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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. I used this bus several times from and to Bangkok. From my experience, the bus drivers and staff are pretty professional, the bus looked clean, maintained and even has seat belts fitted, although it seams, I'm the only one using them.

    I'm fairly sure, there is no conspiracy, no foul play, just a very tragic accident which could happen anywhere in the world.

    Wish all the injured the best care the hospital can provide and a very speedy recovery. My condolence to all the friends, relatives and family of those who lost their lives

    • Like 1
  2. Well, at least this thread hasn't been hijacked by the sort of whining expat who only came to Thailand in the first place because he was intellectually and emotionally unable to function in a society where women aspire to be treated as equals.

    Oh hang on...

    Having lived 20 years in a roll reversed relationship, my experience showe me, woman have a bigger problem wit that equality thing then many man. For most man it's quite normal to work and share their income with their wifes. On the other hand, a career woman feels more often then not that she had to compeete in a male dominated society and sharing her income doesn't come as natural to her then to most man.My divore turned out to be more a battle for "equality" then a simple divorce but lucky for me, the judge in the UK had realy enough of high powerd career woman playing the "poor, weeker gender" and finally I got custody of my son (althoug after nearly 4 years of legal battling he's now old enough to marry himself) and my wife hat to pay me allimonies for 5 years.So of course, I fully support equality but maybe woman need to understand, if a man stays at home, he get's the same rights as a housewife, Means we can nag our wifes and constantly tell,em what to do, we might get custody of our children and allimonies in case of divorce and most importantly, man will be able to complain of a headache when his wife wants sex,

    • Like 2
  3. Does that mean Thai woman are taking over the traditional male occupation off doing shit all, getting drunk, singing karaoke, bossing around their husbands and work in the field of general lazzyness?

    In the long run, yes.

    Ohh dear, just hope Thaiman will do "woman" jobs, otherwise who will work in Thailand once the 2 million Burmese have returned to their country?

    Suppose there are still a lot of Katoys around. I'm wondring, what does the "third gender" do, man or womans job? Just hope they don't sing karaoke.

    On a brighter side, it will be like a breath of fresh air reding that a farang has been stabbed instead of hunderts of tourists suffring from karaoke trauma and commit suicide on a nightly base..

  4. ........ , what if the father is Thai? They will deport Thai foetus?

    Especially the ones with Thai fathers!!! A "good" Thai family would never accept a "Immigrant labourer Baby' in their mids.

    Seeing how Burmese, Laotian and Cambodians migrants are treated here in Thailand, I assume abuse and sexual assaults on migrant workers must be pretty much the norm. So no surprise they don't want pregnant migrants here (might give a bad impression on Thailand)

    I'm pretty sure, if a Thai becomes father of an immigrant labourers baby he either raped her (abused the power he has over a migrant worker), didn't have the money to pay for the abortion and run away already or he might be really in love with the girl in which case, his family spend a fortune having monks around the house/property, scaring the evil spirits away that took possession of this poor bloke (Nasty witch in Myanmar blew powder in the air who miraculously landed in the poor blokes eyes and made his mind blind). If that doesn't work, he will be send for a while to become a monk in a monastery far away or in real bad cases, there is always the psychiatry giving the right medication to forget about Burmese Sweetheart.

    PS: ... a few months down the line, the Burmese woman left the resort. No, no baby but 40'000 baht more in her pocket. The Thai bloke (since back from the monastery and hospital) is sitting most days on the terrace of his family home and steers holes in to the air with a silly, emotionless smile in his face.

  5. The Ministry of Labor is now trying to remove Thailand from the United States Human Trafficking watch list, .......

    Didn't we have something similar already?

    Ministers wanted several countries to with draw the Terrorist warning they had up for Thailand,

    (as Thailand has only friends and no enemies),

    just a few days before those "Assassins" suffered a minor work accident?

    He (Mr. Paderm) said he wanted them to understand that the new law is by no means to violate human rights, but it is Thailand’s attempt to clarify some negative criticisms such as child labors and human trafficking.

    New born child laborers? Is he worried that new born babies are working in factories, building sites or in the tourist industry? Or maybe a real worry for him, babies are taking away his job? At least babies would make more sense when they squeak, giggle and cry then many of today's politicians here in the Land Of Silliness.

  6. Tunks told Sydney's Sunday Telegraph the whole family was "extremely concerned" about his daughter's welfare and wanted her back in Australia.

    Should't they be more "extremely concerned" about what impact their daughters accusation did on the welfare of her victims? Or what impact it has on foreigners living/visiting Thailand. (Ahhh, farang, cheating, laying, scamming criminals?)

  7. Do People Even Care That They Are Being Lied To?

    Off course not. We live already in a society which is more or less based on promises, lies and ignorance and none of the Thais I know really cares about that. So why should anyone care about some tiddly, tiny small boobies no one could see anyway.

    Now, if a Ladyboy advertising his femininity with huge coconut and wearing a miniskirt bearly hiding his banana, that's a <Ssssnnniiipppp> big lie and Thais are even proud of having this "third sex".

    So, NO. Thai's don't care if they lied to contrary, they would be really shocked if someone would tell the truth.

    BTW - Thai people DON't lie, they just joking. Thai people DON't steal, they just borrowing.

  8. when are these clowns going to understand most people are laughing their heads of with their stupid utterances. WhatI cant understand is face is big here but these idiots have more egg on their face thna produced by largest chicken egg farm in world and more dripping down their feet. Thought soon maybe they will drown in their own mess. One can hope

    Sorry to correct a bit. Most people? You sure mean most farang people. Politics is not a Thai word so most Thais have actually no clue what's been said. Thai people are more concerned who slaps who and which nasty bitch hit's which servant in tomorrows soap opera.

