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Posts posted by rct99q

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    No it wouldn't stop me at all, my wife here in Phuket has had her first shot, my 93 year old mother in the UK had both shots in the first group, along with other people I know. The chance of dying from a covid vaccine is less far than the chance to die from the virus

    I think he was referencing people have died from covid after being vaccinated. Not from the vaccine itself. Not 100% sure that is what was meant, but i think it was.

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  2. Land in my area has been a good investment. Around Nong Khai. Not all parts. They are building the new rail terminal as well as expanding the road way connecting to the friendship bridge. A few years ago would have been a dandy time for some land. Today prices for land around our properties are just nuts. A quarter of a rai sold for nearly 1,000,000! Crazy. 

    But construction is going crazy. There is talk of an airport going in Bueng Kan as well possible new highway and rail systems connecting to Udon Thani. Now best bits would already been spoken for but still some potential.

    A few other areas around the far North East will see the spill over from the extra trading once the rail line to china is completed. Many plots along highways 211, 212 and others have good potential.

    Right now we have one plot that 10 years ago could have sold for 800,000. We have been offered 4,000,000 for it. People are looking for property close to Laos border for trade route. Sri Chang Mai, Tha Bo, Pak, some the areas heading toward Chiang Khan will only increase in value over the next 10 years or so. Roads are being upgraded. Basic infrastructure like water, sewer, and electrical being upgraded. 

    So point is, as others have said, look at an area. Talk to local people. There are really good investments still out there. 

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  3. On 2/14/2021 at 6:58 PM, Clive said:

    Good afternoon.

    Can you please offer some help. 

    I'm going to be taking an early retirement and moving to Thailand later this year/ early next year (assuming coronavirus is behind us) and was wondering if sin sod is still widely practised and if so what price roughly would it be for a normal Thai girl

    Having lived in Thailand about 15 years ago and had a horrible toxic relationship (not a bar girl) I would be very cautious about paying what I consider an outdated practice should I meet someone in the future. 

    Thank you

    To this day have not paid any, nor was any asked for. We have purchased the odd piece of gold for cosmetic and financial reasons, but nothing outrageous.

    I do hear a few of the local girls still getting some. A German guy nearby paid a million or so for a "nice" girl nearby. Turns out my step son had been having relations with her the whole time. Now my step son is no winner. He is a few bricks shy of a complete outhouse so not sure what she saw in him?


    No to sin sod. Yes to contributing to all of the house hold bills etc, same as any other married people around the world.

  4. On 2/14/2021 at 10:49 PM, Bourney0 said:

    Good to know. Do you know if it was the deep swab or a shallow one?

    We are leaning toward scrapping any plans for Thailand until the entry restrictions have been relaxed to some extent. 

    Even if we went now there's also the risk that one of us gets a false positive test in ASQ. If it were the baby or my wife it could be a total disaster as the baby is still dependent upon breastfeeding. If one of them were to get a false positive (it's about a 4% chance, so I have heard) then one of them would be whisked off to a hotel and put into isolation for 10+ days. If it were my wife I would be forced to transition him to bottle formula. If it were our baby I can't imagine we would be comfortable letting him be abducted to some hospital and put into isolation.

    We aren't interested in starting a debate on immunology here, but we have all already had the virus and recovered so I am confident that any near-term PCR test would be a false positive for any of us.

    It would be great if Thailand and other countries accepted a serum (antibody) test in lieu of PCR tests and quarantine for those of us that have had the virus and recovered.

    All tests were the deep nasal swab. As she stated at the time it was uncomfortable but not painful for her.

    Never considered the false negative issue. At the hotel (wife and daughter returned first) they were told that there would be a series of steps and consultations prior to being taken to a hospital if either or both tested positive.

  5. My 7 year old had two of the nadal swabs done in Canada before departure and I believe three upon arrival in Thailand. One at the airport and two at the ASQ. May be wrong about the on upon arrival though. 

    Slightly unpleasant was how she put it. Not painful, but an activity she would not want to repeat often. 

    It did break up the boredom of the stay. Gave her and mommy something to talk about for an hour.

