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Posts posted by Baloo22

  1. In my opinion the tea party republicans which currently dominate the republican party are NIHILISITS. I consider them a threat to American lives in the same way as foreign enemies such as Iran. How this radical right wing extremist fringe group ever gained so much power just shows what any anti-social minority with massive energy can accomplish. It's really a shame that groups opposing their twisted destructive agenda don't share their passion and energy. Imagine no tea party. There is no way a "normal" republican party would have not participated in medicaid expansion -- denial of same is indeed a horrible attack on millions of American lives.

    You obviously have not been keeping up with current events and are very confused. It was not "tea party republicans" that repeatedly lied to the American people telling them "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period! If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” It was the vile and dishonest Obama!

    It is really a shame that Obama is so narcissistic, deceitful, and lacking in integrity. A shame that he is so determined to cause damage to so many American citizens. Imagine if Obama had even the slightest bit of integrity or character.

    Obama repeatedly and deliberately made promises to the American people that he knew were false. Obama knew when he was making those promises that millions of citizens were not going to be able to keep their health insurance plans. Then his administration immediately and deliberately wrote detailed regulations to insure that even more citizens would not be able to keep the health insurance that they wanted. That is why millions of U.S. citizens are now finding out that they CANNOT keep their health care plan whether they want to or not.

    Obamacare was concocted by Obama, and a Democrat-party controlled Congress. Right from the start, his process was not to engage the American people in this effort. Instead it was a wheeling and dealing free-for-all with all sorts of payouts, lies, and "Cornhusker Kickbacks". Obama was not concerned and is now not concerned in the slightest what the American people want for health care.

    Obama has destroyed any sense of trust that a thinking person may have once had in him. He has demonstrated a proven incompetence and proven lack of integrity. It is the conduct of Obama and his allies that have so poisoned the political atmosphere to make cooperative efforts practically impossible.

  2. Expansion of Medicaid is an integral component of the ACA and for which Prez Obama needn't apologize.

    In fact, it is the Republican Party institutionally that needs to apologize to millions of politically disenfranchised low income Americans who are being denied access to the expanded Medicaid provision of ObamaCare because Republican Party governors and/or legislatures refuse to participate in the fully funded Medicaid expansion.

    The following map shows in blue the states that have signed up for the expanded Medicaid provisions of ObamaCare. The states in the lighter color have not signed up - these states are controlled either by Teapublican governors and legislatures, or have a veto happy Republican governor, or a Teapublican controlled legislature.


    More specifically, of the 25 states that have signed up for the expanded Medicaid provisions, ten have just been surveyed. In those ten surveyed states, Medicaid has signed up 444,000 people in the six weeks since open enrollment began, according to Avalere Health, a market analysis firm that compiled data from those states.

    "Medicaid is exceeding expectations in most places," said Dan Mendelson, president of Avalere Health which conducted the survey."It is definitely a bright picture in states that have chosen to expand."

    This great success is occurring despite institutional Republican Party subversion of ObamaCare that has only half the states of the divided United States participating in the Medicaid component. The Medicaid expansion is strongly supported by state hospital associations, medical groups and advocates for the poor. (emphasis added)

    The participating 25 states are doing exceedingly well. "This is a group of states that's very committed to aggressive expansion and enrollment," said Matt Salo, executive director of the nonpartisan National Association of Medicaid Directors.

    The Republican Party needs to apologize to the millions of Americans excluded from the Medicaid provisions of the ACA, politically disenfranchised because they don't have millions of dollars to buy television and internet advertising against the people who do have such money and who use it to misrepresent ObamaCare and to lie about the ACA.

    What the Media Won’t Tell You: Millions are Hurting as Red States Reject Medicaid Expansion


    Medicaid is health overhaul's early success story


    Sorry, you are simply spouting more propaganda nonsense.

    Obamacare is a FEDERAL program. Obama's devious attempts to shift the burdens of his failed Obamacare onto the States and their taxpayers is contemptible. Your lame attempts to shift the blame onto the States are as valid as an Obama promise. BM ChuckD has already detailed the fallacy of trying to lay the disasters of Obamacare onto the States.

    Obamacare was concocted by Obama, and a Democrat-party controlled Congress. Right from the start, his process was not to engage the American people in this effort. Instead it was a wheeling and dealing free-for-all with all sorts of payouts, lies, and "Cornhusker Kickbacks". Obama was not concerned then and is now not concerned in the slightest what the American people want for health care.

