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Posts posted by geoman1976

  1. You can overcome the low income rather easily. I have a gorgeous fiance' from an upper middle class family. They actually built a business for us and she loves me dearly. Be a nice guy, respect and take interest in the culture, and I personally avoid women from Isaan. No offense to amyone but the risk out weighs the reward and the cultural values and differences are too severe. Meet coworkers at your univeristy. They will probably make less money than you and will respect you for who you are and what you have. I am a teacher and my fiance' is a child development Master's Degree student. We met at an educational conference. If they ever bring money talk into the relationship, run as fast as you can.

  2. Deaths caused by misfiring rockets are an annual part of the Bun Bung Fai Festival (sorry if my spelling is wrong). When I went to the big one at Yasothon some years back, an area near the launching site was marked off as dangerous, but hundreds of people were picnicking inside the danger area. One rocket whistled overhead, and some fool shouted "Challenger!" and howled with laughter. It was just after the Challenger disaster.

    YUP! I was in Yasothan last year for it. I was shocked to see the proximity of the people to the launch sites, the amount of Lo Khao being consumed while launching and preparing, and the lack of "official" supervision for this event. It was a great time and I didn't see anyone get hurt, but it is scary at the potential for disasterous results. These are not small rockets either! VERY big and powerful homemade projectiles!

    • Like 1
  3. "day of final war", "final battle".

    That's what he said. No, really!!

    There are morons and there are morons and there are morons.

    And then deep below that are the Cambrian and Creatacious layers of moronicity.

    Keep going.

    And further down.

    And further down.

    Under that, lying in a deep pool of moronic slime, we may find Mr Suthep and his idiotic supporters.

    Some people say that such total, utter, profound stupidity cannot exist. I say, "believe what you hear". Mr Suthep has spoken: this is proof that utter, anti-social, crazy, untouchable, mad-as-a-hatter ideas can exist in the modern world - when we thought we had consigned the nutters and Nazis to the "fields where only horses and loonies may roam".

    No Mr Suthep is there, free as a bird.

    He can say anything he wants.

    He can do anything he likes.

    Nobody can stop this wild-as-a-buffalo from doing anything that his untamed will tells him to do.

    Given that such totally wild forms-of-life can be allowed to express their nutcase ideas, perhaps it is time for falangs to leave Thailand? Or, alternatively, is it time for the genuinely democratic redshirts to express their vision of a democratic future and start to control these mad-as a-hatter crazies? And to get the authorities to arrest this specimen of pre-civilisation?

    First, are you a gelologist? I am so proud of your use of geologic terms in this. Just remember that Cambrian is much older than cretaceous.

    I am a geologist that studied under Dr. Skip Watts, the number one geophysicist in the world and worked for the EU and US gov't as a contractor.

    Second, you should edit your response a bit. I would not say ALL FOREIGNERS. It should say SEX PATS. If we all left, your country would go into an economic collapse faster than you can say, "wait, don't go". International companies coming to Thailand and the tourism industry are the greatest sources of revenue for Thailand. The recession that is looming from these protests over the last few months is a red flag for exactly what I am saying.

    With that being said, I do agree that the economic disruption caused by these protests and the violent out breaks that have occurred do lay in the laps of the political group leaders and they should be brought on charges for it. On the other hand, the Thai political systems also needs to be revamped and utilize things such as the "vote of no confidence", such as in England, which keeps the ruling party in check and more honest because of the possibllity that the shadow party (finished number 2 in elections) will take control if the people are not satisfied with the job that the election leaders are doing. Also, the US has minority rights which protects the public from majority rule from over stepping their power.

  4. Actaully, I am from Washington DC, and it is famous for the Cherry Blossoms and loads of tourists go there when they are in bloom. The tourists come from surrounding areas though. within a couple hours drive so I am not sure how it'll work there but it certainly does in DC. There is now a huge festival based around it called the Cherry Blossom Festival.

    I take it all of you nay sayers are tourism experts though...lol...or do you just like to be negative about everything?...lol.

  5. First off, I have heard of such amounts before. It is usually a nest egg for the bride in case the marriage ever fails. It is probably so high because there is a child involved.

    Second, this part of Thai culture in not practiced by the middle and upper class families anymore, for the most part. I am engaged to a beautiful and sweet Thai girl from a prominent family in my area and they actually gave me a house and are building a business for myself and my future wife.

