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Posts posted by Baloo22

  1. Baloo22:

    Your commeht to me was uncalled for. Your tag line sort of tells me that you are a Republican and though I am no Democrat, you should keep the "crap"lines to yourself as they serve no real purpose here.

    First of all:

    Re: Also the IRS will want to see those funds... "Not necessarily. If this money is from previous income and he has previously declared it on his tax filings, he won't have to declare it again. If it is "new" income or the sourcing is "complicated", consulting a tax accountant or other such tax professional would be a good idea."

    Though this is true My statement was in general terms. Strange you could not figure that out. Or should I have quoted the US Tax Code in full? Your suggestion that this person might want to consider talking to a tax professional is, of course, a very good idea. Certainly I never would suggest doing anything else but that.


    Re: "You have a 10K limit on funds..."

    "Totally false! Total crap!"

    When was the last time you brought 10K or over into the US? I have and that is what I was told so I am speaking from experience. Also, on the US Customs form (you are handed on the plane prior to arrival into the US) there is a box that clearly asks if you are bringing in 10K or more in currency. Mark it and you will be asked about it. For it is a declaration to US Customs by you and so you are liable to be asked to explain it. The US is very definite about this, especially in these times of terrorist activity. But again I was talking in general terms, though would it have been clearer if had listed the entire US Customs' code on the subject?

    Have a nice day.

    Whether I am a Republican or not has nothing to do with this issue.

    From your comment above; "Re: Also the IRS will want to see those funds... "Not necessarily. If this money is from previous income and he has previously declared it on his tax filings, he won't have to declare it again. If it is "new" income or the sourcing is "complicated", consulting a tax accountant or other such tax professional would be a good idea.""

    My comment of "Not necessarily. If this money is from previous income and he has previously declared it on his tax filings, he won't have to declare it again. If it is "new" income or the sourcing is "complicated", consulting a tax accountant or other such tax professional would be a good idea."" stands as good advice. Whether the OP owes taxes on that money, needs to declare some or all of that money to the IRS, is an entirely separate issue. That issue is between the OP and the IRS.

    In your comment above you say "Re: "You have a 10K limit on funds..."" You left out the rest of that sentence. Your original statement was: "You have a 10K limit on funds that you can bring back into the US in cash. It has to be declared with a 10% charge for anything over that... "

    That is not "talking in general terms". That is a very specific statement. And that statement remains totally false!

  2. Now that you have got it, tell us something about the hotel. Maybe useful to many if it is in such close proximity to the main airport.

    Well, it looks like the OP will not be returning to tell us about the Queen's Garden Resort. I have not stayed there so can't say much about it.

    But for those that may stumble upon this topic while searching for a hotel near Suvarnabhumi Airport, this spring (2013) I stayed at the Silver Gold Garden Suvarnabhumi Airport. It was a good clean room with good aircon. There was a restaurant next door, a market right across the street, and a 7-11 less than 100m away. Paid 790baht (total) for a Superior room with airport transfer and ABF. I would stay there again.

    Other BMs have provided additional suggestions in "Hotel close to Suvarnabhumi for 1 night"

  3. Here is another article from Der Spiegel on the current outrage de jour. "'That's Just Not Done': Merkel Comments on Spying Allegations"


    " Meanwhile, Merkel is facing domestic political pressures, as she attempts to form a coalition government between her conservative Christian Democratic Union and the opposition Social Democrats before Christmas. "

    That is one point we can actually agree on. It's not total bullshit, but some 50%.


    "There's a mixture of hypocrisy and feigned outrage along with real objections here," said a former senior intelligence official. "I don't know where the line is. The idea that political leaders are out of bounds for foreign intelligence is amusing. But on the other hand this business about trusting allies is a big thing. My guess is there's a real annoyance here" on the part of foreign allies.

    Let's both subscribe to that.

    But as I wrote in a previous post, this is all about "someone" overdoing all that spying.

