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Posts posted by geoman1976

  1. AT SOM WAT, I am from the US and going back. Why do you ask? well, it is corrupt here, the people are racist and rude, and there is an unrealistic view of the world and of themselves. I also lived in Europe two years and loved it. I have traveled and lived all over the world for my work and for the experience. As I have stated before, most of the cultures I have met have been great people. I have to say that the superficial values and lack of self awareness of Thailand as a whole is the worst I have ever seen. The place has been turned into a garbage dump. Oh yeah, I am also Buddhist and wanted to experience a predominately buddhist country...should have gone to Nepal...lol. BTW, Some of my best friends in the US are Thais and their view of Thailand is exactly the same as mine. They even warned me before I came. They told me that my sense of organization, honesty, and open mindedness would actually be a hinderance here. THEY WERE RIGHT! Can't wait to go home! Also, I am very well connected with Thais here, some of which have never had a farang friend. When they hear how Thais talk about us when we are out, they are shocked. They have never been exposed to that side (racist side) of Thailand before and they agree as well and understand my feelings now. I have a Thai fiance', and the story is the same for her. She has never had a farang boyfriend and she also concurred. Originally, she insisted we lived here but after 8 months together, she wants to leave as soon as her Master's degree is finished. There are some great people here but the highest concentration of ignorance I have ever seen as well.

    I assume you are a reasonably fluent Thai speaker to see the racist side so clearly behind the politeness, right? Otherwise, too much of frustration means a cultural gap, IMO.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

    <deleted> And yes, I and my thai friends hear the comments for no apparent reason. Like I said before, I do know some great people here. But if you mean polite by apologizing to me when I tell the Thais I understand what they say, then I don't really see that as polite.

  2. AT SOM WAT, I am from the US and going back. Why do you ask? well, it is corrupt here, the people are racist and rude, and there is an unrealistic view of the world and of themselves. I also lived in Europe two years and loved it. I have traveled and lived all over the world for my work and for the experience. As I have stated before, most of the cultures I have met have been great people. I have to say that the superficial values and lack of self awareness of Thailand as a whole is the worst I have ever seen. The place has been turned into a garbage dump. Oh yeah, I am also Buddhist and wanted to experience a predominately buddhist country...should have gone to Nepal...lol. BTW, Some of my best friends in the US are Thais and their view of Thailand is exactly the same as mine. They even warned me before I came. They told me that my sense of organization, honesty, and open mindedness would actually be a hinderance here. THEY WERE RIGHT! Can't wait to go home! Also, I am very well connected with Thais here, some of which have never had a farang friend. When they hear how Thais talk about us when we are out, they are shocked. They have never been exposed to that side (racist side) of Thailand before and they agree as well and understand my feelings now. I have a Thai fiance', and the story is the same for her. She has never had a farang boyfriend and she also concurred. Originally, she insisted we lived here but after 8 months together, she wants to leave as soon as her Master's degree is finished. There are some great people here but the highest concentration of ignorance I have ever seen as well.

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  3. why not make it so people can work and pay taxes?

    Because it would take jobs away from Thais.


    Lots of visa options are given to foreigners already.

    Foreigners, of course, have no birth right to live here.

    Hey genius, did you know that 50% of the material on the internet is printed in English and that English is the OFFICIAL international business language. This means a Saudi company making deals with a Japanese company does so in English. Thai teachers teach so many things completely wrong, in English subjects and in science. Big egos, racism, lack of rsponsibilty, and a falsely embraced nationalistic pride are Thailand's biggest problems. Can you understand the concept of a global economy that drives the Thai economy? Without the farang, Thailand has no economy. The farang bring Thailand up and support it, not the other way around. And let me just ask you this, why do you think Thailand is so great anyways? Ever been elsewhere? I can tell you that you would prefer to live where I am from. People are nicer, more accepting and polite and have better values. not to mention they are actually educated properly.

    I will spell it out to you like this. Thai economy=farang go, recession comes, conversely, farang come, recession goes away. Recession comes, jobs go. khao jai mai?

  4. First, I don't think Russians, South Koreans, and Vietnamese are "stealing" jobs. I do see Thais that use a lot of illegals from Myanmar for chheaper labor. Second, this was a legal loophole until recently so stop condemning those who used it. I personally never did but would have if it was legal and I needed it. Third, in addition to this reform I think it would be advantageous for Thailand to reform some of the existing laws in regards to small business owners that cannot afford such ridiculous requirements as 2 mil baht capital when you are a language teacher, tour guide, or real estate agent. That is just absurd to me. I think Thailand will be shocked at how much Thais and foreigners alike rely on these small businesses. If tthey are serious about this loophole being closed, they should think about opening easier avenues for small businesses to continue to emerge or I fear what will happen to this already struggling economy.

    I would also like to point out the gross number of government schools that have teachers work for them illegally. In fact, the worst offender in the realm of education. So if the government wants to do this without crippling their economic and educational system, I suggest they reform a larger part of the system including business ownership requirements, the efficiency of the process itself, regulating the border guards who take bribes more closely, and their responsibility to provide required paperwork for their language teachers in a timely fashion. Also, if you have a problem with teachers taking side work then you should raise the pay to a livable wage and provide health insurance.

