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Everything posted by rct99q

  1. Yesterday morning was the first time I have ever used the heater in my car. I have turned off the AC plenty of times but actually turning the dial to the red zone for heat was a first. It was chilly. Nong Khai
  2. 555 all good. No rat race, quiet, easy going, relaxed lifestyle. Spiced things up this evening and had a glass of wine. Had to calm the nerves after finding a spider.
  3. Thanks. My thoughts as well. Just the coloring is unique from other Orb spiders I have seen here. But the thing is HUGE. Don't really bother me most times, but this one I am keeping my distance.
  4. Yup, she's a bigg'n. Daughter nearly sh*t herself when she saw it. Told her this is why we check our beds before going to sleep.
  5. Live in Nong Khai. Seems the only difference between here and home in Canada is the weather. Go to work. Take the kid to school. Get groceries. Tend the garden. Cook dinner. Do dishes. Do laundry. Catch up on news of the day. Go to sleep Repeat.
  6. Some here are coming to the wrong conclusion. The police are focusing on young Thai males 14-21 who are trying to engage with females in the same age bracket. As mentioned above by a poster many Thai males use the idea of Valentine's day to pressure young girls into sex. Romance etc. But most males here have the IQ of 70 and mentality of an 8 year old the pressure on females can be immense. My daughter stays in the house from the 13-15, and I shut down her phone. It is a 365 day a year job to protect her, but we get even more vigilant at this time of year. Can't protect them forever but will do what I can for as long as I can. It is also a good time to sit down with your children and have some open discussions.
  7. Flor I Talay - Koh Chang We have a small dog and have been several times. Beach front, decent restaurant, bungalow style resort. Not far from Paradise Koh Chang. We drive down from Nong Khai and stop at The Resort in Kabinburi - inexpensive / basic stay for a quick night stop. Dog ok. They have a nice restaurant in front of the hotel.
  8. Anybody recognize this one. Is about the size of a human hand. Orb Spider? But the color is black/white striped. Looked google could not see anything similar. Wife doesn't know. She has not seen this before. Thanks
  9. The Legendary Leslie West (Mountain). If you have a chance check out a restored version of Mississippi Queen, master class in Rock.
  10. So your saying if expats were not charged double the Thai population would be increasing? Or is the main reason for the decline in population because life is not easy for expats? Perhaps it is because the additional stress expats are under, from immigration policies, is producing lower sperm counts, is causing the decline in the Thai population. I see where Thailand needs to fix the problem.
  11. Well if the local census taker in our village, Old Toeless Tomchai, is any example perhaps they ran out of fingers and toes while counting
  12. Because the balcony falling is a true accident beyond ones control. Thus having medical insurance plays a big part. Voiding ones insurance policy by doing something not covered within said policy is a completely different matter.
  13. Now this is why you take out insurance in this country.
  14. Did you review your work before submitting it? Perhaps there were errors, but you overlooked them because of your extensive experience.
  15. Perhaps we old people are not so selfish. I think about the consequences of my actions and how they may affect my family. Your wishes may not align with your families. Perhaps you are on life support for 6 months and they finally pull the plug. There will still be s bill to pay. Your mother pays this? Who. All fine and dandy as you are dead, but ramifications of your actions can have serious consequences, even life altering, for you leave behind. Also you say empty the bank account. How? If you are unresponsive it may be difficult, or even illegal, for someone to access your accounts. But I guess only old people think about others.
  16. Actually I moved in with my wife's family long time ago. The FIL was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He was fantastic with my daughter and a great influence. We spent many a day interacting and was a great personal loss when he died. After his death it was revealed that he altered his will to provide for his daughter (my wife), his grand daughter (my daughter) with all his land etc, over his two sons. His reasoning was he trusted I would preserve the family resources better than his two sons. Which I have done. So not all immediate Thai family members are difficult to live with. The MIL was also very nice but she died early in the relationship.
  17. As most well adjusted, mentally stable males have no need to procure female companionship. Most do it the traditional way, date a bit, get to know the person, establish a relationship, get married or common in law, start a family etc, etc. The other 5% of males who are not mentally stable, or unable to establish a normal relationship, procure women via financial transactions via bars, online websites etc, and do run the risk of engaging the services of someone underage. So to answer your question "how would one know someone is underage" one wouldn't, but most of us wouldn't be caught up in this situation as we are well adjusted and mentally stable.
  18. I keep telling my daughter, trust no one. When we live in Canada I tell her if you ever find yourself in trouble call the Fire Department (911 ask for FD). Not sure what it is about Fire department people, rarely hear of issues happening, at least in Canada anyway. I have a little bit more trust in city police in Canada, not much though, and avoid RCMP at all costs. But here, we trust no one. That being said I have run into quite a few emergency services people, local ambulance guys/girls, who have been very helpful. They too have made subtle warnings to avoid local police, if possible.
  19. There always has been, and always will be, segments of all societies who have no option but to beg. We, as people, in every country, need them. For as long as there is someone, anyone, worse off than myself, I am safe from ridicule and threats. When the extreme poor become just poor as we increase living standards etc, the poor will be the targets. Once poverty levels rise, the poor become lower class, thus making the lower class the targets. Eventually you will find the middle class becoming the main targets. Imagine a day when people could be making $30,000 a year or more, have a home,, etc and suddenly find yourself being targeted as being unwanted in society. Shunned, labelled as being riffraff, scum etc. We shouldn't be targeting people like the guy in the article, we should encourage more of them to be beggers, otherwise they may be coming after me, or you, next.
  20. Just read about the teacher at an international school abusing girls. Truly hope this has not affected your family. However it goes to show that something like "this" could happen at any school. International, or not.
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