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Posts posted by Baloo22

  1. Arms and weapon organisation here is that of a thirld world country, buy some ammo here get some guns there, mixed up stuff like drives maintenance costs at astronomical high levels. They would done also a lot better having chosen the Dassault Rafaele. Saab is a struggeling company, if I remember it right, there was a chicken meat deal involved for the fighters buy, maybe this time time they trade mold rice for some more Gripen! Corruption at high leves

    ls because the costs are to be paid by the tax payer!wai.giffacepalm.gifwai2.gif

    Agreed, except that I don't believe that choosing the Dassault Rafaele would make any difference. Saab Gripen, Dassault Rafaele, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon,........; If they don't have the necessary maintenance, and support organization it won't matter which aircraft they buy. The shiny aircraft is only a small part of the whole.

  2. Whoa, this is getting nuts. You guys do realize that part of the budget is both sides put stuff they refuse to take out and cannot agree on some taxes that make perfect sense and are very equitable, To try and cast total aversion to any one person or party in disingenuous or out of step with reality.

    Yes. I agree. Politicians in D.C. from both parties need to be forced to start the country moving in the direction of fiscal sanity. Unfortunaltly it seems that only severe and drastic measures, such as refusal to raise the debt ceiling, will be able to force such a "sea change".

    What you are saying is a large part of why the "Tea Party" movement started and gained so much traction among so many average working Americans. They saw members of both parties doing many of the same kind of irresponsible fiscal legislating. When each Representative and each Senator adds his own "bring home the bacon" earmarks and projects the total result each year is more, more, and more. And the debt ceiling has to be raised again, and again, and again, to pay for it all. Then add in smelly corrupt deals like the infamous "Corn Husker Kickback" and whacky pronouncements like "We have to pass the bill to see what is in it."

    And now we can add the "Kentucky Kickback" to the list!

    • Like 2
  3. Baloo22 You say

    "With all due respect what you are saying boils down to more made-up Blame Bush blather!! Close to the five year mark now. Exactly what year of the Obama era can we expect him or any of his regime to accept any responsibility for anything. We truly do need the adults in Washington D.C. to refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted.

    And no matter how much made-up revisionist history you produce, realize that " Leadership means that the buck stops here " does not mean "Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush.."

    I was merely pointing put the bucket of shit Bush handed to Obama. I believe I mentioned that using your method rather than Obama's the States would have seen the worst depression in history and dragged the world down with them. I believe they are claiming responsibility for stopping the express train to destruction that they were given. They are excepting the fact that they have finally started a health system for all Americans. It needs work on but it is a start. You Republicans blew your chance in 94 when Clinton using his wife tried to help all Americans. Obama has showed you up for the money grubbing heartless phonies you are.

    Thanks to Obama America has a chance at the future. Using your don't spend money just hoard it will lead no where. I wonder what The Republicans are going to say when the Democrats in the future tackle the interstate system. For sure the Republicans will be to busy counting money to realize there is a lot of old road work that needs redoing. It is going to be a long road back but give them the time and they can take it back to the glory years of the Clinton administration. You remember those days when Clinton had the states in great shape and the Republicans could not fault it so they attacked him on his sex life.

    Sadly through 8 years of inept bungling it will take a long time to return to those glory years. But we now have the leadership.

    I have said it before and I will say it again. Until the Republican Party realizes there is more to America than big business and rich people it will remain the laughing stock it is.

    It is a shame that the Republicans can not think of the welfare of there fellow country men and work with the Democrats for a better America.

    By the way your

    "Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush.."

    Takes me back to my childhood when that is all we knew was just say it over and over and over again.

    Your "I believe" economic speculation is just that, fantasy speculation. And the neither the Republicans nor the U.S. justice system "attacked Clinton on his sex life". The despicable piece of garbage lied under oath in a court of law. He committed perjury. A felony. This from a chief executive that was entrusted to enforce the laws of the United States. Cheap rationalizations of this with "attacked him on his sex life" demonstrates a distinct lack of integrity!

