security recording.

    Anyone can make a security recording to protect their property or persons from a criminal act and they don't

    need anyone's permission.

  13. Keep in mind that recording her without her knowledge and agreement is a criminal offence .

    Which ofcourse both she and her brother will be aware of, as they both have lawdegrees from Ramkamhaeng ! cheesy.gif

    Today is a public holiday, so all you barstoollawyers out there, take a rest and enjoy your day off.

    Reading helps, especially before you make a fool out of yourself.If you read the post carefully, then you will see that he wanted to show the recording to the police. They will know for sure and it will give her a chance to countersue him. But you should drink another beer and enjoy your holiday. whistling.gif

    I recorded her in my own home so I reckon it will be alright - if it was on the phone then i'd agree that its illegal as you need to tell them first.

    Anyway, I have not decided what to do yet - I met this girl in the street as she was getting into her car one night and I was getting into mine so I had no reason to think she was a scumbag or bargirl.

    I know a thai guy would not put up for this but its not my country and she is from this area that I live in so yes... I am scared of what she is capable of - think I value my life at more than 10,000b - I just hope that she does not try to get back inside my house again if the stupid deal is done.

    It would be just that.. a 'stupid deal'... Why?

    Because that's what blackmailers do. If you pay, they got you. You showed your hand that you are terrified of the consequences and give in and pay. Next month she will be back, next time maybe she wants more than 10K.

    But the weaker she thinks you are, the stronger she will think she is. I doubt she could resist it. Next time you may dig your heels in and call her bluff, but the outcome would just be the same if she was really serious about doing a job on you.

    I am sure you are allowed to use your mobile to record a crime in progress for the sake of evidence. I don't think the laws actually exist if the subject is a criminal in action. So don't be afraid to tell her you got it all recorded and tell her all your family have copies of it, AND TELL HER it's not illegal to record a criminal for evidence, unless of course she wants to challenge it in court.

    Job done.

    Edited to add.

    I just explained it to my wife, who says that you getting into trouble for recording the threats is a load of <deleted> (she speaks great English).. She said go straight to the police station and report it, nothing will happen to you, and she will almost certainly go to jail.

  14. So, the whore goes the long game, you spoil her plans, and now she wants recompense?

    Spend the 20k on improving your security, adding wifi cameras and lodging a Police report - give her a copy of the report and tell her to leave you alone.

    Her husband brother is a low-life POS that won't bother getting up his couch to do anything. She will replace his whiskey money in a day or 2.

    Seriously, the amount of guys on here afraid of their own shadow is astounding. These girls have learnt this behavior because of the "shadow puppet" fools that pay the money. Do you think a Thai guy would put up with this crap? Hell no.

    That is the best post yet...

    The main point being.... 'Do you think a Thai guy would put up with this?....Hell no'

    Of course a Thai guy would not put up with that, the idea of it would be a scandal, the woman would lose so much face to even suggest it. Yet thinks it is OK to level it at a farang... Probably would be mostly accepted when its a farang on the receiving end. Tell her to get stuffed'

    • Like 1
  15. beware of the trap (pregnancy)

    That was exactly what I was thinking.

    3 times a day for a week, sounds like she is trying to get an extra bonus in the form of a falang child that she can hit you for a nice monthly earner while putting the kid into a tv/modelling career.

  16. This is an old ploy that you will see all over BKK.

    I am quite well traveled and I have seen most scams in tourist areas over the years. But this technique appears to be unique to Thailand, or I have just been lucky everywhere else.

    The scam is basically to 'poach' tourists from one attraction on the 'CLOSED TODAY' pretense, so they now have disappointed tourists in front of them with 'time on their hands'. Time to offer them an alternative of a cheap whizz around BKK where they will hopefully be relieved of cash at every stop with the guide (tuk tuk driver) on a backsheish at every one.

    This is all an organized system with most of the tuk tuk drivers working for a big criminal gang, and yes... with big criminal gangs in Thailand, you won't get police assistance.

    • Like 1
  17. Looks like the pentagon postponing its own missile test in California next week ought to do the trick and enable NK to wind their necks back in. Possibly recommended by China or the UN.

    At least KJU can now rejoice to his people that he made the mighty US aggressors capitulate in the face of our military might and awesome nuclear capability, and got them running scared....lol

    Then he can cement his position as the new awesome supreme leader of the people.