    • Like 1
  3. -snip-

    Further, as I pointed out in my post above, a number of major insurance companies are circumventing the grandfather clause written into the ACA, which protects us in our present programs, by making minor changes to our policies. The minor changes make the grandfather clause written into the ACA inapplicable.

    The result is that a number of scheming insurance companies are engaged in a massive swindle of the public by cancelling tens of millions of policies.

    No, this is where, as the thread topic heading says, Obama had to apologize. The thread topic heading is:

    Replying to Obama says 'sorry' to Americans losing health insurance.

    So it is Obama who screwed up and caused Americans to lose their insurance policies and there it is in bold print.

    It was Obama who repeated told people that if they like their doctor they can keep him, and if they like their health insurance policy they could keep it. But it wasn't true.

    The Act has new requirements for insurance policies, and most old insurance policies don't comply with this new Obamacare law. So the insurance companies had no choice but to cancel the illegal old policies and either pull out of the market or write new complying policies which will cost a lot more due to compliance.

    I don't know how anyone can reach the conclusions you are quoting, when Obama's role in the loss of insurance for millions of people is so obvious that he had to publicly apologize.

    Exactly what did Prez Obama say when he said "I'm sorry"?

    Prez Obama said he's sorry he failed to prevent the insurance companies diabolically screwing tens of millions of Americans and that he's getting on the case administratively (not legislatively at this time because the treacherous Republicans in Congress will prevent his actions to remedy the situation) to correct the problem of the corporate insurance companies acting cynically and by sinister means and in sinister ways.

    Prez Obama said, "We worked hard to try to make sure we implemented it properly. Obviously we didn’t do a good enough job.

    “We’ve got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.

    “Ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel these substandard plans, what we said under the law is, you’ve got to replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage because that too was a central premise of the Affordable Care Act from the very beginning.

    “I think for the most part people know that I speak my mind and I tell folks what I think and I’ve been very clear about what I’m trying to do. And I think most people know that even if they disagree with me on certain issues that I’m every day working hard to try to make life a little bit better for middle class families … and folks who are trying to get in the middle class who are doing the right thing and being responsible.”

    I myself would add the remarks written today by former Treasury Secretary and Harvard President Lawrence Summers who, speaking of Teapublican conscious and willful subversion of ObamaCare, stated in the Washington Post that "... history will not judge kindly those who, having lost political debates over policy, go beyond vigorous oversight and seek to subvert enacted programs."

    Summers said, "There is a danger here that goes far beyond delays in access to health insurance. In the end...[o]ur democracy is the loser."

    What you have above is absolute fantasy nonsense!

    It is the narcissistic and deceitful Obama that is intentionally preventing tens of millions of Americans from keeping the health plans that they chose, paid for, and want to keep. It is his administration that deliberately wrote detailed regulations to insure that even more citizens would not be able to keep the health insurance that they wanted. That is why millions of U.S. citizens are now finding out that they CANNOT keep their health care plan whether they want to or not.

    Obama repeatedly and deliberately made promises to the American people that he knew were false. Obama knew when he was making those promises that millions of citizens were not going to be able to keep their health insurance plans. These were deliberate actions by Obama and his administration.

    Remember the promise to the American people that Obama repeated multiple times; "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period! If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” , by B.H. Obama

  4. *sigh* echochamber has restarted. You guys like the sound of your own voices don't you?

    *sigh* It's truly amazing that you do not see and fully realize the damage being done to the American people by Obama and his administration!

    I'm guessing that people who

    - are not rejected from insurance due to pre-existing conditions

    - have access to subsidies to by insurance

    - have better access to Medicade

    will probably all beg to differ.

    What is clear is that the damage is being done to your idealised version of America. It shouldn't suprise. You are conservative. Change scares you. Status quo all the way for your blokes.

    It is not an "idealised version of America" where millions of citizens had health insurance policies that they, as free citizens chose. Health insurance policies that they chose, paid for, and wanted to keep. Those choices of free citizens existed just last year. And a certain person publicly promised the citizens of the United States that they would be able to keep those health plans.

    Remember the promise to the American people that Obama repeated multiple times; "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period! If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” , by B.H. Obama

    Obama repeatedly and deliberately made promises to the American people that he knew were false. Obama knew when he was making those promises that millions of citizens were not going to be able to keep their health insurance plans. Then his administration immediately and deliberately wrote detailed regulations to insure that even more citizens would not be able to keep the health insurance that they wanted. That is why millions of U.S. citizens are now finding out that they CANNOT keep their health care plan whether they want to or not.

