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Posts posted by HughJass

  1. had a problem with the g/f Mio recently and took it to the local Yamaha dealer.

    I had deduced it was a fuel problem from a dirty carburetor

    I bought an inline filter (see pic) and asked Somchai to clean out the gas tank and carb and fit the new inline filter to stop any crap from the gas tank reaching the carb

    he said not to do that as the gas tank already had a filter and fitting an extra one in the line would cause fuel starvation

    I went with what he said but three weeks after the cleaning was done am having the same problem coming back

    so at some point I will probably have to go back to the shop and have the cleaning job redone

    so is he talking thru his backside about the extra inline filter as I suspect he is?


  2. Typical response

    is this so u can all go to a bar together and speak welsh while ignoring anyone who speaks english just like in your parochial homeland

    No doubt you are one of these who complain that the Thais speak Thai as well.

    pathetic answer by someone who no doubt thinks just like the people I am describing above

    Pathetic? Why because its true. Get a Life!!

    Ah you read the Daily Mail, that explains a lot!

    Ti'n llawn cachu ......... I like to read all manner of newspapers and literature which gives me an broad outlook unlike yourself who it seems wants to stifle debate with cheap insults

  3. bought an expensive Tefal steam iron less than a year ago but the sole plate has become detatched

    the iron works perfectly otherwise but the guarantee receipt is long lost

    it looks like the plate was originally held on with some high temp epoxy resin glue

    can it be fixed and where can I go to have it repaired

  4. On my last trip four......I noticed a couple of things last time round that stuck in my mind, and this was one of them. There seems to be an explosion of long tern farangs in Chiang Mai and equally, there seems to be an explosion of people scraping by......I don't think it will be long before we see farang vagrants on the streets of CM, in fact the CM community may know of some already.

    Ah ok, I don't tend to hang around in cities, did all that years ago......but it is long walk home if things go awry financially.....

    I've noticed on previous trips the people ( almost always guys ) that have the usual litany of problems such as alcoholism, substance abuse and the like, and these guys by dint are always on the edge. This time I noticed more people with no obvious problems that seem determined to hold on to their meagre lives in Thailand. I don't understand it.

    if they are holding onto little enough here then what have they got to look forward to back in the West where living costs are extortionate,the weather sucks and the women are mostly fat and ugly

    • Like 2
  5. is this so u can all go to a bar together and speak welsh while ignoring anyone who speaks english just like in your parochial homeland

    No doubt you are one of these who complain that the Thais speak Thai as well.

    pathetic answer by someone who no doubt thinks just like the people I am describing above

    • Like 2
  6. is this so u can all go to a bar together and speak welsh while ignoring anyone who speaks english just like in your parochial homeland

    Hahaha, English Paranoia again. Do Thai, and for that matter, French Japanese, Italian, Swahili and Eskimoes etc people speak Englsh in their bars in their countries just to appease the odd English person that may happen to walk in expecting bitter beer and sausage egg and chips ???

    is this so u can all go to a bar together and speak welsh while ignoring anyone who speaks english just like in your parochial homeland

    Is that from personal experience, or just rumour?

    hey I lived smack bang in the middle of Glyndwr country for 5 years and can testify that most of them were arrogant parochial down right unfriendly two faced oiks who were still talking about what Edward 1 did 700 years ago........even the schools in the vicinity insisted on teaching primary school kids in Welsh despite a large influx of English children into the area,the poor little buggers were even told off for speaking english during break time......a perfect example of how nationalism and racist policies are designed by bigots in the welsh assembly to hold back childrens education,even welsh speaking children would be held back studying in an archaic useless language while the rest of the UK is studying in english to compete in the global market.nothing wrong with studying the language as a subject within the curriculum but not for these zealots...some would fly the welsh flag in their gardens and come world cup time they would be supporting any team but England despite Wales not being in the competition.the Welsh are happy for the english to come to Wales on a Sunday and spend their money in the pubs and trinket shops as long as they go home when it gets dark

    dont believe me then read this newspaper article


    • Like 1
  7. theres a new shop i discovered today near the airport plaza.if u come from Hang Dong go straight thru the lights with the Plaza on your left towards Wualai Rd

    the shop is about 200m on the left ..the guy spray paints bike stuff and has some bike T shirts hanging up outside..theres a shop selling sports shoes/trainers next door

    hes also selling a Buell for 500,000 baht if anybodys interested

    • Like 1
  8. the judges gave the chinese fighter the last round 7-6 which was a total travesty as the thai fighter clearly won the last round

    the thai fighter should never have been given the public warning thus having two points deducted

    therefore the fight should have been draw on points but for the thai fighter to lose 13-10 was a travesty of justice

    but this what u get when inexperienced judges and refs are put in charge of fights

  9. theres a thai guy advertising guitar lessons on one of the free classifieds sites

    Private Guitar Lesson สอนกีตาร์ตัวต่อตัว

    Pao (เปา)


    as for boxing go to California Wow in the Airport Plaza shopping mall and see if u can blag a free month membership to see if u like it

    they have a boxing ring and a trainer as part of the gym..its not serious stuff but would be good for a girly to get a taste of whats involved

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