    Lets just all hope that he doesn't start to believe it himself.

  18. Southpeel,

    Your post above...As you have been previously associated with what i am asking, your input on this would be valuable to anyone who reads this...Thanks


    Sounds like you also have access to the right people to get the info, which is what is needed here in Thailand....thanks.

    You can google as much as you like on this subject, and info is available by the page load. If ,as stated, Thailand has made arrangements to repat Thais home from SK, thats good.... Now, what are they going to do, to educate those here, especially the ones that dont have access to media and the likes,

    as we do...I am talking about remote farmers who can unwittingly introduce contiminated products into the food chain.

    Whats that saying?....Knowledge is Power.


    The Thai government won't feel the need to issue any education or whatever at any time soon. Because they are well aware that any chance of radiation from a nuclear exchange 2,500 miles away will have almost no chance of affecting Thailand. They would be more prudent to have measures in place for screening produce imported from anywhere around there instead. They would probably put a ban on it.

    They would see no need to create unnecessary widespread fear and panic by starting to prepare the country for fallout that would need a miracle to affect Thailand. The only real danger would be if NK bombed the bases in Thailand if they were used as a staging post for aggressive movements against the regime. But they would have a lot more higher priority targets to consider first, and it would be highly unlikely that Thailand would be utilized.

    Drawing a comparison between the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster and a series of nuclear detonations is quite pointless because they are in no way on the same scale.

    Chernobyl spewed massive quantities of radioactive smoke (fallout) non-stop into the atmosphere at a reasonably low altitude (which takes less time to settle) for 14 days solid. It made it to Scotland for sure, but then again the distance is probably a little under 1000 miles (as the crow flies). 60% of the fallout landed on Belarus which is only 10 miles from Chernobyl.

    In contrast, nuclear detonations literally blow the majority of the fallout particles right up into the stratosphere, with only the ash and larger particles falling straight back to earth over a smallish area not so far from the mushroom cloud depending on how many megatons the bomb is. Those thrown into the stratosphere are basically vaporized particles and would get carried into the jet stream and become pushed across such a vast area, and being so tiny that they would be insignificant when they touched back down.

    The majority of the fallout will only be thrown up for a minute or so. A lot less than 2 weeks.

    The most important thing of all, is that the jet stream blows from west to east, so they would probably settle in the pacific ocean harmlessly, if they did reach the US mainland they would be so dispersed it would be nothing much more than regular background radiation.

    So to recap... The only real way any radiation would find its way here is if NK dumped a nuke or two on Thailand itself, and I think the Thai government would have plenty to put right if that happened.

    • Like 1
  19. update:

    I went to the police station.

    It was rather difficult to make the police feel like they were not loosing face.

    We made a report. I was the witness. The victim was also there.

    Tomorrow they'll catch him and put him in jail.

    Chances are small that he will stay long in jail (probably somewhere between 3 month and 1.5 (=5/2 -1) year), because:

    - he stole only 2500B.

    - his mother has a handicap.

    I am a bit worried about that but I think I did the right thing.

    Tomorrow they'll catch him and put him in jail??

    You convinced the police to put him in jail?

    And the jury and judge is?


    My wife says that if he has already admitted doing the crime, then he can be put straight in prison by the police. He gets the chance to have a day in court, but the court will give him a bigger sentence usually. If the police puts you in, it is usually a lesser sentence. Most will accept the police sentence.

  20. My advice to you is to stop letting yourself get pissed off by such trivial things. This thread has brought up a lot of interesting things that myself and others are actively interested in debating. That is how people get educated.

    not p*ssed off at all dear chap, and yes maybe they are interesting to debate, but one suspects there are plenty of other website forums on the go debating the exact topics you wish to debate, so if someone wishes to debate north korea's capability or turning north korean into a nuclear wasteland..maybe try on these sites and you can posture and debate till your hearts content and sure you will find many like minded indivduals

    now must go and get myself tooled up for upcoming nuclear Armageddon...toodles

    So if I look through your posting history, then every single post is totally dedicated to the OP?

    I won't even bother to look, because I know that you go offtrack constantly.

    Your avatar is very apt.

  21. They can attach them to the shorter range missiles.

    and missile and nuclear armamment specialist... I am impressed

    Judging by the tone of your comments. You are clearly not interested in debate on this subject, you are just here to blow stupid comments out of your ass at those who take the time to get tooled up on the subject.