    Your further quote from Spiegel magazine regarding domestic politics is accurate. I've just been trying to dig up the German version, no such luck.

    I don't know who compiled that article, but it doesn't fit with what I am reading on domestic politics in Germany. It pretty much looks like that reporter just fit in a sentence at the end about what else is happening in Germany, it looks very much out of context to me. Far be it from me defending Merkel.

    Merkel is trying to form a grand coalition, but she is in a comfortable position having won some 49% of all votes in the last election last September. She can choose between the Greens and the Social Democrats at whim. But in the end she rules, even with re-elections, no pressure at all.

    Social Democrats have put ten points of interest on the table during coalition talks, all relating to domestic politics: taxes, minimum wages, etc. - never mind. During the elections they inveighed heavily on her inactivity on the Snowden affair, but nothing of that is in there now. They've gone pretty much mum on that wanting to join the government. Splitters!

    While it's not about the coalition talks, she is probably worrying about how she looks in this. So having been totally quiescent in summer, she wants to make up for it now.

    Whatever she does, be aware she is the perfect political machine, "Helmut Kohl's girl". She has no fixed values or "politics" whatsoever, she only cares about being re-elected.

    Call her a hypocrite, you are welcome. But sometimes even hypocrites do the right thing.

    "Whatever she does, be aware she is the perfect political machine, "Helmut Kohl's girl". She has no fixed values or "politics" whatsoever, she only cares about being re-elected."

    Yes. We have quite a few of those over here on the other side of the pond also.
    One other reason for all the loud faux outrage from Merkel and the other European politicians is that it keeps that issue in the headlines and front pages of the news media. And while the NSA scandal is on the front pages, guess what is NOT on the front pages? Things like the continuing EURO problems and the economic/employment problems in Greece, Spain, etc.
    It's the same with the politicians over here in the U.S. Before the " Attack Syria" push, what was on the front pages and the headlines here in the U.S.? Benghazi scandal, IRS scandal, press surveillance, and the NSA scandal! IMO, the real reason that Obama was so gung-ho about military intervention in Syria was to push those pesky scandals off the front pages and daily headlines. Then, after that, he loved the "Shutdown Crisis" for the same reason.
    Same, Same. Not Different !!!
  4. To the OP:

    Ignore all the nonsense crap of splitting up cash among three persons, rants about "banksters", Indonesian girls wearing it as jewelry or baking jewelry inside their cakes, and aliens from Alpha Centauri (undoubtedly the "greys") with their bitcoins.

    As some intelligent BMs have said, go to one of the major banks here and see if they can:

    1. Wire transfer the money to your account in the U.S. You don't need to "split it up" either.

    2. Issue you a cashiers check / bank cheque that you can take back with you.

    If you do take it back to the U.S. with you as a "negotiable monetary instrument" like a cashiers check or cash (personally I would avoid carrying around that much cash) just follow the law and declare it. I'm assuming that the money was legally obtained by you, and thus, there is no reason or justification for you to try to "sneak" it through U.S. Customs.

  5. The only way is to wire the money back. Be careful though. I would not do it all at once. The US requires sums over a certain amount (check for present figure on the Net) to be flagged for investigation. Also the IRS will want to see those funds declared at tax time. So transfer the money in small amounts, say 10K or less at a time. Give it sometime between transfers as well. It just looks better.

    Either go through your bank here and arrange those transfers or go through an online transfer company (Xoom.com comes to mind... though I am not sure about Thailand to US). Their costs will be lower than what the bank will charge. Make sure that you have the right iban or Swift number of your US bank along with the account number and name on the account.

    You have a 10K limit on funds that you can bring back into the US in cash. It has to be declared with a 10% charge for anything over that... not to mention the nice little chat you will have with US Customs at the time of entry!

    Someone in this thread mentions buying gold. That will not really work. Importation of precious metals is a definite red flag. Diamonds are easier to carry and one will set you back your 30K if you look for right one. But why risk things? Just do it the right way and follow the rules and you will not be nervous at Customs... which will do nothing more than make them notice you.

