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Posts posted by GiHadOrange

  1. The Australian government implemented similar roll outs of notebooks. My wonderful Thai stepson, whilst at school, typed in a search for porn. This triggered an automatic alert to the teacher and I was contacted and requested to attend the school and stepson was reprimanded. You can only hope the Thai education department will implement similar technology as well as lock down the tablet configuration so that the students cannot load games.

    Guess your stepson wanted to search for Popcorn.......coffee1.gif .

    "porn..." is part of many Thai names in English transliteration. females have names like Pornchitta or Titiporn for example.

    • Like 1
  2. Science is just a cover.

    USA needs Thailand to be able to spy on Southern China in a cost effective way; due to budget cuts.

    Really. Do people really think this way. That is so stupid. Think of all the places US can already launch military from, but that even fails to consider US uses satellites that can see a pimple on your butt and US uses drones that can stay in the air for days. So yeah, US really needs to send NASA of all groups to Thailand of all places to spy with a U2 from the 50s. Come on man, think.

    If your super satellites and drones are that good let them do the climate research.

  3. To all the posters that regurgitate the misleading propaganda from certain corners of the Christian spectrum about the 'religion of peace', and 'most terrorists are Muslim', please have a look at Mexico, more than 60.000 people tortured, maimed and then killed in the most gruesome ways imaginable in the past 6 years. This is an average of more than 25 people killed per day, each day, over the past 2190 days, and not a Muslims involved.

    Tragic as the situation in Mexico may be, this is a very short-sighted comparison. I'll paraphrase something Alan Watts once said: A war waged for resources or land is an honest war, and will have limited suffering and casualties as there is a goal to be met [obtaining the resources] after which the killing stops. But a war waged in the name of religion is a lot more evil, as one side will not stop killing in the name of righteousness until all of the opposition is annihilated.

    The comment that it is "misleading propaganda from certain corners of the Christian spectrum about the 'religion of peace', " is still valid.

    From the Christian spectrum, sure. Possibly from the Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist spectrum as well.

    Did I forget any?

    You forget to call that honest war vs. religious war argument a short-sighted and misleading one.

  4. To all the posters that regurgitate the misleading propaganda from certain corners of the Christian spectrum about the 'religion of peace', and 'most terrorists are Muslim', please have a look at Mexico, more than 60.000 people tortured, maimed and then killed in the most gruesome ways imaginable in the past 6 years. This is an average of more than 25 people killed per day, each day, over the past 2190 days, and not a Muslims involved.

    Tragic as the situation in Mexico may be, this is a very short-sighted comparison. I'll paraphrase something Alan Watts once said: A war waged for resources or land is an honest war, and will have limited suffering and casualties as there is a goal to be met [obtaining the resources] after which the killing stops. But a war waged in the name of religion is a lot more evil, as one side will not stop killing in the name of righteousness until all of the opposition is annihilated.

    The comment that it is "misleading propaganda from certain corners of the Christian spectrum about the 'religion of peace', " is still valid.

  5. What is even more amazing is that Carroll O'Connor (Archie) and Sherman Helmsley were nothing like their characters. Both were cultured gentle caring individuals.

    Hardly amazing. They just played roles written for them by somebody else, writers who are probably equally unlike the fictional characters they created.

  6. With the climatic changes taking place I cannot imagine any country, with one exception, that should not be very interested in climate research!

    This isn't the end of climate research.

    ???I was responding to the quote above that implied that NASA/NOAA aka USA was not interested in weather research here. Certainly the research will not end but Thailand stands to loose some first class research experience by their rather bizarre refusal to join forces with US Scientists.

    I read the quote above as suggestion that there are other additional but hidden interest by the US behind that climate research project.

    Anyway its not the end of the world or the end of climate research that this NASA project was canceled, nor does that it mean that there is only one country left in the world that is totally uninterested in climate research.

    The rather bizarre part was that deadline in their planning and to assume everybody would hurry up.

  7. The issue is that they come from exactly that spot. They are not ethnic Thai, speak a different language and just about few decades ago they had their own Kingdom kind of state, independent and didn't belong or were a part of Thailand.

    Muslims in Spain have nothing to do with it, but back then when they were in Spain, they had the most modern cities of that time.

  8. David48: A no-show in the U.S. I believe is a no show in a civil court of law means the judgement is in favor of the Plaintiff.