    I trust your judgement that your girlfriend is madly in love with you and not a gold digger so I have to assume it is the whole nest egg thing for the wife and child, especially since her father has passed.

    Understand you will be seen as the man of the family now and they will come to you when they need and you should help them. All of this provided that it is true love and not some crazy monetary arrangement.

  6. I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

    LOL...I have been here 2 years and speaking thai for 6 months and I hear it all of the time. BTW, I have NEVER been to Pattaya, Soi Cowboy, or Nana plaza. Most of my friends are Thai and they hear it too. I do know this, if something happens and there is a farang to blame close by, that is usually the first assumption. I will give you an example from Songkran that I experienced. My best friend here is a Thai restaurant and bar owner. These clubs are not frequented by farang. We had a foam party at his club for Songkran and someone brought a glass into the foam pit (supposed to only bring plastic cups in). As you probably predicted, the guy dropped and broke the glass. A girl cut her foot and the first response was to look at me some 20 feet away and say...""it was proabaly the farang"...followed by a rant. Not knowing I was there with the owner as a VIP guest and also helping keep things in check for my buddy, they went to him and told him I dropped a glass in the pit. He laughed at them and told them who I was and forced them to apologize to me. This is typical....saving face strikes again...lol. I don't know where you are living but can you send me the details? Sounds like Shangri La...lol.

    In all fairness though, most of teh farang in Thailand aren't what I would call upstanding and I prefer not to hang out with MOST of them. There are a few good ones, but I get pissed when I hear how they objectify the Thai women and frequent these "bars" and then complain about it.

    There are many farang here for good reasons too. I, myself, am buddhist. I came to Thailand because it is 94.6% buddhist, my established connections here from some of my best friends back in the states who are Thai, and the Treaty of Amity.

    The reality is that we have to judge each other on a case to case basis, BUT, the Thais do have this saving face thing and they like to use the farang to save it whenever the opportunity arises.

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  7. I have never understood this side of the Thai lifestyle. I guess it ties into the losing face thing...which is such a bad thing for the society. Why blame someone else for the choices the GIRL made? When I first arrived some years ago now, it blew me away how immature the Thais arnd when it comes to relationships and the whole jealousy thing. I am a perfect example, in fact. I dated a girl (not bar girl or anything like that) and found out she was already married, she also had 2 Thai boyfriends and 1 Thai girlfriend. When I found out I left her. Soon thereafter, my wonderful and beautiful fiance came into my life and she was so jealous she called the police and told them I was harrassing her to try to get me kicked out of Thailand or worse and sent me a message with these sentiments. She also told me that she hit her ex BF with her car when he left her for the same reasons (she didn't go to jail because her father is a prominent business man and her uncle is a politician). I just cannot believe the lack of self respect, maturity, and crazy selfishness I see here sometimes and this is just another example. My God, there are plenty of fish in the sea so move on.

  8. So, the boats did nothing, and the person filming did nothing. Great to see we are living in such a caring society now. Sad.

    That's what I said. I cannot imagine this happening where I am from. Not only that, but I, myself, am a water guy and a boater and the number 1 maritime rule is to respond to distress calls in your proximity and anyone known to be in trouble in the water. These guys shouldn't be let back on the water for still their actions. And I guess the camera man thought the opportunity to record a tragedy and post for his own possible gain was more important than those boys' lives. If anyone of us on here discussing this incident were there those boys would still be alive. I am heartbroken and my heart goes out to the victims and their families.

  9. This is a great thing being done by the Obama administration.clap2.gif Sooner would have been better, but it's a step forward. The percentage of Americans, especially minority group Americans, in prison for NON-VIOLENT crimes is a national scandal and source of shame.

    It is posts like this when I wish we had the option to give more than one Like!!

    Any one who opposes the Obama administration's decision to provide clemency to

    Deserving, Non Violent ,drug offender, prisoners, simply does not understand, the situation in the US prison system, where thousands of young man and woman are wasting away, simply because of youthful indiscretions. or for being in the wrong place at the wrong time

    Or if they do understand the situation, are suffering from a serious deficit of compassion.

    Amen brother!!!

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  10. A couple of good things for the administration.

    This will add some new enrollees to Obamacare and will cost more money for the taxpayers.

    It will also get some fresh blood back into the electoral cycle for the Democratic party, just in time for Hillary.

