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Posts posted by StefanBBK

  1. A 91 year old to be tried in juvenile court?

    I was alive at that time, and I will never forget or forgive ALL germans for their butchery! not to mention their complete lack of human decency they were all devils and got what they deserved on both wars which they started! there are no innocent germans! they are ALL responsible for the actions of that pervert hitler! when my brother entered germany with the U.S. Army he said that he could not find one nazi! it seems they all dissappeared! not one german admitted to being a nazi so he treated them all the same! a swift boot in the ass if they did not obey the soldiers!

    even today i find the germans hateful people and avoid them like the plague!

    I am sorry you feel that way. Your observations are definitely correct, in the end nobody wanted to take responsibility. But not everyone was responsible.

    My grandparents, who lived close to Buchenwald, were put on trucks and driven bei the Americans to the Camp to see the atrocities. They had no idea about how bad things went. BTW they were Communists....

    Anyway, time has changed. They majority of German people are actually quite decent folks. That is not to say that there are no hateful Germans. There are plenty hateful Americans, Israelis etc.

    Give people a chance.

  2. And Rowan probably needs a new job.

    She is not being asked to perform a marriage, just issue a license?

    Does this give a state official the right not to issue a hunting license, because they are a vegetarian.

    This woman is a Christian version of ISIS.

    I do like your comparison with the hunting license. However it should be the religious believe that prompts the clerk to be vegetarian...

    If I would not perform my duties because of religious believes, I suppose I get sacked quickly. This lady needs a new job too.

  3. When I was a little boy say 5-8 years old, my grandparents used to send me to the pub to buy some bottles of beer for them. I loved it, because the owner always gave me a free Lemonade...

    What is needed is a more "normalized" approach. All these restrictions are making it even more interesting for young kids / teens to consume. In an ideal world all this would not be needed.

    There are too many laws already, start with enforcing some of them.

  4. A good friend has been a Chef for years. In his business he says there are always people sending back perfectly good meals to the kitchen, and who expect freebies and extras.

    "Noo no Mr. and Mrs. Smythe it was your anniversary LAST week, no free puddings today".

    Now he says by far the biggest irritant is now social media. He sometimes has people coming in with an air of self-importance threatening to rubbish him anonymously on TripAdvisor the moment they sit down like they are some kind of influential restaurant critics. They best thing to do is ignore them. Every good place has many good reviews, then you see some terrible stories. If you link to these negative posters you will find they hate everything and trash every place they go.

    Honestly, no reasonable chef should expect a 100% guest satisfaction all the time. People have different tastes and expectations.

    I do like social media from both guest and operator sides. When I go to a place I don't know I tend to check it first online. TripAdvisor being my preference.

    I tend to differentiate between general trends in rating versus one off remarks.

    No point of fighting the developments, just go with it and as business owner or Chef, respond to criticism professionally.

  5. Get a fulfilling hobby. Whatever it may be. Personally would start with building a great place to live. Then maybe a huge garage and tinker around with some old cars. A large vegetable garden. Off grid solar panels everywhere etc.

    Then do something good. Let less fortunate people profit from your wealth. If you could combine it with one of your hobbies, even better.

    Do Not buy friends.

  6. Much depends on your location and the times you require a driver. Also if you just want somebody to drive you around or a propper chauffeur.

    My best guess is starting at 15,000 and top driver 40 k. Provinces surely less .

  7. For what I see and read it is probably double the price then it should be.

    Do some more research.

    I`ve had 5 quotes, cheapest from thai for shell for...."about" 1.5mil for finished for "about" 2 mil.....? about means????... it would probably be much more.

    From reputable builders for completed the best quotes have been 2.6 mil finished. Several have posted it should be half price...does this include everything on the spec sheets?

    I would appreciate the contact details for these builders so I can benefit from these great prices?


    please take some of the comments "should be much cheaper" not only with a grain but a table spoon of salt Martyn smile.png

    nobody is able to judge the quoted price because detailed specifications do not exist. a home with a living area of 150m² can cost in Thailand (ex land) between 1 million and easily 10 million Baht. Thaivisa threads exist (photos as proof submitted) that homes somewhere in remote rural areas were built even below one million because relatives were used as workmen who were paid 150 Baht a day plus food.

    but i'd have no problems to work out specifications which no builder could do below 12 million and i am not talking about 24k gold bathroom fixtures or door handles made of platinum.

    slightly off topic. i worked out the specifications for the home i built 10 years ago. they comprised 32 pages plus approximately 120 sketches as well as detailed drawings. but if i had not been the first one to arrive and the last one to leave the construction site (and that for 11 months) the result would have been a disaster.

    Apologies for making the blanket statement that the price is too high. Agree with it all depending on specifications.

    Try to get a net price for the shell and by the materials for the finishing yourself.

    Good luck and keep us posted how things go.

    Agree with all the posts regarding the need for you to be present when it is built.

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