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Posts posted by StefanBBK

  1. I'm fully in support of dual-pricing for national parks, etc. and wish that my own government did the same. I'm happy to pay an extra $2-$3. It's not racism it's simply shifting the burden of upkeeping tourist sites onto tourists. (And yes, even if you've been an expat here for 3 decades and are about to launch into an exciting lecture on how much tax you've paid - you're stil a tourist).

    I agree with the better part of your post. But instead of charging more, giving Citizens and local Tax payers a Discount would go down better with me.

    And this should be applied to state subsidized venues only.

    I am sort of fine with National parks, but detest certain Aquariums, Waterparks etc.

  2. I must admit I skipped a few posts here. Just a quick thought and apologies if mentioned already. Calories and nutrition intake could be easily monitored with a phone app. There are many around that would be suitable, I am sure.

    Other than that, a good friend does once or twice a year fasting for a week. He swears it give him energy and feels really good. Apparently the first two days are very hard though...

  3. I don't mind dual pricing, but in Thailand it is applied by race. If my family goes somewhere, we pay Thai rates for the Burmese maid, but farang rates for me .

    Better system would be to say the price is 200 baht and local tax payers get 90% discount on showing their ID or work permit etc.

    This way it would just sound much fairer.

    I would only allow this for establishments that are state sponsored, like national parks etc.

    Private enterprises like certain Aquariums, zoos etc. Should not be allowed dual pricing. Next we know is different prices in restaurants and supermarkets....

    I vote with my feet occasionally.

  4. We do have a leak. Got somebody from water authority coming today to check. They have fixed rates. It is definately after the pump, as it keep on switching on frequently without usage.

    The way they found a leak previously is with something like a stethoscope listening to the pipes....

  5. I'd be more shocked if they found any consumers who actually believe the tests.

    Everyone has known for years fuel consumption results published by manufacturers are pure fiction in real world driving.

    Even with the conflict of interest, the baseline protocol is probably similar at most manufacturers, so the consumer does get some comparison benefit, even if they won't achieve those figures in the real world.

    Exactly the comment I just wanted to make.
  6. I have my passport. They were going to collect if from me on the 29th sept and do the required run to immigration.

    Does the passport have an "under consideration" stamp and report back date?

    If so the go to immigration yourself on the 29th and they will tell you if the application has succeeded or failed.

    This is exactly what you should do. Go yourself to immigration if you have the stamp saying "under consideration", on the date it says.

  7. Seriously, has anyone with an ounce of sense ever believed these 65mpg 'claimed' manufacturers figures?

    And please don't say "I purchased my car because they said it produced 1% less CO than it actually does so I have the right to compensation"

    This drivel usually comes from people who are too bone idle to walk 50 Meters to the shops so take the car instead.

    You are so right. We all know that tested figures are far from what is achieved on the road. Just look at consumption for instance. I don't know anybody opting for or against a car because of its CO2 emissions, unless it affects taxes....
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