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Posts posted by klubex99

  1. Not the most evil Prime Minister by a long shot, but Yingluck is certainly the worst example of a Prime Minister I have ever come across when it comes to lack of knowledge, lack of opinion, lack of responsibility for anything, lack of understanding and the uncanny ability to be anywhere other than where she ought to be. She is certainly a Prime Muppet. Well done those who voted her in or did little to stop her being voted in. You will reap what you have sown.

    well, she is not as worse than any other PM as David Cameron e,g, Let her do her work, means work to develop the country in infrastructure, economy. water/flood management and health. Of course she has the right to make mistakes, but also the right to act with a good tactic to get on with her plans. You can't compare Thailand with a western democracy. She is the first PM to proceed in making peace with red's and yellow's. And let her brother come back. He paid his dues, but he is Thai and want to spend life in his home country where he is under full control of parliament and PM whoever it is,

    Thank you so much. I never thought i would be possible, but you have managed it.

    You have managed to articulate lucidly and faithfully the thoughts of the permanently insane and deluded. You weren't by any chance drip fed LSD as a baby were you?

    Thank you for one of TVs best ever posts

    It's a troll post, don't rise to it.

    Anyone who is that stupid could never have made his way all the way to Thailand without being brought by the hand by his mummy.

    • Like 1
  2. Not the most evil Prime Minister by a long shot, but Yingluck is certainly the worst example of a Prime Minister I have ever come across when it comes to lack of knowledge, lack of opinion, lack of responsibility for anything, lack of understanding and the uncanny ability to be anywhere other than where she ought to be. She is certainly a Prime Muppet. Well done those who voted her in or did little to stop her being voted in. You will reap what you have sown.

    well, she is not as worse than any other PM as David Cameron e,g, Let her do her work, means work to develop the country in infrastructure, economy. water/flood management and health. Of course she has the right to make mistakes, but also the right to act with a good tactic to get on with her plans. You can't compare Thailand with a western democracy. She is the first PM to proceed in making peace with red's and yellow's. And let her brother come back. He paid his dues, but he is Thai and want to spend life in his home country where he is under full control of parliament and PM whoever it is,

    You don't have the intellect to comment on a political debate. That is evident by this crazy post..... But then again, you are just a troll.

  3. Let's not be naive. Ordinary muslims making the v sign and even dancing when non muslims are killed, are common all over the world. This time it are nurses that with smiling eyes make the v sign with a corpse, a person they should take care of instead of making and posting photos on social media. Absolute wrong.

    Sacking them ? How about sending the police to their house and question all of them and their family members. If these nurses feel so strongly to celebrate the death of a patient in their care, i bet their family or friends are involved in this southern terrorism (teachers, monks, and ordinary people are killed so "terrorism" is the correct term.)

    Again, absolutely disgusting.

    At the very minimum it ought to command an official police investigation to establish whether or not the poor chap died while in the care of these animals.

    Never been mentioned. First thing I would be thinking of if I were his commanding officer.

  4. Wait wait wait. They live in Narattiwat and were not aware of the situation down there? thumbsup.gif

    They should lose their licenses.

    Wonder what the family of that bomb disposal HERO thinks of this situation?sad.png

    And if you look at the muslim head nurse behind her, busy as bee on her dam_n phone, deleting any new LINE uploads she inadvertently uploaded.whistling.gif

    Stark contrast between the two head nurses behind this idiot.

    but you also don't know what family/friends she might have lost already, murdered from the army. Only think for Tak Bai and Thaksins remark that they died because they were weak because of the Ramadan.

    By taking her licence and not taking any actions at the Tak Bai murders you won't show the muslims that they are equal treated.

    Yeah right. That would excuse it wouldn't it - rubbish. Look at her eyes in the disgraceful photo - full of laughter, fun and enjoyment. Once caught, so sorry, full of remorse and promise not to be naughty again.

    This is about showing professional people working in a very personal ethical profession that inappropriate behavior like this should and will not be tolerated. The 3 nurses involved should be severely disciplined. This is just not acceptable behavior in a hospital operating theater where professional practice and discipline are required at all times. Nothing to do with outside influences - do your job professionally, or get out.

    I totally agree, and for the record, I am pretty sure they are in the mortuary, because the soldier is lying on an autopsy gurney. Which if correct, I would say was worse, and conclusive that they knew exactly what they were doing.

    • Like 1
  5. So they MUST be sacked and the Tak Bai soldiers who murdered got promoted.

    And than the people in Bangkok ask themself why Southern Muslims want to sepperate from Thailand.

    What they did is distgusting, but they did not murder anyone.

    Of course they must be sacked. Gross professional misconduct. you cant bring a " oh yeah but...." into it. Their action has to stand on its own "merit".

    And if you sack them, you replace them with who? In a muslim area where they frequently shoot Buddhist teacher and shop owner?

    It is easy to be angre and demand they are sacked, but the situation there is very difficult.

    Sacking would end with the already bad health system in the south has 2 nurses less and service getting worse.

    While the muslims have another example of double standards.

