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Posts posted by geoman1976

  1. My car was parked juist outside the police compound, about 20 metres from the explosion. Miraculously, there was no damage to my car. I was inside the immigration building, nexto the police station, about 100 metres from the explotion. Luckily no damage or injuries to the people inside. Apart from a botched visa application (will have to go back tomorrow), a histerical wife, we had a lucky escape.

    Glad you are okay, Dr. Zorg. That is a little too close for comfort. cheers...go have a tall one, you deserve it sir.

  2. Guess who was called last night to be honored for his work in the US...you guessed it, markro prick prong(I think I got your name right)...me. I am being honored for my work reclaiming old mine sites to their natural state . My name will permantly be displayed in the hallowed halls of newest science building and museum of one of the best geology programs in the US. Thanks Dr. L. I appreciate the call last night.

  3. 4:18 AM -just had an afershock from Chiang Rai earthquake. We live in San Sai just outside of Chiang Mai.

    did you feel the initial quake as well? I haven't gotten any data updates from the USGS about the severeity of the aftershocks yet...only that there have been several. I am wondering which felt stronger to you. Quite often, aftershocks can even be stronger than the initial quake. Would you mind giving me your input about comparing what you felt between last night and today? I would really appreciate. Cheers.

  4. I would suggest that living next to Mapthaput is probably more dangerous by a large degree. You ever seen the storm drains pumping rubbish into the sea in the resort?

    And people still swim happily there. They will clean Lumpini up in a couple of weeks and within a month or two it will be fine.

    Dumping chemicals or cooking fuel? Every restaurant in the country sluices its basic waste straight in the drain every day. In this sun and heat, bacteria will degrade the waste very fast.

    You talk as though it is some sort of biohazard tip. You walk the streets of bangkok every day. You think the average sewer is all in good order?

    I don't think anyone has made the claim that the current conditions in Lumpini are the worst in the country.

    By pointing out other locations that are worse and using those locations as a baseline on why no one should be concerned about Lumpini is an upside down philosophy.

    It is setting the bar at the lowest point possible rather than raising the bar to the standards that were always maintained at Lumpini.

    Lumpini has been successfully managed for decades, it has been a lone gem floating in the cesspool which is BKK. In the last 6 months, environmental conditions at Lumpini have deteriorated significantly and all the people who used to enjoy their mornings/evenings at Lumpini have suffered and been displaced. I don't know if you ever spend time there but it is typically filled with people of all ages--little kids on tricycles all the way to ancients in wheelchairs.

    Thats the focus of this thread. Its not how no one should worry about Lumpini because it has room to get worse.

    I was one of those people who ran every morning at Lumpini for a couple of years and I will be very happy for monsoons to wash those protesters out.


    Amen brother! I have a feeling these guys wrk for the local oil companies from a previous post mentioning dispursements. It was me and my colleagues that were called in time and time again to clean up their messes. Their attitude has always been an irresponsible one in my experience. This blase (sorry if it is mispelled) attitude is typical practice of them and their companies. They get paid a lot of money to use their credentials to say it is okay. I turned down the BIG offers from Exxon and others because I would not be able to live with myself. These are part of the 3% of scientists in the world that also deny climate change. I used my education and credential to actually help everyone, not just my wallet. I personally saw the aftermath of teh BP spill, the after math that we are still dealing with today regardless of what these guys tell you. If anyone challenges me, look it up in google. Totally irresponsible. Moreover, this tactic of, "hey fella' look over there", is a typical and just ridiculous tactic that is common place from their employers. And to say BKK is a s***hole anyways, well, way to strive for a better tomorrow. How about educating the public and initiating programs and legislation that will help clean up the whole place? Regardless, this was my only sanctuary in BKK and we need to protect it fro everyone. Funny thing is, BKK's scientists are worried about and they say there is nothing to worry about and then argue with me about monitoring it. The only people who would do that are people with something to hide. They and their comments are illegit at best, if not an out and out lie.

  5. Wow, I have to say congrats to everyone. This is one of the most informative and civilized discussions of have seen on this site. I am a smoker and I hate it. I asked my wife to get me an e-cigarette as a healthier alternative to cigs and this title and article initially worried me a bit. After reading the responses and a little checking with professor google, I would say the e-cig is a better alternative by far. Thanks for the info everyone. Cheers!

