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  1. Soon, all will be replaced by AI. The CPC have already embarked on rewriting China's history.
  2. Not everybody. How many inhabitants of Westminster are in that category ?
  3. Unfortunate that the camera was not working when the 'visitor' was entering the shop and revealing his face !!!!!!! (( Not for one moment suggesting it was a setup for insurance purposes ))
  4. It's only going to get 'worse' with the encroaching use of AI. Information not derived from truths and evidence, but from people's opinions and from those who see advantage in promoting mis-information.
  5. A leader is only as good / effective as his closest advisors - yes or no ?
  6. Sellers can only sell what people want to buy. Why do so many westerners support this evil trade ?
  7. Schooling --- Don't forget your child's education. A baby now, but they grow up very fast !
  8. The safety issue /fear of flying maybe linked to the number killed/injured in each accident, whereas in road vehicles, the 'per incident' number of fatalities is usually in single figures.
  9. If muder is the answer in a civilised country, what is the question ?
  10. If all her possessions were in the car, how could she expect to catch a return flight to Indonesia ? Maybe journalistic licence? Meaning to report that she had lost only some of her possessions - not her money, return ticket or passport, etc.
  11. Perhaps of greater significance is that, following a good technical education, she has had a life in business, unlike so many polititions who have no or little 'real life' experience outside politics. But, time will tell.
  12. Many European countries are affected (sooner or later) by what happens in the USA. I guess that most US citizens are not aware (and why should they be) of the international reach of American political direction.
  13. If this Facial Recognition system comes from China (where else, considering this is Thailand), I admire your trust in the CPC. Not sure if they respect the EDPB.
  14. So, we follow the CPC way of social control. For certain, the captured images, with full ID, will be available to the vendors of this system.
  15. Throughout history, there has always been a tiny number of people prepared to illegally kill others. An abhorent minority, but history teaches us that it cannot be legislated away..... unfortunately.
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