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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Hoy Plakang is a village located 3 Km NW of Chiang Rai town. Within the past week, a farang drove up to the new wat here and complained vociferously about the temple's announcements - which started at 5:30 am. He was angry about the noise at such an early hour. He drove up and drove away, so no one saw him up close.

    I've resided here for 10 years (1st farang resident) and people know me as a complainer about loud noise. However, I haven't complained for 12 months. Even so, the recently complaining farang matched my description (thin) - so when the head monk told his flock to chasten the complainer, they thought it was me. Later that same morning, a group of seven dour-faced men showed up at my door. None waied (as they usually do). I don't speak Thai very well, and they didn't speak English, but after a few minutes the message was conveyed to me. The strange part is, I didn't understand (until later) that the disturbing complaint happened recently, so I thought they were angry at me about my complaint of one year ago. So I apologized and we all shook hands (some waied) and parted company.

    Now that I know the scenario (that it was a recent and very rude complaint by someone else), I'm trying to clear my name with the locals. It's not easy to clear such a perception - it's like trying to correct a bad rumor.


    He could also go and speak civil manner to the head monk, 'Pra Achan' ...he's approachable, like-able, and speaks English.

    It's very important for me - to set this straight. Even if he doesn't contact me, then he should at least know that complaining rudely at a temple premises is serious offense to the people here. It's comparable to offending the monarchy. Not only that, the complainer risks bodily harm. If you don't believe me, ask any Thai person whether that's so. There are those who would 'defend the dharma' (or 'damma', in Thai) and it's akin to defending your family if someone breaks in your house and threatens them. serious stuff.

    I visited the head monk and (before I figured out the mistake) I apologized for the disturbance - essentially I apologized (and took the blame) for someone else. Now I'm having to drive around to talk to the 'pu yai ban' and anyone else in my village - in order to try and set things straight. It would help immensely if the actual perpetrator stepped forward to admit what he did. ...not just to take the heat off me, but to get his own sh!t together - about what's entailed with living in a foreign country.

    BTW, the morning announcements will happen every 7 to 8 days - and there's nothing any farang can do to change that.

    Even though you are trying to be a local, after 10 years you can't speak good Thai??

  2. Have to say it again though, "Rimping's bread section alone is larger than Kasem's entire store", and it's as if some folk are caught in a time warp. Kasem's was OK 15 years ago, but it's well past it's "best by date" now.

    Why not suggest that this is your opinion... :o

    Kasem store is about a lot more than size. It is about a family business that has survived and prospered in a small shop for MANY years, always taking care of its customers the way they should. There is no fault in that. :D

  3. The outer ring road just north of Hang Dong advertises that you can get to MHSon on the Samoeng Road also.

    Yes, but it is a not so good dirt road for at least half the trip, which is about a 5 or 6 hour drive from Samoeng. Only a passable road during the dry season. Good for the adventure is all it is advertised as..

  4. Well, the cold season has arrived, and, because the sun is so low, none of the warming sunlight hits my pool, so no swimming is possible because the water is too cold. The pool is my only form of excercise because I can't walk well enough for other excercises. I would love to find some form of gas heater for my pool, but as yet, nothing from any searches...

    Any thoughts from anybody?

  5. My opinion is, Thaksin is a not good. Before the elections when he came in, everywhere I heard Thais saying, ' what did he and his family do in Chiang Mai to help? Nothing

    I think Abhisit Vejjajiva is a good guy, mostly because he is sooo new, and doesn't have much experience, which means now if he were elected, he wold have to cater to so many people first, and I don't think he could stay clean for long... Newin or anyone who knows Newin will be a continuance of his escapades...

    The only person I think could bring 'safety' to Thailand is Khun Anand Panyarachun:)

    Here are some fairly recent corruption issues.. http://AsiaRecipe.com/corruption.html

  6. Always pay what's on the menu unless you enjoy taking it up the bottom of course... you would query in your own countries :D

    :o BUTT :D:D:D

    getting back to the extra 17% (+ or -) being charged over the top of the menue price the missus say's it is only farrangs that get this they would not have the cheek to do this if it were a Thai as Thais would not put up with it, Thais always check their bills

    Is your wife Thai? Maybe she is, but she can't say all thais check their bills. Thais can be just as stupid regarding bills as anyone else, in my experience

  7. Tried Chinese herbs prepared the way you are supposed to.. For me, nothing worked, for my wife, she said some of it was useful. Tried accupuncture for a few months. It only help with my weight loss, but that was it.

  8. Another lake in the hot springs area that has easy access and is good fishing/ good swimming :o

    Follow 1317 out past the hot springs turnoff. Then travel for about 2k's to the only left-turn paved road. Follow this turn-off for another 2 k's to the end of the road. The lake is at the end of the road. :D

  9. I don't know. I had intended to put it through spell check, but had to do some work and forgot. You seem to get the jist of it though. :o

    Just or jist? :D

    You changed it as I was writing :D

  10. No more In and Out but the original Hamburger Mike and a freind have opened a Roast Beef sandwich place on Chang Moi Road caticorner to the first Mike's Hamburger shop. The have burgers and subs and sandwiches that are pretty good and a giant Arby's looking sign that looks like a cowboy hat. :o

    UG, what's the difference between 'caticorner' and 'kiticorner'? which is correct?

  11. Over the last few years I have regularly enjoyed going out to eat at the lake. Unfortunately the restaurant, that I have used, has recently changed hands and the quality of the food and service has deteriorated. Any one have a favourite restaurant there?


    My tiny family and i love this lake. No idea what has generated the crude criticisms. However, we have never found really good food around the lake, and the small places on the left just before the pay booth are (apart from the mass breeding mozzies) most unfriendly.

    Now we take a picnic for lunch, the kids love paddling, then going back down the hill we stop for a main Thai meal at Rabiang Fan, the ONLY restaurant on the left just before Irrigation Canal Rd. Great food, low prices, friendly people. Shame about the toilets!

    Thanks Flatout,

    I share your thoughts about the lake and am surprised at some of the comments.

    As a by-the-way, I went back to the lake last weekend and returned to the restaurant by the swimming area. Not quite sure what is happening but the previous owners are back and the food was quite good

    Yes, I think the lake has some different users that are unable to enjoy anything there. But, that also leaves the area free of them and their noise, leaving the relaxing to us :o

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