  6. call me crazy, seeing how the political unrest has caused the initiation of a hairy economic situation and the AEC right around the corner, wouldn't any responsible leader who trluy cares about the well being of the Thais and the future role of Thailand in the AEC find new and more civil ways of making their points, no matter what color shirt you are wearing? I do think that Yinglock's time is short at this point so why the attitude by the democratic party to only support polls their terms if this is going to be a democratic system in nature? And if there are schemes or actions to bribe people for votes, shouldn't that also be punishable instead of just a voided election? If the rice scheme was just to round up rural votes, Yinglock is about to feel it. The whole thing seems hokie to me, no matter what color of the rainbow you like the best. At this point it just seems like politics back home, disregard the information of the issues at hand and route for your favorite team. Maybe we should just throw them all in a stadium and let them play football...winner take all. At least it would be over and we could all move on with our lives. Until the the infamously corrupt nature of thai politics is curtailed in some way, will we ever have a truly legitimate government here? I am not schooled on the Thai Parliament as much as other systems around the world, but I knwo the British have a shadow cabinet and a vote of confidence which seems to do a pretty good job of keeping the politicians some what honest.

  7. OKay, regardless of what some people on this forum say, a full on Phase 2 evaluation needs to be done on the site. First, tourists are not going into to these smaller slums and playing with their kids in the grass. This a negligable statement as are others stated. It is not just about the water there. There are too many variables to say it is harmless. And no one blamed them for the filth that exists in BKK. However, the potential certainly exists for something more serious to happen and it is best to take precautions. These people responding on here cannot say that the people in the park themselves are not carriers of something that "farang" can't handle, nor can they say that the ground contamination does not exists as a threat. We have been under drought conditions and sanitation is about dillution and filtration. It would be responsible to monitor where the POTENTIAL contaminents may be. My country is pretty clean, so maybe it's best to listen and learn. Also, areas like this are potential breeding grounds for new viruses. And also, these responses are talking about the future of the park being cleaner. This is a certainty with the rainy season coming but what about now. To those who want to say that there is nothing to worry about, I challenge you to go to the park with your family and spend a day frollicking in the filth. I NEVER said there is an inescapable danger here. I simply initially gave suggestions for monitoring and exercise caution. To take offense to this is careless. What about soi dogs that stray into the park and pick up fleas or exposure to something that we may not realise is there. These guys have no idea what has been dumped there including bio produsts, and hazardous chemicals associated with cooking fuels, etc. A phase 2 would be the responsible thing to do. In the US, if you buy a small property where there was a laundry, gas station, etc., it is the law to do a phase 2 before the transaction can take place. This is a precautionary measure. 99 percent of the time it is okay...no worries. But it is that 1% that we have to protect ourselves from. These guys are short sited and not comprhensive in their replies. I am finished and I will leave up to the readers now whether they want to take precaution or not. At least, if they listen to me, they are that much wiser now. If these are engineers replying to me in BKK, WOW, you have done such a knock out job thus far. I would listen to someone who worked for governemnts in the west first. Again, if you feel there is nothing dangerous...go to the park with your family and play in he filth for a while...NOW...not 3 months from now. Put your money where your mouth is. Now, I am finished and i will leave you negative people who act irresponsibly and don't care about teh well being of others to wallow in your own misery and negative lively hood.

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  8. I am sorry I cannot give you advice on your visa extension but wanted to offer an "atta boy" and wish you good luck. I am sorry you have to deal with such injuries. I have back issues and had surgeries not nearly as severe as yours and it has been rough at times. If there is anything I can do for you I will do my best buddy. Keep your chin up and hang in there.

  9. I walked down to Lumpini Park last week to check it out; the family has a house a few hundred meters away so I used to walk there regularly until it got invaded and all I can say that the place is a shit hole- literally. Apparently they are moving out at the end of the month and from a purely personal perspective- good riddance. The rainy season should start soon and with a bit of luck the park will return to what it should be - somewhere for everybody who wants to escape from the concrete jungle .

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I hope so too, my friend. I am doing rain dances now...lol.

  10. Nope. When you have 11 million people living in a flood plain all dumping their contaminants in to the sea daily....a few people in a park make no measurable difference.

    They will go away and the balance will be restored.

    The water issues are being managed by engineers,not academics, let them do their jobs and stop stressing.

    An asteroid hit on Bangkok (around Nana Plaza perhaps?) may make an marginal improvement I agree, but to get all wound up about a few people in a park is just plain silly and you should know better.

    I agree that the changes in the ocean are the driver of evolution. If it wasn't for ocean organisms producing oxygen over millenia we would never have evolved.

    Oh and by the way there were quite a few plagues in Europe before the (in)famous Black Plague of which you speak. You are misguided about the rats spreading the plague. They did not. The vector was the fleas that lived on the rats. I'm surprised that as a self professed professor you got this wrong.

    And we survived as a species.

    A mass outbreak of blue green algae can and does cause mass fish kills as I have witnessed. Guess what - a few days later nobody would even know it had happened.