  6. 23 minutes ago, PGSan said:

    This has also always puzzled me too, and not only in a business context.  It is also true for public sector areas.

    Unfortunately, if it weren't for the higher ups having to babysit those below them , not much would get done.

    True the people on the ground floor do most of the heavy lifting, many are unable to self discipline. They often succumb to peer pressure, or do only as much or as little as the next person. There are exceptions, of course.

    So those in the supervisory, or management position, are paid more as it is often a thankless, and at times threatening role to be in.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Stygge said:

    Tourism 20 % of GNP? I think it´s more. The other day I read about an alarm call from police autorithies calling for alternative income sources for the police.
    It turned out that a surprisingly large part of the unofficial salary consists of extortions from tourists.  Now when tourists are gone they are refered to their official meager salary which doesn´t suffice so they are forced to take bank loans and are put heavily in debt. I bet such costs are not in the official GNP statistics.


    They got a large amount for check stops. Locals and tourists. Mostly locals. However these have mostly been shut down due to covid. Prior to this i would go thru three check points taking my daughter to school. Now, none. So the whole "tourist" thing is not correct. Not sure about extortion. Been here 10 years plus, thousands of check points, and have paid a total of 400 baht for not wearing a helmet and no motorcycle license. That was years ago. Not paid a fine since. But i have full car and bike license, insurance, wear a helmet, and speak passable Thai. Breaking the law and then paying a fine for it, is not extortion. 

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  8. Much like the rest of the world at the moment, Thailand is also having a difficult time in predicting where this pandemic is heading. If places such as Europe, Canada, US, and others are struggling, poorer countries will as well.


    However there is certainly pent up demand for travel. Once things straighten out a bit, the world will go crazy. Much like the roaring 20's, but much worse I think.

    Read about Whistler BC and its struggles. A place where before it was hard to find a room under $400 a night. Last May I was there and condos were going for $30 a night. Whole building units shut down 200 to 300 rooms. 

    Right now in NorthEast Thailand near Nong Khai. People are struggling, but hanging on. A cousin to my wife who used to work in the Phuket turning tricks is back home with her parents. Life goes on. Unfortunately for her by the time things get straightened out she may have found a normal job. 


    I am not sure i really want to be in Thailand when the flood gates open. Road congestion, sky high prices, increased drug and alcohol issues, sex tourist galore. Will be a nightmare.



  9. 18 hours ago, Dart12 said:

    Is this what you did?

    Some days I wish I had. Mine was a result of a death, not divorce. I do believe during my grieving process I did not take the time to completely heal. Physically and mentally. Had I done so the past 15 years could have been different. Divorce is a traumatic experience and time should be taken to asses their situation. Seeking some therapy to help the healing process could help in their decision making.

  10. 18 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    I think your post comes under the category of judging others by your own standards.

    Not sure. The OP indicates that they are recently divorced. In most cases, but not all, divorces happen due to specific reasons. They usually just dont happen. This could be a breakdown in communication, one or the other becoming less desireable, mental issues, and so on. My remarks were to offer an option to uprouting oneself on the "idea" that Thailand offers something they can not find locally. The OP has a small nest egg, is still quite young, and could potentially offer a local person a decent life partner. But it takes effort to become that spouse others are looking for. If not coming to Thailand and obtaining one is a good option.

    • Sad 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    Yeah get yourself in shape so you can attract a size 20 UK heffa. 

    Mills and Boom ain’t real you know. 

    Not sure about that. However I do know there are plenty of beautiful local women throughout England. Much like here in Thailand they are looking for the best of the best. If, as the OP indicated, he is recently divorced there could be some personal issues that caused this. By accepting these possible faults and correcting them could lead to attracting a more desireable spouse. If at the end of the day one is unable to attract a partner Thailand is a great place to obtain one.

    • Sad 2
  12. Here is what I would do. Get a makeover. If not already in shape, get a work out program sorted. Invest in some self help programs..better your life, how to communicate, learn about love, those sort of things. 

    Take 6 months and start dating locals.