    In a criminal court I am not sure, but it makes perfect sense a "no-show" would be a Contempt of Court. And a warrant for

    an arrest would be the order for the day.

    The odds of Thaksin returning for this trail are slim and none; weight given to the "none." He is a felon.

    What they should do, is issue a BOUNTY on Thaksin's Head. There are I am sure plenty of International Bounty Hunters that would be up to

    the challenge to find him and bring him back alive. 30 to 40 Billion Baht should wet the apetite of quite a few International Bounty Hunters.

    International Bounty Hunters?

  9. He is innocent. There was a full investigation in 1999 and they didn't found any wrongdoings.

    Acquitted - yes.

    Innocent - no.

    How the hell do you know? Got some inside info or something? Or just spouting your prejudices?

    I have no prejudices, I have no cross to bear and no axe to grind, have you?

    Just stating what is common knowledge, spin free, unaltered and unswayed by threats or bribery.

    Jing jing na.

    Currently he sues the defence minister for defamation and says argument like yours are contempt of the court which is a criminal offense.

    The army general said to reopen the case you would new evidence. Do you have new evidence?

  10. Here at the website of the Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights (NKnet) is more about this activist.

    Who Is Kim Young Hwan, aka “Steel”?


    Basically, he is a South Korean Juche communist who even visited Kim Il Sung secretly with a submarine and came to the conclusion that the KIms political system was more feudalistic than truly Juche communistic and has the ultimate plan to achieve peaceful unification under communism after establishing a pro-communist government in South Korea.

  11. The defense could be that he can be only charged with assistance.

    The man, 32-year-old transvestite Oneal Morris, who the victims allegedly knew as 'Dutchess', was paid hundreds of dollars to inject their buttocks, breasts, and thighs with an unknown substance, according to the Broward County Sheriff's Department.

    ...... what are you talking about?

    The OP says that according to the Sheriff the Dutchess was paid to do it, paid to inject unknown substances. Thats sounds like he did it on request.

    Probably misleading wording here. More likely is that his customers paid money because he promised to perform proper cosmetic surgery.

  12. ...

    We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


    Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer?

    Israeli officials have claimed the bomber may have been a ‘mule’ who was duped into the attack and that the explosive was detonated from a distance by remote control.

    Brigadier General Nitzan Nuriel said: ‘The terrorist was deliberately picked up from an ethnic group different from the one of the organizers of the bomb attack in order to avoid any suspicions.’


  13. I don't know what kind of animal protection laws Thailand has, but if there any laws such an overpopulated dogs rescue centre would probably violate its regulation like square meters per animal per cage.

    Harder law enforcement and border controls would probably catch more dog smugglers and would result in more dogs being rescued.

    They should make these kind of dog trade legal along with some regulation how to transport them properly like there are regulation for chicken, pigs and cattle trade.

  14. Someone on here wondered: "why the military had to give an amnesty after the coup?"

    Answer: they do that automatically after every coup. It follows as closely as putting on shoes after socks. Same for re-writing the Constitution. They're bereft of creative thinking.

    If I were one of Abhisit's fellow politicians, I would ask the question publicly, "Is that your best shot? Is that the worst smut you can smear on Abhisit? Jeezo, we got people who bankroll and incite riots, people who tell crowds to burn down Bangkok (and who are walking around free), and the worst you got on Abhisit is some vague issue with him being a teacher instead of signing up for boot camp.

    We still got tens of thousands of hill tribers who were born and reside in Thailand, but who have no nationality and can't legally travel from one town to the next without prior written approval from a bureaucrat, ......and you want to make a court case out of some insignificant little thing that happened over a decade ago?

    "I would ask the question publicly, "Is that your best shot? Is that the worst smut you can smear on Abhisit?"

    thing is, they don't actually need to smear anything on him.. he's no threat to them politically as far as where the electorate are concerned.... i think it is purely personal.

    It is political. If he sues them all into jail he could win an election

    • Like 1
  15. Okay, Abhisit did too.

    The Army general is quite often on record to remind people what could be seen as contempt.

    is it available on CD too?

    CD as in Compact Disc? Probably.

    on record - as in he spoke to the press, made a statement officially for the public to take notice.

    Contempt of the court is a criminal offense.

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