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Posts posted by klubex99

  1. I always wonder what would happen if Thaksin were to return home at some point in the future. It's not as if all the factions against him are going to just say "Fair enough we lost" and let him peacefully wander around Gaysorn or Emporium to his hearts content.

    I would expect assassination attempts.

    There are millions here who hate his guts, and it only takes one.

    • Like 2
  2. I am not taking sides. I am attacking the process altogether or, rather, the lack of process.

    Suing a prosecutor is a very idiosyncratic and destructive practice. If the case has merit, process it. If the case has no merit, drop the case. Then file for false arrest, biased usage of justice proceedings, etc..

    Being able to sue a prosecutor is insane, and sets a vile precedent for any side to do anything now or in the future, and threaten those who would bring charges to bear. The complete lack of jurisprudence regarding the existence of a law that allows such recursive attacks is obviously a tool put in place for all to misuse, abuse and confuse. Amazing Thailand.

    In short, this log jamming exercise before due process is suspicious and should never be allowed by either side for any reason. This law should not be on the books. It allows whoever is charged to threaten the process. I actually agree that the timing of the pressure is extremely suspicious, however that does not bear scrutiny when the contiunued existence of such processes as pre=emptive recourse is, itself, a glaring proof of high level corruption.

    This makes the whole ideological debate laughable, as if two opposing groups of pirates were each accusing the other of being criminals, and now threatening to sue if either side utters a single sentence.

    Land of Smiles? More like Land of Wiles to me today....

    There is no special law that allows a prosecutor to be sued. Any half-democratic country with a semblance of rule of law allows any individual who feels wronged to sue another. That's what is happening here and there's nothing wrong with it.

    Abhisit feels, quite rightly, that prosecuting him has an ulterior motive and it's not hard to see. BTW the new AG stated only days ago that he would be independent of politics - didn't take him long to shed his independence & do what he's told.

    Two other laws here which do not fall into international standards are the defamation law & the Lese Majeste law. Neither of these are being used in this case AFAIK.

    As far as I understand it the situation is this:

    The AG is given the case either from the NACC or the DSI - whoevers' duty it is to investigate the case (that incidentally is what abhisit is suing over, he reckons his case should be investigated by the NACC)

    If the AG decides that the information he has been given has enough evidence to rate a court case he gives the go ahead. Nothing political about it.

    If it is supposedly a political decision and there is no evidence to back up the charges then the Judge/s will just throw the case out of court.

    So let's wait until the Judge/s see the evidence and what happens next before you get all teary eyed over the teflon one.

    This post is classic example of someone who has not learned what Thailand is about yet.

    The judges won't be throwing the case out..... If Thaksin has chosen this course of action, and we all know he has knobbled the AG, then we can assume that the judges will decide what he pays them to decide.

    Get your head out of your arse and realize for once that you are in Thailand.

  3. So... If and when they get this high speed rail link done, do you think anyone is going to have the balls to step onto it?

    How long before a train smashes into a vehicle at high speed? I have a feeling this planned trans-international rail system is going to find its weakest link in Thailand.

    The HS rail system (if it is ever built) should be built with complete grade separation from other traffic by using underpass/overpass/bridges etc. There will be no level crossings, in theory, anyway..wink.png

    But there's always the possibility of dogs and stupid people wishing to end their lives quickly by walking on or crossing the right of way.

    That is why it is so called, because trains have the right of way.

    I agree up to a point, but this is Thailand remember and that train needs to speed through the land, and Thai people in the country don't normally observe roadways as the only way of getting from A to B. Not to mention cows grazing while the herder is asleep under a tree. The authorities can't exactly fence off 2000KM of track on both sides.

    I am going to just sit and wait for the first accident, if only to see why it was caused, but it won't change people. Here they take all manner of risks in the name of 'convenience'. Just look how it is on the roads. They won't go out of their way if they can find a quicker and more dangerous route.

    I have seen a woman with three kids bolt across the busy motorway literally 10 meters away from a foot bridge. I am sure you have all seen it.

  4. obviously not proper enough. they employed an unqualified electrician. all the guys in our area that have built in the last 5 years have 3 wire.

    Yes, all 3 wire here too. Like I said, they didn't connect the third.

    You can tell from the OP that he has problems in Thai hotels also.... doesn't that tell you something?

    Or are you saying that Thai hotels are being wired up by unqualified sparkies too?

  5. I would talk to a doctor about it. Without details of your lifestyle to go by any suggestions would be random guessing, but here goes.