    As for cash sniffer dogs at LHR? Right. That I believe... not. That sounds like a ruse to get you to become nervous. Besides I think that the writer of that line here was lucky he did not get pulled in for mentioning explosives at an airport!

    Your comment has a number of factual errors, items of nonsense, and one statement that is really good and accurate.

    First; "Also the IRS will want to see those funds declared at tax time." Not necessarily. If this money is from previous income and he has previously declared it on his tax filings, he won't have to declare it again. If it is "new" income or the sourcing is "complicated", consulting a tax accountant or other such tax professional would be a good idea.

    Second; "You have a 10K limit on funds that you can bring back into the US in cash. It has to be declared with a 10% charge for anything over that..."

    Totally false! Total crap! See "How much currency / money / monetary instruments can I bring into the U.S.?"

    There is no limit on the amount of money that can be taken out of or brought into the United States. However, if a person or persons traveling together and filing a joint declaration (CBP Form 6059-B) have $10,000 or more in currency or negotiable monetary instruments, they must fill out a "Report of International Transportation of Currency and Monetary Instruments" FinCEN 105 (former CF 4790).

    If assistance is required, a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer can help with filling out the form.


    There is more info at the link above.

    The one statement that you made that actually is valid and has some worth to it is:

    "But why risk things? Just do it the right way and follow the rules and you will not be nervous at Customs... which will do nothing more than make them notice you."

  6. Here is another article from Der Spiegel on the current outrage de jour. "'That's Just Not Done': Merkel Comments on Spying Allegations"

    "Spying between friends, that's just not done," she said upon arriving in Brussels for a planned, two-day summit of European Union leaders.

    That is total BS and she knows it's total BS. Anyone with at least two brain cells knows that her own intelligence services do the same thing.

    There is one sentence in the article that accurately illuminates the true reason that Chancellor Merkel is spouting all this faux outrage now. Of course, you have to read all the way down to the very end of the article.

    " Meanwhile, Merkel is facing domestic political pressures, as she attempts to form a coalition government between her conservative Christian Democratic Union and the opposition Social Democrats before Christmas. "

  7. Report: US May Have Bugged Merkel Phone for More than a Decade

    The U.S. National Security Agency may have bugged German Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone for more than 10 years, according to a news report Saturday by the German weekly Der Spiegel. Der Spiegel also cited a source in Ms. Merkel's office saying U.S. President Barack Obama apologized to the German leader when she called him this past Wednesday to seek clarification on the issue.

    Another part of that VOA article provides an illustration of how goofball much of this showboating has become.

    "Germany is also working with Brazil on a draft United Nations General Assembly resolution to guarantee people's privacy in electronic communications. U.N. diplomats say it would call for extending the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to Internet activities, but would not mention the United States."

    I wonder if this resolution will also be co-sponsored by China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos?

    Since all of those countries have signed on to the original International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. That's the Covenant that commits its parties to respect the civil and political rights of individuals, including the right to life, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, electoral rights and rights to due process and a fair trial.

    Let's review those countries again; China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

  8. I find big American corporations to be heavy-handed, asinine, and insular. One feed supplier in the US, a farm feed supplier, who had been McDonald's Feed since 1912 had to change their name from the restaraunt chain doing exactly the same thing that Starphucks is trying to do. The problem, hard to see from here, is this: A large company files court brief after court brief, demanding a defendent's response, until the little guy goes bankrupt paying his lawyer.

    That's the harsh and stupid reality of civil cases filed in the US. It is an engineered system where companies can literally steamroll anyone they like. Now they try to impose their one-sided approach to destroying small businesses here... I hope the Thais use every aspect of Thainess...the case takes years to evaluate...evidence gets lost...witnesses can't be found....and no one pays squat but the foriegn invader.