    It is not just simple "change" for an dishonest narcissistic Obama and his elitist allies to deliberately use the power of the federal government to deny tens of millions of citizens the health plans that THEY chose, that THEY paid for, and that THEY wanted to keep.

    • Like 2
  5. Not expanding Medicaid is legal. It is ALSO cruel, nasty, and obstructionist. The republicans are never going to win the presidency again with such continued blatant attacks on poor people. Recently they had the nerve to actually cut FOOD STAMPS benefit amounts. Disgusting! You try to eat at all on even the before cut amount, much less eat healthy. So these poor people are going to need health care even more thanks to that. It's not murder but it's a slow kill for sure.

    What does any of this have to do with the topic at hand? Your are simply firing off a scattergun pattern of mudslinging on the faint hope that some of it will stick to a wall. You sputter about cruel food stamps and republican presidencies and wild accusations of attacks on "poor people". Then you descend to frantic wacko screeching about "eat less healthy" without any substance at all.

    You make no sense at all !!!!

    • Like 2
  6. I don't agree that's why they didn't succeed.

    They were like some kind of underground business (read between the lines if you like).

    They didn't have adequate publicity.

    They didn't actually STAY OPEN long enough to build their customer base. By the time many potential repeat customers went back, they were CLOSED.

    People who HAD discovered their product were largely very enthusiastic.

    In other words, mostly not the price, certainly not the food (which was incredible) but other kinds of internal business problems.

    Disagree. I and many other repeat customers did go back multiple times. But those that did were a very slim slice of the Pattaya/Jomtien clientele. Those, mostly from the US, that were familiar with and enjoyed good quality deli sandwiches. The clientele of the area for the most part always seemed to be unable to wrap their head around the concept that to produce the same quality on the other side of the world would cost a bit more.

    I believe that the Australians have a term to describe such people that overrun Pattaya; Bogans!

  7. My first question would be whether the ingredients for Greek food will be prohibitively expensive? Can you even get most of it here at wholesale?

    If her restaurant has to use sub-standard ingredients, or she has to charge too much, she'll be another great idea that doesn't quite work out.

    This comment by Khun Impulse reminded me of a restaurant in Jomtien a couple years back. It was a deli / pizza restaurant named "Deli-izza". They were serving really good deli style sandwiches like Corned Beef on Rye, Pastrami, and Ruebens, etc. Unfortunately, they had to produce/process a lot of their own meats and bake their own bread and the cost was above market for that area.

    Their products were, IMO, first rate, but with the customer base in the area there was no end of the whines "What! Pay 300baht for a sandwich! Rubbish!" from the know-nothings. Like producing good-quality New York style deli sandwiches for 50 baht would be possible in Jomtien, Thailand. It did not succeed.

  8. Gee, I wonder where these guns and explosives were going and who were the intended recipients ?

    " Greece stops ship carrying 20,000 Kalashnikov guns "

    The Greek coastguard has intercepted a Sierra Leone-flagged cargo ship in the south-eastern Aegean Sea with about 20,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles on board, officials say.

    The coastguard said efforts to give a full account of the firearms and ammunition on board the cargo ship were continuing.

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/greece-stops-ship-carrying-20000-kalashnikov-guns-20131109-2x90x.html#ixzz2kLd2Dr9A

  9. Another good stop, IMO, while you are in Bangkok is the Snake Farm and Museum of the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute of the Thai Red Cross. Part of the Institute specializes in the husbandry of venomous snakes, and the extraction, and research of snake venom. Also, the production of snake anti-venom for many species. The Snake Farm serves as an educational organization about snakes for the public, tourists, government and private organizations, schools and universities in order to understand snakes habits and to improve attitude on snakes.

    They have a really well-made and well maintained museum with live snake displays and other educational exhibits on snakes. The displays have both Thai and English explanations. Very well done! There is an entrance on Rama 4 road not far from Lumphini Park. Google Map location for Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute - Snake Farm

    Also, the Snake farm staff demonstrates venom extraction and snake handling for public on:

    Monday – Friday (except extra holidays.)

    11.00 AM Venom extraction.

    2.30 PM Snake Handling and taking a picture with tame snake.

    Weekends and extra holidays.

