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Everything posted by findlay13

  1. It'll all go into "sompeople's" pockets anyway.
  2. Yes,I agree, but good luck with that .
  3. Speeding in the rain on a <deleted> road isn't the brightest idea.
  4. Such a pity he lost a finger Boo Hoo
  5. It hasn't been the Land of Smiles for some time I'm afraid.☹️
  6. Murdoch is an example I think Jerry Hall would have been his oldest wife
  7. No problems A.K.A. "Show me the money"
  8. What's wrong with these damn natives don't they want to be exploited anymore?????
  9. 500 bht a month lunch money that's about 13+ bht a day?Wow!
  10. He nearly got kicked out of Thailand for the idiocy and in fact cruelty of his videos but now he's reinvented himself and is a good guy . "he spoke of the toxic online environment that prevails everywhere. The internet has made this young man but like Rooster he is appalled by the trolls and negativity."[quote] He was toxic until the Thai police pulled him into line. " There would be detractors but mostly those are just losers, plainly envious of anyone doing well in Thailand."[quote] In other words anyone who disagrees with the white wash is a loser. I used to look forward to Roosters column.
  11. Now you've mentioned Koh Kut that'll be overun next time you go????
  12. He's lucky they didn't steal his gold chain.
  13. "There are plenty of safeguards to stop recreational use among youth and protect people’s health. " This being Thailand I am sure you're correct Rooster ????
  14. As usual a thought bubble becomes law before it's thought through but in Thailand money is number 1
  15. I was just gonna say what's happened to all the 100,000 bht chains?
  16. But apart from that .....???? I hate that ....????
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