    I guess we need to compare the 60,000-80,000 US dollars it costs to house 1 inmate per year VS 1 year of Obamacare costs. I bet prison is more expensive. Secondly, I am not sure if the Clemency Boards are going to be able to hear all of those cases in time...lol. There is a long and arduous process and is not a Federal process. Each state has it's own processes for it. Just because an ex-felon is pardoned it doesn't mean their rights are restored. They were still convicted of a crime in the past. They have to go before the governor/president and two cabinet members from the state must sign it. He can't wave a wand and felons can vote. Trust me, they won't be voting in the 2016 election. Even if they could, they don't fot the typical demographic of the meager 45% of eligible voters in the U.S. who actually DO exercise their right. Bush must have really been bad though because for the first time in a long time the voter turn out was over 70% for the Obama election. I am not a Democrat either my friend, but fair is fair.

  11. Just proves Obama is a "Dope Head"

    No it doesn't...<flame removed>. 3 out of 4 of Americans support the decriminalization and/or legalization of marijuana now. Fairly large majority which is how the politicians keep their jobs. The last I checked the US was founded on the belief of "For the people, by the people". Obama is receiving tons of pressure from the state governments who are legalizing it which is in conflict of Federal law. Now, we still have the age old argument of state rights vs federal rights and this has become a beacon of that discussion for modern day. Obama isn't a dopehead you moron. Aren't the Republicans the ones who always say the Feds should be smaller and the Dems push for larger federal government? He is actually siding with the states rights argument and allowing states to do as they see fit, which is a Republican stance...hmmmm...interesting.

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  12. Well, well...I have to say this article is a refreshing site. The economics of holding prisoners for even one year would blow your mind. Something like 60,000 on average and up to 80,000 dollars in some facilities. That is per inmante. Not only that but I think over 50% of prisoners in jail for drug offenses in the US are related to marijuana, which is rapidly being decriminalized or completely legalized by states nationwide. In Colorado, they just started using ganja vending machines. I worked in D.C. as an engineer for the US gov't and I was just talking to a friend today that lives there and she told me it had been decriminalized there and if you are harrassed for it, i is only a 25 dollar fine now. In my opinion, all non-violent marijuana convictions should be over turned and these inmates granted clemency. I cannot wait to see how much this saves the tax payers.

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  13. Trans Am...your English sentences don't make sense so I have no idea what you are saying...btw, I don't drive a nice car. I am just saying I care about the people and understand their strife. I have several degrees: sociology, poli sci-international relations, and geo-engineering. I understand these sociological problems and what causes them. The customers enable this situation just like someone who buys a drink for an alcoholic...enabling.

    Spoonman, She loves kids and chose to be a child development specialistto help the children in her country. Obviously, she chose to pursue goodness rather than money. But since you are so worried about it I will tell you she just got her masters and her parents just built a school for us to open. Our projected net income is quite high because we both have built reputations in the area and the capacity of the school. We are already 75% full and the doors haven't even opened yet.

    You guys are such Dumb A**** that just want to b**** at anything you see.

    Scarpolo, you know, thank you for any work you do. I made my post after reading yours at the beginning sticking up for thai culture and women. I was paraphrasing what you said at the beginning of this thread but, I guess since it didn't come from you, you wanted to be a jerk about it. But read my post and your post at the beginning. Arguing with me because we have the same opinion? You just thought I was wealthy and spoiled. Dude, you have no idea what I have been through and seen brother.

  14. I think you are all missing my point. This is my home and I started with nothing when I got here. I speak thai, have lived all over the country, am Buddhist, and I know what goes on here. I have friends that are baar girls, Scarpolo, so i am speaking on their behalf...not down to them. Have you ever bought shoes for a 100 kids in Isaan and fed the school and seen the conditions in some of the villages? NO? I have! Like I said, i am sick of the farang who come to Thailand for subversive reasons and then complain about it...go home!!!

  15. OKay...for all of you farang here talking bad about all thai women I have a few things to point out to you.

    1. If that is all you know of thai women then obviously you are partaking in the lifestyle.

    2. Who's the real bad guy, the master or the slave? If the money wasn't being spent on it by so many farang it wouldn't exist because it would not be so profitable.

    3. You are in Thailand, Thailand isn't in you so respect the culture, especially if you are going to live and/or have a thai wife. If you want to meet a good women you stop using the internet and bars to find it. Then you may see the real beauty of Thai culture.

