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Posts posted by HughJass

  1. I don't have any experience with the Australian school system, but find it hard to believe what you're describing - which indeed is one of the fundamental problems here in Thailand - is as bad there as it is here.

    There's a lot of variability from one town to another in the states, but where I'm planning on bringing my kids at least the primary public school has a great reputation, the PTA has sponsored teachers to get Montessori training, lots of student-directed independent project-based learning etc.

    But the high school in that town's really bad, so ten years down the road will have to move to a different town with higher property taxes, unless of course I'm making enough to send them off to private prep schools (well I can dream can't I).

    If I had the chance to move to Finland I'd probably take it.

    You really have not noticed how shut down we are when it comes to free thinking in the west now, not in the past but now.

    Could you for eg express your opinion on Homosexuality without being shut down, even if you were not being offensive.

    I'm surprised you haven't been scolded or suspended for even having an opinion like that on this site

  2. I have at least a 10 year old Ipod classic that has over 2,300 songs on it, mainly from non I Tunes sites. I bought an I Phone 4S last year and cant transfer the songs to the phone. At the Apple store, they told me it was because the songs were not from I Tunes. They also told me that there was no Apple approved method to transfer the songs to my I Phone. I have seen web sites that will transfer from I Pod to computer but haven't seen web sites to transfer from I Pod to I Phone. I am content to keep the I Pod but if it is going to fall apart in the near future, I would like to transfer the songs to a computer, and preferably to my I Phone. I'll be in Thailand for the month of July and will bring both the Ipod and I Phone and will be in Bangkok for a couple of days and then CM for 3 weeks. If there isn't a web site to do the transfer, is there a shop in either city that can?

    yes does anyone know how to transfer songs that were put on my ipod nano from a friends computer onto my computer as a backup?

  3. Rape is legal in Thailand, according to Thai soap opera. Whenever rape occur it's because...

    • the girl is evil and deserve to get raped as punishment.

    • if the girl isn't evil, she's already in love with rapist and it isn't rape at all, actually.

    • If the the girl isn't evil and doesn't love the rapist already, she will discover joy of sex and eventually fall in love with rapist anyway.

    • If the girl isn't evil and will never fall in love with rapist, she will give birth to a very graceful child (usually a protagonist of the soap opera). This is rare case, actually. Most of good girl will get rescued on time (unless the rapist is a good guy, irony?).
  4. recently acquired a True Visions Topfield TF6300IR satellite receiver box with a viewing card inserted

    its not active for subscription any more but want to know if it will deliver free to air channels

    my g/f has two auntys who are getting on a bit and live alone but only have 3 snowy channels on an indoor aerial

    if I acquired a True Visions small red dish and hooked it up for them would it deliver some free thai channels without paying a subscription?

    if so what channels would be available?

    anyone got a red dish they dont want in the CM area?


  5. I don't think you're going to fix this without at least some cooperation from next door (it's his wall), if it's not going to cost him anything maybe he'll be amenable.

    How about this:-

    At the point where the water pools deepest on his side (lowest point) core through the wall at his ground level to form a drain hole. This will get the water to a known point on your side and not allow it to soak in. Then you can channel the water above ground to a suitable drain point.

    Of course, he could then accuse you of stealing 'his' water

    This is a great idea and the water could then be channeled into the small concrete sided klong about 20 metres away...........thanks

    would also like to know what the law is regarding him allowing this water to come into the next door property..in the UK the planning dept would be all over him like a rash but of course TIT

  6. before I begin please accept my apologies for the lousy picture attached

    the guy next door to my g/f built a big house approx 5 years ago.....g/f parents house is a modest small house built about 30 years ago

    the houses are divided by a wall but my g/f house is a metre from the wall and the neighbours about 5 metres

    the neighbours roof empties its water onto the floor and he has angled the cemented area to let the water run away from his house towards the dividing wall

    the water then sits against the wall then seeps down and comes out at the lower level of my g/f house

    she has problems with flooding into the kitchen at the back of the house and paint coming off the base of walls adjacent to the flooding

    digging down at the side of the house shows the earth to be permenantly wet underneath

    this encroachment is damaging the foundations in my opinion

    the neighbour is a total A Hole so there is no use reasoning with him

    I believe the g/f approached the moobaan boss some time ago who spoke to the neighbour but nothing was done

    so I believe that the local chanote office may be the next step?...........I was also told by a friend that it is an offense to allow water from your property to affect another persons property..is this true?

    has anyone any advice on how to proceed against this neighbour to get this issue resolved....thanks


  7. reminds me of a joke

    An englishman,scotsman,irishman and a welshman are in the jungle and get captured by a tribe of cannibals

    the chief says before we kill u and eat u do you have any last request

    the welshman says "i would like to hear a 100 welshman singing "Land of my Fathers"

    the scotsman says " i would like to hear 100 scots singing Flower of Scotland"

    the irishman says "i would like to see 100 irishman doing the Riverdance"

    the chief turns to the englishman and says "and what can i do for u"

    and the englishman says "fookin kill me first"

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  8. reading a topic on the general forum about having a will in thailand I decided to download the two templates provided by one of the posters.one in thai language the other in english

    these provide a simple declaration of what I would like to happen to any assets I might have in Thailand if I expire while I am living here

    I have some money in a thai bank account,a couple of bikes and the contents of my rented condo but would like my g/f to benefit instead of the Thai Govt should the unthinkable happen

    I do not wish to engage a lawyer because of the cost and the fact that I wouldnt trust any of them

    has anyone tried to register a simple self penned will in CM?

    where would I go to get these documents formalised?



  9. He's talking through his arse. That filter has so much area, including folding the filter paper, that it wouldn't restrict flow unless it was dirty.

    What I can't understand is why the factory filter isn't cleaning.

    isnt the factory filter in the gas tank just a mesh type?....which would catch large rust particles but let thru smaller ones

    heres the relevant page from the Mio parts book..if anyone wants a copy of the parts book let me know and i will put it up


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