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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Sounds like pretty good advice from jerrysteve if you are using taxis a lot.

    What I don't understand from your reaction is where exactly corruption comes into this? You would be contacting your 1 -2 taxi drivers asking them to pick you up. You tip them to keep them available for the next time.

    The only corruption I could see here is depriving a taxi driver who may or may not take you where you want to go, hence taking you back to the reason you have the phone numbers for your nominated drivers in the first place!...............thumbsup.gif

    As I said, I have no problems to tip AFTER I received an exceptional service.

    To tip BEFORE a service you MIGHT receive is definately corruption!!!

    Think, would you ever walk in to a restaurant, tip the waiter and then ask if you can order ?

  2. .............................. The best thing to do is to make good friends with one or two taxi drivers, get their mobile numbers and only use them, and don't forget to tip them. It may cost you a bit more, but you will infact be treated fairly and you will not get SCREWED AROUND nor will you get the tourist route.

    All you need is 2 taxi drivers to use all the time; no exceptions and they will pick you up.

    1zgarz5.gif If I have to pay a little bit more in order to not getting "screwed around'

    then in my oppinion, that's not quite "being treated fairly"

    crazy.gif I have no problems to give a tip if the service is exceptional but

    paying a bit more to get what you should get in the first place is NOT fair!

    It's called corruption and as long as you pay that bit extra more, you're as

    guilty of corruption as the one who takes that "extra bit more".

    No different for taxis, hospitals, police, courts etc....

    tip the change (coins) for standard service and a full note (20/40) for exceptional service, should be standard practice, I just dont want it to get out of hand like back in the States where you tip 20% to everyone you meet.

    Exceptional service, when people go well out of their way of what would be expected,

    that deserves a tip.

    NO tip for standart service. I already paid the waiter, taxi driver, haird dresser, etc...

    for standard service.

    • Like 1
  3. .............................. The best thing to do is to make good friends with one or two taxi drivers, get their mobile numbers and only use them, and don't forget to tip them. It may cost you a bit more, but you will infact be treated fairly and you will not get SCREWED AROUND nor will you get the tourist route.

    All you need is 2 taxi drivers to use all the time; no exceptions and they will pick you up.

    1zgarz5.gif If I have to pay a little bit more in order to not getting "screwed around'

    then in my oppinion, that's not quite "being treated fairly"

    crazy.gif I have no problems to give a tip if the service is exceptional but

    paying a bit more to get what you should get in the first place is NOT fair!

    It's called corruption and as long as you pay that bit extra more, you're as

    guilty of corruption as the one who takes that "extra bit more".

    No different for taxis, hospitals, police, courts etc....

    tip the change (coins) for standard service and a full note (20/40) for exceptional service, should be standard practice, I just dont want it to get out of hand like back in the States where you tip 20% to everyone you meet.

    Exceptional service, when people go well out of their way of what would be expected,

    that deserves a tip.

    NO tip for standart service. I already paid the waiter, taxi driver, haird dresser, etc...

    for standard service.

  4. Yeap, worked for me twice on long haul flight including the connection

    flight (didn't have to ask for the upgrade on the connecting flight).

    At the check-in desk - no chance. Even with offring chocolatte,nice

    chocolatte, very nice chocolatte in fact - no chance.

    Because of my looooooooong legs, I always go talk to the supervisor

    in order to get one of the seats by the emergency doors/windows, still

    no upgrade but somehow I got noticed and on both occasions, once

    the doors of the plane closed, a stewardess walks right up to me and

    goes: " Sorry Mr Ling to inconvinience you. I hope you don't mind but

    there would be a seat available in business class". - Should I mind?

    Guess who eat the chocolatte ;-)

    You could always try to put some ants in the seat next to you, then

    complain POLITELY without making a fuss and you have your business

    upgrade ;-)

    So if you can't afford delux chocolatte, have no loyality points, take some

    ants with you, just in case :-)

  5. .............................. The best thing to do is to make good friends with one or two taxi drivers, get their mobile numbers and only use them, and don't forget to tip them. It may cost you a bit more, but you will infact be treated fairly and you will not get SCREWED AROUND nor will you get the tourist route.

    All you need is 2 taxi drivers to use all the time; no exceptions and they will pick you up.

    1zgarz5.gif If I have to pay a little bit more in order to not getting "screwed around'

    then in my oppinion, that's not quite "being treated fairly"

    crazy.gif I have no problems to give a tip if the service is exceptional but

    paying a bit more to get what you should get in the first place is NOT fair!

    It's called corruption and as long as you pay that bit extra more, you're as

    guilty of corruption as the one who takes that "extra bit more".

    No different for taxis, hospitals, police, courts etc....

    • Like 1
  6. Wouldn't a TV campain in between the soap operas be more

    effective and cost less then this road shows? cowboy.gif

    Suppose the people would suddently know how to claim benefits

    and that would leave the treasury with less to ...... burp.gifdrunk.gif

    How ever it would be done, I think it still would cost the same,

    just a bit more for the "Elites Privat Pension Fund". whistling.gif

  7. I have no sympathy for the Thai men who go there to work in the sex industry. I am sure they are well aware that cross dressing and homosexuality is ilegal in islamic countries. A crimial offence that carries the death penalty. The guy in the photo (victim) hardly even looks like a woman (an unattractive one).