    Here is a great chance for the legal system we all criticize to protect their own, and help keep corporate America from getting a foothold in their financial space. The American conceptualization of legal justice is pathetically insane, and I hope the nations reject all this nonsense. This situation does not hurt or cost Starphucks a single cent in revenue. And the legal argument..this is Our Intellectul Property is equally stupid...because in any context where such property has no value equates to a non-sequitor of immense and valueless proportions.

    This is why Shakespeare said "the law is an arse".

    You say " One feed supplier in the US, a farm feed supplier, who had been McDonald's Feed since 1912 had to change their name from the restaurant chain doing exactly the same thing that Starphucks is trying to do. "

    Do you happen to have any evidence to back up that accusation? Can you cite a court case? Provide a link to a news source?

  9. It's unfortunate that the little guy cops it. Sure, he's tried to capitalize on another's name, and the law is all about precedents, so if Starbucks does nothing, then it can be seen as permissive, and when a thousand others are doing it, they have no punch in the courts, so they must act.

    Many years ago, I knew a Greek family here in Melbourne, Australia. The parents had been to the US on a vacation and liked the name 'Planet Hollywood', so when they came back, they registered it for their little hamburger joint in Richmond, that had been previously known as Kosta's Hamburger Joint. The name Planet Hollywood had not been previously registered.

    When Planet Hollywood wanted to move into Australia, and found the name already registered, the company intimidated the poor (now ageing) Greeks and they relinquished the name rather than go bankrujpt fighting a multinational. PH didn't offer to buy the name. They told the owners that if they didn't give it up, they'd have their a$$es dragged through the courts until they had no money left.

    That's the other side of the coin, bullying corporations.

    And that story, if it's true, has all exactly what to do with this one, where the "little guy" is clearly the interloper and the "bully corporation" (ya' just gotta' laugh...) has played entirely by the rules?

    Erin Brockovich would consider them a " bully corporation "

    Erin who ??? Is she another ThaiVisa wannabe coffee snob ?

    Or, is she some Oh-So-Trendy-Activist that was portrayed in a Hollywood movie and who's opinion on Starbucks equals "So What2".

  10. If you can't get answers from the Portland Consulate or it just doesn't work out there, you can always do it by mail directly to the Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. I lived in Washington State and got a Tourist Visa and later a Non-Immigrant O-A visa that way. I keep reading various posts of people having problems with Thai Consulates. I dealt directly with the Thai Embassy in D.C and had no problems at all.

    Just an idea. If you qualify, you could spend the additional time and effort and get a Non-Immigrant O-A visa. Yes, it's more paperwork but it's multiple entry also and the fee is same $200. And if you time your last entry into Thailand just prior to your "Enter Before" date, that one O-A visa will get you almost two-years stay in Thailand.

    Note; If you take trip(s) out of and then re-enter Thailand after the "Enter Before" date of an O-A visa, you will need to get a Re-Entry Permit from Thai Immigration before going on your trip. That Re-Entry Permit preserves your one-year stamp.

  11. I think it would be good to plan to save a little each month so you are able to get out of CM for the 6 or 8 weeks when the fields are burned and the air pollution is so bad.

    I lived in CM for a year, and really enjoyed the cooler Winter weather, however the pollution was starting to affect my breathing. I enjoyed the Mountains however, i always lived near the Ocean and missed the Ocean. I have relocated to Jomtien, have been here almost three years. Not the air pollution, however, no really cool weather either, everything has an up and down side. Jomtien is about 10-15% more expensive than CM, but I manage very well. I do miss my Kau Soi...and Pizza at Duke's........

    Good luck....I worked until I was 62, Can't imagine retireing before that, I enjoyed working and there are days after 4 years of retirement that I want to go back to work. If the air pollution gets to you consider Jomtien/Pattaya or Hua Hin......as a get away............