    Sadly we have an Obama that has repeatedly demonstrated his zero-integrity disregard for the American people with his crass partisan "Make the People Suffer" shutdown campaign. Instead of performing even the slightest bit of maturity and getting down to negotiating with the People's Representatives. It's thanks to Obama and the constantly debt-fueled spending democrats that are trying to send the United States into economic disaster. We need adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted.

    It's a shame that Obama and the democrats care far more about their crass partisan political goals than they they do about working with the Peoples Representatives on reducing the massive debt that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. Don't forget; "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." Obama's leadership failure!!

    Yes, it does take us back to our childhood when we continually hear the childish Obama and his supporters constantly repeat the Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush,.............

    Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

    Congratulations you have proved you are a true republican. Admit soothing just think of money. People don't count. I will bow to your great wisdom. Obama was handed a bouquet of Roses and turned them into a bucket of shit. Do you believe in Santa Claus too.

    You Republicans are indeed living in lala land. If Rush Limbaugh said the sun would rise in the west and set in the east on odd numbered years you would believe him. I live in a building with one just like you. He has yet to admit that Bush made a mess of it. Albeit he had Cheney and his business interests with Halliburton leading him around by the nose.

    The facts are Obama was handed a recession and has managed to turn it around. Yes it cost a lot of money but not near as much as if he had pulled a Republican and done nothing about it we would be in it for many more years. Until you can except reality there is no common grounds of discusion. Also there is no Easter Bunny.

    Yes, people count. The future generations that will have to pay off the massive and ever growing federal debt that the irresponsible Obama regime refuses to control. You democrats are indeed living in lala land if you think that Obama possesses any management competencies or even the slightest bit of character or integrity. Do you believe in flights of Tooth Fairies that will pay off our federal debt?

    I know someone just like you who will swallow every bit of Obama-sponsored lies and excuse every bit of his degenerate conduct. Disgusting!!

    The facts are the Obama has continually made the recession worse and continues to dig the debt hole deeper and deeper.

    Until you accept reality and realize that the solution to massive debt is not to continue to charge it, charge it, and charge it, there is no common grounds of discussion.

    Also, there are no magical fairies that correct Obama's clear lack of integrity nor fill in the massive debt hole for us.

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  4. And the other irony in that, is their total lack of economic sophistication makes them no better than the idiots on the far left of politics. They are one in the same in their idiocy and they don't even know it.

    Refusing to raise the debt ceiling is the same as shutting the door of a business. With no source of income, debt will NEVER be paid off. If a business is losing money then it needs to be turned around until it makes a profit so that the debt can be paid off. Sure, money can be saved up until the point where it affects the ability to generate money. If a business sacks all its staff then it will not generate money for example. If I am earning 50 bucks a day then I can in theory save the entire 50 bucks but would have nowhere to sleep, nothing to eat or drink. I would die and no future money would be generated. One thing I cannot do is save 60 bucks a day for reasons the Republican's don't seem to understand.

    If I'm in a car speeding the wrong way I really shouldn't just slap on the breaks because I will go through the windshield. I need to slow down and put the car into reverse. The Bush government left me in a car which was going too fast and had very poor breaks so it will take time to reverse direction.

    Basic math.

    The refusing to raise the debt limit is a very strong measure. Unfortunately, the severe irresponsibility of the Obama regime and out-of-control spending democrats have proven themselves to lack the maturity and fiscal self-control needed to control spending and the massive increasing national debt. Self-control and fiscal responsibility in the Obama regime is zero. But their denial is continuous!! The cutting up of the credit card is the option left with a chance of correcting the Obama regime's mismanagement.

    In your speeding car analogy, Obama and the democrats are driving the car and keep on going the wrong way down the road! It is the Obama regime that continues in the car going too fast, with poor brakes, and will not reverse direction.

    “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. The failure of Obama!!!