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  5. You cannot travel to Australia, Britain, America, Canada or any other such nation, and walk in and start working in any capacity without applying for a work visa.

    Whether they are taking a potential job away from a Thai resident is irrelevant, a non tourist person who works without the proper paperwork is an illegal alien, you would be the same in just about any other country in the world so what is your problem?

    Ideally this is true but sometimes not the case. Illegals working in the US is a widespread problem. Have you ever driven by a hardware store in any metro in the morning and seen the line of illegals there who manage to work almost daily. Not to mention the agricultural factories that are over flowing with illegal immigrants. Part of it, if not the majority, is the responsibility of the locals who hire them. Also, in the U.S., if you manage to get a visa and want to open a small business, the U.S. actually provides 7 years worth of tax breaks, grants, and other incentives to assist the immigrants to start a new life there. This is because adding small businesses is condusive to the economy and minimizes the risk of them becoming part of the growing homeless population. Maybe Thailand should do something similar. HMMMMMM.

    I do agree with you though. Legally, I do not know a single country that you can walk into and start working without the appropriate paperwork.

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  6. I don't believe a word he says. He is trying to get sympathy from the people who used to come out and support him. He will just say he has a million people and continue the protest. However he will need a lot more than a million to win a victor over the government. There is not great victory for him, the government or the Thai people. Have elections now is the only way you can have reforms in the laws and in the constitution. No other way. Elections, reforms and than another election.

    Only crackpots believed anything Suthep ever said and I agree with your post that Suthep simply will declare a million people present and continue on in his mad way.

    Still, the more Suthep and the PDRC continue, the more likely it is they will become completely isolated, which should also prevent them stopping the next election.

    So I would politely modify your sequence a mite to say elections, a representative constitutional convention, referendum. So that would be


    Representative Constitutional Convention


    That would about do it.

    Yes I think so.

    What I would like to know from you PTP/red shirt supporters.

    Do you honestly think this Govt is / has been run in a democratic manner as you would know in your own countries or any others?

    Do you believe this Govt is pure a driven snow, not have committed numerous and blatant acts of corruption, cronyism, and nepotism?

    Do you believe this govt populous policies where well thought out and for the benefit of all Thai people or only a select (very) few, and merely unsustainable campaign promises?

    Do you honestly believe this govt has acted in a unbiased way to all Thai citizens and not shown total (biased) favoritism towards their supporters (red shirts)?

    The last thing.

    Do you believe that the anti govt protests are actually a bad thing and these people have no gripe of the current govt?

    The "reforms" of Suthep and his PDRC are the worst idea since the Third Reich.


    Representative Constitutional Convention


    Give up the ghost.

    I agree 100%, Publicus!!! Since the beginning I have voiced my concerns with the acting government but at least they were abiding by the constitution and democracy itself. Hitler used a disguise of a saviour when he took power and turned it into the Third Reich. Suthep's campaign is seemingly a carbon copy what happened in Germany, North Korea, and a few others I can think of.

    Corruption in general in this country needs to be addressed and that starts with routing out in the local areas of the people first and work its way up the chain. Start with the street level beaurocrats and law enforcers and work your way up. Laws are only as valid as the enforcement behind them.

  7. To me it sounds like his ego has grown to enormous proportions...like the hopes and futures of all Thai people rely on his campaign to route out corruption (probably only to make way for his agenda annd turn to be the corrupt one). It almost sounds childish, like, "come out or the PDRC loses because I am dropping out." Personally, I think he is full of it and, regardless of the turnout, he will remain in the fight. He is just trying to mobilize and recruit new supporters due to dwindling numbers at the protest. Interesting it comes after Judaporn's "referendum" suggestion, too. Looks like a game of "saving face" which is really a game of who can sling the best buffalo poop.

  8. HAHAHAHAHA...sorry, I had to laugh when I saw this one. He looks so calm and happy on TV. "we are still in control. We just let them occupy our buildings, dismantle the economy, and dictate policy to throw them off guard."...LOL

    Very shrewd move as they are presenting themselves (quite rightly) as the victims of an elitist led Coup attempt.

    Only one mob showing up on our screens every day, only one side pushing for NO elections, and only one side being allowed to occupy buildings and avoid arrest by the army and Courts.

    Strange you should laugh so loud at something you clearly don't understand

    clearly I don't understand...lol...I only have a degree in the subject...lol.

  9. Sorry to disagree about the freezing thing, I'm a biologist and while it is true many bugs will be killed by freezing, it is equally true that many happily survive. I dont know about this particular bug. Also the moisture in the wood freezing and expanding is also a very real issue and could damage the chest.

    However, wrapping it in a big sheet of plastic and letting off an insect "bomb" inside the bag is a very good idea. You should leave it wrapped up for several days just to make sure and yes do it outside. Insect bombs are generally available from 7/11 shops or Home mart shops.

