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Posts posted by driedmango

  1. there is no doubt that tourism in Thailand is going the way of Chinese and other Asian tourists. after all the Chinese are the ones with money now. just look at the published numbers. the USA and Europe are still recovering from the worst economic crisis in 100 years. they just don't have the money to spend on vacation anymore. from my experience, most of the Thais i know are better off financially than most of the Western ex-pats i know here. Thailand has been experiencing a booming economy. of course many Thais are living on credit and it will catch up with them like it caught up with the west. indeed prices have skyrocketed here. many things are cheaper in America and Europe. but to me, the Thais are just as friendly as they were when i first came here more than 25 years ago - with the exception of those in Bangkok who are less patient than they were at one time.

    no comment on the Russians which mostly visit Phuket, Pattaya and some are going to Koh Chang now. i hope they never come to the North!

    Interesting as I visited Koh Chang and was shocked it was like a 24 hour drunken scooter race.

  2. No I speak barely enough to not eat spicy food, and would not even try to read it as I'm referring to English written forms, for governmental forms like a visa, forms in English.

    And sorry mixed up last response for Boo as to you.

    I am looking at a an employee ID and the newer cards, the names are also are in English. She is Miss. When I inquired about this she said the choice is Miss or Mrs, so are they now adopting the western style of sexism?


    I also suggested that foreign women be given incentives to do business, ( which I still think is a great idea) so that was three suggestions to end sexism in Tland.

    Please respond to your ... misjudgements.

    The Gov of Thailand giving incentives to women only to make it easier to do business in Thailand ? They only have disincentives unless you have big $$ and want to open something that will make lots of jobs, and they don't care if your male or female..

    You sure don't understand Thailand much, what ever you happen to have between your legs if your not Thai, you don't have much rights.. I for one completely understand they have kept alot of their pastures for themselves, and if everyone that wanted to move here and buy up a cheap guesthouse or streetfood stall did, Thai people would have trouble competing with your capital and our imposing of our way on them (like you are trying to say to do)

  3. Looking for a little place like this...

    On the ocean, where you can take a little dingy out around some coastal areas and maybe catch some seafood

    Very little air or water pollution

    Just off the beaten path but not to far that you can get everything you need or get out when you go crazy

    thriving small group or expats

    thriving Thai alternative arts and culture place

    A little run down but charming at the same time

    Cheap rents and foods.. but not so bad


    Any tips ?

  4. One thing... for instance.. lots of us got tatoos for good or bad it's like half the freaking westerners have them, they are no big deal, mistakes for some, others take pride.. whatever but they are overlooked... but some people from China or even Japan think it means your a criminal, in my country it means you went and got a tattoo and whatever...thais have lots of tattoos, so i don't think they judge you, but now dealing with these kind of brainwashed yuppies and people that haven't been threw the cultural changes in the west (like the hippies, free love, free thinking, peace ... stuff like that.

  5. Now.. I don't mean to be rude, but I have always though of Thailand as a democracy in some ways and also a haven for great value tourism, english spoken..

    Anyone get a feeling that westerners are starting to stick out in a weird way in Thailand ? Like sometimes you look around and it is mostly other Asian countries traveling here now, or Russians, good for them, but we don't really share the same values in lots of ways, it's not that so much as I love Thais, I love Thailand, and it feels like it is being flooded by 2 week package tourists from China and Russia, Korea or whatever, and it's easy to confuse some of these with Thais until you notice they are not full of smiles or willing to talk with a westerner..

    I am thinking of moving on to Central America before the same thing happens there...

    I guess us westerners don't spend as much money as they would like here, even though we stay a long time, thailand seems full steam ahead with inviting the new rich.. and I don't really like being around cheap, rude and just out for a cheap thrill tourists.. and there is NO DOUBT westerners are complete idiots at times too....

    I am not sure, I guess we might have to share this world and I am all for that..

    What kind of changes have you guys noticed ? Are prices rising for everything, are westerners not as welcome anymore, are tourists from the rest of Asia trying to push us out and don't want to see us ? I dont know, I hope nobody will be a jerk right now and accuse me of being racisit, but I like Thailand because of Thais, If they are going to have doubling numbers of tourists every year from large tour groups that are rude and stuff.. it's watering down the exotic thing for me.. and good for all of them.. I have just been wondering about some less discovered places..

    Just a rant, a little insecure as a hairy chested westerner, who isn't rich and is working class, who like freespeach, polite manners, quiet.. the times are a changin.

  6. PS... I completely understand the women's rights movement was needed..

    Now women make more in Canada , and women think that is great, most suicide is male. Most homeless male, most depression male.. And Some feminist love and charish it..

    Women in the west dump men like old rags.. They expect the to be perfect... They start to age now from child bearing years.. And are mean to young men ..our boys are being raised by daycare.. Its a mess.

  7. Yes, prices are bases on ability to pay in Thailand.. you will see if you watch that if someone has less money, they will pay less, if someone has more, they pay more.. if your a farang they figure you have more, but I think they understand very clearly that many scrape a ticket somehow but are really poor, they will give you a better deal if this is the case, most humans can tell when someone is a lair thou.