  5. And no matter how much made-up revisionist history you produce, realize that " Leadership means that the buck stops here " does not mean "Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush.................".

    You would have far more credence if the Republicans could come out with a plan other than to vote against anything Obama has to say (only to put the Black man in his place) or come up with some new ideas other than the failed economic ideas of Milton Friedman. But then again Obama has done nothing to alter the criminal behavior on Wall Street and we certainly can't anticipate any change from the most scarlet woman of Wall Street, HIllary Clinton. The Clintons turned the Democratic party into the traditional pro-business Republican Party whilst the tea party idiots have turned the traditional Republican party into a group of neo-facist ideologues. Help us Obi-Wan Kenobi, your our only help. The dark side of the force, greed, is too strong for the feeble minds of Americans.

    You have got a real confuse jumble in your head. First; Your your weak and shrill "only to put the Black man in his place" is the feeble lie of those that have nothing constructive to say. And the Tea Party are far from idiots. They are the adults in the room who are fighting for fiscal sanity in our federal government. The idiots are Obama and the endless debt-fueled spending democrats that are threatening our children's and grandchildren's future.

    There is a dark side. It is the group of neo-fascist ideologues of the Obama regime and the Harry Reid democrats that put their crass political avarice ahead of the good of our nation. The dark side of the force is too strong for the feeble minds of Obama supporters and their "Blame Bush!" mantra. Don't forget; "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." Obama's leadership failure!!

    We need adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted. Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.
    • Like 1
  6. Baloo22 You say

    "With all due respect what you are saying boils down to more made-up Blame Bush blather!! Close to the five year mark now. Exactly what year of the Obama era can we expect him or any of his regime to accept any responsibility for anything. We truly do need the adults in Washington D.C. to refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted.

    And no matter how much made-up revisionist history you produce, realize that " Leadership means that the buck stops here " does not mean "Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush.."

    I was merely pointing put the bucket of shit Bush handed to Obama. I believe I mentioned that using your method rather than Obama's the States would have seen the worst depression in history and dragged the world down with them. I believe they are claiming responsibility for stopping the express train to destruction that they were given. They are excepting the fact that they have finally started a health system for all Americans. It needs work on but it is a start. You Republicans blew your chance in 94 when Clinton using his wife tried to help all Americans. Obama has showed you up for the money grubbing heartless phonies you are.

    Thanks to Obama America has a chance at the future. Using your don't spend money just hoard it will lead no where. I wonder what The Republicans are going to say when the Democrats in the future tackle the interstate system. For sure the Republicans will be to busy counting money to realize there is a lot of old road work that needs redoing. It is going to be a long road back but give them the time and they can take it back to the glory years of the Clinton administration. You remember those days when Clinton had the states in great shape and the Republicans could not fault it so they attacked him on his sex life.

    Sadly through 8 years of inept bungling it will take a long time to return to those glory years. But we now have the leadership.

    I have said it before and I will say it again. Until the Republican Party realizes there is more to America than big business and rich people it will remain the laughing stock it is.

    It is a shame that the Republicans can not think of the welfare of there fellow country men and work with the Democrats for a better America.

    By the way your

    "Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush.."

    Takes me back to my childhood when that is all we knew was just say it over and over and over again.

    Your "I believe" economic speculation is just that, fantasy speculation. And the neither the Republicans nor the U.S. justice system "attacked Clinton on his sex life". The despicable piece of garbage lied under oath in a court of law. He committed perjury. A felony. This from a chief executive that was entrusted to enforce the laws of the United States. Cheap rationalizations of this with "attacked him on his sex life" demonstrates a distinct lack of integrity!

    Sadly we have an Obama that has repeatedly demonstrated his zero-integrity disregard for the American people with his crass partisan "Make the People Suffer" shutdown campaign. Instead of performing even the slightest bit of maturity and getting down to negotiating with the People's Representatives. It's thanks to Obama and the constantly debt-fueled spending democrats that are trying to send the United States into economic disaster. We need adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted.