  9. Just wonder if this is some kind of a Thai copy of some Nigerian Scam?

    Just wonder how much he will be able to scum out of the government before

    he goes in to "voluntarily exile" and then asks for reconciliation?

    I believe he already sorted out his retirement home far away from government control

    " He said local officials would have to crack down on these gangs or

    he would visit the provinces himself to deal with the problem."

    Watch out Chalerm, you might get robbed, scammed and stabbed down here

    Just thinking, Chalerm might have a point in

    ".... visit the province himself to deal with the problem"

    the mafia sees him, listen to him then fall over from laughing and die

    • Like 2
  10. Just wonder if this is some kind of a Thai copy of some Nigerian Scam?

    Just wonder how much he will be able to scum out of the government before

    he goes in to "voluntarily exile" and then asks for reconciliation?

    I believe he already sorted out his retirement home far away from government control

    " He said local officials would have to crack down on these gangs or

    he would visit the provinces himself to deal with the problem."

    Watch out Chalerm, you might get robbed, scammed and stabbed down here

    • Like 1
  11. The reason the meeting only lasts for an hour is that the average memory span of Thai politicians only lasts for just over an hour. So, anything longer than that and they would have forgotten what the meeting is all about.

    Why is everything in 3 months in modern Thailand? Used to always be tomorrow and as we very well know, tomorrow never comes but in three months? Maybe because most foreigners in Thailand have left in two or three months and Thai memory span only lasts three hours.

  12. Considering that according to TAT's latest figures (2007) there are about 14'000'000 tourists in the LOS (Land of Silliness). Lets assume that half of them have multiple entries in on year and are counted several times, then a figure of around 10M is more likely (just assume). Now it's nearly impossible to find out how many foreigners live permanently (legally or illegally) in Thailand but I know for sure, there are more then 2.

    Assume there are 100 farangs killed every day somewhere in Thailand for what ever the reason, that only accounts for 0.36 % of all Foreigners here. Let's think that 1000 farangs are scammed, robbed or beaten up by some scum here, that's still only 3.6%. So there are about 96% of foreigner who had a good or at least, not a horrific experience here in the LOS.

    So I'm not surprised that no official agency thinks it's necessary to tackle any problems (or is that called nuisance towards our Thai hosts?) where farangs are harmed in any way.

    Amazing Thailand ;-)

  13. "It's time for embassies to issue stern travel advisories against coming to Phuket, i.e. don't go there unless your trip is absolutely essential. Leave them on until police can demonstrate significant progress in cleaning up the gangs of thugs that prey on tourist pedestrians and motorcyclists, armed with guns, knives and clubs."

    Agreed. It's like when the US issued a terrorism warning for Bangkok last Jan. Apparently the Thai authorities had known about a possible threat and had specifics but dragged their feet. Until, that is, the US issued a warning. Then the Thais got on the ball within a day and carried out the necessary raids. (At least that's how I understand it).

    You forgot to mention that the Thai government was outraged at the travel warnings of the different countries and insisted that they would withdrawal their warnings as Thailand only has friends and no enemies around the world. There are no terrorists in Thailand, only assassins.

  14. Aside from cleaning, is she cooking too? Whilst cleaning, does she keep talking at you? Did she arrive with a battery operated vacuum cleaner?

    If so, you're having my sister staying, although my sister isn't Thai and you probably wouldn't stand her for one month. I only guess but I believe it's some kind of cleansing ritual used in Yoga.

    When my sister used to visit, I took her around my friends were, whilst we were drinking, she was

    cooking or cleaning. Was a bit embarrassing at the beginning but my friends love my sister and

    they can't wait till she's coming to holiday again.

    Was thinking of starting something like "Rent-a-Sister", at least I can leave my cigarette packets,

    keys, glasses, etc.. laying around without having this hobbit whizzing around my legs all the time

    Hmmm, just thinking, haven't had my sister round for a couple of years now .....

  15. If he actually loved Thailand and was proud to be Thai, he would have never fled the country, he would have done his short "soft time" jail sentence in comfort, then he could have settled in a nice house in Thailand and lived in luxury for the rest of his days on Thai soil and as part of Thai community. That is what somebody who loves Thailand would have done, they would have stayed here and done their short jail-time and then retired in this - the country they love.

    Thaksin chose to spend like four years in Dubai and other countries, instead of just respecting the honourable judgement of Thai supreme court and staying in Thailand. Anybody with a pulse can see that that his actions are not the actions of somebody who loves being in Thailand. He never had any reason to leave the country, he could have stayed here permanently and been a free man in a couple of years, free to live in Thailand. His actions are of somebody who has no real loyalty to Thailand, no real wish to be here unless it is to be here committing crimes with impunity.

    If somebody loves a country they will do anything to stay in that country, especially doing something easy like a few years soft time.


    A real Captain stays on the sinking ship,

    whilst rats leave the boat before it sinks

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  16. You are so right and I really wish I could be there with the parents to .......

    ...... I would even get on a plane to Phiphi Island to help

    Suppose lucky Koh PooPoo doesn't have an Airport ;-)

    I'm pretty sure that grieving family has plenty of support and professional

    help back in Canada and here in Thailand. Most people, especially close

    knitted families grieve either by them self or with the closest persons around

    but sure not with some strangers far away. So fairly sure, they do not need a

    "ThaiVisa delegation" to help. - - - Help with what?

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