    The fact that you sleep in a more normal pattern when traveling in other regional countries leads me to believe that your regular routine in Thailand is the problem. Possibly not getting enough physical or mental exertion during the day to make you tired. Boredom can cause insomnia. When I am working I tend to sleep regular hours but when I am on down time I start staying up later and later for no real reason, just killing time doing mindless things like watching tv or playing on the computer.

    I deal with a similar problem to yours every year. I spend half the year in Thailand and half twelve time zones away. I used to spend at least a week in bangkok adjusting but over the years I learned to just get up at the time I think I should be getting up (with alarm clock), and keep busy all day until it is time for bed. By the end of the day you should be pretty tired and ready to sleep. If not then keep doing the same thing every day and your body should adjust. Getting out in the sun helps me a lot. Doing this I am able to adjust my schedule in a couple of days now. It isn't easy staying busy the first day or two when all I want to do is nap but it is worth it.

    Thanks for that. I think you may have nailed it.

    We are hoping to have our factory opened in 6 weeks, so I am hoping that being very active during the day will cure the problem. If not, I suppose I will have to run a night shift.

  6. Earthing electrics is to do with health and safety..... That is why it is ignored as unnecessary in Thailand.

    its not ignored. the codes require it in our province and i havent seen a house built without 3 wire in years

    I had my house extended last year. I set up the places for the sockets to be added in the kitchen and once first fix was completed, I had to get the electrician to connect all the earths and pointed to the earth rod outside that I bought to put all the added electrics onto their own ground because I could not find any evidence of an existing earth rod. Luckily he had just coiled the earth wire out of the way at each socket.

    The house is 5 years old. When I stick a flash drive into my TV I get a small shock from the usb socket. The TV is plugged into one of the existing original electric sockets which are 3 pin, but no earths attached, they are actually snipped off behind the socket. But in the consumer unit, there is an earth wire connected to the earth bus-bar.

    Like I said.... the Thais ignore the earth, that is my experience.

    hire a decent electrician and provide him with an electrical plan. we did

    He was from a proper electrical contractor company.

    Everything was marked out and all the socket and switch face backs were screwed in place by me.

    I would have done the electrics myself, only i can't fit up through the tiny loft hatch in the ceiling, so left the wiring up to him.

  7. Well I wouldn't do that to my neighbour, because he is Thai and justice is too one sided, that comment was against an obvious farang where I wouldn't really be too bothered about the same level of reprisal.

    Thailand sure attracts some really oddball and evil minded farangs to its shores.

    I fight contempt with contempt.

    If I was ever in a position where I felt I needed to take a Thai down, I would get my wife to make a couple of calls and have the problem sorted out Thai style. Trust me, it would end there and then.

    I don't know what nationality you are but I bet your country of birth was glad to see you leave their shores.

    What you have written above is the type of confrontational diatribe that starts neighbourhood disputes. You are the epitome of the farang that many Thais hate.

    Your second paragraph (above) would have to be a very accurate self-assessment and I bet those who are unfortunate to have you as their neighbour, rue the day that you arrived.

    Your last paragraph (above) shows how you embrace Thai culture and Thais themselves. You have to be totally ignorant if you believe that Thai elders in your local village would "sort out" other village Thais, just on your say-so.

    ....and all this has come about because your next door neighbour sees a need to do some work around his house at an hour when your lazy ass is stuck in bed.

    If you don't like it, do everyone a favour, and leave.

    Actually, I think I am quite popular in our street. We always get invited to social functions by the neighbours.

    But I am glad I pissed you off, because certain people like yourself deserve to feel that way, simply because of your reaction.

    Keep it up. Your character assassination is quite remarkably good...It's entertaining.

    I especially liked the old cliche that you just couldn't help type. 'do everyone a favour and leave'.... please, learn to be a bit more original.

    By the way.... I wonder which thread you are going to follow me into next?

    I suppose I should feel flattered that I have my own internet stalker ;)

  8. Earthing electrics is to do with health and safety..... That is why it is ignored as unnecessary in Thailand.

    its not ignored. the codes require it in our province and i havent seen a house built without 3 wire in years

    I had my house extended last year. I set up the places for the sockets to be added in the kitchen and once first fix was completed, I had to get the electrician to connect all the earths and pointed to the earth rod outside that I bought to put all the added electrics onto their own ground because I could not find any evidence of an existing earth rod. Luckily he had just coiled the earth wire out of the way at each socket.

    The house is 5 years old. When I stick a flash drive into my TV I get a small shock from the usb socket. The TV is plugged into one of the existing original electric sockets which are 3 pin, but no earths attached, they are actually snipped off behind the socket. But in the consumer unit, there is an earth wire connected to the earth bus-bar.