    42 is too young to waste here in Thailand. By making yourself a more attractive person you will attract likewise. Living out your life with a loving partner in the UK, US, Canada, or wherever would be preferential to the possibility of 40 years here in Thailand. Buying young pussy is still just that. Buying. Finding a loving spouse is much more rewarding.

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  13. Was just there in September and no problems. Have been going for many years. They fixed some of the road a few years back and it is fine. Yes steep in parts but easy. Worst thing i have had is being stuck behind a delivery truck with bottled water fully loaded. Literally could have walked faster.


    Yes there is parking on the mainland side. Can not remember cost but was reasonable. Covered parking. Was off to the left side near the ticket booth.



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  14. Interesting. Was just in Chiang khan, Thursday & Friday. The place was packed. During the week not so much. 


    Have been several times this past 6 months and noticed many of the popular hotels etc, renovating, adding parking, painting, and other upgrades. 


    Around us in Nong Khai, not so much. Although there seems to ve some excitement around the rail station and the China/Laos link. 


    People are hurting around us. Many not working (not that many did before as most are lazy), but those wanting to work are finding it difficult. 

    Another major shut down i think would be devastating for some. 


    • Like 1
  15. 17 hours ago, AmySeeker said:


    Outdoor markets are less of a risk than malls. Being out in the air has been proven to be less risky. 


    For sure, agree. People were jammed shoulder to shoulder approx 10-12 across the street. For nearly two hours. Both Nights. I have been many times and weekends are usually the same. Last time i was there was in August but was a Wednesday night and nearly everyone was wearing masks and had no problem keeping at least 6 feet apart.


    This past weekend people literally shoulder to shoulder pressed up to the backs of the person in front. Think of an elevator with 12 people in it. Less than 25% wearing masks. 


    So yes being outdoors helps but in the environment this past weekend it wouldnt help much.


    We wore our masks, and shot down a couple of side streets when the crowds of people stopped moving because of the sheer numbers.



  16. Bit off topic...was just in Chiang Khan near Loei. They gave a walking street night market. Both Thursday and Friday night the street was packed. At times it was difficult to move. 1,000 plus people for sure. People come from all over Thailand on tour buses. Surprisingly most not wearing masks. 

    Suspect IF covid gets hold in Thailand it will be a result of an event like this. 


    Just a note this night market takes place 7 days a week. 


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  17. Just came back (Oct 25) stayed at The Splash Resort as i was with my 7 year old. Ok resort. Great for my 7 year old. She played on the sliders the whole week everyday.

    We normally stay at the Koh Chang Paradise Resort and love it. Great beach, ok pool, decent prices for the mini bars and restaurant. 

    If in your budget the deluxe rooms with private pool and separate hot tub are nice. 

    Not a bar or party person so have no idea what there is for that on the island.

    Sunday thru Thursday was pretty quiet around the island. Not much traffic. We have a Nissan Almera (auto) and absolutely no issue with the roads. Last year we took our Honda Jazz and it whipped around the hills no problem as well.

    One issue was the return ferry docked on the right hand side loading area and was riding high. When we, and many others off loaded, we scrapped bottom. Was not impressed. A few of us confronted the admin office. They didnt care.


    Had 3 days of rain and then sunny, sunny, sunny!

    First time ever we were the only car in the Big C parking lot. One other person in the store, 3pm. Think many stores are really quiet. Our favourite noodle shop by the V-mart near Coconuts Beach Resort stated she was lucky she had a good lease on her shop otherwise she would be in trouble. Have known her for quite a few years. Difficult to see how things have changed these past 12 months.

    Went around the other side of the island and passed half a dozen cars. Very quiet. 

    Now is a good time to spend a bit more as the room prices are great. We paid less than 1400baht for a deluxe room. Normally double that. 

    As stated many places we drove by are closed now. Our hotel was packed. Mostly with Thai families. There were a few mixed couples like us but not many singles or couples. Restaurant was expensive still. Probably cause of how busy they were. 


    Things really have changed since our last trip. Try and call a few places to see how busy they are. Next month there is a school break so things should be a little busier.


    Good luck.




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