    It's a shame that Obama and the democrats care far more about their crass partisan political goals than they they do about working with the Peoples Representatives on reducing the massive debt that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. Don't forget; "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." Obama's leadership failure!!

    Yes, it does take us back to our childhood when we continually hear the childish Obama and his supporters constantly repeat the Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush,.............

    Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

    • Like 1
  7. When Senator McCain was running for prez, he said something like; "let's look at spending across the board, and see what can be cut - but we won't touch veterans' benefits."

    McCain is a military veteran. What he said is symptomatic of everyone who gets money from the Federal coffers. All of 'em talk about the need to either cut programs or lessen expenses, but everyone has one or more favorite programs which are sacrosanct from their individual perspective. Social Security (which was opposed by Reps when first proposed by Dems) is now considered untouchable by those receiving it. Pensions, same. SSI, same. PIK, Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps, NIH, and a thousand other Fed pay-out programs, are all considered indispensable by those benefiting from them.

    In essence, Americans say; "Ok cut back on someone else's program if you must, but don't even think about cutting back on a program which sends me a check." Recently, some politicians said that paying on the Nat'l debt (and bonds and all the rest) is #1 priority. Apparently, to them, it's therefore more important than veteran benefits, and their own salaries/pensions.

    To me, the most important program to maintain, is keeping nuclear fuel rods refrigerated. Think about it: if those hundreds of fuel dumps aren't kept artificially very cold, the water would boil off, and fission resumes. In essence; there's a nuclear 'dirty bomb' at each site. What's worse? pissing off the Chinese and Japanese by not paying dividends on their loans to the US, or a hundred dirty Nuke bombs going off in the US? I'd also maintain feeding of zoo animals.

    To me, the best way to lessen runaway spending is to start by decreasing spending by 20% on everything. Concurrently, get input from all sorts of Americans (not just politicians) on which Fed programs to ditch (like PIK), and which to lower funding for (like retirement benefits for rich people).

    You are 100% correct. Across-the-board cuts would probably be a start, although 20% is a bit much. But I believe that there is one area that could be cut and would save us billions without ruffling any feathers. It's called waste, fraud, and abuse. There is tons of waste and fraud in the system, from medicare to tax evaders to sending checks to dead people. Not to mention outright corruption. I have worked with the DoD, for example, and have seen it with my own eyes. It's amazing that more is not being done about it.

    Not sure I would want to see SS cut 20% some people have paid 100% into it for all their working life. Then there are the ones like me who only paid in for 10 years and get the handsome sum of $386 a month.

    But the forign spwending is where it has to be stopped. I am under the understanding that the U S Government is still sending the IRA $17,000,000 a year and I am sure there are many other piles of cash going out to countries that is not helping the U S or them. Then cut the military back.

    Thank God/Buddha/Allah we have a democrat in the white house or there would be two more unwinable wars sucking money out of tax payers pockets.

    So, you say the United States is still sending the IRA (Irish Republican Army ???) $17,000,000 a year. Pray tell, what exactly is your source for this accusation?

    And if you want to thank someone for stopping the U.S. entry into another war, thank President Putin. It was President Putin that administered a good smack to the snout of Obama and prevented him from starting his distraction campaign of flinging high-explosives into Syria.

    • Like 1
  8. No. Things will start changing for the better when the zero-integrity Obama and the Democrats put the brakes on their out-of-control debt-fueled spending. We need adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are performed.

    Don't forget; "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure."

    "Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

    Those leading the charge don't believe in government full stop. They want to gpcut back to nothing.

    As for debt, I often wonder if people think things through. Debt seems to be okay for individuals and companies, it when it comes to governments, there is a stinking hypocrisy from those same people that government should 'save up its pennies' before committing any new expenditure.

    As for debt on out children, why not? If a government decides to fund a highway that my grand children also benefit from, what is conceptually wrong with having them pay part of the cost of that same highway? If the benefits are multigenerational, so should the costs.

