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Posts posted by GiHadOrange

  1. Ok, I am having troubles putting a Thai spin on this, but in 2 and a half hours there will be an amazing jump form 120,000 feet in an attempt to be ...

    How about with starting with using the metric system, using figures in meter and kilometer when talking about length and distances.

    Then have you at least a little international spin. Imperial units aren't really used in Thailand. ;-)

    5555 pedantic sod...do you similarly advise airline pilots ??? " ........we are now flying at 9150 metres....."...lol

    Op ...OK.... we are in self imposed exile I suppose..thanks for keeping us in touch with the world.......smile.png

    just reading on here..quite something:


    Your source, the science daily did it well. They use meters and kilometers and km/h.

    And i am not a pilot, but when i am a passenger in an airplane i get such informations also in meters, at least in those regions on this planet i travel around.

    I am not pedantic, but i guess that i am not part of the mass you called "WE, in the self imposed exile".

  2. Further proof that Iraq is not a puppet of America. You guys should be thrilled.

    the OP says: ... an arms deal worth more than $4.2 billion, making Russia the second-biggest weapons supplier to the Middle Eastern country after the United States, officials said on Wednesday.

    and some argue here that Iraq is now a client state of Moscow and however bad it is that Iraq buys some weapons from Russia.

    Meanwhile the US are still the supplier number 1. You guys should be thrilled. That should also disprove all these Russia bashing claims.

  3. I wish one or both of the 3rd party candidates were invited to debate. Neither are beholden to the very rich (as Romny is) or the majority of Americans who are getting federal money, much of it in the form of handouts from dubious claims (as both candidates are). The 3rd party candidates aren't in the pockets of pacs and corporate sponsors and special interest groups.

    Recently, the chemical industry (Dow and all the rest) found out there is a federal report coming out which informs the public that formaldehyde is toxic. Those of us who have been abreast of such things, have known that for decades. Yet, the majority of the US public probably doesn't know. So the chemi-heavies are doing all they can to block the report from being published. Guess which side Romney and Ryan would take? My guess is they would side with big chemical corporations.

    Romney was recently asked if he knew what industrial hemp was.He repeated the question (so he understood the words) but he smiled and claimed he hadn't a clue what it was, then turned away. A man who doesn't know things that 95% of Americans know is doing one of two things. He's either being coy, and avoiding the issue, or he honestly doesn't know what hemp is, and that's scary. That's like saying you don't know what a windshield is, or parsley. Is he that out of touch?

    Are you are telling us that people like Ryan and alikes are part of a conspiracy that don't let the Americans know that formaldehyde is toxic and probably carcinogen?

  4. Add to that the delicate state of the Eu economy and we have the recipe for a global crisis if Turkey acts hastily.

    And I have little doubt the twelvers in Tehran know this very well. I would not put it past Iranian forces already active in Syria to provoke Turkey to bring about exactly what everyone else fears.

    Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

    Anyway the topic is:

    NATO warns alliance is ready to defend Turkey if necessary ...

    and not an alleged "Iranian sabre rattling" (geriatrickid).

    Atm, afaik, it isn't even really clear who fired the few rockets across the Syrian Turkey border.

  5. I wonder if Romney will point out the vice president's two biggest fibs. He claimed in the debate that the administration did not know that the Libya attack was a terrorist incident - even though intelligence officers had testified that it was before Congress and that they knew it the within 24 hours - and he also suggested that Ryan was a war monger for voting for two big wars when he voted for them too - which he denied on camera. The press is having a field day with both false statements.

    I don't like war mongers, but if there is only a choice between a honest straightforward war monger and someone who lies about it and tries disguise it- i would prefer the former and totally despise the latter.

    • Like 1
  6. Ok, I am having troubles putting a Thai spin on this, but in 2 and a half hours there will be an amazing jump form 120,000 feet in an attempt to be ...

    How about with starting with using the metric system, using figures in meter and kilometer when talking about length and distances.

    Then have you at least a little international spin. Imperial units aren't really used in Thailand. ;-)

  7. While the EU has a multitude of failings one thing has been an obvious success, namely that the idea of a war between member states has become beyond unthinkable. Thus a worthy winner of any peace award.


    No need for internal wars when you can get involved with regime change elsewhere such as in Libya and likely soon enough Syria too. Of course it was humanitarian considerations solely behind these interventions and nothing to do with being a vassal state for the Sunni oil cartel.

    Germany, for example, was against military invention in Libya.

    The EU isn't the NATO.

  8. EU’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize widely seen as a tasteless joke

    That Barroso should accept this award on behalf of this corrupt organisation, he being an essentially unelected undemocratically appointed President , says it all. He who was once the champion of Maoism, an ideology that killed millions.

    The People of the UK demand an IN OUT referendum as proof we still reside in a democracy.

    To date Cameron has only insulted the electorate with attempts at micromanaging the issue with PR and false rhetoric.

    Freedom and our civil rights are at stake, and the evidence that we are now no more than a vassal state being prepared for absorption into an undemocratic European Federal government is increasingly apparent.

    I, for one, am not prepared to give up the liberties and laws that our ancestors, our forefathers and mothers, were prepared to die for.

    We must protest peacefully making our voice and feelings clear at the election box.

    We should all support Nigel Farage and UKIP in order to protect our right to be a self governing nation.

    The European idea is bigger than one or another island in the Atlantic ocean.

  9. the court also sentenced her to involuntary psychiatric treatment known as TBS in Dutch criminal law, meaning she will be sent to a special TBS clinic after serving her sentence.