    Like I said.... the Thais ignore the earth, that is my experience.

  9. Thought I would start this thread after I made a referencing comment on another thread.

    Since I have been in Thailand, for some reason I have suffered with insomnia.

    I literally am lost for an explanation.

    Been here three and a half years, and almost as soon as I arrived here, I have been staying awake all night. If I want to get to sleep early, I have to have 4 or 5 beers in the evening, and even then I don't get sleepy till 4 or 5 in the morning and am up at about 10am. The longest I think I have slept here is about 6 hours.

    I was not like this in the UK and whenever me and wifey go over there, my normal sleep pattern returns, I can go to bed at midnight no problem and sleep till 8 or 9am.

    Whenever we go to a different country, I can sleep all night also. I have been to 5 different countries in the region and like I said, my sleeping pattern is fine. But then again, I also travel a lot in Thailand, and tend to not be able to sleep.

    I usually spend the night working on the PC and wandering between here and the couch to watch a movie, I jump in and out of Thaivisa during the night and notice that there is still quite a bit of activity on here, so am wondering if I am not alone in this problem.

    Technically, you could say my body clock is stuck in UK time.

    • Like 1
  10. If I have not been drinking in the evening, I go to bed anytime between 6am and 8am and sleep till just past noon.

    I require very little sleep.. and if I have had a few beers, I still don't go to bed till between 4am and 5am.

    A lot of the neighbours in my street get up early, but not till about 6am... never seen anyone up at 4am in my area..... ever.

    For the record... I am an insomniac, which I will start another thread about.

  11. If you were MY neighbour, I would kick your door in and put my foot straight through the front of said Hi-Fi or whatever, and drag you outside and slap you up and down the street and wouldn't stop till you were crying in front of your GF.


    Don't let the picture fool you.

    That guy is an animal.

  12. Heck, if the OP was my neighbor, and I knew he was hungover, I'd crank it to 11 with full fuzz tone. Probably play "Psychotic Reaction." GF loves that song.

    Because that is exactly what a dick head does..... yes?

    If you were MY neighbour, I would kick your door in and put my foot straight through the front of said Hi-Fi or whatever, and drag you outside and slap you up and down the street and wouldn't stop till you were crying in front of your GF.

    My last neighborhood in Sattahip, a German tried the same thing to a Thai guy, he got a Machete across his back, I believe he is back in Germany in a wheelchair.......circa 1998 if I remember right.facepalm.gif

    Well I wouldn't do that to my neighbour, because he is Thai and justice is too one sided, that comment was against an obvious farang where I wouldn't really be too bothered about the same level of reprisal. The poster made it more than clear that he would do that deliberately, so he would get the treatment he would expect had he acted that way in his home country. My neighbour (for all his faults) is more child like in thought and action and probably doesn't know any different, and certainly not doing it deliberately out of evil mindedness.

    Thailand sure attracts some really oddball and evil minded farangs to its shores.

    I fight contempt with contempt.

    Edited to add...

    If I was ever in a position where I felt I needed to take a Thai down, I would get my wife to make a couple of calls and have the problem sorted out Thai style. Trust me, it would end there and then.

  13. To be honest.

    If someone did that to my daughter, I wouldn't stop punching him until his heart stopped beating.

    That is NOT the only way to cure the problem. You took that decision because she simply was not your real child, so thought little of her safety. If some guy did that to your estranged blood child, I doubt you would think it was justified.

    Bangkok of all places... Did it never cross your mind at the time that it was dangerous?

    What you did was not the right thing to do and you just got lucky. Many 14 year olds would fight back harder at you if you did that.

  14. Heck, if the OP was my neighbor, and I knew he was hungover, I'd crank it to 11 with full fuzz tone. Probably play "Psychotic Reaction." GF loves that song.

    Because that is exactly what a dick head does..... yes?

    If you were MY neighbour, I would kick your door in and put my foot straight through the front of said Hi-Fi or whatever, and drag you outside and slap you up and down the street and wouldn't stop till you were crying in front of your GF.

  15. Nice try, but that article came from AFP and not the Nation. Another piece of attempted red misinformation goes down in flames. Rather appropriate given their fire raising penchant. Besides which, what does "mostly unarmed" mean? How many were armed then? And how can there have been a "clash" unless both sides are involved? One could just as easily write "The army dispersed the protestors, who for months had severely disrupted the livlihoods of thousands who work or own businesses in the Ratchaprasong area, clashing with several armed elements in the crowd. Armed elements who showed little regard for the safety of their fellow protestors. On the whole, though, the red shirt demonstrators were mostly unharmed and the vast majority returned home safely.