    Some debt for certain periods can be "okay" for individuals and companies. Constantly increasing their debt with out-of-control spending, no payments, and constantly increasing the debt limit (debt ceiling) on their credit/charge cards is not a good financial plan for individuals or companies. No hypocrisy at all!!

    In fact, when this happens to individuals and companies, the bank eventually refuses to raise their debt limit (debt ceiling) and/or the individuals end up in a court under one of the federal bankruptcy laws. But with the federal government, the out-of-control spenders are able to raise their own debt ceiling/debt limit. Do you propose some sort of "bankruptcy" for the federal government?

    The problem with your attempted "highway" analogy is that a far too great amount of the debt spending is on today's payments for today's expenses. Our country needs adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted.

    With all due respect you talk like a person who thinks every thing was under control when the power was turned over to the Democrats. Using your ideas the country would have suffered the greatest depression of all time. Dragging the rest of the world behind them.

    Dumb as he was Bush realized the Government had to start spending to save industry. He just wasn't smart enough to see that he was pouring billions and Billions down a bottomless well in Iraq and Afghanistan. Or when he was informed that changes had to be made or he would run the risk of a depression. He made no changes.

    The corner has been turned and the government will soon be able to start paying down it will take time but it will happen. In the mean time America has finaly started to do some thing for the health costs that only the rich could afford or those who lived just above the poverty line because of the ridicules cost of health insurance. Yes there is much to be altered there but thanks to people like Obama there is a start. The health business will soon find out that they are not God's and learn how to doctor again. Maybe in the future every one will be able to afford the high cost that you have to pay a doctor to tell you. You have a cold. But not today.

    With all due respect what you are saying boils down to more made-up Blame Bush blather!! Close to the five year mark now. Exactly what year of the Obama era can we expect him or any of his regime to accept any responsibility for anything. We truly do need the adults in Washington D.C. to refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted.

    And no matter how much made-up revisionist history you produce, realize that " Leadership means that the buck stops here " does not mean "Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush.................".

  9. Your average Republican voter is more than happy to wake you up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning with an offer to save your soul but tell them you have a headache and they will charge you 200 bucks for an aspirin.

    The raising of the cap and the reopening of the government is good news but the can has just been kicked not so far down the street. The Republicans will continue to obstruct everything they can until shortly after the new year then the same thing will happen. Until such time as they are nailed to the cross they seem so fond of, nothing will change.

    No. Things will start changing for the better when the zero-integrity Obama and the Democrats put the brakes on their out-of-control debt-fueled spending. We need adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are performed.

    Don't forget; "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure."

    "Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

    Those leading the charge don't believe in government full stop. They want to gpcut back to nothing.

    As for debt, I often wonder if people think things through. Debt seems to be okay for individuals and companies, it when it comes to governments, there is a stinking hypocrisy from those same people that government should 'save up its pennies' before committing any new expenditure.

    As for debt on out children, why not? If a government decides to fund a highway that my grand children also benefit from, what is conceptually wrong with having them pay part of the cost of that same highway? If the benefits are multigenerational, so should the costs.

    Some debt for certain periods can be "okay" for individuals and companies. Constantly increasing their debt with out-of-control spending, no payments, and constantly increasing the debt limit (debt ceiling) on their credit/charge cards is not a good financial plan for individuals or companies. No hypocrisy at all!!

    In fact, when this happens to individuals and companies, the bank eventually refuses to raise their debt limit (debt ceiling) and/or the individuals end up in a court under one of the federal bankruptcy laws. But with the federal government, the out-of-control spenders are able to raise their own debt ceiling/debt limit. Do you propose some sort of "bankruptcy" for the federal government?

    The problem with your attempted "highway" analogy is that a far too great amount of the debt spending is on today's payments for today's expenses. Our country needs adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are enacted.