    Now - back to your University and lecture to the unknowing and gullible.

  11. Geoman makes great points. Thx for the info.

    Sutheps crew trashed lumphini and now its disgusting. I used to love taking my family there on weekends. Hopefully it recovers

    You're welcome Big Mountain. That is why I chose the path I did, I wanted to help the world. I am happy to help any chance I get. If you ever want to chat, don't hesitate to hit me up. Cheers!

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  12. Heaven help the people in this forum. If you are not an environmental scientist, please keep your mouths shut about what is good and not good, acceptable and not acceptable. I am an environmental enginerr for the US gov't and the EU. I studied under some of the best environmental scientists in the world and this could end up as a very serious health and environmental problem for bkk and the people there. It is more serious than you think. interaction with the ground water which will also affect the water supply to your homes, trees are air purifiers and we need them healthy, micro organisms that can be deadly, rat infestistations, and the list goes on and on. Not to mention run off that inevitably ends up in the sea and in your food supply. The ignorance is astounding.

    Have you ever been to Bangkok?

    I live there...lol. Pom phut thai dai krap. my wife is thai and I am an engineering professor at one of the top universities. Any other questions? BTW, what does that have to do with the color in the sky?

    (laughing in ya' face!!!)

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  13. I, myself, am buddhist. I have been studying the beliefs for almost 20 years. It is one of the big reasons I came to Thailand. I have to say that I have been sorely disappointed about the interpretation of the philosophy by the Thais. First, Buddhism is supposed to teach us self discipline and how to live responsibly with others. It is not supposed to be like the catholic faith, where you can commit crimes against your fellow humans and then go to temple and make merit and all is better. Nor is buddhism founded on the donantion of money to get "higher" rankings in an after life/next life. Making merit is something that should become a part of our daily routine whther it be helping a lady cross the street, buying food for a starving child, or simply holding the door for an old couple. To be kind, helpful, responsible, and non violent are the true teachings of Buddha. Many of the farang on here probably know about AA for recovering alcoholics. The twelve steps are word for word the same as the main pronciples of buddhism. It is to teach the recovering alcoholics to exercise self control BEFORE they do something wrong. Not to get drunk and then make merit to make up for it. I have no hesitation in saying Yantra is not a true buddhist. Nor is anyone else that acts selfishly on a daily basis, no matter how much you donate to a temple or monk. If you want to make merit, buy a school kid shoes that need them. Buy the starving man on the street some food. Be kind on a daily basis because it is the right and responsible thing to do to make the society healthy as a whole, not to make yourself feel better about something you did wrong. You may find that making people smile on a daily basis becomes addictive. A day without helping someone seems empty to me now. You may also find that true happiness does not lay in the hands of monetary wealth and an iPhone, but in the self respect you gain from helping pthers and seeing their faces when you do. That is true Buddhism...at least to me..

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  14. So,just for the record,what are they good at ?

    Being polite. Not questioning others ways of living. Smiling. Keeping their judgements to themselves.

    huh? not questioning others' ways of leaving and keeping their opinions to themselves? You are either a Thai in denial or do not speak any Thai at all. Khun ting tong mai?

    I have lived all over the world and have never seen such a judgemental, opinionated, and openly racist society.

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  15. okay...I am usually very fair in my responses and I argue on behalf of the Thais as much as against them. Facts are facts and this is one of them. the only think i would change is remove the word "financial" and you have it pegged. I am a PMP ( certified project manager) and have a lot of success and experience in management. I can tell you I have never encountered such a frustrating place to work in these regards.

  16. OP, be aware...

    Its custom in Thailand, for Thai girls, that "if they go out" with you once, they consider themselves as your girlfriend.

    ( specially when you are alone )

    in your case, go to the gym, do exercise in the Gym, drink something in the gym, but wait with dating until...

    Only go to a party if you are invited by a couple, they will try to match you but still its more easy to make certain choises and or the female from the couple can assist you with certain issue's.

    Be also aware: a farang is considered a good "catch" for any girl-family and its cultural given that economics comes before love. ( nothing wrong with that but just creating awareness)

    I disagree with the last statement. The truly good modern Thai families put the heart and love and how their daughter is treated before the money. If you want to avoid this "cultural standard", make sure you date middle class and up.

  17. One more tip from me, buddy. Just because a girl looks sweet and innocent doesn't mean she is. Someo of the sweetest looking ar e the most dangerous. Get to know who you are dating before going to far and keep an ear out for money talk multiple sim cards, and trips with their "friends" where you are not invited. The good girls are very possessive and will always want you around...ALWAYS. I cannot go to the store without my girl wanting to tag along. Any group trips with her friends always include us (the boyfriends and husbands).

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