    This is a key sentence in the second Nation article:

    "About 90 people died and nearly 1,900 were wounded in a series of street clashes between mostly unarmed "Red Shirt" demonstrators and security forces firing live rounds in central Bangkok." [emphasis mine].

    Remember, the Nation is not known for its Red Shirt sympathies...

    And if you want another neutral assessment, I suggest that you read the report by Human Rights Watch here: http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/05/02/thailand-investigate-abuses-connected-political-violence

    Key excerpts:

    The high death toll and injuries resulted in part from excessive and unnecessary lethal force on the part of security forces, Human Rights Watch said. At Phan Fa Bridge, some soldiers with M16 and TAR21 assault rifles fired live ammunition at protesters; others fired rubber bullets from shotguns directly at protesters, causing serious injury. To disperse the main protest at Ratchaprasong, the army deployed snipers to shoot those who breached "no-go" zones between the UDD protesters and army barricades or who threw rocks and other objects toward soldiers. At times, soldiers also shot into crowds of protesters....

    While Thai authorities have not released comprehensive forensic analyses of the wounds sustained by those killed between May 14 and May 19, incidents reviewed by Human Rights Watch indicated that several unarmed protesters, medical volunteers, and bystanders were killed with single shots to the head, suggesting the use of snipers and high-powered scopes....

    Now this report also identifies violent militant elements (black shirts) among the Red Shirts, and lays some blame there, but it leaves no doubt that security forces fired directly at unarmed civilians. Note the phrase, "excessive and unnecessary lethal force on the part of security forces".

    Well 'human rights watch' would say that wouldn't they.....

    That organization is just another one of these jumped up right wing pinko style pressure groups, you know.... the types that would have nothing to do if they weren't doing this sort of thing.

    The human rights movement and all that encompass it have no idea or authority, and in my opinion 'credibility'. They speak out at almost anything and everything as being a human rights abuse.

    I certainly wouldn't use any of their decisions as 'the gospel word'.

    "right wing pinko"??? Man, one of us is confused....


    Sorry, I meant left wing pinko....lol

    It's late

  16. This is a key sentence in the second Nation article:

    "About 90 people died and nearly 1,900 were wounded in a series of street clashes between mostly unarmed "Red Shirt" demonstrators and security forces firing live rounds in central Bangkok." [emphasis mine].

    Remember, the Nation is not known for its Red Shirt sympathies...

    Nice try, but that article came from AFP and not the Nation. Another piece of attempted red misinformation goes down in flames. Rather appropriate given their fire raising penchant. Besides which, what does "mostly unarmed" mean? How many were armed then? And how can there have been a "clash" unless both sides are involved? One could just as easily write "The army dispersed the protestors, who for months had severely disrupted the livlihoods of thousands who work or own businesses in the Ratchaprasong area, clashing with several armed elements in the crowd. Armed elements who showed little regard for the safety of their fellow protestors. On the whole, though, the red shirt demonstrators were mostly unharmed and the vast majority returned home safely.

    And if you want another neutral assessment, I suggest that you read the report by Human Rights Watch here: http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/05/02/thailand-investigate-abuses-connected-political-violence

    Key excerpts:

    The high death toll and injuries resulted in part from excessive and unnecessary lethal force on the part of security forces, Human Rights Watch said. At Phan Fa Bridge, some soldiers with M16 and TAR21 assault rifles fired live ammunition at protesters; others fired rubber bullets from shotguns directly at protesters, causing serious injury. To disperse the main protest at Ratchaprasong, the army deployed snipers to shoot those who breached "no-go" zones between the UDD protesters and army barricades or who threw rocks and other objects toward soldiers. At times, soldiers also shot into crowds of protesters....

    While Thai authorities have not released comprehensive forensic analyses of the wounds sustained by those killed between May 14 and May 19, incidents reviewed by Human Rights Watch indicated that several unarmed protesters, medical volunteers, and bystanders were killed with single shots to the head, suggesting the use of snipers and high-powered scopes....

    Now this report also identifies violent militant elements (black shirts) among the Red Shirts, and lays some blame there, but it leaves no doubt that security forces fired directly at unarmed civilians. Note the phrase, "excessive and unnecessary lethal force on the part of security forces".

    Well 'human rights watch' would say that wouldn't they.....

    That organization is just another one of these jumped up right wing pinko style pressure groups, you know.... the types that would have nothing to do if they weren't doing this sort of thing.

    The human rights movement and all that encompass it have no idea or authority, and in my opinion 'credibility'. They speak out at almost anything and everything as being a human rights abuse.

    I certainly wouldn't use any of their decisions as 'the gospel word'.

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