  10. Now you are even saying "Republican inspired ACA" ??? It gets nuttier and nuttier!!!


    Of course they did. It was directly modeled after Romney's Massachusett's plan. It was considered a conservative idea, people taking responsibility for insurance rather than single payer, until Obama accepted it. Then it was demonized by the wacko Obama haters. Of course it's a pretty crappy idea that those republicans had. Single payer is STILL the only real answer to full access and cost controls.

    Absolute fantasy!! It was a bill passed by a Democrat controlled Senate, a Democrat controlled House, and signed by a Democrat president. It is totally Democrat Party, through and through! Right through the Cornhusker Kickback! No doubt about it!

    BTW you are using the term "wacko" in the totally wrong direction. It's wacko fantasy to say that the ObamaCare was a Republican plan.

    • Like 2
  11. Your average Republican voter is more than happy to wake you up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning with an offer to save your soul but tell them you have a headache and they will charge you 200 bucks for an aspirin.

    The raising of the cap and the reopening of the government is good news but the can has just been kicked not so far down the street. The Republicans will continue to obstruct everything they can until shortly after the new year then the same thing will happen. Until such time as they are nailed to the cross they seem so fond of, nothing will change.

    No. Things will start changing for the better when the zero-integrity Obama and the Democrats put the brakes on their out-of-control debt-fueled spending. We need adults in the Congress who will refuse to increase the debt ceiling until real and substantial spending reductions are performed.

    Don't forget; "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure."
    "Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
  12. Every week, there is onr article from the nation about what Thais should do to become better people or make a better society.

    I swear it is read only on here and about 20k print copies and that is it. No one cares, and nothing will change. We should, we think, but you don't know and you won't change.

    What I have wondered about is; Are these editorials/commentaries being printed in Thai and in the Thai language newspapers???

  13. Nakhornchaiair (NCA)is the safest bus company in Thailand.. All others your putting your life on the line.



    For people who want to travel around northern Thailand, Green Bus is a good choice. They service a number of cities in northern Thailand and they also have a very good reputation. I traveled on them last year for a round trip Chiang Mai <--> Chiang Rai and also Chiang Mai <--> Mae Sai. Their VIP seats are nice and comfy, and their aircon is strong. Their service is good and their drivers, IMO, drove the bus in a safe manner.

  14. Another thread which will show that Republicans don't know the difference between deficit and debt. Obama is trying to reduce the deficit so as to be able to pay off the debt. If outgoings are higher than income then the is no money to pay off the debt. Is nothing is spent then there is no chance of income, you need to speculate to accumulate. Basic 101 math and nothing more. This is why the whole world except for the Republicans living in their bizarre bubble were quite simply laughing at the US as a whole. So 'we' need to stop extremists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran when all the while US extremists shut down the US for two weeks. Unless the US gets rid of these backwards f***s they will do it themselves, on themselves.

    You say;
    Is nothing is spent then there is no chance of income, you need to speculate to accumulate. Basic 101 math and nothing more.
    So now our Federal government need to "speculate" it's way out of our massive federal debt?? And it's "Basic 101" math??
    You should start your own political party. Call it the "Speculators Party" ! And hire Ivan Boesky as your top strategist!

    .....all the while US extremists shut down the US for two weeks. Unless the US gets rid of these backwards f***s they will do it themselves, on themselves.

    Yes, extremists did "shutdown" the federal government. The extremists responsible were zero-integrity Obama and the democrat party. Unless the US gets rid of these backwards f***s, we will keep on the spend-charge it, spend-charge it, spend-charge it merry go round.
    And the federal debt will continue to grow without control. Placing the burden and consequences on our future generations. That is why we need Congress to stop continually raising the debt ceiling and demand fiscal sanity from Obama and the democrats.
    We need to get off that merry go round and stop the federal government's out-of-control debt-fueled spending. We need the adults in Congress to cut up the federal credit card. If we can't do that, we will eventually end up resembling an economic basket-case like Greece.
    • Like 1
  15. If I can also insert a question in here;

    How long is an Income Letter/Affidavit from an embassy/consulate valid for an Extension of Stay for Retirement?

