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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Well, if you say so..........you seem to think you know EVERYTHING about TH and that everything/everyone that doesnt share your views are "bullshit". You never responded to why you never made a fuss about the others who were speculating, just mine...........I wonder why.......friends of yours? Hypocrisy?

    Anyway, enough! This wont help drummer....so long as you are helping drummer, good for you! :D


    I dont see you give the others who tell him he must be a dirty old bugger to get a young girl pregnant a hard time.....they were speculating too werent they????

    Please stop this kind of whining. "But dad, he did it first!"

    satisfied now? :o


    No, I don't know everything about Thailand, and I've never suggested that, but it sure looks like I have a better clue about life here than you seem to have :D

    Want some cheese with that whine? :D

  2. Ajarn, I do live HERE as you put it and my Thai colleagues (professional educated woman) share this view with me.

    It is about FACE in TH...eg. a couple who are separated will go to a family function just to "look good"........ another example, Thais will not ask a question if they think it makes them look stupid etc.....

    True, I dont know the relationship between drummer and his lady friend but if he is willing to pay for her education and go through all the trouble to find out for her....the relationship must be good right??? And they are having a tyke together.....

    She can obv find out about this herself since she is not working but since he is doing it for her........he must care and have a good relationship with her

    As for my comments, I have seen you post "nasty gossipy things too" so dont "throw stones when you live in a glass house". This is a forum where people give the views........it doesnt have to be the SAME as everyone elses!!

    I dont see you give the others who tell him he must be a dirty old bugger to get a young girl pregnant a hard time.....they were speculating too werent they????

    I have seen you post "nasty gossipy things too" so dont "throw stones when you live in a glass house".
    Please show me where I've done that. I think it's bullshit. Until then, I'll continue to cast those stones at you.

    And, I think you have a lot to learn about real life in Thailand. :o

    I dont see you give the others who tell him he must be a dirty old bugger to get a young girl pregnant a hard time.....they were speculating too werent they????

    Please stop this kind of whining. "But dad, he did it first!" :D

  3. Ajarn......maybe where you are they do not care but the "good ones" do care. Moreover, it legally protects the mother and child. You MUST be a man so its not a big deal to you.....easier to be "divorced"..........Even if they dont want a legal marriage they can have one of those "ceremonies".  Dont you know by now that "face" is very important to TH people??? :D

    If drummer does not want to marry her, obv he is either already married (where he comes from) or he doesnt love her................ :o

    Sure, there's a ceremony, but as I said, many many people don't register their marriage for various reasons- and not neccesarily the husband's idea....

    Watch out for projecting your own values on people here. Life is different here in many ways. Maybe it's difficult for some to grasp that and come to grips with life here....

    If drummer does not want to marry her, obv he is either already married (where he comes from) or he doesnt love her................

    Though I do get annoyed with stupid comments like that. You have no idea what's going on in their relationship, and your nasty little gossipy speculations and judgements about people you don't know doesn't have any place here.

  4. About 8 months ago whilst living in Samui, I was involved in a serious motorbike accident. My right leg was amputated above the knee & as a result I had to return to the UK. I now feel able to return to Thailand & start my life again, but I am unsure how my disability will affect job prospects.

    Before the crash I had just completed a TEFL course.


    p.s. I have also recently married my Thai gf. Slowly life becomes good again. :D

    Bummer... Unfortunately, serious bike accidents on Samui have always been common.... And the Southern drivers are among the worst drivers I've experienced in Thailand.

    Happy for you that your life is coming around again. I hope that you can still ride bikes- if you want to, of course. I rode bikes all my life until a couple of years ago...

    As for working, no sweat as long as you can do the all the standing and stair climbing required. Of course, students will find your prosthesis fascinating, but not gross, I think.

    Hang in there, sir :o

  5. Thanks for the response.

    So lets say I am interested in obtaining a Master's degree whilst I am in Thailand (yes I am planning to stay here, I've been here nearly 4 years now) What do you think the best plan of action would be. What would be the best subject to choose, where or how should I study and how long will the course be? Would it be reasonable to expect to be able to work and study at the same time?

    Oh and how much?

    Think I've shot my wad already, withnail. Anything in response to your specific questions would only be a dated guess. Maybe someone with some more recent experience or knowledge will step in here to help....There have been some recent discussions recently on this topic, so you miht try a search. Technically, I'm a dinosaur now :o

    I also remember that Webster University has some Master's courses in English, including an MBA, if I remember correctly. They do have a website.

    Happy Hunting :D

  6. Please excuse my straightforwardness, but experience tells me that If you're going to accept her refusal to go out, then I'd say stop wasting your time. She knows everything I've just told you, and pregnant women in public are a dime a dozen in Thailand. Sounds like she's telling you she doesn't want to go to school, or some other manipulative game going on, quite possibly....  Until you can get her to ######' lift one finger herself, back-off.... Don't drive yourself nuts trying to get around her self-created and unnecessary roadblocks.

