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Everything posted by thaiscot

  1. Hi Does anyone know somewhere in Chiangrai or even Phayao that does upholstery of sofas etc as my leather sofa cushions could be doing with being restuffed and recovered Cheers
  2. Used them 3 times now , twice for myself and once to renew Daughter's passport , Very good and quick service , Got new passports back in 2 weeks , Had issue with photos 2nd time but can get new photos from camera shop across the road in Maya shopping Mall
  3. Thanks As I said I usually use an agent myself but wasn't sure if it would be quicker and easier just to go there myself So looking for anyone who has done it for confirmation , Thanks for the reply
  4. Hi I need to transfer my Retirement extension of stay & multi Entry stamp into my new passport at chonburi immigration Can I just rock up anytime and get it done or do you need to book an appointment etc I usually get an agent to handle my visa issues but should be easy enough ( hopefully ) to do this myself , Is it easy to do ? Regards
  5. Hi When I flee out of bkk to work I noticed the auto imm desks now open but I went to the usual desks as wasn't sure if I could use the auto desks as I got stamped into Thailand and presumed I also needed to get stamped out but have heard from a friend that you can get stamped in but can use the auto gates on way out as don't require an exit stamp Is this correct ?
  6. Ok I managed to find a photo of my stamp in the lost passport & it's a non o issued in Thailand with multi entry reentry permit until July 25 It's not a non OA
  7. I have a 1 year retirement visa sorry not an extension
  8. Hi I am currently at work in Denmark but have lost my UK passport with a valid multi entry retirement extension valid til jul 25 If I can get a new passport whilst I'm in Denmark how do I get my Thai visa transfered to it ( I presume I may have to fly into Thailand visa exempt then visit immigration ) I have a photo on my phone of my passport info page with passport number etc but no photo of my Thai visa Has anyone any experience of what the protocol is in this circumstance ? Cheers
  9. Ok Update got my Yaris cross 2 weeks ago & really happy with it usually getting between 22 to 25 km/L so very good on the fuel for the Daughters 100km per day school run which it is required for also has all the bells & whistles needed ( some not even needed) If you are looking for a hot hatch then this is not it but if you do a lot of KMs & need something cheap to run then I don't think there is anything better at the moment
  10. I have ordered the top one premium luxury I think it's called , What do you think of it ? Not sure how the glass roof is going to be with my bald head aswell
  11. Thanks for That it's exactly what I was thinking as I said my old Mazda is 10 yrs old and never did the coating just polished every 2 or 3 months & still looks like new so maybe waste of time & money Cheers
  12. Hi I am taking delivery soon of a brand-new SUV Toyota Yaris cross & was thinking of getting it ceramic coated but not sure if is worthwhile as I had a Mazda CX-5 previously for 10 years & never got it done and it still looks good so not sure if I need to do it would it just be a waste of Money Many Thanks
  13. Vision Centre just along road from un irish bar , Fantastic service I have progressive lenses & been going to him for years
  14. Hi I have a set of Alloy wheels that are scraped & scuffed etc that are in need of refurbishment Do anyone know a shop / place that does this or have experience of having gotten wheels done themselves Anywhere in the chiangrai / Phayao area is fine Regards
  15. Was looking to buy a new Car/Suv & have looked @ the Yaris cross Hev & looked at some reviews etc but would like to hear firsthand from anyone who has got one about how it is I Don't care too much about power etc as I know its not a powerful car but I drive a lot of km so more interested in fuel consumption & reliability etc Regards
  16. Update - went to office at Central ( chiangrai ) on Monday morning was a lot of people in there but we got a queue number & was only waiting around 20 mins before being called to a desk & daughter got photo taken , eyes & fingerprints taken & was out in around an hr Got passport in post on weds morning so only 1 1/2 days (was very surprised) Great & easy service well impressed
  17. Perfect Thanks for the quick reply much appreciated
  18. Hi My Daughter who is Thai needs a new Thai passport as her one has expired I presume we can get from the Thai passport place in Central shopping mall ? If so do we need to book an appointment or rock up anytime to apply She is going overseas on a school trip at end of February so will need to get her a new passport Regards
  19. Nice one that sounds like a plan as I transfer more than 100k every month but into our joint account so will possibly start to transfer into my own account then onto joint account after as been using an agent for the retirement extension for the last 2 years
  20. Hi Yes I know I need to show a years transfers as I was thinking of setting up the transfer now for doing it in the future but just needed clarification if I can transfer then use the money for monthly expenses etc
  21. when I go to get a 1 Yr extension of stay on my Retirement visa ( had 1 for 2 years now ) I have used an agent in the past but would like to do it myself but use the monthly transfer method ie 65k per month into Thai bank with my name only Question is can I transfer into my bank the 65k or over then immediately transfer it again into myself & wife's joint account for her to get access for monthly living expenses etc or is there a set time it has to stay in the account ? Regards
  22. Hi I'm wondering if the monthly income method for retirement extension is OK using an online bank ( wise ) or does it have to be a thai bank , I believe you have to show 12 months of statements of 80k or over which will be no problem to me if online bank is OK Regards
  23. I have 2 valid passports as I need for work ( have so I can have 1 passport away getting a visa for a country & still travel on the 2 nd one ) I work offshore so travel & work in different countries around the world
  24. I have just recieved my 2nd uk passport ( concurrent passport ) I will be renewing my visa later in the year & am trying to find out if I can enter Thailand visa exempt on my new passport & give my other passport with retirement visa to Agent to renew my visa in my 1st passport as I need a passport to travel to work as will be in Thailand for 1 month before heading back to work When I got my visa last year the agent had my passport for 3 1/2 weeks & I only got it back night before my flight back to work & don't want to get myself in that situation again Anyone done this before or know of anyone that has done it Regards
  25. UN Irish pub the big Irish breakfast is best in the city for me
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