    11.00 AM Snake Handling and taking a picture with tame snake.

    If you want to see the Snake handling display, I would recommend grabbing a cola/ice tea/water, etc, and grab/claim the front seats at 2:00pm for a good rest break until the show starts. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

    post-152848-0-27524200-1383463103_thumb. post-152848-0-74352000-1383463148_thumb. post-152848-0-28991000-1383463264_thumb. post-152848-0-12097000-1383464011_thumb. post-152848-0-08931300-1383463177_thumb. post-152848-0-21425500-1383463202_thumb. post-152848-0-00116500-1383463229_thumb.

    • Like 1
  10. I can recommend a nice morning walk in/around Lumphini Park. I really enjoyed wandering around Lumphini Park. It is a nice place. A nice change of pace and change of scene from all the frantic hustle and bustle of the city. Has some nice flower gardens, walkways, and a couple of ponds with paddle-boats for rent. Would be a nice place to do a picnic lunch also. Easy to get to by taking the MRT (Underground Rail System) to MRT Silom Station and go out Exit 1, or you can use the BTS to Sala Daeng Station.

    post-152848-0-34062500-1383459586_thumb. post-152848-0-47159400-1383459654_thumb. post-152848-0-78764400-1383459748_thumb.

    post-152848-0-27689700-1383459846_thumb. post-152848-0-80179400-1383460609_thumb.

    • Like 1
  11. Excellent post! thumbsup.gif

    I just wish I could find Borax / Boric acid on Samui!... no one seems to have!! sad.png.... (sounds the same in Thai as in English ... which helps...well it would if one could find it!!) facepalm.gif

    I saw a post the other day giving a link to someplace in Phuket selling it for over 400 baht... so 90 baht is a good price!

    One could also put this solution into small plastic containers and punch holes to let ants in and out .... might be a little less messy... and the containers, could be dotted around out side too.... it would be a safer too thumbsup.gif

    Assume your second image with blue label is your source?

    Yes, the second image is the business card of the chemical shop in Chiang Mai. If you (or a Thai friend) can call the Chemistry Department or a Chemistry teacher in a local school, they may be able to give you a local source. And it's Boric Acid NOT Borax that you want. I believe the Thai word for acid sounds something like 'kurid', so it would be 'kurid boric'. Yes, I could have used some plastic containers and such but I was just using what I already had on hand. No kids or pets live with me so I didn't bother getting fancy.

    I have read that for some ants ("grease ants") the Boric Acid / Sugar mix may not work as well. So it was suggested to mix up the Boric Acid with some peanut butter into a paste. I suppose mixing the Boric Acid with anything those particular ants like to eat will work. Just as long as they take it back into the nest.

    Thanks for replying! I tried one of my local pharmacies, after posting this, with the picture of the bag you posted, thumbsup.gif she said she could get with her next order from BKK.. she thought the price 95 baht was too cheap... facepalm.gif ...and she usually has prices lower than other pharmacies around Samui... any way asked her to order some... I'll happy to get some... spent 5 years looking here! .... the joys of island living ! .... I always forget to look when on the mainland! wink.png

    The Boric Acid that your pharmacy person is talking about may be of "pharmaceutical grade" (or something similar). I'm pretty sure that what I got from the chemical supply shop was "industrial" grade. Of course, for the small amount that you would need, the price difference is probably not going to make that much practical difference. Especially if you would have to travel any distance to get the "industrial" grade.

    I only used a small amount of the one kilo that I purchased. One kilo was the smallest package that they had. It will likely last me for the next four years! And, yes I have it properly labeled so no one starts adding it to their coffee or tea. thumbsup.gif

    Good Luck with the Ant War on Koh Samui !! biggrin.png

    Continue here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/681292-laptop-rises-from-dead-ants-lose/ Crossy :)

    • Like 1
  12. Things will be getting much worse under Obama and the Obama regime. The health insurance cancellations caused by Obamacare could reach as high as 52 million.

    Remember the promise to the American people that Obama repeated multiple times;

    "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period! If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” , by B.H. Obama

    An Obama promise.


    By Kevin G. Hall and Anita Kumar — McClatchy Washington Bureau

    Even as President Barack Obama sold a new health care law in part by assuring Americans they would be able to keep their insurance plans, his administration knew that tens of millions of people actually could lose those their policies.

    But a closer examination finds that the number of people who have plans changing, or have already changed, could be between 34 million to 52 million.

