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Posts posted by Cheesekraft

  1. I got a burger at a food stall at Maya one day, some Australian themed burger. FAR better than any burger from The Dukes (which is... passable), Mcdonalds, burger king, beast burger, anything like that... it was a solid, real burger, that was absolutely Delicious. unfortunately I saw it only once, I have never in my life went back for burgers two days in a row but unfortunately it had moved on.

  2. I got called insulting names in the Thai language, he did not care whether I understood or not, because I entered on a visa exempt entry. Threatened to lock me up if I tried to enter without a visa exempt. I thought this was totally fine as I am just here for a few weeks and have airfare out already.... welcome to Thailand

  3. I am returning to find Chiang Mai has a much different feel than it had several years ago. The very friendly welcoming vibe seems gone, and everyone feels tense to me. Maybe I am just in the wrong area, but I am really surprised at how CM has changed. Even the traffic is unbelievable! At 21:00 the traffic was the worst I have ever seen it in Thailand, I can't wait for the rush hour. What is changing, and where are the bright sides I am missing in the new world?

  4. it is not safe to be here during the burning season, but the effects/symptoms are generally not too bothersome for many people until the very worst couple of weeks. That doesn't mean that everyone is safe from the cancer causing particles, however. The air a few days ago before the rain/cold front was already starting to get to borderline dangerous, and was causing me symptoms already. In March, it is a living hell.

  5. don't forget to include visa costs and health care backup + insurance costs into the mix when deciding if it is adequate. I would think if you are frugal and do not drink or smoke you , and are single, you should do just fine without any other vices.

  6. I did a large overstay about one year, and I recently got denied a single entry tourist visa, and when I came back with a visa exempt plane entry in mind, I got pulled out of line and intimidated by the officers. I had a flight out of the country, but they didn't want to see that. They threatened indefinite jailtime. I did nothing wrong, and a superior immigration officer let me in. warm welcome!

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