  8. Similar to theBlether last weekend.

    Brake pedal went to floor at the entrance to Khao Yai NP. Crawled down the hill in low gear expecting the worst because I don't speak a word of Thai, it's Saturday and a holiday weekend and I'm a 2 hour drive from home.

    Found a tiny shop, no inventory at all. He starts to work, takes the bad hose, off on his scooter and back in 10 minutes with a new one in the shrink wrap. Another few minutes, some stomping on the pedal to bleed the air and he's done.

    Now, this guy has me by the short and curlies and I'm expecting to wince at the cost.

    Tries to charge me all of 400 baht ($13). Handed him 2000, knowing it would have cost at least twice that "back home".

    Actions like this are why many Thais overcharge us living here.

    400 baht is a days wages.

    2000 baht is a Weeks wages!

    That's like giving a mechanic in England 500 pounds.

    Please stop this.

    are you crazy 300 bhat is the min wage, mist Thais make 1000 bath a day, they have work all day, they do something more in the evening.. you are fooling yourself, the Thais around you are not only happy, they have more money than you most times
  9. I have many heart warming stories about Thais... I used to stay at a guesthouse and was treated as family, they wouldn't let me pay for laundry and a beer everynight some meals, let me use the scooter.. I had to leave money on the bed when leaving as they were just to nice... many times I have went to pay my bill and it is slashed down... I have seen a broke mentality Ill fellow country man, out of luck being taken care of by a guesthouse owner, many of you would kick him out, she made a birthday party for him and cheered him up as he searched for a way home, she didn't charge him one month accommodation, food everyday.. when he finally had a family memeber pay for his flight home, she paid for a taxi to the airport.. she was out big, big bucks....

    There is never ending stories if Thai generousity from overflowing donations for monks, blind street music ians, ... you will wonder why there isn't so many aggressive beggers in Thailand compare to the west ? They get what they need just by sitting there someone will help them.. there us kids that give up weekends non Bangkok to help drunken farang that get in fights get cleaned up or a ride to hospitals.

    Anyone who hasn't noticed the generously of Thais is either a blind jaded idiot or has extremely bad karma

    • Like 2
  10. Most of the above comments are truly heartwarming. Probably coming from Tourists or "new arrivals" to paradise. Tourist = 2 week milionaires. The "new arrivals" = I sold my house in Europe, therefore I am rich.

    So it comes, that they are paying a shade-tree grease-monkey 75% of his daily wage to fix a tire. And the restaurant connaisseur, that tips the waitress 200% of her daily wage?

    What was the last time those folks displayed similar generous behavior in their home country?

    But it can be exused as long as it is within a learning process for "new arrivals". Some are fast learners, others are not. The fast-learners soon discover, that overpaying everything may earn them a opulent smile, but nothing more. Quite the opposite will happen: Anyone overpaying on a voluntary basis is considered a "Kwai", and will not gain respect among Thai-People. (Unless one happens to do this bit in Pattaya, of course).

    The slow-learners usually just fade away after a certain period of time. Probably back to where they came from. Leaving behind a happy Thai-Family with a house, that was built according to european building-codes.


    spoilded and bitter
  11. I've been here since 1990, plenty of skint farangs have had to leave in my time here.

    Now are you my bank manager i'm not skint,coffee1.gif Just got to that stage in my life and also looking into the future ...

    11yrs.away from the uk.your goner be in for a shock,if you havent paid your ni.stamps you had better stop off in poland and get a passport cus you wont get f.all if your british.

    doesn't sound like the lad want F-all from the government. Why would he, he is 30, who wants to beg for peanuts from welfare departments

    • Like 2
  12. They obviously realised quickly what a nice guy you are, and your manner etc was merely relfected back to you.

    Thais in my opinion reflect your own attitude, if you are hot and bothered and try the superior ferang attitude talking to a peasant , you get what you deserve, treat them like normal human beings with kindness and respect and they are great.Just like most I have encountered.

    That is the truth !

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  13. The whole world is changing, every forest is being hacked away to nothing, big corps taking over countries, weather changing....

    There is changes everywhere, China, Thailand, Europe...

    One thing is for sure, everything will be different everywhere in a year... even the moon or the stars will change in 1 year to some degree.

    This board is full of old dug in thailand people, they don't see the beauty the same way.

    For me, I love traveling in undeveloped places for short time, what i like that has changed about thailand ?

    1. The medical system is much more the quality of a western country

    2. the roads are better

    3.cars pollute less than they used to

    4. Cities like Chiang mai have a lively modern feel to them

    Things that have changed here have changed everywhere...

    You should see my hometown in Canada !

    There is places opening up, new ones that might not include hookers and cheap drinks, and respect for douche bags with a wallent, like some posters here like, but there is a whole culture of the world coming together with a common cause of peace and unity, it's fun, has electronic and live music, live paintings, and whole new societies based on different things... www.thebloomseries.com

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