    Good points there!
    The northern part of Thailand does have an additional season; The "smoky season". It is normally in the February-March timeframe. The farmers burn off the rice stubble from their fields, mushroom gatherers burn the forest undergrowth (apparently it helps the mushrooms grow after the rains start), and everybody else is burning leaves, trash, and whatever else they want to burn.
    The severity of the smoke pollution varies from year to year. I first arrived here in Chiang Mai early March 2012 and some days were so bad my eyes would be burning after a short time outside. And it was even worse further north in Chiang Rai. They had multiple airline flights into Chiang Rai cancelled because of the smoke "haze". It started to clear up the first week of April. From talking to others here, I understand that the 2013 "smoky season" was not nearly as bad
    Many people who live up here plan annual vacations every year during the Feb-Mar timeframe. I made sure that I was elsewhere for 2013 "smoky season". I already have my plane tickets for a month-long trip away in March 2014. Decided that it was an excellent time to explore the Philippines!
    Even with that problem, I still like it very much up here in Chiang Mai. I'm just going to plan my vacation trips for March every year! Either back to the US to visit family or somewhere else in SE asia. Just like Ms. Sunshine says, everything (and every place) has an up and down side!
    Vacations while in my vacation retirement!! Love it !! biggrin.png
    • Like 2
  12. I know a lot about coffee and Starbucks tastes like cat piss, That's my honest opinion, I can only guess why its all so popular? probably because its so overpriced & wannabe Hi-so's think its posh, I guess?

    Those that can do! Those that can't become critics and say "I know a lot about coffee and Starbucks tastes like cat piss...".

    Sure. Right. You know a lot about coffee. laugh.pnglaugh.png

    That's why that new chain of "New Monkey Coffee Shops" is giving Starbucks so much competition. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Yes actually I do "know a lot about coffee" & own a coffee shop and its doing very well thank you and my engineering company is doing a fantastic amount of business I have tried Starbucks many times and always the same conclusion... "cats piss" I am wealthy so can do what I want buy what I want.w00t.gif

    Yes I do know about coffee we buy the very best Colombian coffee beans directly from the beneficios and we roast and blend the beans in house.whistling.gif

    BTW My handle/avatar on TV has nothing to do with anything outside of the forums do you understand that one Mr. Baloo22 the big fat silly bear?cheesy.gif

    Why do you question someones opinion so verdantly?facepalm.gif

    "my opinion & I am not the only one on this" w00t.gif


    Look up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starbucks

    Coffee quality

    Kevin Knox, who was in charge of coffee quality at Starbucks from 1987 to 1993, recalled on his blog in 2010 how George Howell, coffee veteran and founder of the Cup of Excellence, had been appalled at the dark roasted beans that Starbucks was selling in 1990.[29][56] Talking to the New York Times in 2008, Howell stated his opinion that the dark roast used by Starbucks does not deepen the flavor of coffee, but instead can destroy purported nuances of flavor.[29] The March 2007 issue of Consumer Reports compared American fast-food chain coffees and ranked Starbucks behind McDonald's Premium Roast. The magazine called Starbucks coffee "strong, but burnt and bitter enough to make your eyes water instead of open".[57]

    Whats your reply Mr Cartoon Bear? clap2.gif

    Well, it's just so thrilling to hear from you Mister "I am wealthy so can do what I want buy what I want" !

    You say that you own a coffee shop. Great. Now you just have 18,999+ to go before you can match Starbucks! But of course, you know so so very much more about what everybody's taste in coffee is supposed to be. As opposed to the millions of customers that do like Starbucks coffee.

    You may very well like the coffee that you produce. I have never told you that the coffee that YOU LIKE and pay for with your money is "cat piss". You are the one that is, with almost religious fervor, trying to tell other people that the coffee that they like and pay for with their own money is "cat piss".

    Here are three of the astute observations the BM Jsixpack made on these type of Starbucks-bashing posts that seem very appropriate here. (I truly do wish I could take credit for them!)

    • Starbucks coffee tastes like Starbucks coffee--not what some think coffee should taste like, not that they would know anyway;
    • Starbucks isn't just about coffee but about the other products, service, and atmosphere--which many disingenuously ignore;
    • Some need to cling to a kind of reverse snobbery for illusory self-affirmation.
    • Like 2
  13. Seriously! You need to cut down on your caffeine intake! And/or do some meditation.

