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  1. What ever happened to pina colada’s by the pool and grab a bird at night? Wake up repeat…repeat….repeat
  2. Always put your money on the one wearing red Nikes. If you got the huevos to wear those best know how to throw a few
  3. What’s the line ID?
  4. Exactly as expected. He last cabinet was atrocious and this one will be worse. He is a criminal and surrounds himself with criminals to get his agendas passed. Yet millions of Americans voted for him thinking he is their man. Idiots.
  5. Yet another reason not to stay in a hostel. Sad situation. Very small chance of any justice coming out of this. Hopefully the hostels start buying real booze.
  6. Sounds good to me. Beach is the people’s land right? Love me a Kratom sunset
  7. We have a gold shop in koh phangan that won’t allow Farang in. I always wondered if this was legal. Obviously the owner is stupid but curious if he is breaking any Thai law?
  8. The guy is getting desperate. First off the presidents job is not to write laws. Second, it would never pass the house nor senate. In typical Trump fashion, he doesn’t care about the future nor the national debt. He will lie about anything to get his angry mob excited and then revert back to helping rich people and trade US connections in office to get more Trump hotels and golf courses built overseas. When he looses he will just sell more Trump bibles, watches and sneakers. Typical snake oil salesman.
  9. Total BS that Biden administration directed funds to migrants https://www.fema.gov/node/funding-fema-disaster-response-was-diverted-support-international-efforts-or-border-related
  10. Trump will be in jail or dead by 2028
  11. No. He lost
  12. I though the tourist police were supposed to be busy helping tourists not scamming small business owners on bs charges.
  13. Are the police going to start renting them out now?
  14. Democracy is one equal vote for each citizen. When Trump lost and tried to create votes in Georgia and when he lied and denied loosing that is a the opposite of democracy. So there ya go
  15. Where’s the steel toed boots? Second rate electrician, probably can hire him for 7/11 toasties now. our little quaint island is on this news feed pretty much every day. ASEAN did you move your headquarters to Koh Phangan?

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