I had a bad experience in Korat when a bar a mate and I were at had a table of drunk Thais acting like dickheads. Maha Sarakaham coppers have had a bad reputation for a long time.
In about that same area a few years ago ,I watched 5 pick up fly past us each about 2 feeet from the one in front.I said that's an accident waiting to happen. Sure enough another couple of miles on , 5 pickup smashed into the back of one another as the first one must have jammed the brakes on for some reason.People dead , dying or mangled.Just another day on Thai roads.
Yeah this is Thailand, what could go wrong?😆.We were told in Oz when the casinos were legalised "NO way" could organised crime get in Australia. 😂How did that work out?[ Hint ,not so good]
I would be interested to know many are still waiting for refunds from Thai Airways from the bankruptcy/ "restructure" ? I got mine finally after years of waiting.
????"This unfortunate incident has tarnished the reputation of Pattaya, a cherished tourist destination. The police are committed to their efforts to locate the suspect and ensure that justice is promptly served."