    If the OP wants to carry that much cash with him, he just needs to declare it to Customs when he enters the U.S. It probably would not be a bad idea to keep a copy of the record(s) of the wire transfer(s) that he did moving the money out of the US. Then, if any questions are asked, he can show them that.

    See "How much currency / money / monetary instruments can I bring into the U.S.?"

    There is no super double-secret nefarious conspiracy behind this requirement and other associated required reporting that banks must do. It's a result of the "Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act" and is part of the efforts to fight against money laundering operations, primarily by organized crime and narcotics trafficking organizations.

    I do consume quite a bit of coffee throughout the day. It's quite possible I could use more meditation, but these issues would not change what I posted above.

    I agree, there is no super double-secret nefarious conspiracy behind this requirement. Most of these requirements are wide-open for all to see, except many can't see them for what they truly are.

    I do admire the "efforts to fight against money laundering operation, primarily by organized crime and narcotics trafficking organizations" shtick, but unfortunately, I don't buy it for one second. You can call me a "conspiracy nut" or "fruitcake", until your tongue is bleeding. Something has always stunk in Denmark. It's just taken a loooong time for most people to wake up.

    Anyway, peace, love and happiness to all. I'm heading out for another massive cafe latte. Zoom Zoom!

    hope nobody has a Chase Manhattan account. They're really screwed now with a business saving account. One can't swift money into foreign country and ATM international is limited to peanuts.

    the suggestion of buying physical gold or silver is the best in my opinion. silver has a better prospect for now.

    Factually incorrect! Chase Banking changed their rules on international wire transfers for one type of business checking account, the "Chase Total Business Checking", their basic business checking account.

    Is Chase forbidding international wire transfers; No!

    Is Chase trying to get businesses to "upgrade" their account so that Chase can make more money; Yes!

    The bank’s basic business account, Chase Total Business Checking, does not allow outgoing international wire transfers (it does allow them to come in)...


    Upgrade to Chase’s Performance Business Checking and there’s no cash activity limit. Plus, you get two domestic wires transfers per month at no charge and international wires are available for an additional fee. Of course, there’s a $20 monthly fee that’s waived if you can maintain $50,000 balance.

  14. So many similar silly Posts on this Thread.

    Starbucks is a Multi-BILLION Dollar Company, serving hundreds of thousands of Coffees a DAY, worldwide - they are obviously doing a LOT right.

    However on Threads like this dozens of know-it-all TEFLERS and other hand-to-mouth denizens of Thailand suddenly spring out of the bushes and explain / complain that Starbucks is selling a rubbish Product and of course - by implication - THEY could do better.

    coffee1.gif (Pun intended!)


    I know a lot about coffee and Starbucks tastes like cat piss, That's my honest opinion, I can only guess why its all so popular? probably because its so overpriced & wannabe Hi-so's think its posh, I guess?

    Those that can do! Those that can't become critics and say "I know a lot about coffee and Starbucks tastes like cat piss...".

    Sure. Right. You know a lot about coffee. laugh.pnglaugh.png

    That's why that new chain of "New Monkey Coffee Shops" is giving Starbucks so much competition. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Aparently you've missed the boat with the plethora of coffee parphanalia that can be purchased to make your own brew at home, or the specialist coffee shops which abound in cities which have an established coffee culture (and sell their products generally for a lesser price than Starbucks). So yeah, there are plenty of comparisons around.

    So, yep, just becuase I'm not in the coffee making business doesn't mean I don't know it isn't crap.

    But, apparently in your book, we all have to be come major international vendors of a product before we can have a view on said product. Try telling a trappist monk his speciality beer is crap given he isn't selling it globally like Budwiser, which is the Starbucks of the beer world.