    Since when are Thais aware of anything?

    Well, they might be aware that alcohol and tabbaco

    tax has rissen but otherwise, completely ignorant.....

  8. I have heard it all now! I hope none of the major corporations who were considering investing in Thailand read this article! Any confidence that this moron has tried to instill in the market and the traders who make it move has now just been blown straight out of the water. Thai politicians all seem to share a common fault, non of them have been media trained yet they all seem to love listening to their own voice and giving ill considered interviews. This should be another one destined for the axe at the cabinet reshuffle. Morons, morons, morons!

    On the bright side it could be a good time to short the SET today!!

    Their fault is they really think they can fool all of the people all of the time.

    Sadly - they can!!!

  9. Ummm, sounds logical but honestly I don't know, regardless, your point though is? I'm still not there with the idea that person to person transmission can happen and your question above hasn't made it any clearer, spell it out in simple terms, pretend (or don't) that you're talking to a thick person.

    If you don't know the life cycle of the parasite, you should research it before launching missives at people who understand it better.

    Mosquito comes along, sucks up some blood from an infected person or other animal, sleeps of her meal and goes for another feast on an uninfected person. You then have another infected person.

    The same could be achieved by using a syringe to extract some blood from the first and inject it into the second.

    The same could be achieved by any means of blood to blood transfer but is highly unlikely in normal life.

    Well, but that is still not transmitted person to person.

    Even if an infected person breaths, scratches or even bites another person (what does happen),

    I don't believe they would get malaria, dengue, japanes encapetilitys or elephantitis.

    So, NOT contageous.

    Mosquito to person to mosquito to person OK everything else is just unrealistic.

  10. When I saw the photo thought it was some one from the Chinese Politburo, he is as Thai as I am. Some of his comments about European debt are quite true but just maybe he is pushing his own wagon. Wonder who he imagines may get the Casino licenses?

    I thought the police has the licence already?

    Suppose, once casinos become legal, there will be loads of new vaccancies in the

    police force as most will become full time involved in running those places.

    I wonder, if casinos are to be legal, then gambling must be legal too? Can I happily

    play cards with my friends without having to pay to the police privat pension fund?

    Will we have Amusement Arcades with 2 baht slot machines next to

    7/11 and the internet shop where all the kidds hang around after school?

    Will there be topless waitresses, pole dancers? Well, Thai Style Casino?

    I think I definately will be there just to see how they trow the roulet ball and roll the dices

  11. I think the key phrase in this report is 'mulling' which means, i believe, to think about something for a long period of time. They will start the thinking process today ..........

    I love the bit about police bicycle patrols ! Wonder if we'll see three police men on one bike, like we do with the motorcycles. Nevermind, I doubt the police know how to ride a bicycle as they seem to have an almost physcopathic aversion to anything which 1) requires skill and 2) requires effort.

    Usualy Thais start thinking only after they implemented,talked or did something.

    Well, at least if it's realy, realy, realy neccesary otherwise it's mostly "ไม่เป็นไร" and lets forget about.

    Tomorrow never comes, yesterday is long gone and forgotten and today, today we talk and eat noodle soup.

    Not much effort required if you handcuff some crooks to the bicycle and each police man,

    although the crooks might just run away with the bicycle and hold the cops for ransom.

    • Like 2
  12. A very simple question : In Thailand, double pricing is legal or not ? 15 years here and I still don't know sad.png

    A few years ago, the press in Hong Kong revealed that local operators (travel agencies, hotels, ,,,,) were regularly charging Japanese tourists higher price. The government immediately intervened to stop the practice.

    What says the legislation in Thailand regarding this matter ?

    Well, back in time, goods and price where written with Thai letters and numbers for Thais and Farang who could decipher it. For anyone else there was English too but with a much higher price. I thought that was declared illegal many years back - (at least in Phuket?).

    Now there is just one price for Thais and Farang BUT Thais get discount which isn't illegal.

    At least, in Laos, Thais have to pay the same higher prices as Farang.

  13. I really suggest everyone in Thailand planning to use a bus or minivan to first double check all tires!

    Is that before or after you bought the ticket?

    Most times I buy a ticket here in Thailand, the bus, van or train has not arrived yet and should the said transport be waiting there, it's probably too late to check the state of the vehicle and if satisfied with the condition, run and buy a ticket.

    OK buy a ticket first, then check the bus, van or train. What if one isn't satisfied?

    Change ticket? "Solly, can not - bus, van, train funn"

    Return the ticket? "Solly - NO lefund!"

    Never mind, safety and life is more important then money.

    So just sod the refund buy a new ticket and start checking again. One might have found a brand new vehicle, completely safe but the driver isn't quite satisfactory. Or the driver is very professional (YES, you do get them in Thailand too) but the vehicle is past his drive-by date.

    Now, after several weeks at the bus, van or train station, buying uncountable tickets (remember -No Refund), checking hundreds of busses, van's and trains, one might have become an expert in those matters but still not gone anywhere.

    Now I would say, forget checking the tyres (unless you're willing to buy new ones and change them by yourself)- you will just be ignored but much easier,


    Most (not all) busses and van's I've been travelling in had them fitted. If you're really, really concerned wear a helmet too and a quick prayer sure doesn't harm either

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