    • Like 2
  13. The USA seems to have lost the magic to solve big problems. The OBVIOUS answer was a Canadian style system, universal coverage, cost controls, paid via normal taxation. It's not rocket science. It makes me sad that my country has become so dysfunctional.

    Those who want to lynch Obama ... well, who cares, they're right wing radicals not to be taken seriously.

    It was not the "right wing radicals" who deliberately and repeatedly lied to the American people. It was Obama. And it was Obama making promises to the American people that he knew to be false.

    Obama repeatedly promised the American people "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period! If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

    Obama knew when he was making those promises that millions of citizens were not going to be able to keep their health insurance plans. Then his administration immediately and deliberately wrote detailed regulations to insure that even more citizens would not be able to keep the health insurance that they wanted. That is why millions of U.S. citizens are now finding out that they CANNOT keep their health care plan whether they want to or not.

    Obama has destroyed any sense of trust that a thinking person may have once had in him. He has demonstrated a proven incompetence and a proven lack of integrity.

    You fail to realize that Obama is at the center of the problem. Right from the start, his process was not to engage the American people in this effort. Instead it was a wheeling and dealing free-for-all with all sorts of payouts, lies, and "Cornhusker Kickbacks". He was not concerned and is now not concerned in the slightest what the American people want for health care. The Obama principle is that he and his administration know best for us and it's up to us simply to respond "Yessir" .

    • Like 2
  14. The answer to an indoor ant infestation is Boric Acid. I just removed an infestation from my apartment. For those in Chiang Mai you can go to a chemical supply shop located on the south side of Suthep Road right about here. I walked in and spoke with one of the staff. I mentioned Boric Acid and show him กรด BORIC and the man knew exactly what I was talking about. 90baht for one kilo. (which would be enough for a several appartments/condos).

    post-152848-0-94170400-1383965703_thumb. post-152848-0-24003800-1383965731_thumb. post-152848-0-10101300-1383965772_thumb.

    I mixed a batch of ant-killer goo/paste with 2parts Boric acid, 2 parts regular sugar, and 1part water. Went a little high on the water but that did not seem to matter. Just made it more of a syrup rather than a paste. Stirred well for about 10 minutes. Placed several small dabs down on some plastic from a store packaging box and placed it down near where the ants were active. Did not take their scouts 15min to find the stuff and before long bunches were feeding and taking it back to their nest. Went on for about 24 hours and then stopped. It's been 48hours and I do not see any ants around. Victory !! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif xw00t.gif.pagespeed.ic.Fk8xTuMtRw.webp

    Boric Acid is a low-level poison. Just ensure that small kids or pets are not going to pick it up and eat it. It seems that the secret is to get the poison into the nest and to the queen. Kill off her and the nest dies. Whey you spray and kill the 20-30 ants that you see, you are only getting the scouts and workers. The queen pumps out replacements for them every day. With this method you are using the scouts/gatherers to bring the boric acid into the nest and to the queen.

    Ants eating the mix. Ants taking the mix home to the nest. This nest was, apparently in the wall in the hong-nam.

    post-152848-0-84605800-1383966573_thumb. /post-152848-0-40782500-1383966616_thumb.

    Excellent post! thumbsup.gif

    I just wish I could find Borax / Boric acid on Samui!... no one seems to have!! sad.png.... (sounds the same in Thai as in English ... which helps...well it would if one could find it!!) facepalm.gif

    I saw a post the other day giving a link to someplace in Phuket selling it for over 400 baht... so 90 baht is a good price!

    One could also put this solution into small plastic containers and punch holes to let ants in and out .... might be a little less messy... and the containers, could be dotted around out side too.... it would be a safer too thumbsup.gif

    Assume your second image with blue label is your source?

    Yes, the second image is the business card of the chemical shop in Chiang Mai. If you (or a Thai friend) can call the Chemistry Department or a Chemistry teacher in a local school, they may be able to give you a local source. And it's Boric Acid NOT Borax that you want. I believe the Thai word for acid sounds something like 'kurid', so it would be 'kurid boric'. Yes, I could have used some plastic containers and such but I was just using what I already had on hand. No kids or pets live with me so I didn't bother getting fancy.

    I have read that for some ants ("grease ants") the Boric Acid / Sugar mix may not work as well. So it was suggested to mix up the Boric Acid with some peanut butter into a paste. I suppose mixing the Boric Acid with anything those particular ants like to eat will work. Just as long as they take it back into the nest.