    Sorry H90 but if someone is guilty of gross misconduct, they are sacked.... If you retain them because nurses are 'thin on the ground' in the south, it sends out a wrong message that anyone can get away with it.

    But I doubt there is a shortage of nurses in the south anyway. There are plenty in the hospitals I was in down there, more nurses than patients actually.

    • Like 1
  6. The future is in IPTV without a doubt.

    I have it, and have all the main UK channels all in HD

    BBC1, 2, 3 and 4

    ITV1, 2 and 4

    Ch4, More 4, E4 and Film 4

    Kids Channels

    BBC News, Sky News


    Australia network

    With new channels being added continuously.

    and all you need is a 3MB internet connection. It also has live pause, forward/rewind, 7 day catchup, recording etc etc.... Much cheaper than TrueVisions. I paid 6000 THB for a whole years subscription and watch it in full HD quality on my 60 inch LCD, and it has never once froze up or anything.

    Add a second box and you can get an extra 250 channels including every single live premiership game, about 15 top movie channels, 3 cricket channels and much more other sport channels, on top of that all the discovery channels and nat geo etc...

    You get so much more than the true platinum package for half the price, with much more features.

    IPTV is in its infancy and will only get better and better, and will seriously hit satellite broadcasting in the pocket as more and more people get fast internet connections.

    With the 2 connected boxes I have much more than True will ever give regarding Farang channels, and for less than half the price with the full PVR service free. As it gets more popular, the price will go down.

    Once Netflix expands over here or a similar company such as LOVEFILM opens up, you can get a choice of 50,000 movies on demand for about 250 THB a month.

    Satellite is living on borrowed time. I believe that these channels really need to be looking at using that money they are about to blow in licenses, for getting into IPTV as far as I am aware, they don't even need a license for internet streamed channels and instead they get paid a cut from the IPTV companies.

    • Like 1
  7. This government has become so wrapped up in it's ideological attitude that it is able to manipulate anything and everything for its own benefit and agenda, they alas failed to understand that this only works within Thailand's borders. Outside of which, they have no power to manipulate.... Welcome to the real world.

    What are you talking about? Where is the manipulation here and how does it affect their "agenda". All very fine words, but just bluster if you do not provide substance to your "argument". Please explain.

    I never mentioned manipulation HERE. I was motioning to ALL the manipulation the government lives by on an almost daily basis. But because they have NO power to manipulate on the world stage, then they no longer have the stomach to continue to play the game. They ONLY play by their own rules and sod everyone else.... Well it doesn't work like that.

    If you think this government is non-manipulative... I suggest you read the news threads more regularly.

    I was just wondering why you were mentioning the government at all. It is the Nationalists that come up with the idea of withdrawing from the World Court.

    You just chose that to go off on some rant about manipulating which is why I asked the original question "What are you talking about"

    Here is part of your rant

    "This government has become so wrapped up in it's ideological attitude that it is able to manipulate anything and everything for its own benefit and agenda, they alas failed to understand that this only works within Thailand's borders"

    and then you say "I never mentioned manipulation here" Well, what is the above phrase about if it isn't about manipulation here?

    Mr. Seehasak pointed out that the nation had contemplated doing so before but soon discarded the idea, as the UN demanded that its members be members and under jurisdiction of the World Court.

  8. This government has become so wrapped up in it's ideological attitude that it is able to manipulate anything and everything for its own benefit and agenda, they alas failed to understand that this only works within Thailand's borders. Outside of which, they have no power to manipulate.... Welcome to the real world.

    What are you talking about? Where is the manipulation here and how does it affect their "agenda". All very fine words, but just bluster if you do not provide substance to your "argument". Please explain.

    I never mentioned manipulation HERE. I was motioning to ALL the manipulation the government lives by on an almost daily basis. But because they have NO power to manipulate on the world stage, then they no longer have the stomach to continue to play the game. They ONLY play by their own rules and sod everyone else.... Well it doesn't work like that.

    If you think this government is non-manipulative... I suggest you read the news threads more regularly.

  9. Mrs tells me it is reported on Facebook that the police are setting up check points north of BKK in an attempt to turn back anti-govt protesters.

    Saw this not long back when we had to go to town while there was a protest on, the police were stopping all vans, never stopped our bus.

    Wondered if they will let the reds pass.

    So whatever happened to the people's right to peaceful protest as enshrined in the constitution??

    More and more like a dictatorship every day.

    If the people are refused entry to Bangkok, then they should set up camp right there and block the road. If everyone refused to turn their vehicles around and instead just took the keys out and walked away, there is little the police can do. They would have little choice but to let them through to clear the road.

    • Like 2
  10. Wow, new factions joining the rallies by the minute almost.

    Bad timing by PTP just before the weekend when more people have extra time to hit BKK.

    But then again, they were understandably hoping to USE the mourning period of the supreme patriarch to subdue the desire to protest, hoping that protestors would see it as disrespectful.... looks like they miscalculated again.

    Hope nobody is planning to drive in BKK over the next few days, you may have a wait.

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