    Actually I am interested in subject which opened this thread...What should What Thailand do ?...If North Korea starts letting off it's fireworks...... which already supposes North Korea has the required "fireworks" and has let them off...and the operative phrase here is what would Thailand do ? not what the US would, not what the silly little man in north korea would..but Thailand...wink.png

    but it appears the topic has changed direction by certain factions into a chest beating Hoo ya proclaiming the the greatest nation on earthTM and conspiracy theories on North Korea's capabilities and various military tactians piping in on miltary strategy...all very much off topic and getting rather tiresome....so please forgive my urge to take the p*ss out of these comments.

    further which books are you reading ?... "tooled up"...clap2.gif one suspects your reading too many spy or SAS novels...whistling.gif

    In conclusion...while this was a very interesting subject initally about what thailand would do, seeing as the subject is currently off topic ..I choose to blow stupid comments out my ass...wink.png

    Its a debate, and all debates take a series of tangents. Most comments that may seem 'off track' to you, are normally in response to people who think that there is no need for Thailand to do anything because nothing is going to happen. Naturally in response are people who believe that Thailand DO need to do something because (and they debate their reasons for this).

    Its a natural occurrence of debate, having over 10,000 posts in the forum I would have thought you had worked all this out by now.

    There has been plenty of mention in these so called unrelated posts of what Thailand should do, as well as enough of my own.

    My advice to you is to stop letting yourself get pissed off by such trivial things. This thread has brought up a lot of interesting things that myself and others are actively interested in debating. That is how people get educated.

    For the record. I have never read a novel in my life, or any fiction. I only read 100% fact based subjects.

    • Like 1
  22. Amazing . 5 pages and not one person displayed a crucial point of fact:

    North Korea has no nuclear missiles.

    Ok. You may continue your discussions ... But take into account North Korea will not for at least a decade have the technology to miniturise their nukes so they can be contained in rockets.

    The North could try to pass a bomb through the border with the South... But they just closed the border. Which means--in regard to nukes-- things have never looked better.

    Hilarious reading comments about Thais being ignorant. Thais have learnt to voice their opinions only when they know of which they speak.

    While I accept your right to your opinion. I think we already established that nobody was taking any chances on assuming they were not capable. Especially when most of the experts know that they are more than capable of delivering some form of nuclear missile to the US bases in SK, Japan and possibly Guam.

    The NK regime has been saying for months that it has developed a sufficiently miniaturized device which is what their last test was. Nobody thinks they are bluffing, and even if they are bluffing, that bluff seems to be called very soon. I think there is no smoke without fire, and I think that the opposite view should be taken, meaning that I think it is a lot wiser to assume that they in fact are a lot more advanced than we already have proof of. That's the whole point of being the most secretive nation in the world, is that you only let people know what you want them to know.

    The fact that Pyongyang has now officially declared a state of war against the South, and that their army have now received orders to prepare for all out war, and moving a medium range missile to the east coast nuclear launch facility... If they are just posturing, then I think they are doing a very good job, because now we are in a situation of proliferation, and that means on the brink of something that nobody here wants to happen, but chances are it has already reached its tipping point.

    If this thing does in fact 'go south' (pun intended). Then the one thing that Thailand needs to consider, is that bases here could be used. Slightly out of range and so possibly a good place to stock munitions as a staging post if you like. That would make Thailand a target perhaps. Even though I doubt they would hit this place with nukes, they have plenty of chemical weapons and conventional warheads. They are just about crazy enough to try to hit every US base in the region.

  23. My wife doesn't even know who North Korea even are!....ahh, ignorance is bliss hey.

    Wonder how many other Thais never heard of em?

    Long as any radiation stays out of my favourite bar in Bangkok, I'm fine about nuclear fallout.

    I doubt I know many Thais that have NOT heard of North Korea - and long before this. (And that isn't some sort of attempt at veiled elitism - I include not only my well educated and worldly Thai friends and associates but plenty of "average" ones as well).

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    You're probably right.

    Seems though, most Thais I ever met don't even know where the UK is, have no concept of continents, and basically geography has totally escaped them.

    Even my wife, and she has a masters degree in business and a bachelors in accountancy. She never knew where the UK was till she went there.

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