    No, did not miss the boat at all! Just don't feel that religious zeal to be on a constant jihad against the coffee that millions of people happen to like and pay for with their own money. And yes, I do believe that the people in the coffee company with over 19,000 stores in 62 countries do know quite a bit more about coffee than you.

    By the way, you have your analogy pointing in the wrong direction. It is you that is telling the Trappist monk that his specialty beer is crap simply because it does not suit your taste.

  15. @ Baloo22

    Why so defensive man? Is drinking a cup of burnt, stale squirell piss at Starbucks really one of your great pleasures here in LOS?

    I'm not so defensive, man. I hardly go to Starbucks at all. I just feel that if a person likes Starbucks coffee, there is nothing wrong with that at all. And if a person enjoys going to a Starbucks store, there is nothing wrong with that at all. I just don't feel the religious zeal to come on here and insist to people that the coffee that they like and pay for with their own money is "crap", "pond water, "shit awful stuff", "cat piss", ... ad nauseum.

    If you want to look at defensive offensive people; look for the people that are using terms like "burnt, stale squirrel piss".

    • Like 1
  16. Disgusting behavior of a world bully !

    You can bet that the intelligence services of Germany, France, Great Britain, and every other country that has the ability is doing the exact same thing! The only ones surprised by this are the totally clueless !! News Flash--> It's what national intelligence services do!!

    It's like you ( and other clueless ones) go to a pond. You see some fish swimming in the water and start screaming;

    " Look! Those fish are swimming in water! Oh my god!! Astounding! Outrageous! Shocking! Alert the media! "

  17. The taste cant be worse than starbucks shit awful stuff bah.gif

    So many similar silly Posts on this Thread.

    Starbucks is a Multi-BILLION Dollar Company, serving hundreds of thousands of Coffees a DAY, worldwide - they are obviously doing a LOT right.

    However on Threads like this dozens of know-it-all TEFLERS and other hand-to-mouth denizens of Thailand suddenly spring out of the bushes and explain / complain that Starbucks is selling a rubbish Product and of course - by implication - THEY could do better.

    coffee1.gif (Pun intended!)


    I know a lot about coffee and Starbucks tastes like cat piss, That's my honest opinion, I can only guess why its all so popular? probably because its so overpriced & wannabe Hi-so's think its posh, I guess?

    Those that can do! Those that can't become critics and say "I know a lot about coffee and Starbucks tastes like cat piss...".

    Sure. Right. You know a lot about coffee. laugh.pnglaugh.png

    That's why that new chain of "New Monkey Coffee Shops" is giving Starbucks so much competition. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  18. Baloo22 thank you that's a good idea. I will definitely consider a trial period and have a couple of back up locations in mind.

    My hobbies tend to be things I can do alone. I love reading, watching movies and documentaries, music, hiking, following my favorite sports teams (go Reds) and doing volunteer work (I realize I may not be allowed to do this on a retirement visa). I would also like to explore SE Asia a bit more. I have visited Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and The Phils but for only short periods of time. So an occasional trip to nearby country would also interest me.


    Your welcome! smile.png

    I also enjoy a lot of reading, movies, documentaries and the like. Learning to use and play with my new toy; a Nook HD+ that I got this summer on my trip back to the US.

    You mention that you would like to explore SE Asia more. After moving up here to Chiang Mai I did a bit of travel also. I'm fairly new to Thailand, about two years now, so mostly trips within Thailand. Took trips to Bangkok, Phuket, Kanchanaburi, Chiang Rai, Mae Sai, and also Vientiane, Lao.

    I like to get on the web and book air flights with Air Asia or Nok Air. I know many BMs here don't like Air Asia but I've gotten some good "promo fares" and had good experiences with them. You can get some great low fares from AirAsia if you can book far in advance and can be flexible in your travel dates. Don't know if you have used them before.

    Up here in northern Thailand, the Green Bus company is a good way to go. They have a good reputation for safe and sane travel, unlike the usual bus and van operations. I've used them round trip Chiang Mai <--> Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai <--> Mae Sai. I found them to be professional and with, IMO, sane and safe drivers.