    I thought I read at one time that Immigration will consider one valid for six months but I cannot find the thread now.

    I went and got an Income Letter/Affidavit from the US Consulate on September 3 this year. I submitted a copy with my application when getting a Non-Immigrant O visa at the Thai Embassy in Vientiane on September 5. I'm hoping I can use the same one next month when I apply at Chiang Mai Immigration for a one-year Extension of Stay for Retirement.

  16. They only want to see money in a Thai account if you use the 800,000 baht available method

    If you have incomes into accounts in your home country totalling 65,000 baht per month an embassy letter confirming this has always been enough financial evidence.

    I hope that this is still the case

    Indeed. For the income method it is up to you to evidence 65k Baht p.m. (or equivalent). There were stories a few years ago of the US embassy not even looking at evidence - they were happy to provide a certificate. A recent story suggested that the British embassy was 'helpful' in applying a generous exchange rate...

    I just got an Income Letter/Affidavit from the US Consulate in September. They did not ask for any evidence. They just have you swear/affirm that the amount you state on the letter is correct. Then they sign off on it and stamp it.

  17. I believe that the Bangkok-Chiang Mai train is still running but with the track repairs you go via train Bangkok to Uttaradit and then via bus from Uttaradit to Chiang Mai. Check out Seat61.

    As far as hotel; can you give some info on what you want in a hotel? Budget, need pool, etc.

    As for the sights; Wat Phra Sing and Wat Chedi Luang are popular sites for the tourists inside the Old City. Less popular (which I like) but nice are Wat Chiang Man and Wat Dok Eung.

    Personally, I didn't like Wat Phra That Doi Suthep that much. It was really busy and very crowded with tourists, both Thai and foreigner.

    If you like to visit Flower gardens/Parks there is two nice ones. One is Phuping (Bhuping) Palace which is further up Doi Suthep past Wat Doi Suthep. Another is Ratchaphruek Flower Gardens (also referred to as Royal Flora Ratchaphruek) about 15km south of the city.

    Take a look at http://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g293917-Activities-Chiang_Mai.html

  18. ***My personal opinion regarding the USA and this whole procedure... First off to spend $160 with no guarantee of getting what you have paid for is some racquet if y ou ask me. Must be a great business to accept deposits or payments in full from your customers for services/products but then turn around and say, oh by the way there is no guarantee that I'll show up and do the work/service or send you the product that you have paid for.

    Actually, you did your homework and the workers in the Embassy deserve to get paid. It is not a free service, nor should it be, especially for the amount of work that goes into handling the cases. I believe most countries require payment in advance, with no guarantee of approval as well. Thailand charges 1000 baht for each entry and 1800 baht for an extension. A double entry with extensions on each entry (as well as expenses to leave Thailand for each of the entries) would cost more for just six months !!!!

    Did they really do anything to deserve and earn the fee charged? Do you know the internal procedures that the Embassy/Consulate does to approve/investigate every single application prior to meeting? Remember, regarding the USA visa, the decision is made at the time of that appointment, so you know before leaving that window. So all work on every application is done prior to the in-person appointment date which is probably why it is 45+ days from the submission of your application. But really, what "work" is actually done on each application? Seriously? Key in a persons name in a database on a computer, while you go to another window and enter the same name in another database and another, taking all but 5 minutes maybe. Really?

    Anybody can feed you a line of BS to justify the cost or fee associated with just about anything and make it sound and appear plausible right on down to the wage of the employee or the cost of the electricity to run the US Embassy which are all what used to be considered "the cost of doing business"...However nowadays governments, corporations and companies have gotten away with sliding those costs and fees down to the end-user or customer from charging a fee to pay with a credit card (which in most cases is a violation of Merchant agreements as its called "credit card suppression"), charging you to pay your bill or use a live person. It is us, the customer or consumer these days that are getting the shit end of the stick and we just accept it as thats the way it is. In most cases we have to, like situations like this, however in others, I personally won't stand for it and I make sure that I make good in other ways. It's my money and time.