    Actually, your straightforwardness is quite appreciated. And a fine point it is. I've actually mentioned this to her. One of my fav quotes is Henry Ford's "It doesn't matter if you think you will fail or you think you will succeed. You are right" I said that to her when she said that she couldn't go to class, even. But it is so hard to know when she actually understands something and when she is just nodding her head and smiling...

    There are a couple things to consider here, though. First, she expressed desire to go back to school before pregnancy without me ever bringing it up. She was making plans to go back, actually. So I don't think that she doesn't want to be educated, I think she just doesn't want to go out. personally, i don't think its that big of a deal, but

    The most important to me, though, is that I don't think I will be happy long term with someone who in uneducated. So there is a fire under my @ss with this one. I want the relationship to work - its got very many positive aspects wholly aside from the child.

    Of course, it would be great to have her be able to get a better job, speak English better, etc etc. It would be very nice to have her support me in they style to which I would like to become accustomed... -_-:o

    Sounds like you have the right idea, hopefully you can get your wife onboard, too. :D

    As for 'planning to go school'....Congratulations! That's the one- millionth time I've heard that! :D

    Seriopusly, in my experience here, people either go to school, or they forever plan to go school for their hs diploma. It is just too easy, cheap and convenient for the vast majority of people in your wife's position to actually do it. Everytime someone has that to me, I've asked, "What are you waiting for?" The usual response is "I need to save enough money for tuition first", or "I don't have enough time". Classes are scheduled to fit most anyone's work schedule (as are Rajabhat Universties, by the way, making them an excellent resourse for workers wanting to continue their education) and tuition and books aren't expensive at all. I've offered to pay in every such case, and the serious ones jump on the chance, the others, the vast majority, simply find another excuse... "I'm pregnant, and I'm embarrased to leave the house" comes to mind :D If you buy that, it wouldn't get better when the baby comes...

    My suggestion is to act 'assumptive'. Talk/act like you know she's agreed to go to school, and now you are going to get everything set up for her... Take her by her hand, but you do the guiding. If she disagrees with your good sense that benefits her directly, just smile and say, "come on, lets go now :wub: ".... Don't bail unless she really refuses to go. If she does that, then you can point out her mixed messages...

    drummer, if she's passed M3 allready, I'd estimate about six months- or less, to complete M6, get her diploma, get some accolades from you, get some more pride for herself, then kick back and count all the new paths open to someone who has High School Diploma...I think it's worthy enough that if it were me, I do everything in my power to make sure everything happened for her....

    Good luck :D

  7. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see some guy at the border offering to 'loan' you his cash (or the immigration officer's cash!) with him as guard, for showing to officials... Would you pay a 100+ baht 'service fee' to avoid going to the bank and having to come back again?

    I can see this. But probably more like 500. 250 to immigration to permit the lender to be on property.

    For 500,I'd go to the bank down the street.. And you're sure right about the required kickback ...

    200 baht, dai mai, khrap? :o

  8. I was just thinking about that yesterday, when I was remimded, once again, how often a Thai women takes the tack that once the commitment is made, making the baby as a 'hold' comes next. And not just with farangs, either. This happened to be a discussion between two Thai women who assumed the farang sitting next to them was as clueless as he looked :o

    In established relationships, where a couple, in desperation, has a kid to somehow bind them together again, I have yet to ever see the couple NOT break up within a couple of years of the baby being born.

  9. I have been teaching here for a year now, I have a TEFL and a bachellors degree (non educational) am legal and enjoying my job. However I was wondering what would be the best qualification I could get here in Thailand that could improve my standing as a teacher if I am serious about it as a career.

    I was thinking about doing a qualification specific to teaching children (the British Council has been recommended) just to improve myself however I was wondering if there was anything I could do that could in the future lead me to obtaining better work?

    Are you planning on staying in Thailand?

    The British Council is highly respected in Thailand, as are their teachers, though I know of a couple of flakes who've slipped through their screening process, though these were more like outside short-term contract teachers for the kid's school connected to Chula (Their Demonstration School, actually)

    They also have historically higher than average pay scales. Very elitist and lots of office politics (surprise!) is what I've heard. Still, I think, a good immediate goal for most teachers looking for a step up in perceived respectability and better teaching opportunities.

    Getting a DELTA is great for the sake of learning and improving your skills, but not of any practical use in getting a better job locally, except something like as a CELTA Trainer, Course Inspector, or somewhere else in the Cambridge organization. Thailand is still coordinted by Clarence Shettlesworth and his wife, I believe. There is also work available as Oral Proctors (vs oral proctologists) for the various Cambridge Certs, like KET and PET.

    A Master's Degree in anything opens many more doors, both real and surreal.. :wub:

    As I'm sure you've figured out, The Facade rules in Thailand. If you have the right shoes, watch, car, degree, friends, etc., Thailand seems to become a happier place to live for some reason :o Everybody plays it, and it seems almost natural after awhile to play into it yourself...