    TBS, which literally means 'being placed at disposal', is served at special clinics and is for an indefinite time to allow psychiatric treatment. The court evaluates conclusions made by TBS clinics every few years to determine if those being held should be released back into society, though when someone can not be treated the convict will usually remain at so-called "long-stay wards" for the rest of their lives.

    That sounds to me just like the 99 years sentence in that other case.

  10. he SHOULD be allowed to say whatever he wants to say!!!

    how many people (in a debate, or on chat shows, or TV) say: "I hope that rapist gets executed", or some kind of pro-nazi (jew killing) comment.

    do these people end up in Jail for inciting murder? NO!!

    people are allowed to say what they want!

    so should the writers of Southpark go to jail??? they do pretty much everything that is possibly bad!!!

    but they DONT go to jail!

    i think its disgusting how the Police always protect their own! they go to the end of the earth to "look after themselves" (like a maffia family), but they never show such commitment when it comes to 'non-connected' people.

    yes, the guty is silly for doing such a thing. but he should NOT be in jail for it. even for a few hours. NO.

    if you know speakers corner in london (hyde park) you will hear this kind of talk all day long!!!

    how about jailing the editors of all newspapers when they WISH or incite that terrorists are caught and killed.

    I womder if you would make the same comment if you were a parent of either of the murdered Police Officers ??

    Exactly, or even someone, like me, that appreciates and respects the work that the UK police do; day in, day out - I for one don't envy them.

    It seems that the death of his son made him somehow to wear such a t-shirt.

    He said Thew had a longstanding dispute with Greater Manchester police over the death of his son three years ago and repeated stop-and-search procedures. He said the wearing of the T-shirt was not in response to the deaths of the two police officers, but was related to another case. He said he was already wearing the T-shirt when he heard the news.


  11. Meanwhile, peace activist and former U.S. Army colonel Mary Ann Wright on Sunday spoke in Islamabad, the country's capital, saying the U.S. has been violating the sovereignty of Pakistan with its drone strikes.

    Participating in the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) peace march to Waziristan, Wright, who stepped down from her post as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. embassies in Afghanistan in 2003 after the Iraq invasion, called for an end to the drone strikes.

    Thumbs up.

  12. Justice is what we are taught to believe justice is. If you live in some countries, justice is stoning people to death, if you live in others it is a humane lethal injection. If you live in others it is 20+ years in prison.

    If Norweigans as a nation are content with this punishment, I see no reason to complain. I am not going to worry too much until he comes up for parole.

    You are correct, but who makes any countries laws ? Not the ordinary Joe in the street, no referendum for this type of crime.

    You are correct, the ordinary Joe behind his keyboard on TV doesn't make the law.

  13. Governments of all nations kill their citizens at various times.

    Some in street fights because they are shooting at police and national guard.

    There are of course enquiries about it.

    In the case of street riots sometimes people die, it is regrettable in all cases,

    but those rioting also are held accountable for their actions.

    And never given party list positions to prevent their prosecution while in office.

    Some citizens die because they are convicted of murders and sentenced to death.

    Some in the current government want to speed up the killing just for being drug dealers.

    Other citizens die because they can't afford medical care

    and the government does nothing to see they get treatment.

    Abhisit is still alive and wasn't killed by the red shirt army, the long arm of the government.

    If The government would really try to kill Abhisit, your excuses would be pretty lame.

    Or what is your point?

  14. Real Simple

    The charges and subsequent convictions have no credibility in the eyes of the western world, there was a coo where he was ousted and then trumped up charges and convictions were processed by an illegal government who too control by force with no legal legitimacy.

    So any convictions against T would not hold weight outside the kingdom as proven by the fact that when all you anti T followers were saying oh now Interpol will pick him up I SAID NEVER and I was right and again in all the other countries Mr T has visited again no problem for him and the truth is whether you like it or not is

    NOBODY OUTSIDE THAILAND CONSIDERS THE CONVICTIONS REAL and Mr T can travel freely wherever he chooses without fear of being picked up by this Government the last Government or the next Government.

    That is is the truth like it or not


    Looks exactly like that.

    That is the reality.

  15. I wouldn't go suggesting Thais are ignorant as you don't seem much better your self.

    In general it's not the eating of dogs that most people disagree with it's their treatment. On several threads, including this one (post #9) I've suggested posters look at this site http://www.soidog.or...dog-meat-trade/ and then comment but as far as I'm aware there's never a reply. Whether this is because they don't bother to look or because they do and have no response to what they read I don't know. I suggest you have a look yourself and in particular the paragraph under the first picture.

    Looks like that this website is just there to collect donations.

  16. No description of the attacker was given.

    Was he Thai or another foreigner? Had the girl met the assailant at a club or disco prior to the attack or committed by an opportunist who struck because the girl was walking alone?

    Perhaps if a description and some details were given, than there is more chance of the rapist being identified and reported to the police.

    You mean if the Pattaya daily news would report more details one of the detectives in thaivisa forum could then solve the case?

    • Like 2
  17. I'm sorry about what happened to your friend. It is hard to blame him for attacking someone who tried to kill his brother.

    On the other hand, Mark David Chapman purposely targeted and murdered an innocent man because he wanted to be famous. Chapman got to live and Lennon died. I do not think that these crimes are equivalent in any way. Your friend deserved a second chance. Chapman has already gotten one by not being sentenced to death for what he did.

    All murder is wrong.

    And of course the dude from that story is to blame for it. But the society and the penal system gave him a second chance and he used it as described by theblether.

    If that guy would still come up with words like " i am hardly to blame, i only attacked someone who tried to kill my brother" in front of the parole board - he would be still in prison.

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