    BTW, I am a farang from the US. My girl is so beautiful, loving, and kind. She does just as much for me as I do for her. She is a school teacher from a very wealthy family and the furthest thing from the description of thai women being portrayed in this thread. You should be ashamed of yourselves and if you really feel this way then go. Stop being an alcoholic hanging out in the bars every week. If you meet a women there, rest assured, the relationship is about money and to take care of her family. Most of those girls have to do it because it is the only way to earn good money for your family without an education. Most of the girls are from Isaan because the education is lacking so much there. Many of them never even get the chance to go to school. They have to trade their honor and body to save their family so try to show a little more respect and sympathy for their situation too.

  16. This kind of polarization I am reading is what tears a country apart and is so dangerous. Both leaders are corrupt...no matter which has had more success at it. It is up to the people to do away with what is happening. If you support Suthep's actions, you are just making way for another Taksin. The thais making comments here are clueless to how a true democracy works and the civil responsibility that comes along with it. Peaceful change is brought with REAL education, petitions, and referendums. The change may take a little time but any good solution will when things have gone this far astray. You cannot change things through blocking a vote. It is illegal and will only cause more hatred and violence. IT CAN ONLY BE DONE THROUGH THE TOOLS OF REAL DEMOCRACY. I suggest you all take a class on it. I have a degree in political science (international governements and relations) if anyone wants to challenge what I have written. And to be quite frank, i see very little difference between the actions of suthep and the actions of slobadon milosevic before he became president...which ended in a long and bloody civil war laden with ethnic cleansing and the fall of a country that was starting to become an economic powerhouse. Suthep couldf do the same for you...and please have the foresight to think about the image of thailand to the international community, especially just before the aec starts...geeez

    Some people have been trying very hard to remove the proper tools of democracy, it's one of the reasons for the current protests. And when they do use what is left of the real tools we get all the red lovers crying 'oh they were bought by the elites' and 'judicial coup'. It seems that neither side will ever accept defeat and there is no win win situation, so what to do ?

    Well, the solution is not to block elections...the solution will lie somewhere within the realm of not supporting either candidate or party. Think of the greater good of all Thais and and come together. Learn to take it step by step. If you are going to revolt, don't revolt on behalf of one party or the other...revolt in the name of all parties and common thai people. Second, in any election, there will be a loser...grow up and suck it up. Be patient and campaign better next time. Also, you might want to add some minority rights to the constitution and demand laws against corruption. FOr example" no family member of a previously found to be corrupt politician shall be considered for future office...or Any person found to block the democrate process or otherwise infringe on the civil right sof the citizens of thailand shall face trial and a minimum sentence of 20 years."

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  17. This kind of polarization I am reading is what tears a country apart and is so dangerous. Both leaders are corrupt...no matter which has had more success at it. It is up to the people to do away with what is happening. If you support Suthep's actions, you are just making way for another Taksin. The thais making comments here are clueless to how a true democracy works and the civil responsibility that comes along with it. Peaceful change is brought with REAL education, petitions, and referendums. The change may take a little time but any good solution will when things have gone this far astray. You cannot change things through blocking a vote. It is illegal and will only cause more hatred and violence. IT CAN ONLY BE DONE THROUGH THE TOOLS OF REAL DEMOCRACY. I suggest you all take a class on it. I have a degree in political science (international governements and relations) if anyone wants to challenge what I have written.

    Many governments around the world hide under the guise of "democracy" to do their unlawful deeds by writing their own unlawful laws to protect themselves and their overseers. There I just challenged you lol Everyone wants true democracy, but sometimes a revolution has to take place inorder to cleanse the system of all the corruptness and create and environment where true democracy can flourish. Is this happening in Thailand? Probably not. Looks like a power grab on both sides at the moment. That being said, Nelson Mandela was a true hero of peaceful democracy so it can happen sometimes.

    I don't think that is a challenge...it is true. But those aren't true democracies either. I would compare Thailand to the former Yugoslavia and Suthep to Slobadon Milosevic. Very little difference in the political and social attmospheres involved. What you think is a challenge to what I said has no bearing. Please explaion...lol.

  18. Here is a big clue, they bombed the mobs, meaning they are probably from the rival party...both sides need to have their leaders indicted for numerous crimes. Indict the leaders and they will root out the actual offenders to serve up to the police themselves...either that or promise some poor patsy that they will pay them 3 million to go to jail for the cause...unfortunately, the patsies usually never see a baht.

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