    For me, I've got some downsides, like being ugly as sin, but my degrees, my experience, and my Thai Schmoozing Skills have worked miracles for me. For example, I've never, ever been turned down for a job after an interview... And never a shit job, either. You can play The System to your advantage, but still maintain your integrity and honour, I firmly believe. Once you've established yourself as being 'part of the group', your personal integrity becomes less threatening to them, and often even gains you more respect. ....TiT :D

    Anyway, I digress...

    A Master's, even an MBA, is a requirement for most university contract positions (hourly teachers normally just need a BA/BS and only teach undergrads, since a Master's or above is needed for grad students). Now, among these grad students are many working teachers, businessmen, housewives, police, etc.. In my own experience, and in the experience of the other Ajarns I've known who were teaching at that level, there was never a lack of highly-paid extra work available, and other payoffs.

    For a number of my friends, they have settled quite nicely into the university academic lifestyle, with families and socializing mostly with other Academics. I also found it seductive in a way, but I chafe at Rigid Structure after awhile, and I like doing things MyWay, to be sure -_-

    I should also point out that there are many non-teaching gigs that can come your way, either by your own creation, or by being in the right place at the right time. The MoE has hired many, including myself, to assist on specific MoE projects like, in my case, teacher training and curriculum development projects.

    One brainstorm that paid off for me in Chiang Mai was Chiang Mai Testing Services...I gave (unofficial) TOEFL and TOEIC tests to classes of students in various schools and language centers for 200 baht per head. One test at the beginning of each course, one test at the end to measure their improvement...or decline! :D

    Anyway, at an average of 20 students @ 200 baht a head, you can see the potential here. I had much more work than I could handle... I'm sure their must be a way to do it legally, too :D:D

  10. Axel, some good points made. Thanks for your thoughts and experiences. :D

    As for your exchange with shellman, what happened? He got some points and your replies were a

    bit outside of your usual style.  :D

    Never appreciated being called a liar. Sure you don't either. I react quite aggressively to such accusations regarding my honesty and my integrity, especially when someone has no valid reason to do that, in my view. Always have, always will react that way :o

    Doubt the figures as loburi did, but don't doubt my word unless you can back it up!

  11. A very good book to read is titled, 'Teaching English Overseas, A Job Guide For

    Americans & Canadians.' It has tons of good advice on finding work, how to present yourself well, sources for job listings and lists of addresses of schools around the world. The Author is Jeff Mohamed, ISBN 0-9677062-6-2.

      I would recommend it to anyone who has interest in teaching in a foreign country; not only North Americans. In other words the title is a bit misleading.

    Jeff Mohamed was my CELTA Trainer eons ago, and is my friend. A very sharp guy with a very large body of broad-based teaching and training exprience all over the world. Though I've not read this book, I'm sure he is a valuable read to the newbie teachers.

  12. Ajarn, that's a tragic story.  But is Thailand much different than other countries in this regard?  Didn't the US Congress pass laws that ASSUME before the fact that all non-citizens wishing to 'visit' American will probably stay in the US?  Thus, don't all non-citizens have to overcome the assumption with clear, convincing evidence to the contrary?

    And aren't there other countries besides Thailand that have an even worse record of overstaying their tourist visas or working on a tourist visa?

    Yes, it's tragic.  Unfortunately, the US Congress assumes that non-citizens will break the law, so they keep them from even visiting.

    You know, I support the law. But, as long as it's so objective, with interviewers having no accountability for their decisions except a 'feeling' there are bound to be plenty of stories like mine. Even I've noticed how burnt out these workers seem...Yes, I was naive to think it would be no sweat for my wife to get a visa, under the circumstances. If I had gone there with her, it's likely her visa wouldn't have been a problem, and I could get home in time to see my mom....Yes, that's my cross to bear.

    It's obvious why America needs to be strict. I truly believe it is the land of oppurtunity, and I'm sure many want to live there, but there must be some controls. I don't have an answer as to how to makes things better or fairer or faster or cheaper or....Frankly, I'd rather think about happier things that pertain more to my life now. Bush?

    Bush who? :o

  13. If I was a betting man, i would be putting a stack of cash on what Ajarn says is true. :o

    I have been told similar  information from a NZ Immigration official first hand.He said that Thais were in the Top percentile when it came to overstaying.Thats the reason why a lot of countries put them through the third degree before giving them visas.

    Just to clarify what was told to me, they said 2/3 violated the law, but not just with overstays. He said the most common violation they see is someone working in America on a tourist visa...

    And the reason why it was over the phone was because my wife was turned down initially after her interview, and I called and talked to the official who interviewed her in Chiang Mai. It took another interview the next week, with me there, before we got the visa....Too late, unfortunately.

    That sad story is documented here. http://asiarecipe.com/letter.html

  14. I was able to detect the infestation in my home when the residue of the digested cellulose was deposited outside the invested area. Are these termites or worms?

    If it looks like sawdust, I think that is some kind of ant, maybe? Tiny little black things. When we had termites in the house, they left what I call 'sand tubes' all over. Termites are quite a bitch to get rid of...

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