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Everything posted by findlay13

  1. What a joke.This was already decided of course and is unfolding as planned. I feel sorry for the Thai people
  2. What makes you think they'd care? I've been coming to Thailand for more than 20 yrs.People have NEVER had confidence in the gov't during that time.Thaksin had a bit when he introduced cheap health care, but that's all I can remember any good for the people coming from of any of them.
  3. I have just received my refund [Thanks] after 4 years.It's unacceptable to have to wait so long.But at least I have been paid.I had given up hope of ever seeing that money again I used to love Thai flying out of Brisbane but they closed the office and there are no BNE _BKK flights .They lost all the staff members I knew. I wont be using them again.They are a Potemkin airline these days.
  4. "setting aside there's been a. few criminals with elite visas," Why set aside the elite visa criminals ?????
  5. Yep. "An individual who claimed to have close ties with a senior police officer was found to be behind the incident." ????
  6. Yes from Deputy head of the Thai Police making roughly 500,000 bht a year, to Dollar billionaire .All above board LOL
  7. LOL I will believe it when I see it.Although I didn't believe he return at all so I know nothing
  8. SOME of what you say is true.Sort of 9 for Takisn 1 for the people. as opposed to the usual 10 for us 0 for you I've been here since 1999 and Thais were still doing tough then but I admit they seemed happier.Wether that was naive newbie me or true I don't know
  9. Yes not bad from deputy head of Royal Thai Police to selling a satellite to sing tel for $2 billion.I heard his daughter [working at McDonalds at the time] before his exile was the richest woman in Thailand
  10. Closing Petrol stations at midnight .Opening shopping centres later [10.30 am] and no alcohol to be sold between 11 am and 2 pm is it? All Taksins great Ideas.The war on drugs,[how many dead] the war on poverty[hows that going] One thing good for the people was the 30 bht medical scheme but I've been told the 30 bht standard of care isn't high[ this I don't know]
  11. Not in Thailand.They put the prices up????No customers? increase prices. I was incredulous when I first saw this 20 + years ago.
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