  15. What I am having trouble wrapping my head around is why everybody is calling what Obama said an "apology".

    What he said was he was sorry for those people that lost their health coverage after he gave them "assurances" it wouldn't happen.

    An apology from any honest person would have been..."I'm sorry for spreading the tale about keeping your coverage and doctor all those times in a political attempt to get the bill passed and then accepted by the American people so I would win re-election."

    He has NOT apologized for any of his actions or statements so far. Narcissists do not apologize.

    You can't fault the man for not saying the precise words you would have scripted.

    Saying the word 'sorry' or saying anything apologetic is very rare for any politician. Did Bush or Cheney ever say they were sorry for committing US soldiers to a war under false pretenses? I don't think you'll ever find a Republican politician wax apologetic for any of the multiple screw-ups they've orchestrated in the past 50 years.

    You generally find the moral high ground is taken when you are on the losing side of an argument.

    Add in stinking hypocrisy, where most of the protagonists on this thread are recipients of government provided health care (either Medicare or veterans), and you have what has been a highly entertaining thread.

    Keep it coming fellas.

    The "stinking hypocrisy" belongs to Obama. He is making false apologies for things that he knowingly and deliberately did.

    While Obama was making multiple promises to the effect of "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period! If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” he knew that that was not true for millions of Americans.

    Obama continued to make those promises while his own Department of Health and Human Services were writing additional rules to deliberately narrow the "grandfather" provision and insure that additional millions of Americans would have their insurance policies cancelled. Policies that they chose, liked, and wanted to keep. This was all occurring while the most dishonest president in history, B.H. Obama, knowingly kept on making his false promises.

    ​You are simply defending the indefensible!

    Obama = Integrity Zero and Character Zero

    • Like 2
  16. @ Airblade550

    Here is the webpage from the Royal Thai Embassy in London for Non-Immigrant Visa Category “O-A” (Long Stay)

    I recommend that you deal with the Thai Embassy in London. Unless things are different in the UK, you don't have to deal with a consulate.

    I'm a U.S. citizen. Before I applied for, first, a multi-entry tourist visa, and then later a Non-Immigrant O-A (Long Stay) visa, I had read numerous accounts of Thai Consulates in the US giving out wrong info and changing rules on their own, etc, etc. Therefore, I submitted my applications and dealt only with the Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. No problems with them!. I have and will continue to make it a point to deal directly with the Thai Embassy in D.C. instead of any consulate.

    When you have your Non-Immigrant O-A (Long Stay) visa it will have an "DATE OF ISSUE" and an "ENTER BEFORE" date. That time period is the validity period of your visa. In other words, the time period in which you can use that visa to enter Thailand. Upon entering Thailand, Thai Immigration staff will stamp your passport with a stamp good for you to stay in Thailand for one year.

    Your Non-Immigrant O-A (Long Stay) visa should also have a "NO. of ENTRY" with an "M" for multiple. That mean that during the validity period of your visa you can leave and then reenter Thailand multiple times. Each time you enter Thailand under that Non-Immigrant O-A (Long Stay) visa you will get another stamp in your passport good for one year. During the validity period of your visa, you DO NOT need a Re-Entry Permit from Thai Immigration.

    So, if you time your last entry into Thailand to just a few days or a week prior to your "ENTER BEFORE" date, (let's say you enter on 16 October 2014) you will receive another stamp allowing you to stay in Thailand for one year from the date of that stamp. You would be able to stay in Thailand until 15 October 2015. So you can get almost two years stay in Thailand off of that one Non-Immigrant O-A (Long Stay) visa

    Note: If you leave Thailand and will re-enter Thailand after your "ENTER BEFORE" date (AFTER the validity period of your visa); You must get a Re-Entry Permit from Thai Immigration to preserve your one-year stamp upon re-entry into Thailand.

  17. "Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance", NBC News

    " Yet President Obama, who had promised in 2009, “if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan,” was still saying in 2012, “If [you] already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”

    “This says that when they made the promise, they knew half the people in this market outright couldn't keep what they had and then they wrote the rules so that others couldn't make it either,” said Robert Laszewski, of Health Policy and Strategy Associates... "

    Even more evidence of the blatant dishonesty of Obama and his administration! Obama's "sorry" means little when it's apparent that he knew about the issue a long time ago and took no corrective action.

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