    I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day!

    What a silly and ill-informed rant! I guess that you only go to countries that let you in for free.
    Do you know the internal procedures that the Embassy/Consulate does to approve/investigate every single application prior to the meeting?
    How do you know that all they do is "Key in a persons name in a database on a computer"?
    Recently I paid 2000 baht for a Non-Immigrant O visa at the Thai Embassy in Vientiane, Lao. And right on their website it says; Important Notes: Visa must be paid by CASH in Baht ONLY. Fees are not refundable.
    Just for kicks I went to the website for the UK Embassy in Bangkok. Guess what? If they refuse your visa, you don't get your money back either!
    "The visa application fee reflects the administrative costs of processing an application. Your visa application fee will not be refunded unless:
    --you withdraw your application in writing before any processing takes place; or
    --your biometric information has not been taken.
    We will not give refunds if we refuse your application, or if we grant a long-term visit visa for less than the period applied for."
  19. I'll start with something that I would tell anyone visiting or moving to Thailand. Well ahead of time, ensure that all your standard vaccinations are up to date. I say well ahead of time because there are a number of vaccinations that must be given in a series several weeks apart. I would also recommend that you get vaccinations for Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis. Rabies specifically because of the large number of stray dogs or "soi dogs" that are very prevalent here.

    Haven't had any vaccinations or shots in over 35 years of traveling /living in Asia.

    Than there are also those that wil tell you to make sure you have travel and health insurance.

    2 things i have not had since i leftt the Peace Corps in 1980

    Ignore all these doomsayers, get ur ticket, pack ur bags, make sure ur atm works and come over an find out for yourself

    BUT do not burn any bridges to home

    "Haven't had any vaccinations or shots in over 35 years of traveling /living in Asia."

    Is that comment is some kind of feeble joke. Because that comment is stupid, piled on stupid, on top of more stupid!


    Joanna, don't listen to this character. One of the most effective health decisions one can make in their normal life, let alone travelling the world, is to keep their vaccinations up to date. Even some of the standard normal vaccinations can require "booster" shots periodically to maintain their effectiveness. The reason that I originally mentioned it is not because I think you are dumb or anything like that. It's just something that, a lot of times, people just don't think about in the excitement of planning their trips.

  20. I'll start with something that I would tell anyone visiting or moving to Thailand. Well ahead of time, ensure that all your standard vaccinations are up to date. I say well ahead of time because there are a number of vaccinations that must be given in a series several weeks apart. I would also recommend that you get vaccinations for Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis. Rabies specifically because of the large number of stray dogs or "soi dogs" that are very prevalent here.

    Many people have already commented on working here. Many people who come over here, with the best intentions, to teach English, end up hating it. They get into their schools, and find out they are facing an entirely different school/teaching environment than they expected. Lower pay than they expected, additional duties assigned, unruly students, can't fail students even if they deserve it, lack of support from school supervisors, etc. There are also a number of scams aimed at potential foreign teachers. Here is one decent article. Google Thailand teacher scam and you can find other accounts.

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  21. Just out of interest... How many times did Bush v2 raise the debt ceiling and by how much? A dozen times and by 4T or was it more?

    Out of control debt-fueled spending and raising the debt ceiling was not a good idea back then either. Perhaps the years right after 9-11 when we were getting on a war against the Taliban, but in the latter years, no not a good idea. When you find yourself in continuous cycles of spend and charge it, and your debt continues to grow and grow, the second-best time to stop it is now. Unless you have a time machine that we don't know about.

    Since this topic is about raising the debt-ceiling, perhaps we should examine what our current president has had to say about raising the debt ceiling in the past and now. This is, with zero doubt, "On-Topic" !!!


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