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Everything posted by findlay13

  1. Yes obviously they are not draining the brains of Britian to send them here judging by the standard of British in Thailand .[BTW I was born in Britain 😆]
  2. Look we know already how this will end. BIG payoff .
  3. "Later, police sources ruled such a sanction out in Mr Uli’s case, at least for now." I wonder how much that cost him?
  4. I start by getting the feeling to exercise ,then laying down until the feeling goes away.
  5. Yes well done.AND I'm certainly not knocking the bloke.More than I could or would do but 140,000 Bht is only a bit over $A6,000.It seems a small reward for such a great effort. Could almost raise that on a "go fund me" page?
  6. The judges's ruling would be "Show me the money"!
  7. They wouldn't do that would they?😂
  8. Thailand has been playing Russia and China off against the West for years.
  9. Thailand will do ANYTHING for money.Don't you know that ?
  10. I'm sure all the tourists are going to come to Thailand now that the excise has been cut.They have all been waiting for that.
  11. Always have been in one form or another
  12. I remember she was found guilty of criminal negligence and sentenced to 5 yrs and how she skipped the country let out over the border by immigration officals."Innocent until proven guilty eh"[Yawn]🤣
  13. How about 3 months for Aussies Brits Yanks etc?
  14. Theres a bunch of those guys hang out at the local Pizza Company resturant near my place for the air con .That's cool but they're pretty dirty and always leave the toilets and washbasins filthy,stinking ,and unusable for patrons.The Pizza Co.staff must be really pissed off trying to keep the place clean .
  15. I remember Little Johnny Howard at an Asean or Apec or some other junket meeting in Vientiane years ago holding hands for a group photo wearing some colourful matching shirts with all these despots and dictators ,and thinking it shows what high principles we have.As Groucho said "These are my principles.and if you don't like these ,I have others"
  16. "Nevertheless, the deposed prime minister had preferred to leave the hospital upon his release on parole" 😂 Degenerative neck bones kept him in hospital for months? Well Trump's "heel spurs" kept him out of the draft so why not ?🤣
  17. They don't care.The people who run this country really DON'T care. Watch George Carlin "who controls America" and substitute Thailand or any other country you like actually.
  18. She was raised in Britain and British educated . [ROTFLOL that's a joke son,a joke]
  19. "You can fool all of the people some of the time .You can fool some of the people all the time,etc etc."
  20. Is that his arm in a sling too? Neck brace ,Mask, over the top a tad what? He was supposed to be sick with heart problems LOL.
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