    He is correct about the freezing thing possibly not killing them. An example of a more delicate species that does this are frogs in more northern regions that actually freeze for the winter and reanimating during the Spring thaw. I cannot remember their name, sorry, but many insects are even more "durable" than these frogs.

  10. FINALLY, an honest article that really makes sense regarding this current crisis. I have asked so many Thais that have been involved in this, do you realize this will probably lead to civil war? Most common response from them, "yes, that is what we want (with a small smirk on their face). I think the everyone involved now faces the impossible task of a peaceful resolution without further violence. The fallout could be brutal if both sides don't start playing nice. Not to mention the condemnation of the international community in regards to what is happening in Thailand. What Thailand is doing to itself is bad enough...but, if they do away with the democratic process you are going to see an economic fallout of epic proportions propogated by the inernational community. The twisting of the constitution to bypass the democratic process will not only have domestic reprocussions, but also international relation and economic reprocussions that I am not sure if the Thais understand. I still cannot get over a post I saw the other day that said "election will be a dirty word a year from now and any mention of it will be seen as an attempt to topple the gov't and will carry a 10 year sentence." If this acctually did happen, I think we would end up having two "North Koreas" in Asia.

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  11. Silly me, I thought the OP is referring to a flu bug in his chest.....

    ...I was thinking baht flies had laid eggs in the poor fellow when i saw the title. was a little spooked for a minute...lol. Glad it is just a wood chest.

  12. I recently took a look at the 2014 economic report for Southeast Asia and the predictions of economic growth in regards to GDP and Thailand had an annual growth predicted to only be about .2% annually over the next 15 years while Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar have a predicted growth rate of about 7% per year and possibly up to 9%, regardless of the current political situation.

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  13. Place it in a plastic bag and put it into a freezer for 24 hours. It will kill everything.

    Excellent idea! MS>

    Just be sure tht in this humid environment the wood isn't swollen from absorbing some of the moisture from the air. Water is one of the few things that actually expands when frozen and could possibly crack the wood. Otherwise, this is a great idea. Just make sure about the prior statement first.

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  14. LOL...and who were the ting tongs on here that said I was being ridiculous and over reacting for calling for a phase 2 and checking tap water? Basically, explosives have some real nasty stuff in them. Even for the current standards of BKK. Now, learn how to do your jobs and it hurts being proven wrong...doesn't it? I told you there are too many variables, including the human one, to know everything is okay and will go back to normal. Lumpini needs a phase 2 assessment done ASAP.

  15. To answer the question that the title poses...Nope! Get the fork ready, she's about done. Social out the window, politics just a power struggle between gangs(and they are nothing more than that),the now inevitable economic collapse, and nonsensical reforms that are going to further hurt the economy. I don't think they even really understand their own country's place in the world. I have never seen a place so out of touch with reality carrying such an identity crisis. Good luck Thailand...I am outta here!!!! Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!

  16. In e years time, thaksin and yingluck with both be in jail. Suthep will the the supreme leader. Election will be abolish, and a dirty word. Any mention of election is an act of overthrowing the sovereign govt hence carry a 10 years jail sentence. Thailand will be free of corruption, and every thai shall live in peace and prosperity at last. All gambling and prostitution is abolish, and thai citizen can travel freely to usa and Europe freely without a visa anymore (like the Singaporean now).

    You really do need to seek professional help with this delusions that you are suffering from. whistling.gif

    A lot of people around here need to seek professional help...lol...but this post is a prize winner. Take it from a U.S. citizen, there is no way that Thais will EVER travel to the U.S. without visas. We don't even allow our closest allies travel to our country without Visas. Even Thais married to US citizens have problems getting visas. The process takes up to 3 years. Not to mention that the Western countries are opposed to the acts of Suthep and the undemocratic nature of his actions. We have way too much of an illegal immigration problem as it is. Where did you ever hear this load of buffalo poop I see above? I think Just1Voice hit the nail on the head. Professional help is in order...lol. Regarding everything else I will sum it up like this...Suthep and everyone else that has thrown Thailand into an economic down spiral is in for a rude awakening very soon. The economic prosperity in Thailand is coming to an end and moving to the countries outside of the borders such as Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. If you look at the economic report for 2014 regarding Southeast Asian countries, it is predicted that Thailand will have nearly zero economic growth annually and countries like the aboved mentioned will experience an annual growth averaging about 7% for the next 10 to 20 years. Tourism drives the Thai economy and that industry is eroding as we speak. Did you know all of the countries you talk about just issued travel warnings for Thailand,? If Thailand does away with elections and democracy, the West will reject the leaders who pose such laws and actions and it will actually become harder for Thais to travel. The US and Europe promote democracy first and foremost. Have you ever heard of the COLD WAR? It was all about Democracy (U.S.) and Communism (U.S.S.R.). Democracy won and is defended by the super powers at all costs. I think Thailand would be better suited to pass a law that again allows the use of xanax...lol.

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