    • Like 1
  19. If Starbucks wins a monetary award, how likely is it that they will be able to collect on the judgement?

    I'd guess about likely as their being able to enforce the desist injunction the seem to already have.

    ...blood... from a stone.

    That's not the critical point of importance for Starbucks. The action that Starbucks is taking is to protect their trademark, not solely in this instance but in the future also. This is for cases in the future where someone opens a chain of coffee shops named Starbiks and plasters the Starbucks logo all over them.

    When some attorney for these "Starbiks" shops tries to tell a judge " But Starbucks let bunghole-boy in Bangkok use a copy of their logo! ", the Starbucks attorney will be able to say " No, that is incorrect. Here's a copy of the "cease and desist" letter we sent to bunghole-boy. Here are copies of the legal actions we filed in court against bunghole-boy. ", etc, etc. Even if their legal actions against bunghole-boy are not successful here in the land of Fake-Copy-Steal, they still must go through the motions.

  20. Wait a minute here. I seem to remember Obama touring Europe and huge crowds of Europeans looking on with adoring eyes and cooing sweet praise. emot-kiss.gif Ohhhh! Ahhhhhh! wub.png They even went and gave him a Nobel Peace Prize for doing .......ahhhh?....hummmmm? Well, nothing at all, really!!! facepalm.gif
    It aptly demonstrated that, not only the U.S, but Europe also possessed a large number of people lacking critical thinking skills and stupid enough to buy into the schtick of the smooth-talking snake oil salesman.
    So, now, when I hear about any Europeans complaining to Obama; Sorry, my sympathy generator is busted !!

    Let's just say Europeans, Germans probably most prominently so, can be a bit infantile about US elections and Democratic presidents.

    US elections are very closely followed here for reasons best known to the media and seen as epic battles between good and evil. The Republican candidate is invariably the "evil" guy, especially after George W. Hence Obama tended to be seen much like bat's piss* for having so far failed to start new wars even when under pressure for national politics and with his drone wars staying largely under the radar.

    That is apparently now changing as US politics are being brought to Europeans' front doors and they don't like them. * a shaft of golden light in utter darkness

    "Let's just say Europeans, Germans probably most prominently so, can be a bit infantile about US elections and Democratic presidents."

    I certainly agree with that 1000% !! But they shouldn't feel too bad about it. As demonstrated last year, we had enough clueless people to vote Obama into another four years! facepalm.gif

    One other really neat thing about all this faux outrage. Does anybody think that the intelligence services of Germany, Great Britain, France, etc do not also tap in, and record, the communications of anybody that they have the technology/ability to do so? Including official agencies and persons of other countries. If anybody thinks that, they are dumber than a bag of rocks! It's just that those countries have not had their "Snowden Moment" yet. It will come!


  21. Well, I can't speak to the specifics of bars in Naklua. But what you are describing has been happening for several years now. With the 2008 "Financial Crisis" and the slightly later "Euro Crisis", far fewer European and North American visitors are able to repeat their, previously frequent, "two-week millionaire" tours to the bars of Pattaya.

    They have been replaced by large numbers of Russians who buy a lot of their beers from 7-11s and Family Marts. Also, an increasing number of Chinese on organized package tours that usually don't include the beer bars of Pattaya and Naklua.

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  22. Wait a minute here. I seem to remember Obama touring Europe and huge crowds of Europeans looking on with adoring eyes and cooing sweet praise. emot-kiss.gif Ohhhh! Ahhhhhh! wub.png They even went and gave him a Nobel Peace Prize for doing .......ahhhh?....hummmmm? Well, nothing at all, really!!! facepalm.gif

    It aptly demonstrated that, not only the U.S, but Europe also possessed a large number of people lacking critical thinking skills and stupid enough to buy into the schtick of the smooth-talking snake oil salesman.

    So, now, when I hear about any Europeans complaining to Obama; Sorry, my sympathy generator is busted !!

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